view Lib/IMPL/Class/Property/ @ 59:0f3e369553bd

Rewritten property implementation (probably become slower but more flexible) Configuration infrastructure in progress (in the aspect of the lazy activation) Initial concept for the code generator
author wizard
date Tue, 09 Mar 2010 02:50:45 +0300 (2010-03-08)
children b0c068da93ac
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line source
package IMPL::Class::Property::Base;
use strict;

use IMPL::Class::Property;

require IMPL::Class::Member;

our @factoryParams = qw($class $name $set $get $validator);

my %factoryCache;

my $accessor_get_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is write only\',$name,$class) unless $get;';
my $accessor_set_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is read only\',$name,$class) unless $set;';

my $custom_accessor_get = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$get;';
my $custom_accessor_set = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$set;';

my $validator_code = '$this->$validator(@_);'; 

my %access_code = (
	IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PUBLIC , "",
	IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PROTECTED, "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the protected member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless UNIVERSAL::isa(scalar caller,\$class);",
	IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PRIVATE, "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the private member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;" 

my $virtual_call = q(
		my $method = $this->can($name);
        return $this->$method(@_) unless $method == $accessor or caller->isa($class);

my $owner_check = "die new IMPL::Exception('Set accessor is restricted to the owner',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;";

sub GenerateAccessors {
	my ($self,$param,@params) = @_;
	my %accessors;
	if (not ref $param) {
		if ($param & prop_list) {
			$accessors{get} = ($param & prop_get) ? $self->GenerateGetList(@params) : $accessor_get_no;
			$accessors{set} = ($param & prop_set) ? $self->GenerateSetList(@params) : $accessor_set_no;
		} else {
			$accessors{get} = ($param & prop_get) ? $self->GenerateGet(@params) : $accessor_get_no;
			$accessors{set} = ($param & prop_set) ? $self->GenerateSet(@params) : $accessor_set_no;
		$accessors{owner} = (($param & owner_set) == owner_set) ? $owner_check : "";
	} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($param,'HASH')) {
		$accessors{get} = $param->{get} ? $custom_accessor_get : $accessor_get_no;
		$accessors{set} = $param->{set} ? $custom_accessor_set : $accessor_set_no;
		$accessors{owner} = "";
	} else {
		die new IMPL::Exception('The unsupported accessor/mutators supplied',$param);
	return \%accessors;

sub GenerateSet {
	die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported");
sub GenerateGet {
	die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported");

sub GenerateGetList {
	die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported");

sub GenerateSetList {
	my ($self) = @_;
	die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported");

sub Make {
	my ($self,$propInfo) = @_;
	my $key = $self->MakeFactoryKey($propInfo);
	my $factory = $factoryCache{$key};
	unless ($factory) {
		my $mutators = $self->GenerateAccessors($propInfo->Mutators);
		$factory = $self->CreateFactory(
			$access_code{ $propInfo->Access },
			$propInfo->Attributes->{validator} ? $validator_code : "",
		$factoryCache{$key} = $factory; 
		no strict 'refs';
		*{ $propInfo->Class.'::'.$propInfo->Name } = &$factory($self->RemapFactoryParams($propInfo));
	my $mutators = $propInfo->Mutators;
	if (ref $mutators) {
		$propInfo->canGet( $mutators->{get} ? 1 : 0 );
		$propInfo->canSet( $mutators->{set} ? 1 : 0 );
	} else {
		$propInfo->canGet( $mutators & prop_get );
		$propInfo->canSet( $mutators & prop_set );

# extract from property info: class, name, get_accessor, set_accessor, validator
sub RemapFactoryParams {
	my ($self,$propInfo) = @_;
	my $mutators = $propInfo->Mutators;
	my $class = $propInfo->Class;
	my $validator = $propInfo->Attributes->{validator};
	die new IMPL::Exception('Can\'t find the specified validator',$class,$validator) if $validator and ref $validator ne 'CODE' and not $class->can($validator);

	return (
		$propInfo->get(qw(Class Name)),
		(ref $mutators?

sub MakeFactoryKey {
	my ($self,$propInfo) = @_;
	my ($access,$mutators,$validator) = ($propInfo->get(qw(Access Mutators)),$propInfo->Attributes->{validator});
	return join ('',
		$validator ? 'v' : 'n',
		ref $mutators ?
			('c' , $mutators->{get} ? 1 : 0, $mutators->{set} ? 1 : 0)
			(($mutators & prop_list) ? 'l' : 's' , ($mutators & prop_get) ? 1 : 0, ($mutators & prop_set) ? ((($mutators & owner_set) == owner_set) ? 2 : 1 ) : 0 ) 

sub CreateFactory {
	my ($self,$codeAccessCheck,$codeValidator,$codeOwnerCheck,$codeGet,$codeSet) = @_;
	my $strParams = join(',',@factoryParams);
	my $factory = <<FACTORY;
sub {
    my ($strParams) = \@_;
    my \$accessor;
    \$accessor = sub {
        my \$this = shift;
        if (\@_) {
        } else {

	return ( eval $factory or die new IMPL::Exception("Syntax error due compiling the factory","$@") );





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