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view _test/Test/Web/ @ 248:814d755e5d12
Minor fixes
author | sergey |
date | Tue, 06 Nov 2012 00:58:15 +0400 (2012-11-05) |
parents | b8c724f6de36 |
children | 0f59b2de72af |
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package Test::Web::View; use IMPL::Profiler::Memory; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent qw(IMPL::Test::Unit); __PACKAGE__->PassThroughArgs; use File::Slurp; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use IMPL::Test qw(assert test GetCallerSourceLine); use IMPL::Web::View::TTLoader(); use constant { TTLoader => typeof IMPL::Web::View::TTLoader, MProfiler => 'IMPL::Profiler::Memory' }; sub AssertMemoryLeak { my $code = shift; my $dump = shift; my $data = MProfiler->Monitor($code); if ($data->isLeak and $dump) { write_file("dump.out", { binmode => ':utf8' }, $data->Dump() ); } assert( not($data->isLeak), "Memory leak detected", GetCallerSourceLine() , @{$data->{objects}} ); } sub templatesDir { $_[0]->GetResourceDir('Resources','TTView'); } sub CreateLoader { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = TTLoader->new( { INCLUDE_PATH => [ $this->templatesDir ], INTERPOLATE => 1, POST_CHOMP => 1, ENCODING => 'utf-8' }, ext => '.tt', initializer => '', globals => { site => { name => 'Test Site' }, date => { now => sub { localtime(time); } }, dynamic => sub { 'this is a dynamic value' }, view => { } }, layoutBase => 'Layout' ); } test TTLoaderTests => sub { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = $this->CreateLoader(); # test the loader to be able to find a desired resource assert( defined($loader->template('simple') ) ); # loader should be initialized on demand assert( not $loader->isInitialized ); # loader should be able to load a document my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); assert(defined $doc); assert( $loader->isInitialized ); assert( $loader->context->stash->get('user') eq 'test_user'); # document should inherit loader's context assert( $doc->context->stash->get('user') eq 'test_user'); # document should not have 'this' template variable assert( not $doc->templateVars('this') ); assert( $doc->context != $loader->context); # document should have an own context }; test TTDocumentTests => sub { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = $this->CreateLoader(); my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); assert(defined $doc); $doc->title('test document'); assert($doc->name eq 'document'); assert($doc->title eq 'test document'); assert(not $doc->can('notexists')); # autoloaded property should be ignored assert(not defined $doc->notexists); # nonexisting property assert($doc->template->version == 10); # static metadata assert($doc->templateVars('notexists') eq ''); #nonexisting template variable assert($doc->templateVars('user') eq 'test_user'); # global data assert($doc->templateVars('templateVar') eq ''); # defined in CTOR block, should be local assert($doc->templateVars('dynamic') eq 'this is a dynamic value'); my $text = $doc->Render(); my $expected = read_file($this->GetResourceFile('Resources','TTView.Output','simple.txt'), binmode => ':utf8'); assert($text eq $expected, "Bad Render() output","Got: $text", "Expected: $expected"); }; test TTControlTests => sub { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = $this->CreateLoader(); my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); assert(defined $doc); my $factory = $doc->RequireControl('My/Org/Panel'); assert(defined $factory); assert($factory->context->stash != $doc->context->stash); assert($factory == $doc->RequireControl('My/Org/Panel'), "Control should be loaded only once"); my $ctl = $factory->new('information', { visualClass => 'simple', data => ['one','two','hello world'] } ); assert(defined $ctl); assert($ctl->name eq 'information', "Created control should have a name", "Got: ".$ctl->name, "Expected: information"); assert($ctl->GetAttribute('visualClass') eq 'simple'); assert($factory->instances == 1); $doc->childNodes([$ctl]); assert($doc->templateVars('dojo.require')); assert(ref $doc->templateVars('dojo.require') eq 'ARRAY'); assert($doc->templateVars('dojo.require')->[0] eq 'dijit.form.Input' ); my $text = $ctl->Render(); my $expected = read_file($this->GetResourceFile('Resources', 'TTView.Output', 'Panel.txt'), binmode => ':utf8'); assert($text eq $expected, '$ctl->Render(): Bad output', "Got: $text", "Expected: $expected"); }; test TestDocumentLayout => sub { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = $this->CreateLoader(); my $doc = $loader->document( 'complex', { data => [qw(one two three)], site => { name => 'Test Site' } } ); assert($doc->layout eq 'default'); assert($doc->templateVars('dojo.require')->[0]); my $text = $doc->Render(); my $expected = read_file($this->GetResourceFile('Resources', 'TTView.Output', 'complex.default.txt'), binmode => ':utf8' ); #assert($text eq $expected, '$doc->Render(): Bad output', "Got: $text", "Expected: $expected"); }; test TestMemoryLeaks => sub { my ($this) = @_; my $loader = $this->CreateLoader(); $loader->document('simple'); # force loader initialization AssertMemoryLeak(sub { my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); }); AssertMemoryLeak(sub { my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); $doc->Render( { self => $doc } ); }); $loader->template('Layout/default'); $loader->template('My/Org/Panel'); $loader->template('My/Org/TextPreview'); AssertMemoryLeak(sub { my $doc = $loader->document('simple'); my $factory = $doc->RequireControl('My/Org/Panel'); my $ctl = $doc->childNodes($factory->new('information', { visualClass => 'complex' }) ); }); $loader->template('complex'); AssertMemoryLeak(sub { my $doc = $loader->document('complex'); $doc->Render(); },'dump'); }; 1;