view _test/Test/ORM/ @ 250:129e48bb5afb

DOM refactoring ObjectToDOM methods are virtual QueryToDOM uses inflators Fixed transform for the complex values in the ObjectToDOM QueryToDOM doesn't allow to use complex values (HASHes) as values for nodes (overpost problem)
author sergey
date Wed, 07 Nov 2012 04:17:53 +0400
parents 76515373dac0
line wrap: on
line source

package Test::ORM::Schema;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(IMPL::Test::Unit);

require IMPL::SQL::Schema::Traits::mysql;


use IMPL::Test qw(test failed);

require IMPL::ORM::Schema::TransformToSQL;

test ExtractClassSchema => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $schema = Test::ORM::Schema::Data::User->ormGetSchema('Test::ORM::Schema::Data');
    failed "Wrong number of the elements","expected: 4","got: ".$schema->childNodes->Count unless $schema->childNodes->Count == 4;
    return 1;

test StaticSchema => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $schema = Test::ORM::Schema::Data->instance;
    return 1;

test GenerateSQL => sub {
    my $sqlSchema = IMPL::ORM::Schema::TransformToSQL->Std->Transform(Test::ORM::Schema::Data->instance)
        or failed("Failed to transform a schema");
    my $sqlEmpty = new IMPL::SQL::Schema(Name => 'empty');
    my $traits = IMPL::SQL::Schema::Traits::mysql->new(
        SrcSchema => $sqlEmpty,
        DstSchema => $sqlSchema
    print "$_\n" foreach $traits->Handler->Sql;

package Test::ORM::Schema::Data::User;
use parent qw(IMPL::ORM::Object);
use IMPL::Class::Property;

    public property Name => prop_all, { type => 'String' }; # Field
    public property Id => prop_all, { type => 'String' }; # Field
    public property Roles => prop_all | prop_list, { type=> 'Test::ORM::Schema::Data::Role'}; # HasMany

package Test::ORM::Schema::Data::Role;
use parent qw(IMPL::ORM::Object);
use IMPL::Class::Property;

    public property Name => prop_all, { type => 'String' }; # Field

package Test::ORM::Schema::Data::Session;
use parent qw(IMPL::ORM::Object);
use IMPL::Class::Property;
use IMPL::ORM::Helpers qw(Map);

    public property Id => prop_get, { type => 'String' }; # Field
    public property User => prop_get, { type => 'Test::ORM::Schema::Data::User' }; # HasOne
    #public property Data => prop_all, { type => Map( 'String','String' ) }; # HasOne
    public property AccessTime => prop_get, { type => 'DateTime' }; # Field

package Test::ORM::Schema::Data;
use parent qw(IMPL::ORM::Schema);

__PACKAGE__->ValueTypes (
    String => 'IMPL::ORM::Value::String',
    DateTime => 'IMPL::ORM::Value::DateTime',
    Integer => 'IMPL::ORM::Value::Inetger',
    Float => 'IMPL::ORM::Value::Float',
    Decimal => 'IMPL::ORM::Value::Decimal'

__PACKAGE__->Classes qw(

