view _test/Test/DOM/ @ 360:39842eedd923

language detection from request
author sergey
date Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:22:44 +0400
parents 4d0e1962161c
children 99ac2e19c0cc
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package Test::DOM::Node;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(IMPL::Test::Unit);
use IMPL::Test qw(test shared failed cmparray assert);
use IMPL::Class::Property;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);

require IMPL::DOM::Node;


    shared public property Root => prop_all;

test Create => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    $this->Root(new IMPL::DOM::Document(nodeName => 'Root')) or failed "Failed to create a document";

test InsertNode => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $child = $this->Root->insertNode(new IMPL::DOM::Node(nodeName => 'Child')) or failed "Failed to insert a child node";
    failed "fiestChild returned incorrect results" unless ($this->Root->firstChild || 0) == $child;

test AppendNode => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $child = $this->Root->appendNode(new IMPL::DOM::Node(nodeName => 'Child')) or failed "Failed to append a child node";
    my $lastChild = $this->Root->removeLast;
    failed "removeLast returned incorrect results" unless $lastChild == $child;

test GetDocumentNode => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $child = $this->Root->firstChild->appendNode(new IMPL::DOM::Node(nodeName => 'GrandChild')) or failed "Failed to append a child node";
    failed "document property is undef" unless $child->document;
    failed "document property returned incorrect value" unless $child->document == $this->Root;

test DocumentCreateNode => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $child = $this->Root->firstChild->appendNode($this->Root->Create(Info => { uuid => '77f9-9a-6d58' } )) or failed "Failed to append a child node";
    failed "document property is undef" unless $child->document;
    failed "document property returned incorrect value" unless $child->document == $this->Root;

test MoveNode => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $grandChild = $this->Root->firstChild->firstChild;
    failed "incorrect new parentNode value" unless ($grandChild->parentNode || 0) == $this->Root;
    failed "incorrect new document value" unless ($grandChild->document || 0) == $this->Root;

test AppendRange => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $count = $this->Root->childNodes->Count;
        map IMPL::DOM::Node->new(nodeName => "Item", nodeValue => $_),1..10
        "Wrong number of a child nodes",
        "Expected: ".($count+10),
        "Actual: ".$this->Root->childNodes->Count
    unless $count + 10 == $this->Root->childNodes->Count;

test SelectNodes => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @result = $this->Root->selectNodes("Item");
        "Wrong number of a selected nodes",
        "Expected: 10",
        "Actual: ".scalar(@result)
    unless @result == 10;

test SelectNodesByQuery => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @result = $this->Root->selectNodes(sub { $_->nodeName =~ /child/i } );
        "Wrong number of a selected nodes",
        "Expected: 2",
        "Actual: ".scalar(@result)
    unless @result == 2;

test SelectNodesPath => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @result = $this->Root->selectNodes('Child','Info');
    failed "Failed to select a node by path 'Child/Info'" unless @result;

test SelectByAxisDescendant => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @result = $this->Root->selectNodes( { descendant => ['GrandChild','Info']} );
    failed "Failed to select a node by path '//(GrandChild|Info)/'" unless @result == 2;

test SelectByAxisAncestor => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @result = $this->Root->selectSingleNode( { descendant => 'Info'} )->selectNodes( { ancestor => undef } ) ;
    failed "Failed to select a node by path '//Info/ancestor:*'" unless @result == 2;

test CheckNodesValues => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my @expected = (1..10);
    my @result = map $_->nodeValue, grep $_->nodeValue, $this->Root->selectNodes("Item");
        "Some nodes returned wrong node values or in a wrong order",
        "Expected: ".join(', ',@expected),
        "Recieved: ".join(', ',@result)
    unless cmparray(\@expected,\@result);
        "a text property of a root node returned a wrong value",
        "Expected: @expected",
        "Recieved: ". $this->Root->text
    unless $this->Root->text eq join '',@expected;

test isComplex => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    failed "property isComplex returned false for the root node" unless $this->Root->isComplex;
    failed "property isComplex returned true for a simple node", $this->Root->selectSingleNode('Item')->childNodes->Count if $this->Root->selectSingleNode('Item')->isComplex;

test setObjectProperty => sub {
    my ($this) = @_;
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(nodeName => 'TestNode');
    my $name = 'Vergon 6';
    $node->nodeProperty(name => $name);
    failed "Failed to set a property 'name'", "Expected: $name", "Got: ".$node->name unless $node->name eq $name;
    $name = 'entity_vergon_6';
    failed "Failed to set a property 'systemName'", "Expected: $name", "Got: ".$node->nodeProperty('systemName') unless $node->nodeProperty('systemName') eq $name;

test setDynamicProperty => sub {
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(nodeName => 'TestNode');
    my $uuid = 'entity_76fd98b9e7a';
    $node->nodeProperty(uuid => $uuid);
    failed "Failed to set a dynamic property 'uuid'", "Expected: $uuid", "Got: ".$node->nodeProperty('uuid') unless $node->nodeProperty('uuid') eq $uuid;

test setPrivateProperty => sub {
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(nodeName => 'TestNode');
    eval {
        $node->nodeProperty(_private => 'failed');
    } and failed "Setting a private property successfull";

test createNodeWithProps => sub {
    my $uuid = 'entity_76fd98b9e7a';
    my $name = 'Vergon 6';
    my $systemName = 'entity_vergon_6';
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(
        nodeName => 'TestNode',
        uuid => $uuid,
        name => $name,
        systemName => $systemName 
    failed "Failed to get dynamic property 'uuid'" unless $node->nodeProperty('uuid') eq $uuid;
    failed "Failed to get property 'name' through nodeProperty method" unless $node->nodeProperty('name') eq $name;
    failed "Failed to get property name directly" unless $node->name eq $name;

test listNodePredefinedProps => sub {
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(nodeName => 'TestNode');
    my @props = $node->listProperties;
    my @expected = qw(name _private);
    failed "Got wrong list of props", @props unless cmparray(\@props,\@expected);

test listNodeAllProps => sub {
    my $node = Test::DOM::TypedNode->new(
        nodeName => 'TestNode',
        uuid => 'ade58f98b', # dynamic
        name => 'noname', # predefined
        systemName => 'no sys' # not visible to DOM
    my @props = $node->listProperties;
    my @expected = qw(name _private uuid); # systemName is not a DOM prop
    failed "Got wrong list of props", @props unless cmparray(\@props,\@expected);

test MemoryLeaks => sub {
    my $doc = new IMPL::DOM::Document(nodeName => 'Root');
    assert(not defined $doc);

package Test::DOM::TypedNode;
use parent qw(IMPL::DOM::Node);
use IMPL::Class::Property;
use IMPL::DOM::Property qw(_dom);


    public _dom property name => prop_all;
    public property systemName => prop_all;
    private _dom property _private => prop_all;   
