Mercurial > pub > Impl
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In the IMPL::Web::ControllerUnit added the ability to notify a form about a wrong data from a transaction
added a relativeUrl function for a usage from a templates
IMPL::Web::TT::Form now fully functional
author | wizard |
date | Fri, 11 Jun 2010 20:21:07 +0400 (2010-06-11) |
parents | 84aa8c395fce |
children | 6ce1f052b90a |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Pod::POM; use Pod::POM::View::HTML; use File::Spec; our $LibDir = '../Lib/IMPL'; our $OutDir = 'html'; our $level = 0; our $index = { name => 'root' }; sub process_file { my ($fname,@path) = @_; (my $name = $path[$#path]) =~ s/\.pm$//; (my $fileUrl = File::Spec->catfile(@path)) =~ s/\.pm$/.html/i; $index->{items}{$name}{name} = $name; $index->{items}{$name}{url} = $fileUrl; (my $fnameOut = File::Spec->catfile($OutDir,@path)) =~ s/\.pm$/.html/i; my $dir =$OutDir; foreach my $part (@path[0..$#path-1]) { $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir,$part); mkdir $dir unless -d $dir; } open my $hPod, "<:encoding(cp1251)", $fname or die "Failed to open $fname for input: $!"; open my $hOut, ">:encoding(utf-8)", $fnameOut or die "Failed to open $fnameOut for output: $!"; my $parser = Pod::POM->new(); my $pom = $parser->parse_file($hPod); $level = @path; print $hOut PodViewHTML->print($pom); } sub process_dir { my ($dirname,@dirs) = @_; opendir my $hdir, $dirname or die "faield to open dir $dirname: $!"; foreach my $entry (readdir $hdir) { next if grep $_ eq $entry, '.','..'; my $path = "$dirname/$entry"; print "$path"; if (-d $path) { print "\n"; local $index = exists $index->{items}{$entry} ? $index->{items}{$entry} : ($index->{items}{$entry} = {name => $entry}); process_dir($path,@dirs,$entry); } elsif ($entry =~ /\.(pm|pod)$/) { print "\tprocessed\n"; process_file($path,@dirs,$entry); } else { print "\tskipped\n"; } } } sub build_index { my ($hout,$index) = @_; print $hout "\n<ul>\n"; if ($index->{items}) { foreach my $itemKey (sort keys %{$index->{items}}) { my $item = $index->{items}{$itemKey}; print $hout "<li>"; print $hout "<a target='content' href='$item->{url}'>" if $item->{url}; print $hout $item->{name}; print $hout "</a>" if $item->{url}; build_index($hout,$item) if $item->{items}; print $hout "</li>\n"; } } print $hout "</ul>\n"; } `rm -r html`; mkdir 'html' unless -d 'html'; process_dir($LibDir); open my $hout, ">:encoding(utf-8)", "$OutDir/toc.html" or die "failed to open toc.html for output: $!"; print $hout <<HEADER; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>IMPL reference</title> </head> <body> HEADER build_index($hout,$index); print $hout <<FOOTER; </body> </html> FOOTER undef $hout; open $hout, ">:encoding(utf-8)","$OutDir/index.html" or die "failed to open index.html for output: $!"; print $hout <<FRAMES; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>IMPL reference</title> </head> <frameset cols="20%,*"> <frame name="toc" src="toc.html"/> <frame name="content" src="about:blank"/> </frameset> </html> FRAMES package PodViewHTML; use base qw(Pod::POM::View::HTML); use IPC::Open2; sub view_pod { my ($self, $pod) = @_; return "<html>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" /> \n<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">\n" . $pod->content->present($self) . "</body>\n</html>\n"; } sub view_begin { my ($self,$begin) = @_; return code_highlight(join ("",$begin->content()),$begin->format); } sub escape_html { my %esc = ( '&' => '&', '>' => '>', '<' => '<' ); (my $text = shift) =~ s/([&><])/$esc{$1}/gex; return $text; } sub view_seq_link { my ($self,$text) = @_; $text =~ s/(\w+(?:\:\:\w+)+)/ if (my $url = $self->mk_filelink($1)) { "<a href='$url'>$1<\/a>"; } else { $1; } /gex; return "<code>$text</code>"; } sub mk_filelink { my ($self,$package) = @_; return undef unless $package; my @path = split /::/, $package; if ($path[0] eq 'IMPL') { shift @path; if (-f File::Spec->catfile($LibDir,@path).".pm") { return '../'x($level-1) . File::Spec->catfile(@path).'.html'; } } return undef; } sub view_seq_code { goto &view_seq_link; } sub view_code { my ($self,$code) = @_; return code_highlight($code); } sub code_highlight { my ($text,$format) = @_; if ($format) { $format =~ s/code//i; $format =~ s/\s+//g; } $format ||= 'perl'; return "<pre>".escape_html($text)."</pre>\n" if $format =~ /^text$/i; my ($hin,$hout); local $/ = undef; my $pid = eval { open2( $hin, $hout, highlight => ( '--syntax' => $format, '--html', '--fragment', '--inline-css', '--enclose-pre' ) ) } or return "<pre>".escape_html($text)."</pre>\n"; binmode $hout, ':encoding(utf8)'; binmode $hin, ':encoding(utf8)'; print $hout $text; undef $hout; my $fragment = <$hin>; undef $hin; return $fragment; }