Mercurial > pub > Impl
view Lib/IMPL/Text/Parser/ @ 245:7c517134c42f
Added Unsupported media type Web exception
corrected resourceLocation setting in the resource
Implemented localizable resources for text messages
fixed TT view scopings, INIT block in controls now sets globals correctly.
author | sergey |
date | Mon, 29 Oct 2012 03:15:22 +0400 |
parents | 4267a2ac3d46 |
children | 4ddb27ff4a0b |
line wrap: on
line source
package IMPL::Text::Parser::Player; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(IMPL::Object); use IMPL::Class::Property; use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct; use IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk; my %opCodesMap = ( IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_REGEXP , &MatchRegexp , IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_STRING , &MatchString , IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_REFERENCE , &MatchReference , IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_CHUNK , &PlayChunk , IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_SWITCH , &MatchSwitch , IMPL::Text::Parser::Chunk::OP_REPEAT , &MatchRepeat ); BEGIN { private _direct property _data => prop_all; private _direct property _current => prop_all; private _direct property _states => prop_all; private _direct property _document => prop_all; public _direct property errorLast => prop_all; public _direct property Punctuation => prop_all; public _direct property Delimier => prop_all; } sub CTOR { my ($this,$document) = @_; $this->{$_document} = $document or die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("The first parameter must be a document"); } sub LoadString { my ($this,$string) = @_; my $rxDelim = /(\s+|[.,;!-+*~$^&|%()`@\\\/])/; my $line = 0; $this->{$_data} = [ map { $line++; map { [$line,$_] } split $rxDelim, $_ } split /\n/, $string ] } sub Play { my ($this) = @_; } sub PlayChunk { my ($this,$chunk) = @_; my $end = 0; my $name = $chunk->chunkName; $this->enter($name) if $name; foreach my $op ( @{$chunk->opStream} ) { $this->leave(0) and return $this->error("no more data") if $end; $opCodesMap{shift @$op}->(@$op) || return $this->leave(0) ; $this->moveNext or $end = 1; } return $this->leave(1); } sub MatchRegexp { my ($this,$rx) = @_; $this->{$_current}{token} =~ $rx ? ($this->data() and return 1) : return $this->error("Expected: $rx"); } sub MatchString { my ($this,$string) = @_; $this->{$_current}{token} eq $string ? ($this->data() and return 1) : return $this->error("Expected: $string"); } sub MatchReference { my ($this,$name) = @_; my $chunk = $this->ResolveChunk($name) || return $this->error("Invalid reference: $name"); return $this->PlayChunk($chunk); } sub MatchSwitch { my ($this,@chunks) = @_; foreach my $chunk (@chunks) { $this->save; if ( $this->PlayChunk($chunk) ) { $this->apply; return 1; } else { $this->restore; } } return 0; # passthrough last error } sub MatchRepeat { my ($this,$chunk, $min, $max) = @_; my $count = 0; $this->save; while (1) { $this->save; if ($this->PlayChunk($chunk)) { $count ++; $this->apply; $this->apply and return 1 if ($count >= $max) } else { $this->restore; $count >= $min ? ($this->apply() and return 1) : ($this->restore() and return $this->error("Expected at least $min occurances, got only $count")); } } # we should never get here die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("unexpected error"); } sub moveNext { my ($this) = @_; my $pos = $this->{$_current}{pos}; $pos ++; if ($pos < @{$this->{$_data}}) { $this->{$_current} = { pos => $pos, token => $this->{$_data}[$pos][1], line => $this->{$_data} }; } else { $this->{$_current} = {}; return undef; } } sub ResolveChunk { my ($this,$name) = @_; } sub save { my ($this) = @_; push @{$this->{$_states}}, $this->{$_current}; } sub restore { my ($this) = @_; $this->{$_current} = pop @{$this->{$_states}}; } sub apply { my ($this) = @_; pop @{$this->{$_states}}; } sub error { my ($this,$message) = @_; $this->{$errorLast} = { message => $message, line => $this->{$_current}{line}, token => $this->{$_current}{token} }; return 0; } sub __debug { } sub enter { my ($this,$name) = @_; #always return true; return 1; } sub leave { my ($this,$isEmpty) = @_; #always return true; return 1; } sub data { my ($this) = @_; my $data = $this->{$_current}{token}; # always return true; return 1; } 1;