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view Lib/IMPL/Class/Property/ @ 216:e9fd7ff3f54c
author | sergey |
date | Thu, 09 Aug 2012 17:24:07 +0400 (2012-08-09) |
parents | 4d0e1962161c |
children | 6d8092d8ce1b |
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package IMPL::Class::Property::Base; use strict; use IMPL::Class::Property; require IMPL::Class::Member; sub factoryParams { qw($class $name $set $get $validator) }; my %factoryCache; my $accessor_get_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is write only\',$name,$class) unless $get;'; my $accessor_set_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is read only\',$name,$class) unless $set;'; my $custom_accessor_get = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$get;'; my $custom_accessor_set = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$set;'; my $validator_code = '$this->$validator(@_);'; my %access_code = ( IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PUBLIC , "", IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PROTECTED, "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the protected member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless UNIVERSAL::isa(scalar caller,\$class);", IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PRIVATE, "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the private member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;" ); my $virtual_call = q( my $method = $this->can($name); return $this->$method(@_) unless $method == $accessor or caller->isa($class); ); my $owner_check = "die new IMPL::Exception('Set accessor is restricted to the owner',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;"; sub GenerateAccessors { my ($self,$param,@params) = @_; my %accessors; if (not ref $param) { if ($param & prop_list) { $accessors{get} = ($param & prop_get) ? $self->GenerateGetList(@params) : undef; $accessors{set} = ($param & prop_set) ? $self->GenerateSetList(@params) : undef; } else { $accessors{get} = ($param & prop_get) ? $self->GenerateGet(@params) : undef; $accessors{set} = ($param & prop_set) ? $self->GenerateSet(@params) : undef; } $accessors{owner} = (($param & owner_set) == owner_set) ? $owner_check : ""; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($param,'HASH')) { $accessors{get} = $param->{get} ? $custom_accessor_get : undef; $accessors{set} = $param->{set} ? $custom_accessor_set : undef; $accessors{owner} = ""; } else { die new IMPL::Exception('The unsupported accessor/mutators supplied',$param); } return \%accessors; } sub GenerateSet { die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported",'Set'); } sub GenerateGet { die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported",'Get'); } sub GenerateGetList { die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported",'GetList'); } sub GenerateSetList { my ($self) = @_; die new IMPL::Exception("Standard accessors not supported",'SetList'); } sub Make { my ($self,$propInfo) = @_; my $key = $self->MakeFactoryKey($propInfo); my $factoryInfo = $factoryCache{$key}; unless ($factoryInfo) { my $mutators = $self->GenerateAccessors($propInfo->Mutators); $factoryInfo = { factory => $self->CreateFactory( $access_code{ $propInfo->Access }, $propInfo->Attributes->{validator} ? $validator_code : "", $mutators->{owner}, $mutators->{get} || $accessor_get_no, $mutators->{set} || $accessor_set_no ), mutators => $mutators }; $factoryCache{$key} = $factoryInfo; } { no strict 'refs'; *{ $propInfo->Class.'::'.$propInfo->Name } = $factoryInfo->{factory}->($self->RemapFactoryParams($propInfo)); } my $mutators = $factoryInfo->{mutators}; $propInfo->canGet( $mutators->{get} ? 1 : 0 ); $propInfo->canSet( $mutators->{set} ? 1 : 0 ); $propInfo->ownerSet( $mutators->{owner} ); 1; } # extract from property info: class, name, get_accessor, set_accessor, validator sub RemapFactoryParams { my ($self,$propInfo) = @_; my $mutators = $propInfo->Mutators; my $class = $propInfo->Class; my $validator = $propInfo->Attributes->{validator}; die new IMPL::Exception('Can\'t find the specified validator',$class,$validator) if $validator and ref $validator ne 'CODE' and not $class->can($validator); return ( $propInfo->get(qw(Class Name)), (ref $mutators? ($mutators->{set},$mutators->{get}) : (undef,undef) ), $validator ); } sub MakeFactoryKey { my ($self,$propInfo) = @_; my ($access,$mutators,$validator) = ($propInfo->get(qw(Access Mutators)),$propInfo->Attributes->{validator}); my $implementor = ref $self || $self; return join ('', $implementor, $access, $validator ? 'v' : 'n', ref $mutators ? ('c' , $mutators->{get} ? 1 : 0, $mutators->{set} ? 1 : 0) : ('s',$mutators) ); } sub CreateFactory { my ($self,$codeAccessCheck,$codeValidator,$codeOwnerCheck,$codeGet,$codeSet) = @_; my $strParams = join(',',$self->factoryParams); my $factory = <<FACTORY; sub { my ($strParams) = \@_; my \$accessor; \$accessor = sub { my \$this = shift; $codeAccessCheck if (\@_) { $codeOwnerCheck $codeValidator $codeSet } else { $codeGet } } } FACTORY return ( eval $factory or die new IMPL::Exception("Syntax error due compiling the factory","$@") ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 DESCRIPTION Базовый класс для реализации свойств. По существу свойства состоят из двух методов для установки и получения значений. Также существует несколько вариантов доступа к свойству, и метод верификации значения. Еще свойства могут быть виртуальными. Для создания реализатора свойств достаточно унаследовать от этого класса и описать методы для генерации кода получения и установки значения. =head1 MEMBERS =over =item C<Make($propertyInfo)> Создает свойство у класса, на основе C<$propertyInfo>, описывающего свойство. C<IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo>. =back =cut