changeset 0:03e58a454b20

Создан репозитарий
author Sergey
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 12:54:37 +0400 (2009-07-14)
children 3b418b134d8c
files .hgignore Lib/ Lib/CDBI/ Lib/CDBI/ Lib/CDBI/ Lib/ Lib/ Lib/ Lib/DOM/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/ Lib/ Lib/ Lib/Deployment/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/Batch/ Lib/Deployment/ Lib/Engine/ Lib/Engine/Action/ Lib/Engine/ Lib/Engine/Output/ Lib/Engine/Output/ Lib/Engine/Output/ Lib/Engine/ Lib/Engine/Security/ Lib/Engine/Security/ Lib/Engine/Security/ Lib/Engine/Security/ Lib/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/Filter/ Lib/Form/Filter/ Lib/Form/Filter/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/ Lib/Form/ValueItem/ Lib/IMPL/Class/ Lib/IMPL/Class/ Lib/IMPL/Class/ Lib/IMPL/Class/ Lib/IMPL/Class/Property/ Lib/IMPL/Class/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Config/ Lib/IMPL/Config/ Lib/IMPL/DOM/ Lib/IMPL/DOM/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/ORM/ Lib/IMPL/ORM/ Lib/IMPL/ORM/ Lib/IMPL/ORM/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Profiler/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Security/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Serialization/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/Straps/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/Test/ Lib/IMPL/ Lib/IMPL/Tree/ Lib/ Lib/ObjectStore/CDBI/ Lib/ Lib/ Lib/Schema/ Lib/Schema/DB/ Lib/Schema/DB/ Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/ Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/ Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/ Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/ Lib/Schema/DB/ Lib/Schema/DB/ Lib/Schema/DB/Traits/ Lib/Schema/DB/ Lib/Schema/ Lib/Schema/DataSource/ Lib/Schema/DataSource/ Lib/Schema/ Lib/Schema/Form/ Lib/Schema/Form/ Lib/Schema/Form/ Lib/Schema/Form/ Lib/Schema/Form/ Lib/ Lib/Security/ Lib/Security/Auth/ Lib/Security/ Schema/form.def Schema/query.def Schema/schema.def Schema/type.def _test/object.t impl.kpf
diffstat 128 files changed, 11871 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+package BNFCompiler;
+package BNFCompiler::DOM;
+package BNFCompiler::DOM::Builder;
+package BNFCompiler::DOM::Node;
+use strict;
+package BNFCompiler::EventParser;
+use strict;
+use lib '.';
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $EventMapSchema = {
+    Description => 'Parser events',
+    Type => 'HASH',
+    Values => 'SCALAR'
+    DeclareProperty(EventMap => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(CompiledEvents => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(Handler => ACCESS_ALL);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(%args);
+sub Compile {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete $this->{$CompiledEvents};
+    while (my ($key,$val) = each %{$this->{$EventMap}}) {
+        $this->{$CompiledEvents}{$key} = qr/\G$val/;
+    }
+    1;
+sub Parse {
+    my ($this,$data) = @_;
+    my $StateData;
+    OUTER: while(pos($data) < length($data)) {
+        keys %{$this->{$CompiledEvents}};
+        while (my ($event,$match) = each %{$this->{$CompiledEvents}}) {
+            if ($data =~ m/($match)/gc) {
+                $StateData .= $1;
+                eval {
+                    undef $StateData if $this->{$Handler}->($event,$StateData);
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    die ["Invalid syntax","unexpected $event: $1",pos($data)];
+                }
+                next OUTER;
+            }
+        }
+        die ["Invalid syntax",substr($data,pos($data),10),pos($data)];
+    }
+    return 1;
+# ��������� ������, ��������� ref �� ����������� ��������� ���� Regexp, ����� ��������� ����
+package Regexp;
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub STORABLE_freeze {
+    my ($obj,$cloning) = @_;
+    return $obj;
+sub STORABLE_attach {
+    my($class, $cloning, $serialized) = @_;
+    return qr/$serialized/;
+package BNFCompiler;
+use Common;
+use Storable;
+use Data::Dumper;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $BNFSchema;
+my $ParseAgainstSchema;
+my $TransformDOMToBNF;
+    DeclareProperty(Schema => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(SchemaCache => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(Transform => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->{$SchemaCache} .= '/' if ($this->{$SchemaCache} and not $this->{$SchemaCache} =~ /\/$/);
+    my $compiledBNFSchema;
+    sub LoadBNFSchema {
+        my ($this,%args) = @_;
+        my $CompileBNFText = sub {
+            my ($this,$text) = @_;
+            my %SchemaDOM;
+            foreach my $item (split /\n{2,}/, $text) {
+                next if not $item;
+                $compiledBNFSchema = CompileBNFSchema($BNFSchema) if not $compiledBNFSchema;
+                my $context = new BNFCompiler::DOM::Builder();
+                eval {
+                    my $expr = &$ParseAgainstSchema($compiledBNFSchema,$item,$context);
+                    die ["Unexpected expression", $expr] if $expr;
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    if (ref $@ eq 'ARRAY') {
+                        die new Exception(@{$@});
+                    } else {
+                        die $@;
+                    }
+                }
+                $SchemaDOM{$context->Document->selectNodes('name')->text()} = &$TransformDOMToBNF($context->Document->selectNodes('def'));
+            }
+            $SchemaDOM{'separator'} = ['re:\\s+'];
+            $this->{$Schema} = CompileBNFSchema(\%SchemaDOM);
+        };
+        my $text;
+        if ($args{'file'}) {
+            my $fnameCached;
+            if ($this->{$SchemaCache}) {
+                my $fname = $args{'file'};
+                $fname =~ tr/\//_/;
+                $fnameCached = $this->{$SchemaCache}.$fname.'.cbs';
+                if ( -e $fnameCached && -f $fnameCached && ( -M $args{'file'} >= -M $fnameCached )) {
+                    my $compiledSchema = retrieve($fnameCached);
+                    if ($compiledSchema) {
+                        $this->{$Schema} = $compiledSchema;
+                        return 1;
+                    } else {
+                        unlink $fnameCached;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            open my $hFile, '<', $args{'file'} or die new Exception("Failed to open file",$args{'file'},$!);
+            local $/ = undef;
+            my $text = <$hFile>;
+            $this->$CompileBNFText($text);
+            if ($fnameCached) {
+                store($this->{$Schema},$fnameCached);
+            }
+        } elsif ($args{'Schema'}) {
+            $this->{$Schema} = CompileBNFSchema($args{'Schema'});
+            return 1;
+        } elsif ($args{'text'}) {
+            $this->$CompileBNFText( $args{'text'} );
+        } else {
+            die new Exception("'file', 'text' or 'Schema' parameter required");
+        }
+    }
+sub Parse {
+    my ($this, $string, %flags) = @_;
+    my $context = new BNFCompiler::DOM::Builder;
+    eval {
+        my $err;
+        $err = &$ParseAgainstSchema($this->{$Schema},$string,$context,\%flags) and die new Exception('Failed to parse',substr($err,0,80).' ...');
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        if (ref $@ eq 'ARRAY') {
+            die new Exception(@{$@});
+        } else {
+            die $@;
+        }
+    }
+    if (not $this->{$Transform}) {
+        return $context->Document;
+    } else {
+        return $this->{$Transform}->($context->Document);
+    }
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = shift;
+    CleanSchema($this->{$Schema});
+    delete @$this{$Schema, $Transform};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+sub CleanSchema {
+    my ($schema,$table) = @_;
+    UNIVERSAL::isa($schema,'ARRAY') or return;
+    $table or $table = { $schema, 1};
+    for(my $i=0; $i<@$schema;$i++) {
+        my $item = $schema->[$i];
+        if (ref $item) {
+            next if $table->{$item};
+            $table->{$item} = 1;
+            if (UNIVERSAL::isa($item,'ARRAY')) {
+                CleanSchema($item,$table);
+            } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($item,'HASH')) {
+                CleanSchema($item->{'syntax'},$table);
+            }
+            undef $schema->[$i];
+        }
+    }
+sub OPT {
+    return bless [@_], 'OPT';
+sub SWITCH {
+    return bless [@_], 'SWITCH';
+sub REPEAT {
+    return bless [@_], 'REPEAT';
+$TransformDOMToBNF = sub {
+    my ($nodeRoot) = @_;
+    return [grep $_, map {
+        my $nodeName = $_->nodeName;
+        if (not $nodeName ){
+            my $obj = $_;
+            $obj->text() if (not( grep { $obj->text() eq $_} ('{', '}', '[', ']') ) );
+        }elsif($nodeName eq 'name') {
+            $_->text();
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'separator') {
+            OPT('separator');
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'or_sep') {
+            # nothing
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'switch_part') {
+            &$TransformDOMToBNF($_);
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'class') {
+            my $class = $_->childNodes->[0]->text();
+            $class =~ s{(^<|>$|\\.|[\]\[])}{
+                my $char = { '>' => '', '<' => '', '[' => '\\[', ']' => '\\]', '\\\\' => '\\\\'}->{$1};
+                defined $char ? $char : ($1 =~ tr/\\// && $1);
+            }ge;
+            $class = '['.$class.']';
+            $class .= $_->childNodes->[1]->text() if $_->childNodes->[1];
+            're:'.$class;
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'symbol') {
+            $_->text();
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'simple') {
+            @{&$TransformDOMToBNF($_)};
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'multi_def') {
+            @{&$TransformDOMToBNF($_)};
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'optional') {
+            my $multi_def = &$TransformDOMToBNF($_);
+            if ($multi_def->[scalar(@{$multi_def})-1] eq '...') {
+                pop @{$multi_def};
+                OPT(REPEAT(@{$multi_def}));
+            } else {
+                OPT(@{$multi_def});
+            }
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'switch') {
+            SWITCH(@{&$TransformDOMToBNF($_)});
+        } elsif ($nodeName eq 'def') {
+            @{&$TransformDOMToBNF($_)};
+        } else{
+            die "unknown nodeName: $nodeName";
+        }
+    } @{$nodeRoot->childNodes}];
+$BNFSchema = {
+    syntax => ['name',OPT('separator'),'::=',OPT('separator'),'def'],    
+    name => ['re:\\w+'],    
+    class => ['re:<([^<>\\\\]|\\\\.)+>',OPT('re:\\*|\\+|\\?|\\{\\d+\\}')],
+    symbol => ['re:[^\\w\\d\\s\\[\\]{}<>\\\\|]+'],
+    separator => ['re:\\s+'],
+    simple => [
+                SWITCH(
+                    'name',
+                    'class',
+                    'symbol'
+                )
+    ],
+    multi_def => [
+        OPT('separator'), SWITCH('...',[SWITCH('simple','optional','switch'),OPT('multi_def')])
+    ],
+    optional => [
+        '[','multi_def', OPT('separator') ,']'
+    ],
+    keyword => [],
+    or_sep => ['|'],
+    switch_part => [OPT('separator'),SWITCH('simple','optional','switch'),OPT(REPEAT(OPT('separator'),SWITCH('simple','optional','switch'))),OPT('separator')],
+    switch => [
+        '{','switch_part',OPT(REPEAT('or_sep','switch_part')),'}'
+    ],
+    def => [REPEAT(OPT('separator'),SWITCH('simple','optional','switch'))]
+my $CompileTerm;
+$CompileTerm = sub {
+    my ($term,$Schema,$cache,$ref) = @_;
+    my $compiled = ref $term eq 'ARRAY' ? ($ref or []) : bless (($ref or []), ref $term);
+    die new Exception("Invalid term type $term", $term, ref $term) if not grep ref $term eq $_, qw(ARRAY REPEAT SWITCH OPT);
+    foreach my $element (@{$term}) {
+        if (ref $element) {
+            push @{$compiled}, &$CompileTerm($element,$Schema,$cache);
+        } else {
+            if($element =~/^\w+$/) {
+                if (exists $Schema->{$element}) {
+                    # reference
+                    my $compiledUnit;
+                    if (exists $cache->{$element}) {
+                        $compiledUnit = $cache->{$element};
+                    } else {
+                        $compiledUnit = [];
+                        $cache->{$element} = $compiledUnit;
+                        &$CompileTerm($Schema->{$element},$Schema,$cache,$compiledUnit);
+                    }
+                    push @{$compiled},{ name => $element, syntax => $compiledUnit};
+                } else {
+                    # simple word
+                    push @{$compiled}, $element;
+                }
+            } elsif ($element =~ /^re:(.*)/){
+                # regexp
+                push @{$compiled},qr/\G(?:$1)/;
+            } else {
+                # char sequence
+                push @{$compiled},$element;
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+    return $compiled;
+sub CompileBNFSchema {
+    my($Schema) = @_;
+    my %Cache;
+    return &$CompileTerm($Schema->{'syntax'},$Schema,\%Cache);
+my $CompiledSchema = CompileBNFSchema($BNFSchema);
+$ParseAgainstSchema = sub {
+    my ($Schema,$expression,$context,$flags,$level) = @_;
+    $level = 0 if not defined $level;
+    my $dbgPrint = $flags->{debug} ? sub {
+        print "\t" x $level, @_,"\n";
+    } : sub {};
+    foreach my $elem (@{$Schema}) {
+        my $type = ref $elem;
+        $expression = substr $expression,pos($expression) if $type ne 'Regexp' and pos($expression);
+        if ($type eq 'HASH') {
+            $context->NewContext($elem->{'name'});
+            &$dbgPrint("$elem->{name} ", join(',',map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? $_->{name} : $_ }@{$elem->{'syntax'}}));
+            eval {
+                $expression = &$ParseAgainstSchema($elem->{'syntax'},$expression,$context,$flags,$level+1);
+            };
+            if ($@) {
+                $context->EndContext(0);
+                &$dbgPrint("/$elem->{name} ", "0");
+                die $@;
+            } else {
+                &$dbgPrint("/$elem->{name} ", "1");
+                $context->EndContext(1);
+            }
+        } elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
+            &$dbgPrint("entering ", join(',',map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? $_->{name} : $_ }@{$elem}));
+            $expression = &$ParseAgainstSchema($elem,$expression,$context,$flags,$level+1);
+            &$dbgPrint("success");
+        } elsif ($type eq 'OPT') {
+            if (defined $expression) {
+                &$dbgPrint("optional ",join(',',map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? $_->{name} : $_ }@{$elem}));
+                eval {
+                    $expression = &$ParseAgainstSchema($elem,$expression,$context,$flags,$level+1);
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    &$dbgPrint("failed");
+                    undef $@;
+                } else {
+                    &$dbgPrint("success");
+                }
+            }
+        } elsif ($type eq 'SWITCH') {
+            my $success = 0;
+            &$dbgPrint("switch");
+            LOOP_SWITCH: foreach my $subelem (@{$elem}) {
+                eval {
+                    &$dbgPrint("\ttry ",join(',',map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? $_->{name} : $_ } @{(grep ref $subelem eq $_, qw(ARRAY SWITCH OPT REPEAT)) ? $subelem : [$subelem]}));
+                    $expression = &$ParseAgainstSchema((grep ref $subelem eq $_, qw(ARRAY SWITCH OPT REPEAT)) ? $subelem : [$subelem],$expression,$context,$flags,$level+1);
+                    $success = 1;
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    undef $@;
+                } else {
+                    last LOOP_SWITCH;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($success) {
+                &$dbgPrint("success");
+            } else {
+                &$dbgPrint("failed");
+                die ["syntax error",$expression,$elem];
+            }
+        } elsif ($type eq 'REPEAT') {
+            my $copy = [@{$elem}];
+            my $i = 0;
+            &$dbgPrint("repeat ",join(',',map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? $_->{name} : $_ }@{$elem}));
+            while (1) {
+                eval {
+                    $expression = &$ParseAgainstSchema($copy,$expression,$context,$flags,$level+1);
+                    $i++;
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                    if (not $i) {
+                        &$dbgPrint("failed");
+                        die $@;
+                    }
+                    &$dbgPrint("found $i matches");
+                    undef $@;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        } elsif ($type eq 'Regexp') {
+                my $posPrev = pos($expression) || 0;
+                if ( $expression =~ m/($elem)/ ) {
+                    $context->Data($1);
+                    pos($expression) = $posPrev+length($1);
+                    &$dbgPrint("Regexp: $1 $elem ", pos($expression));
+                } else {
+                    &$dbgPrint("Regexp: $elem failed");
+                    die ["syntax error",$expression,$elem,$posPrev];
+                    pos($expression) = $posPrev;
+                }
+        } else {
+            if ((my $val = substr($expression, 0, length($elem),'')) eq $elem) {
+                &$dbgPrint("Scalar: $val");
+                $context->Data($elem);
+            } else {
+                &$dbgPrint("Scalar: failed $val expected $elem");
+                die ["syntax error",$val.$expression,$elem];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (pos $expression) {
+        return substr $expression,(pos($expression) || 0);
+    } else {
+        return $expression;
+    }
+package BNFCompiler::DOM::Node;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+sub NODE_TEXT { 1 }
+sub NODE_ELEM { 2 }
+    DeclareProperty(nodeName => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(nodeType => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(nodeValue => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(childNodes => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(isComplex => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $args{'nodeType'} = NODE_ELEM if not $args{'nodeType'};
+    die new Exception("Invalid args. nodeName reqired.") if $args{'nodeType'} == NODE_ELEM and not $args{nodeName};
+    #for speed reason
+    #$this->SUPER::CTOR(%args);
+    $this->{$nodeName} = $args{'nodeName'} if $args{'nodeName'};
+    $this->{$nodeType} = $args{'nodeType'};
+    $this->{$nodeValue} = $args{'nodeValue'} if exists $args{'nodeValue'};
+    $this->{$isComplex} = 0;
+sub insertNode {
+    my ($this,$node,$pos) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Invalid operation on text node.") if $this->{$nodeType} != NODE_ELEM;
+    die new Exception("Invalid node type",ref $node) if ref $node ne __PACKAGE__;
+    $this->{$childNodes} = [] if not $this->{$childNodes};
+    $pos = scalar(@{$this->{$childNodes}}) if not defined $pos;
+    die new Exception("Index out of range",$pos) if $pos > scalar(@{$this->{$childNodes}}) or $pos < 0;
+    splice @{$this->{$childNodes}},$pos,0,$node;
+    $this->{$isComplex} = 1 if not $this->{$isComplex} and $node->{$nodeType} == NODE_ELEM;
+    return $node;
+sub removeNode {
+    my ($this,$node) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Invalid operation on text node.") if $this->{$nodeType} != NODE_ELEM;
+    @{$this->{$childNodes}} = grep { $_ != $node } @{$this->{$childNodes}};
+    return $node;
+sub removeAt {
+    my ($this,$pos) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Invalid operation on text node.") if $this->{$nodeType} != NODE_ELEM;
+    die new Exception("Index out of range",$pos) if $pos >= scalar(@{$this->{$childNodes}}) or $pos < 0;
+    return splice @{$this->{$childNodes}},$pos,1;
+sub selectNodes {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Invalid operation on text node.") if $this->{$nodeType} != NODE_ELEM;
+    my @nodes = grep { $_->{$nodeType} == NODE_ELEM and $_->{$nodeName} eq $name } @{$this->{$childNodes}};
+    if (wantarray) {
+        return @nodes;
+    } else {
+        return shift @nodes;
+    }
+sub text {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if ($this->{$nodeType} == NODE_TEXT) {
+        return $this->{$nodeValue};
+    } else {
+        my @texts;
+        foreach my $node (@{$this->{$childNodes}}) {
+            push @texts, $node->{$nodeValue} if ($node->{$nodeType}==NODE_TEXT);
+        }
+        if (wantarray) {
+            return @texts;
+        } else {
+            return join '',@texts;
+        }
+    }
+package BNFCompiler::DOM::Builder;
+use Common;
+our @ISA=qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Document => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(currentNode => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(stackNodes => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->{$Document} = new BNFCompiler::DOM::Node(nodeName => 'Document', nodeType => BNFCompiler::DOM::Node::NODE_ELEM);
+    $this->{$currentNode} = $this->{$Document};
+sub NewContext {
+    my ($this,$contextName) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$stackNodes}},$this->{$currentNode};
+    $this->{$currentNode} = new BNFCompiler::DOM::Node(nodeName => $contextName, nodeType=> BNFCompiler::DOM::Node::NODE_ELEM);
+    return 1;
+sub EndContext{
+    my ($this,$isNotEmpty) = @_;
+    if ($isNotEmpty) {
+        my $child = $this->{$currentNode};
+        $this->{$currentNode} = pop @{$this->{$stackNodes}};
+        $this->{$currentNode}->insertNode($child);
+    } else {
+        $this->{$currentNode} = pop @{$this->{$stackNodes}};
+    }
+sub Data {
+    my ($this,$data) = @_;
+    $this->{$currentNode}->insertNode(new BNFCompiler::DOM::Node(nodeType=> BNFCompiler::DOM::Node::NODE_TEXT, nodeValue => $data));
+package BNFCompiler::DOM;
+sub TransformDOMToHash {
+    my ($root,$options) = @_;
+    my %content;
+    if (not $root->childNodes) {
+        die;
+    }
+    foreach my $child (@{$root->childNodes}) {
+        if ($child->nodeType == BNFCompiler::DOM::Node::NODE_ELEM) {
+            my @newValue;
+            my $nodeName = $child->nodeName;
+            next if $nodeName eq 'separator' and $options->{'skip_spaces'};
+            if ($child->isComplex) {
+                $newValue[0] = TransformDOMToHash($child,$options);
+            } else {
+                @newValue = $child->text()
+            }
+            if ($options->{'use_arrays'}) {
+                push @{$content{$nodeName}},@newValue;
+            }
+            if (exists $content{$nodeName}) {
+                if (ref $content{$nodeName} eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    push @{$content{$nodeName}}, @newValue;
+                } else {
+                    $content{$nodeName} = [$content{$nodeName},@newValue];
+                }
+            } else {
+                $content{$nodeName} = $newValue[0] if scalar(@newValue) == 1;
+                $content{$nodeName} = \@newValue if scalar(@newValue) > 1;
+            }
+        } else {
+            next if $options->{'skip_text'};
+            push @{$content{'_text'}},$child->nodeValue();
+        }
+    }
+    return \%content;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/CDBI/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package CDBI::Map;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+    DeclareProperty _Cache => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty _HoldingType => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub _KeyValuePairClass {
+    my $this = shift;
+    ($this->{$_HoldingType} = ref $this ) =~ s/^((?:\w+::)*)Map(\w+)$/${1}MapItem${2}/ unless $this->{$_HoldingType};
+    return $this->{$_HoldingType};
+# ��� �������� ���� ������ ������� KeyValuePair ��������� ��������� ����������� ������:(
+sub GetCache {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (not $this->{$_Cache}) {
+        $this->{$_Cache} = { map { $_->ItemKey, { id => $_->id, value => $_->Value} } $this->_KeyValuePairClass->search(Parent => $this) };
+    }
+    return $this->{$_Cache};
+sub Keys {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return wantarray ? keys %{$this->GetCache} : [keys %{$this->GetCache}];
+sub Item {
+    my ($this,$key,$value,%options) = @_;
+    die new Exception('A key must be specified') unless defined $key;
+    if (@_ > 2) {
+        # set
+        if (my $pairInfo = $this->GetCache->{$key}) {
+            # update
+            my $pair = $this->_KeyValuePairClass->retrieve($pairInfo->{id});
+            if (defined $value or $options{'keepnull'}) {
+                $pair->Value($value);
+                $pair->update;
+                $pairInfo->{value} = $value;
+            } else {
+                #delete
+                $pair->delete;
+                delete $this->GetCache->{$key};
+            }
+        } else {
+            if ( defined $value or $options{'keepnull'}) {
+                my $pair = $this->_KeyValuePairClass->insert( {Parent => $this, ItemKey => $key, Value => $value } );
+                $this->GetCache->{$key} = {id => $pair->id, value => $value };
+            }
+        }
+        return $value;
+    } else {
+        # get
+        if (my $pairInfo = $this->GetCache->{$key}) {
+            return $pairInfo->{value};
+        } else {
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+sub Delete {
+    my ($this,$key) = @_;
+    if (my $pair = $this->GetCache->{$key} ) {
+        $pair->delete;
+        delete $this->GetCache->{$key};
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub Has {
+    my ($this,$key) = @_;
+    return exists $this->GetCache->{$key};
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+package App::CDBI;
+use base 'Class::DBI';
+package App::MapString;
+use base 'Class::DBI','CDBI::Map';
+my $Map = App::MapString->retrieve($id);
+print $Map->Item('key');
+print "the $key is found" if $Map->Has($key);
+Provides a set of methods to manipulate with Maps;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/CDBI/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package CDBI::Meta::BindingAttribute;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+    public _direct property Binding => prop_get;
+    public _direct property Name => prop_get;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$binding) = @_;
+    $this->{$Binding} = $binding;
+    $this->{$Name} = $name;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/CDBI/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package CDBI::Transform::FormToObject;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Autofill Form::Transform );
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+require IMPL::Exception;
+    public property Class => prop_all;
+    public property Namespace => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->superCTOR(@_);
+    die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException('Class is required') unless $this->Class;
+sub TransformContainer {
+    my ($this,$container) = @_;
+    my $class;
+    if ($container->Name eq 'Form') {
+        $class = $this->Class;
+    } else {
+        $class = $this->_mk_class($container->Attributes->{'cdbi.class'}) or die new IMPL::Exception('cdbi.class isn\'t specified',$container->Id->Canonical);
+    }
+    my %data;
+    #my %columns = map {$_,1} $class->columns();
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my @accessors = map $_->accessor, $class->columns();# grep $columns{lc $_}, keys %{"${class}::"};
+    # ��������� �� ���������� ����� ������ ��� �������
+    foreach my $column ( @accessors, 'id' ) {
+        my ($val) = $container->GetChild($column);
+        $data{$column} = $this->Transform($val) if $val;
+    }
+    my $obj;
+    if ($data{id}) {
+        # edit value
+        $obj = $class->validateId($data{id});
+        my %filter = map { $_, $obj->$_()} @accessors;
+        $filter{$_} = $data{$_} foreach keys %data;
+        my ($newObj) = $class->lookup(\%data);
+        die new IMPL::DuplicateException('The object already exists', $class) if ($newObj and $newObj->id != $data{id});
+        $obj->$_($data{$_}) foreach keys %data;
+        $obj->update();
+    } else {
+        # new instance
+        die new IMPL::DuplicateException('The object already exists', $class) if $class->lookup(\%data);
+        $obj = $class->insert(\%data);
+    }
+    return $obj;
+sub _mk_class {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    return unless $name;
+    return $name if $name =~ /::/;
+    return $this->Namespace ? $this->Namespace."::$name" : $name;
+package CDBI::Transform::ObjectToForm;
+use base qw(IMPL::Transform);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->superCTOR(
+        Default => \&TransformObject,
+        Plain => sub { my ($this,$val) = @_; return $val; }
+    );
+sub TransformObject {
+    my ($this,$object) = @_;
+    return $object if not ref $object;
+    my %data;
+    foreach my $column ( (map $_->accessor,$object->columns()),'id') {
+        my $value = $object->$column();
+        if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
+            $data{"$column/$_"} = $value->{$_} foreach keys %$value;
+        } else {
+            $data{$column} = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    return \%data;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+package Common;
+use strict;
+no strict 'refs';
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(&ACCESS_NONE &ACCESS_READ &ACCESS_WRITE &ACCESS_ALL &DeclareProperty &DumpCaller &PropertyList &CloneObject);
+our $Debug;
+$Debug = 1 if not defined $Debug;
+my %ListProperties;
+my %GlobalContext;
+sub ACCESS_NONE () { 0 }
+sub ACCESS_READ () { 1 }
+sub ACCESS_WRITE () { 2 }
+sub PropertyList {
+	return $ListProperties{ref($_[0]) || $_[0] || caller} || {};
+sub DeclareProperty {
+	my ($attrName,$accessRights,%Mutators) = @_;
+	my $Package = caller;
+	my $Method = $Package.'::'.$attrName;
+	my $fldName;
+	my $getMutator = $Mutators{'get'};
+	my $setMutator = $Mutators{'set'};
+	($fldName = $Method) =~ s/:+/_/g;
+	$ListProperties{$Package} = {} if not exists $ListProperties{$Package};
+	$ListProperties{$Package}->{$attrName} = $fldName;
+	if ($Debug) {
+		*$Method = sub {
+			my $this = shift;
+			die new Exception( 'too many args ['.scalar(@_).'\]' , "'$Method' called from: ".DumpCaller() ) if (@_ > 1);
+			my $Rights = $accessRights;
+			$Rights = ACCESS_ALL if $Package eq caller;
+			if (@_){
+				die new Exception("access denied 'write $Method'", "'$Method' called from: ".DumpCaller()) if not $Rights & ACCESS_WRITE;
+				if (defined $setMutator) {
+					&$setMutator($this,$fldName,shift);
+				} else {
+					$this->{$fldName} = $_[0];
+				}
+			} elsif (defined wantarray) {
+				die new Exception("access denied 'read $Method'", "'$Method' called from: ".DumpCaller()) if not $Rights & ACCESS_READ;
+				if (defined $getMutator) {
+					&$getMutator($this,$fldName);
+				} else {
+					if (wantarray){
+						if(ref $this->{$fldName} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+							return @{$this->{$fldName}};
+						} elsif (not exists $this->{$fldName}) {
+							return;
+						} else {
+							return $this->{$fldName};
+						}
+					} else {
+						return $this->{$fldName};
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				undef;
+			}
+		};
+		*$Method = \$fldName;
+	} else {
+		*$Method = sub {
+			my $this = shift;
+			#return undef if @_ > 1;
+			#my $Rights = $accessRights;
+			#$Rights = ACCESS_ALL if $Package eq caller;
+			if (@_){
+			#	return undef if not $Rights & ACCESS_WRITE;
+				if (defined $setMutator) {
+					&$setMutator($this,$fldName,shift);
+				} else {
+					$this->{$fldName} = shift;
+				}
+			} elsif (defined wantarray) {
+			#	return undef if not $Rights & ACCESS_READ;
+				if (defined $getMutator) {
+					&$getMutator($this,$fldName);
+				} else {
+					if (wantarray){
+						if(ref $this->{$fldName} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+							return @{$this->{$fldName}};
+						} elsif (not defined $this->{$fldName}) {
+							return;
+						} else {
+							return $this->{$fldName};
+						}
+					} else {
+						return $this->{$fldName};
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				undef;
+			}
+		};
+		*$Method = \$fldName;
+	}
+sub DumpCaller {
+	return join(" ",(caller($_[0]))[1,2],(caller($_[0]+1))[3]);
+sub Owner {
+	return undef if not tied $_[0];
+	return undef if not tied($_[0])->UNIVERSAL::can('owner');
+	return tied($_[0])->owner();
+sub CloneObject {
+	my $object = shift;
+	if (ref $object == undef) {
+		return $object;
+	} elsif (ref $object eq 'SCALAR') {
+		return \CloneObject(${$object});
+	} elsif (ref $object eq 'ARRAY') {
+		return [map{CloneObject($_)}@{$object}];
+	} elsif (ref $object eq 'HASH') {
+		my %clone;
+		while (my ($key,$value) = each %{$object}) {
+			$clone{$key} = CloneObject($value);
+		}
+		return \%clone;
+	} elsif (ref $object eq 'REF') {
+		return \CloneObject(${$object});
+	} else {
+		if ($object->can('Clone')) {
+			return $object->Clone();
+		} else {
+			die new Exception('Object doesn\'t supports cloning');
+		}
+	}
+package Exception;
+use base qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package Persistent;
+import Common;
+sub newSurogate {
+	my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
+	return bless {}, $class;
+sub load {
+	my ($this,$context) = @_;
+	die new Exception("invalid deserialization context") if ref($context) ne 'ARRAY';
+	die new Exception("This is not an object") if not ref $this;
+	my %Props = (@{$context});
+	foreach my $BaseClass(@{ref($this).'::ISA'}) {
+		while (my ($key,$value) = each %{PropertyList($BaseClass)}) {
+			$this->{$value} = $Props{$value} if exists $Props{$value};
+		}
+	}
+	while (my ($key,$value) = each %{PropertyList(ref($this))}) {
+		$this->{$value} = $Props{$key} if exists $Props{$key};
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub save {
+	my ($this,$context) = @_;
+	foreach my $BaseClass(@{ref($this).'::ISA'}) {
+		while (my ($key,$value) = each %{PropertyList($BaseClass)}) {
+			$context->AddVar($value,$this->{$value});
+		}
+	}
+	while (my ($key,$value) = each %{PropertyList(ref($this))}) {
+		$context->AddVar($key,$this->{$value});
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub restore {
+    my ($class,$context,$surogate) = @_;
+    my $this = $surogate || $class->newNewSurogate;
+    $this->load($context);
+    return $this;
+package Object;
+import Common;
+sub new {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
+  $self->CTOR(@_);
+  return $self;
+sub cast {
+  return bless {}, ref $_[0] || $_[0];
+our %objects_count;
+our %leaked_objects;
+sub CTOR {
+	my $this= shift;
+	$objects_count{ref $this} ++ if $Debug;
+	my %args = @_ if scalar (@_) > 0;
+	return if scalar(@_) == 0;
+	warn "invalid args in CTOR. type: ".(ref $this) if scalar(@_) % 2 != 0;
+	my @packages = (ref($this));
+	my $countArgs = int(scalar(@_) / 2);
+	#print "Set ", join(', ',keys %args), "\n";
+	LOOP_PACKS: while(@packages) {
+		my $package = shift @packages;
+		#print "\t$package\n";
+		my $refProps = PropertyList($package);
+		foreach my $name (keys %{$refProps}) {
+			my $fld = $refProps->{$name}; 
+			if (exists $args{$name}) {
+				$this->{$fld} = $args{$name};
+				#print "\t$countArgs, $name\n";
+				delete $args{$name};
+				$countArgs --;
+				last LOOP_PACKS if $countArgs < 1;
+			} else {
+				#print "\t-$name ($fld)\n";
+			}
+		}
+		push @packages, @{$package.'::ISA'};
+	}
+sub Dispose {
+	my $this = shift;
+	if ($Debug and UNIVERSAL::isa($this,'HASH')) {
+		my @keys = grep { $this->{$_} and ref $this->{$_} } keys %{$this};
+		warn "not all fields of the object were deleted\n".join("\n",@keys) if @keys;
+	}
+	bless $this,'Object::Disposed';
+our $MemoryLeakProtection;
+sub DESTROY {
+	if ($MemoryLeakProtection) {
+		my $this = shift;
+		warn sprintf("Object leaks: %s of type %s %s",$this,ref $this,UNIVERSAL::can($this,'_dump') ? $this->_dump : '');
+	}
+package Object::Disposed;
+	return if $AUTOLOAD eq __PACKAGE__.'::DESTROY';
+	die new Exception('Object have been disposed',$AUTOLOAD);
+END {
+	$MemoryLeakProtection = 0 if not $Debug;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package Configuration;
+use strict;
+my $Configured = 0;
+sub import {
+    my ($class,$site) = @_;
+    if ($site and $site ne $Configured) {
+        Configure($site);
+        $Configured = $site;
+    } elsif (not $site and not $Configured) {
+        $Configured = 1;
+        require Configuration::Global;
+    }
+our %virtualSite;
+sub Configure {
+    my $siteName = shift;
+    require Configuration::Global;
+    while ( my ($pattern,$configSite) = each %virtualSite) {
+        next if not $siteName =~ $pattern;
+        if (ref $configSite eq 'CODE') {
+            $configSite->();
+        } elsif (not ref $configSite and $configSite) {
+            require $configSite;
+        }
+        last;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package DOM;
+require DOM::Site;
+use Common;
+my $GlobalSite;
+sub Site {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $GlobalSite = construct DOM::Site if not $GlobalSite;
+    return $GlobalSite;
+sub Cleanup {
+    $GlobalSite->Dispose if $GlobalSite;
+    undef $GlobalSite;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+package DOM::Page;
+use Common;
+use Template::Context;
+use strict;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Title => ACCESS_ALL);
+    DeclareProperty(NavChain => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Menus => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Properties => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Template => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(TemplatesProvider => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(Site => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Site} = $args{'Site'};
+    $this->{$TemplatesProvider} = $args{'TemplatesProvider'};
+    $this->{$Properties} = $args{'Properties'} || {};
+    $this->{$Title} = $args{'Template'}->Title() || $args{'Properties'}->{'Title'};
+    $this->{$Template} =  $args{'Template'};
+    $this->{$NavChain} = $args{'NavChain'};
+    $this->{$Menus} = $args{'Menus'};
+sub Render {
+    my ($this,$hOut) = @_;
+    my $context = new Template::Context({
+        VARIABLES => $this->{$Site}->Objects(),
+        LOAD_TEMPLATES => $this->{$TemplatesProvider}
+    });
+    print $hOut $this->{$Template}->process($context);
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef %$this;
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+sub Container {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $nav = $this->{$NavChain};
+    return $nav->[@{$nav}-1];
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
+    $name =~ s/.*://;
+    return $this->{$Properties}->{$name};
+    [
+        ������� ����
+            {
+                Key => ���� ������ ����, ��� �������� ��������� � �������� � ������� ����
+                Name => ��� ������ ����, ������� ����� ������ ������������
+                Expand => ���� ����, ��� ���� �������
+                Value => {[ ������� ���� ...] | ���-�� ���, ������ ���}
+            }
+    ]
+package DOM::PageMenu;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty('Items'); # ������
+    DeclareProperty('Keys'); # ����� ��� ������� ����, ���� ������� �������
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    if (ref $args{'DATA'} eq 'ARRAY') {
+        foreach my $item (@{$args{'DATA'}}) {
+            if (ref $item eq 'HASH') {
+                $this->Append($item->{'Name'},_ProcessData($item->{'Value'}), Expand => $item->{'Expand'}, Key => $item->{'Key'}, Url => $item->{'Url'});
+            } elsif (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') {
+                $this->Append($item->[0],_ProcessData($item->[1]), Expand => $item->[2], Key => $item->[3], Url => $item->[4]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub Item {
+    my ($this,$index) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Items}[$index];
+sub ItemByKey {
+    my ($this,$key) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Keys}->{$key};
+sub InsertBefore {
+    my ($this,$index,$name,$data,%options) = @_;
+    my $item = {Name => $name, Value => _ProcessData($data), %options};
+    splice @{$this->{$Items}},$index,0,$item;
+    if ($options{'Key'}) {
+        $this->{$Keys}->{$options{'Key'}} = $item;
+    }
+sub Append {
+    my ($this,$name,$data,%options) = @_;
+    my $item = {Name => $name, Value => _ProcessData($data), %options};
+    push @{$this->{$Items}},$item;
+    if ($options{'Key'}) {
+        $this->{$Keys}->{$options{'Key'}} = $item;
+    }
+sub SubMenu {
+    my ($this,$path) = @_;
+    my $item = $this;
+    foreach my $key ( split /\/+/,$path ) {
+        $item = $item->{$Keys}->{$key};
+        if (not $item ) {
+            die new Exception('Item does\'t exist', $path, $key);
+        }
+        $item = $item->{Value};
+        if (not UNIVERSAL::isa($item,'DOM::PageMenu')) {
+            $item = ($this->{$Keys}->{$key}->{Value} = new DOM::PageMenu());
+        }
+    }
+    return $item;
+sub Dump {
+    use Data::Dumper;
+    return Dumper(shift);
+sub AppendItem {
+    my ($this,$item) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$Items}},$item;
+    if ($item->{'Key'}) {
+        $this->{$Keys}->{$item->{'Key'}} = $item;
+    }
+sub RemoveAt {
+    my ($this,$index) = @_;
+    my $item = splice @{$this->{$Items}},$index,1;
+    if ($item->{'Key'}) {
+        delete $this->{$Keys}->{$item->{'Key'}};
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub ItemsCount {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return scalar(@{$this->{$Items}});
+sub Sort {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->{$Items} = \sort { $a->{'Name'} <=> $b->{'Name'} } @{$this->{$Items}};
+    return 1;
+sub as_list {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return $this->{$Items} || [];
+sub Merge {
+    my ($this,$that) = @_;
+    foreach my $itemThat ($that->Items) {
+        my $itemThis = $itemThat->{'Key'} ? $this->{$Keys}->{$itemThat->{'Key'}} : undef;
+        if ($itemThis) {
+            $this->MergeItems($itemThis,$itemThat);
+        } else {
+            $this->AppendItem($itemThat);
+        }
+    }
+sub MergeItems {
+    my ($this,$itemLeft,$itemRight) = @_;
+    while (my ($prop,$value) = each %{$itemRight}) {
+        if ($prop eq 'Value') {
+            if (UNIVERSAL::isa($itemLeft->{$prop},__PACKAGE__) && UNIVERSAL::isa($value,__PACKAGE__)) {
+                $itemLeft->{$prop}->Merge($value);
+            } else {
+                $itemLeft->{$prop} = $value if defined $value;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $itemLeft->{$prop} = $value if defined $value;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub _ProcessData {
+    my $refData = shift;
+    if (ref $refData eq 'ARRAY') {
+        return new DOM::PageMenu(DATA => $refData);
+    } else {
+        return $refData;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package Configuration;
+our $DataDir;
+package DOM::Providers::Form;
+use strict;
+use Form;
+use Schema::Form;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $Encoding ;
+our $CacheDir ||= "${DataDir}Cache/";
+warn "The encoding for the DOM::Provider::Form isn't specified" if not $Encoding;
+$Encoding ||= 'utf-8';
+sub GetProviderInfo {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Form',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Methods => {
+            LoadForm => \&SiteLoadForm
+        }
+    }
+    DeclareProperty FormsEncoding => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DataCacheDir => ACCESS_READ;
+sub SiteLoadForm {
+    my ($this,$site,$file,$form) = @_;
+    return $site->RegisterObject('Form',$this->LoadForm($file,$form));
+sub LoadForm {
+    my ($this,$file, $formName) = @_;
+    my $formSchema = Schema::Form->LoadForms($file,$this->{$DataCacheDir},$this->{$FormsEncoding})->{$formName} or die new Exception('The form isn\'t found',$formName,$file);
+    return Form->new($formSchema);
+sub construct {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    return $class->new(FormsEncoding => $Encoding, DataCacheDir => $CacheDir);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+use strict;
+package DOM::Gallery;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Id => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Description => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Images => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(CurrentImage => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(NextImage => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(PrevImage => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Id} = $args{'Id'};
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'};
+    $this->{$Description} = $args{'Description'};
+sub GroupList {
+    my ($this,$GroupCount, $option) = @_;
+    my @images = map { $this->{$Images}->{$_} } sort keys %{$this->{$Images}};
+    my @listGroups;
+    my $group;
+    for (my $i = 0; $i < $GroupCount; $i++ ) {
+        #last unless scalar(@images) or $option =~ /align/i; 
+        push (@$group, shift(@images));
+        if ($i == $GroupCount - 1) {
+            push @listGroups, $group;
+            undef $group;
+            $i = -1;
+            last if not scalar(@images);
+        }
+    }
+    return \@listGroups;
+sub SelectImage {
+    my ($this,$imageId) = @_;
+    my @images = sort keys %{$this->{$Images}};
+    for (my $i=0; $i <= @images; $i++) {
+        if ($images[$i] eq $imageId) {
+            $this->{$CurrentImage} = $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i]};
+            $this->{$PrevImage} = $i-1 >= 0 ? $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i-1]} : undef;
+            $this->{$NextImage} = $i+1 < @images ? $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i+1]} : undef;
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    die new Exception("An image '$imageId' not found in the gallery '$this->{$Id}'");
+sub AddImage {
+    my ($this,$image) = @_;
+    $this->{$Images}->{$image->Id()} = $image;
+package DOM::Gallery::Image;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Id => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Gallery => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(URL => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(ThumbURL => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Id} = $args{'Id'} or die new Exception ('An Id should be specified for an image');
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'};
+    $this->{$Gallery} = $args{'Gallery'} or die new Exception('An Gallery should be specified for an image');
+    $this->{$URL} = $args{'URL'};
+    $this->{$ThumbURL} = $args{'ThumbURL'};
+package DOM::Providers::Gallery;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $RepoPath;
+our $ImagesURL;
+our $Encoding;
+    DeclareProperty(GalleryCache => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(Repository => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Repository} = $args {'Repository'} or die new Exception('A path to an galleries repository should be specified');
+sub GetProviderInfo() {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Gallery',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Methods => {
+            LoadGallery => \&SiteLoadGallery #($this,$site,$galleryId)
+        }
+    };
+sub SiteLoadGallery {
+    my ($this,$site,$galleryId) = @_;
+    my $gallery = $this->LoadGallery($galleryId);
+    $site->RegisterObject('Gallery',$gallery);
+    return $gallery;
+sub LoadGallery {
+    my ($this,$galleryId) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Invalid Gallery Id: $galleryId") if $galleryId =~ /\\|\//;
+    my $galleryIdPath = $galleryId;
+    $galleryIdPath =~ s/\./\//g;
+    my $GalleryPath = $this->{$Repository} . $galleryIdPath .'/';
+    die new Exception("A gallery '$galleryId' isn't found",$GalleryPath) if not -d $GalleryPath;
+    open my $hDesc, "<:encoding($Encoding)", $GalleryPath.'index.htm' or die new Exception("Invalid gallery: $galleryId","Failed to open ${GalleryPath}index.htm: $!");
+    my $GalleryName;   
+    while (<$hDesc>) {
+        if (/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i) {
+            $GalleryName = $1;
+            last;
+        }
+    }    
+    undef $hDesc;
+    my $ImagesPath = $GalleryPath.'images/';
+    my $ThumbsPath = $GalleryPath.'thumbnails/';
+    opendir my $hImages, $ImagesPath or die new Exception("Invalid gallery: $galleryId","Can't open images repository: $!");
+    my @imageIds = grep { -f $ImagesPath.$_ } readdir $hImages;
+    my %imageNames;
+    if (-f $GalleryPath.'description.txt') {
+        local $/="\n";
+        if (open my $hfile,"<:encoding($Encoding)",$GalleryPath.'description.txt') {
+            while (<$hfile>) {
+                chomp;
+                my ($id,$name) = split /\s*=\s*/;
+                $imageNames{$id} = $name;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    undef $hImages;
+    if ($Common::Debug) {
+        foreach (@imageIds) {
+            warn "A tumb isn't found for an image: $_" if not -f $ThumbsPath.$_;
+        }
+    }
+    my $gallery = new DOM::Gallery(Id => $galleryId, Name => $GalleryName);
+    foreach my $imageId (@imageIds) {
+        $gallery->AddImage(new DOM::Gallery::Image(
+                Id => $imageId,
+                URL => $ImagesURL.$galleryIdPath.'/images/'.$imageId,
+                ThumbURL => $ImagesURL.$galleryIdPath.'/thumbnails/'.$imageId,
+                Gallery => $gallery,
+                Name => $imageNames{$imageId}
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    return $gallery;
+sub construct {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return new DOM::Providers::Gallery( Repository => $RepoPath);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+package DOM::Providers::Headlines::Headline;
+use Common;
+use Time::Local;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Id => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(DateModify => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(DateExpire => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(URL => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Text => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Channel => ACCESS_READ);
+sub str2time {
+    my $str = shift;
+    if ($str =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?$/) {
+        my ($year,$month,$day,$hh,$mm,$ss) = ($1,$2-1,$3,(defined $4 ? $4 : 0),(defined $5 ? $5 : 0),(defined $6 ? $6 : 0));
+        return timelocal($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("A string '$str' isn't an ISO standard time");
+    }
+sub IsActive {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $timeExpire = str2time($this->{$DateExpire});
+    return ($timeExpire > time());
+package DOM::Providers::Headlines::Collection;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw (Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Items => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    foreach my $headline (@{$args{'Items'}}) {
+        $this->{$Items}->{$headline->Id()} = $headline if ($headline->IsActive)
+    }
+sub as_list {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return [ map { $this->{$Items}->{$_} } sort keys %{$this->{$Items}} ];
+sub GenerateRandomSequence {
+    my ($count,$max) = @_;
+    my %hash;
+    $hash{rand()} = $_ foreach (0 .. $max - 1);
+    my @sequence = map { $hash{$_} } sort keys %hash;
+    return splice @sequence,0,$count;
+sub Random {
+    my ($this,$count) = @_;
+    my $list = $this->as_list();
+    return [map { $list->[$_] } GenerateRandomSequence($count,scalar(@$list))];
+sub Recent {
+    my ($this,$count) = @_;
+    my @result = sort { $b->DateModify() cmp $a->DateModify() } values %{$this->{$Items}};
+    splice @result,$count;
+    return \@result;
+sub AddItem {
+    my ($this,$newItem) = @_;
+    $this->{$Items}->{$newItem->Id()} = $newItem;
+package DOM::Providers::Headlines;
+use Common;
+use ObjectStore::Headlines;
+our $DBPath;
+our $Encoding;
+my %Channels;
+eval {
+    LoadHeadlines();
+if ($@) {
+    my $err = $@;
+    if (ref $err eq 'Exception') {
+        die $err->ToString();
+    } else {
+        die $err;
+    }
+sub GetProviderInfo {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Headlines',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Objects => \%Channels
+    }
+sub LoadHeadlines {
+    my $dsHeadlines = new ObjectStore::Headlines(DBPath => $DBPath, HeadlineClass => 'DOM::Providers::Headlines::Headline', Encoding => $Encoding);
+    foreach my $headline (@{$dsHeadlines->Search(Filter => sub { return $_[0]->IsActive(); } )}) {
+        my $channel = $headline->Channel() || 'main';
+        $Channels{$channel} = new DOM::Providers::Headlines::Collection() if not exists $Channels{$channel};
+        $Channels{$channel}->AddItem($headline);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+use strict;
+package DOM::Providers::Page;
+use Template::Provider;
+#use PerfCounter;
+use DOM::Page;
+use Common;
+use Encode;
+our @ISA= qw(Object Exporter);
+our $UseIndexPage;  #optional
+our $PagesPath;     #required
+our $IncludesPath;  #optional
+our $CacheSize;     #optional
+our $CachePath;     #optional
+our $Encoding;      #optional
+our $AllowExtPath;  #optional
+our $PageResolver;  #optional
+    DeclareProperty('PageResolver');
+    DeclareProperty('PagesBase');
+    DeclareProperty('IndexPage');
+    DeclareProperty('TemplatesProvider');
+    DeclareProperty('PageEnc');
+sub as_list {
+    return( map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : defined $_ ? $_ : () } @_ );
+sub GetProviderInfo {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Page',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Methods => {
+            LoadPage => \&SiteLoadPage,
+            ReleasePage => \&SiteReleasePage,
+        }
+    }
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$PageResolver} = $args{'PageResolver'};
+    $this->{$PagesBase} = $args{'TemplatesPath'};
+    $this->{$IndexPage} = $args{'IndexPage'} || 'index.html';
+    $this->{$PageEnc} = $args{'Encoding'};
+    $this->{$TemplatesProvider} = new Template::Provider( INCLUDE_PATH => [$this->{$PagesBase}, as_list($args{'IncludePath'}) ], COMPILE_DIR => $args{'CachePath'}, CACHE_SIZE => $args{'CacheSize'}, ENCODING => $args{'Encoding'}, ABSOLUTE => $AllowExtPath, RELATIVE => $AllowExtPath, INTERPOLATE => 1, PRE_CHOMP => 3);
+sub ResolveId {
+    my ($this,$pageId) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'ResolveId')) {
+        return $this->{$PageResolver}->ResolveId($pageId);
+    } else {
+        return grep { $_ } split /\//,$pageId;
+    }
+sub MakePageId {
+    my ($this,$raPath) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'MakeId')) {
+        return $this->{$PageResolver}->MakeId($raPath);
+    } else {
+        return join '/',@$raPath;
+    }
+sub PageIdToURL {
+    my ($this,$pageId) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'PageIdToURL')) {
+        return $this->{$PageResolver}->PageIdToURL($pageId);
+    } else {
+        return '/'.$pageId;
+    }
+sub SiteLoadPage {
+    my ($this,$site,$pageId) = @_;
+    return $site->RegisterObject('Page', $this->LoadPage($pageId, Site => $site));
+sub LoadPage {
+    my ($this,$pageId,%args) = @_;
+    #StartTimeCounter('LoadPageTime');
+    my @pathPage = $this->ResolveId($pageId);
+    my $pageNode = $this->LoadNode(\@pathPage);
+    pop @pathPage;
+    my @pathNode;
+    # ��������� ���� ������ ������������ ��������� ����������, �� ����� ��� �������� � ������
+    my @NavChain = map { push @pathNode, $_; $this->LoadNode(\@pathNode); } ('.',@pathPage);
+    if ($pageNode->{'Type'} eq 'Section') {
+        push @NavChain,$pageNode;
+        $pageNode = $this->LoadNode($pageNode->{'pathIndexPage'});
+    }
+    # ��������� ���� ��������
+    my %PageMenus;
+    foreach my $MenuSet (map { $_->{'Menus'}} @NavChain, $pageNode->{'Menus'} ) {
+        foreach my $menuName (keys %$MenuSet) {
+            if ($PageMenus{$menuName}) {
+                $PageMenus{$menuName}->Merge($MenuSet->{$menuName});
+            } else {
+                $PageMenus{$menuName} = $MenuSet->{$menuName};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # ��������� �������� ����� � ��������
+    my @keywords;
+    my %Props;
+    foreach my $PropSet ( (map { $_->{'Props'}} @NavChain), $pageNode->{'Props'} ) {
+        if(ref $PropSet->{'Keywords'} eq 'ARRAY') {
+            push @keywords, @{$PropSet->{'Keywords'}};
+        } elsif (not ref $PropSet->{'Keywords'} and exists $PropSet->{'Keywords'}) {
+            push @keywords, $PropSet->{'Keywords'};
+        }
+        while (my ($prop,$value) = each %$PropSet) {
+            next if $prop eq 'Keywords';
+            $Props{$prop} = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    #StopTimeCounter('LoadPageTime');
+    # ��������� ������
+    #StartTimeCounter('FetchTime');
+    my ($Template,$error) = $this->{$TemplatesProvider}->fetch($pageNode->{'TemplateFileName'});
+    die new Exception("Failed to load page $pageId",$Template ? $Template->as_string : 'Failed to parse') if $error;
+    #StopTimeCounter('FetchTime');
+    my $page = new DOM::Page(TemplatesProvider => $this->{$TemplatesProvider}, Properties => \%Props, Menus => \%PageMenus, NavChain => \@NavChain, Template => $Template, %args);
+    $page->Properties->{url} = $this->PageIdToURL($pageId);
+    return $page;
+sub LoadNode {
+    my ($this,$refNodePath) = @_;
+    my $fileNameNode = $this->{$PagesBase} . join('/',grep $_, @$refNodePath);
+    my $fileNameMenus;
+    my $fileNameProps; 
+    my %Node;
+    if ( -d $fileNameNode ) {
+        $Node{'Type'} = 'Section';
+        $fileNameMenus = $fileNameNode . '/';
+        $fileNameProps = $fileNameNode . '/';
+    } elsif ( -e $fileNameNode ) {
+        $Node{'Type'} = 'Page';
+        $Node{'TemplateFileName'} = join('/',@$refNodePath);;
+        $fileNameMenus = $fileNameNode . '';
+        $fileNameProps = $fileNameNode . '';
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Page not found: $fileNameNode");
+    }
+    if ( -f $fileNameProps ) {
+        local ${^ENCODING};
+        my $dummy = '';
+        open my $hnull,'>>',\$dummy;
+        local (*STDOUT,*STDIN) = ($hnull,$hnull);
+        $Node{'Props'} = do $fileNameProps or warn "can't parse $fileNameProps: $@";
+    }
+    if ( -f $fileNameMenus ) {
+        local ${^ENCODING};
+        my $dummy = '';
+        open my $hnull,'>>',\$dummy;
+        local (*STDOUT,*STDIN) = ($hnull,$hnull);
+        $Node{'Menus'} = do $fileNameMenus or warn "can't parse $fileNameMenus: $@";
+    }
+    if ($Node{'Menus'}) {
+        my %Menus;
+        foreach my $menu (keys %{$Node{'Menus'}}) {
+            $Menus{$menu} = new DOM::PageMenu( DATA => $Node{'Menus'}->{$menu} );
+        }
+        $Node{'Menus'} = \%Menus;
+    }
+    $Node{'pathIndexPage'} = [@$refNodePath, $Node{'Props'}->{'IndexPage'} || $this->{$IndexPage}] if $Node{'Type'} eq 'Section';
+    return \%Node;
+sub SiteReleasePage {
+    my ($this,$site) = @_;
+    my $page = $site->Objects()->{'Page'};
+    $page->Release() if $page;
+    return 1;
+sub construct {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return new DOM::Providers::Page(TemplatesPath => $PagesPath, IncludePath => $IncludesPath, IndexPage => $UseIndexPage, CachePath => $CachePath, CacheSize => $CacheSize, Encoding => $Encoding);
+sub DecodeData {
+    my ($Encoding, $data) = @_;
+    if (ref $data) {
+        if (ref $data eq 'SCALAR') {
+            my $decoded = Encode::decode($Encoding,$$data,Encode::LEAVE_SRC);
+            return \$decoded;
+        } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'HASH')) {
+            return {map {Encode::decode($Encoding,$_,Encode::LEAVE_SRC),DecodeData($Encoding,$data->{$_})} keys %$data };
+        } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'ARRAY')) {
+            return [map {DecodeData($Encoding,$_)} @$data];
+        } elsif (ref $data eq 'REF') {
+            my $decoded = DecodeData($Encoding,$$data);
+            return \$decoded;
+        } else {
+            die new Exception('Cant decode data type', ref $data);
+        }
+    } else {
+        return Encode::decode($Encoding,$data,Encode::LEAVE_SRC);
+    }
+��������� �������� �� ������ �������� �������.
+��������� ������� �� ��������, ������ ������ ����� ����� ������� � ����
+���������� �������� ��������
+    Keywords �������� �����
+    Name ��������
+    IndexPage �������� �� ���������
+� �������� ��������� ��������, ������ �������� ����� ����� ������� � ����
+��� �������� �������� ��������� ����������� ��� ������������ ����������,
+��� ���� ����������� ���� ���������,
+�������� keywords ��������������,
+���� ��� �������� �� ������, �� ������������ ��� �������
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use strict;
+package DOM::Providers::Perfomance;
+use PerfCounter;
+sub GetProviderInfo {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Perfomance',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Objects => {
+            Counters => \%PerfCounter::Counters
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+package DOM::Providers::Security;
+use Security;
+sub GetProviderInfo {
+    return {
+        Name => 'Security',
+        Host => 'DOM::Site',
+        Objects => {
+            Session => \&GetSession
+        }
+    }
+sub GetSession {
+    return Security->CurrentSession;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/DOM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package DOM::Site;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $Name;
+our @Providers;
+    DeclareProperty(Objects => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Providers => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub RegisterObject {
+    my ($this,$name,$object) = @_;
+    $this->{$Objects}->{$name} = $object;
+sub RegisterProvider {
+    my ($this,$provider) = @_;
+    my $refInfo = $provider->GetProviderInfo();
+    if ($refInfo->{'Host'} eq __PACKAGE__) {
+        die new Exception("Provider $refInfo->{'Name'} already registered") if exists $this->{$Providers}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}};
+        while (my ($name,$method) = each %{$refInfo->{'Methods'}}) {
+            no strict 'refs';
+            no warnings 'redefine';
+            *{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $name} = sub {
+                shift;
+                $method->($provider,$this,@_);
+            };
+        }
+        while (my ($name,$object) = each %{$refInfo->{'Objects'}}) {
+            $this->{$Objects}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}}->{$name} = $object;
+        }
+        $this->{$Providers}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}} = 1;
+    }
+sub construct {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $site = $self->new();
+    $site->RegisterObject(Site => { Name => $Name});
+    foreach my $provider (@Providers) {
+        my $providerFile = $provider;
+        $providerFile =~ s/::/\//g;
+        $providerFile .= '.pm';
+        eval {
+            require $providerFile;
+        };
+        if ($@) {
+            my $InnerErr = $@;
+            die new Exception("Failed to load provider $provider", $InnerErr);
+        }
+        if ($provider->can('construct')) {
+            $site->RegisterProvider($provider->construct());
+        } else {
+            $site->RegisterProvider($provider);
+        }
+    }
+    return $site;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    UNIVERSAL::can($_,'Dispose') and $_->Dispose foreach values %{$this->{$Objects} || {}};
+    undef %$this;
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+use strict;
+package DateTime::Span;
+package DateTime;
+use Common;
+use Time::Local;
+use Time::Zone;
+use Date::Format;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+use overload
+    '+' => \&opAdd,
+    '-' => \&opSubtract,
+    '<=>' => \&opCompare,
+    'bool' => \&opAsBool,
+    'fallback' => 1,
+    '""' => \&opAsString;
+    DeclareProperty UnixTime => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (@_ >= 2) {
+        my(%args) = @_;
+        $this->{$UnixTime} = $args{UnixTime} or die new Exception("A correct unix time value is required");
+    } else {
+        $this->{$UnixTime} = $this->ParseISOTime(shift,'+000');
+    }
+sub ParseISOTime {
+    my ($class,$time,$timezone) = @_;
+    if ($time =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:.(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.\d{3})?)?/ ) {
+        my ($yyyy,$mm,$dd,$hh,$MM,$SS) = ($1-1900,$2-1,$3,$4 || 0,$5 || 0,$6 || 0);
+        if ($timezone) {
+            return tz_offset($timezone) + timegm($SS,$MM,$hh,$dd,$mm,$yyyy);
+        } else {
+            return timelocal($SS,$MM,$hh,$dd,$mm,$yyyy);
+        }
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("The specified string isn\'t a correct ISO date",$time);
+    }
+sub new_ISO {
+    my ($class,$ISOTime,$zone) = @_;
+    return $class->new(UnixTime => $class->ParseISOTime($ISOTime,$zone));
+sub now {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    return $class->new(UnixTime => time);
+sub AsISOString {
+    my ($this,$zone) = @_;
+    return time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",$this->{$UnixTime},$zone);
+sub AsFormatString {
+    my ($this,$format,$zone) = @_;
+    return time2str($format,$this->{$UnixTime},$zone);
+sub opAdd {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime::Span')) {
+        return new DateTime(UnixTime => $a->{$UnixTime} + $b->SecondsSpan);
+    } elsif (not ref $b){
+        return new DateTime(UnixTime => $a->UnixTime + $b);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only a time span can be added to the DateTime object",$b);
+    }
+sub GetDate {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return DateTime->new_ISO($this->AsFormatString('%Y-%m-%d'));
+sub opSubtract {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime')) {
+        return new DateTime::Span(Seconds => $a->{$UnixTime}-$b->{$UnixTime});
+    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime::Span')) {
+        return new DateTime(UnixTime => $flag ? $b->SecondsSpan - $a->UnixTime: $a->UnixTime - $b->SecondsSpan);
+    } elsif (not ref $b){
+        return new DateTime(UnixTime => $flag ? $b - $a->UnixTime : $a->UnixTime - $b);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only an another DateTime object or a time span can be subtracted from the DateTime",$b);
+    }
+sub opCompare {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime')) {
+        return $flag ? $b->{$UnixTime} <=> $a->{$UnixTime} : $a->{$UnixTime} <=> $b->{$UnixTime};
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only a DateTime object can be compared to the DateTime object", $b);
+    }
+sub opAsString {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->AsISOString('+000');
+sub opAsBool {
+    1;
+package DateTime::Span;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+use overload
+    '-' => \&opSub,
+    '+' => \&opAdd,
+    '<=>' => \&opCmp,
+    'fallback' => 1;
+    DeclareProperty SecondsSpan=>ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$SecondsSpan} = ($args{'Seconds'} || 0) + ($args{'Minutes'} || 0)*60 + ($args{'Hours'} || 0)*3600 + ($args{'Days'} || 0)*86400;
+sub Days {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return int($this->{$SecondsSpan}/86400);
+sub Hours {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return int($this->{$SecondsSpan}/3600);
+sub Minutes {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return int($this->{$SecondsSpan}/60);
+sub opAdd {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime::Span')) {
+        return new DateTime::Span(Seconds => $a->{$SecondsSpan} + $b->{$SecondsSpan});
+    } elsif (not ref $b) {
+        return new DateTime::Span(Seconds => $a->{$SecondsSpan} + $b);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only a time span can be added to the time span");
+    }
+sub opSub {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime::Span')) {
+        return new DateTime::Span(Seconds => $flag ? $b->{$SecondsSpan} - $a->{$SecondsSpan} : $a->{$SecondsSpan} - $b->{$SecondsSpan});
+    } elsif (not ref $b) {
+        return new DateTime::Span(Seconds => $flag ? $b - $a->{$SecondsSpan} : $a->{$SecondsSpan} - $b);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only a time span can be subtracted from the time span");
+    }
+sub opCmp {
+    my ($a,$b,$flag) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($b,'DateTime::Span')) {
+        return $flag ? $b->{$SecondsSpan} <=> $a->{$SecondsSpan} : $a->{$SecondsSpan} <=> $b->{$SecondsSpan};
+    } elsif (not ref $b) {
+    return $flag ? $b <=> $a->{$SecondsSpan} : $a->{$SecondsSpan} <=> $b;
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Only a time span can be compared to the time span");
+    }
+package DateTime::TimeLine;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Timeline => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$Timeline} = [ {Date => undef} ];
+# ���������� �������� ������� ���������
+sub SimpleCopy {
+    my ($refObject,$cache) = @_;
+    return undef if not defined $refObject;
+    $cache ||= {};
+    if ($cache->{$refObject}) {
+        return $cache->{$refObject};
+    }
+    local $_;
+    if (ref $refObject eq 'HASH' ) {
+        return ($cache->{$refObject} = { map { $_, SimpleCopy($refObject->{$_},$cache) } keys %$refObject });
+    } elsif (ref $refObject eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+        return ($cache->{$refObject} = [ map { SimpleCopy($_,$cache) } @$refObject]);
+    } else {
+        return ($cache->{$refObject} = $refObject);
+    }
+sub Split {
+    my ($this,$date) = @_;
+    die new Exception('Can\'t split the timeline with an undefined date') unless $date;
+    for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$this->{$Timeline}}; $i++) {
+        my $Elem = $this->{$Timeline}[$i];
+        if ($Elem->{Date} and $Elem->{Date} >= $date ) {
+            if ($Elem->{Date} == $date) {
+                return $Elem;
+            } else {
+                my $newElem = SimpleCopy($this->{$Timeline}[$i-1]);
+                $newElem->{Date} = $date;
+        use Data::Dumper;
+                splice @{$this->{$Timeline}},$i,0,$newElem;
+                return $newElem;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $Elem = { Date => $date };
+    push @{$this->{$Timeline}},$Elem;
+    return $Elem;
+sub Select {
+    my ($this,$start,$end) = @_;
+    my @result;
+    for (my $i=0; $i< @{$this->{$Timeline}}; $i++) {
+        my $Elem = $this->{$Timeline}[$i];
+        my $Next = $this->{$Timeline}[$i+1];
+        if (
+            (not $Elem->{Date} or not $start or $Elem->{Date} < $start)
+            and
+            (not $Next->{Date} or not $start or $Next->{Date} > $start)
+        ) {
+            # ------*++++(++++*----...--)---
+            push @result,$Elem;
+        } elsif (
+            $Elem->{Date}
+            and
+            (not $start or $Elem->{Date} >= $start)
+            and
+            (not $end or $Elem->{Date} < $end )
+        ) {
+            # ------*---(----*++...++*++)+++*----
+            push @result,$Elem;
+        } elsif ( $Elem->{Date} and $end and $Elem->{Date} >= $end) {
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    return @result;
+sub SelectStrict {
+    my ($this,$start,$end) = @_;
+    $this->Split($start);
+    $this->Split($end);
+    return grep {
+        $_->{Date}
+        and
+        $start ? $_->{Date} >= $start : 1
+        and
+        $end ? $_->{Date} < $end : 1
+    } @{$this->{$Timeline}};
+sub SelectAsPeriod {
+    my ($this,$start,$end) = @_;
+    my @Dates = $this->Select($start,$end);
+    for (my $i = 0; $i< @Dates; $i++) {
+        $Dates[$i]->{Start} = $Dates[$i]->{Date};
+        $Dates[$i]->{End} = $Dates[$i+1] ? $Dates[$i+1]->{Date} : undef
+    }
+    return @Dates;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package Deployment;
+use strict;
+our %DeploymentScheme;
+our %DeployMethod;
+sub isUpdateNeeded {
+sub Update {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Deployment/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch;
+require URI::file;
+my %Provider;
+our %Dirs;
+our %Context;
+$Context{DieOnError} = 1; # dies by default if the action fails to run
+our @history;
+# make all inc absolute;
+@INC = map { URI::file->new_abs($_)->dir } @INC;
+    my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    my $class = "$method";
+    if (not $Provider{$method}) {
+        (my $file = "$") =~ s/::/\//g;
+        require $file;
+        $Provider{$method} = 1;
+    }
+    my $action = $class->new(@_);
+    push @history,$action;
+    if ($Context{Immediate}) {
+        $action->_Run or ($Context{DieOnError} ? die $_->LastError : return 0);
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub SetDir {
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    my ($name,$dir) = @_;
+    $Dirs{$name} = URI::file->new_abs($dir);
+sub Rollback {
+    return 1 if not @history;
+    $_->_Rollback or $_->Log('Rollback: ',$_->LastError) foreach reverse grep { $_->isProcessed } @history;
+    undef @history;
+    return 1;
+sub Commit {
+    return 1 if not @history;
+    # during commit we are in the immediate mode
+    local $Context{Immediate} = 1;
+    $_->_Run or $_->Log('Run: ',$_->LastError) and Rollback() and last foreach grep { not $_->isProcessed } @history;
+    return 0 if not @history;
+    undef @history;
+    return 1;
+sub DoPackage {
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    my ($package,$inline) = @_;
+    Log( "The package is required" ) and return 0 if not $package;
+    Log( "Processing $package" );
+    my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];
+    if ($inline and $inline eq 'inline') {
+        $inline = 1;
+    } else {
+        $inline = 0;
+    }
+    if (not $inline) {
+        my %copy = %Context;
+        local %Context = %copy;
+        local @history = ();
+        $Context{Package} = $Context{PackageDir} ? URI::file->new($package)->abs($Context{PackageDir}) : URI::file->new_abs($package);
+        $Context{PackageDir} = URI::file->new('./')->abs($Context{Package});
+        undef $@;
+        do $package or Log("$package: ". ($@ || $!)) and Rollback() and Log("Rollback completed in ",Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0)," s") and return 0;
+        Log("Commiting");
+        Commit or Log("Commit failed in ",Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0)) and return 0;
+        Log("Commit successful in ",Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0),' s');
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        local $Context{Package} = $Context{PackageDir} ? URI::file->new($package)->abs($Context{PackageDir}) : URI::file->new_abs($package);
+        local $Context{PackageDir} = URI::file->new('./')->abs($Context{Package});
+        do $package or Log("$package: ". ($@ || $!)) and Rollback() and Log("Rollback completed in ",Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0),' s') and return 0;
+        return 1;
+    }
+sub Dir {
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    my $uriDir = $Dirs{$_[0]} or die "No such directory entry $_[0]";
+    shift;
+    return $uriDir->dir.join('/',@_);
+sub PackageDir {
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    return $Context{PackageDir}->dir.join('/',@_);
+sub Log {
+    shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
+    if (my $hout = $Context{LogOutput}) {
+        print $hout 'DoPackage: ',@_,"\n";
+    }
+    1;
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Deployment::Batch::Backup;
+use base qw(Deployment::Batch::Generic);
+use Common;
+use File::Copy;
+    DeclareProperty Action => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$actionName,$actionArg) = @_;
+    $this->{$Action} = { Name => $actionName, Arg => $actionArg };
+sub Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $tmpObj;
+    # we are in the immediate mode
+    if ($this->{$Action}{Name} eq 'File') {
+        $this->Log("Backup file: $this->{$Action}{Arg}");
+        if (-e $this->{$Action}{Arg}) {
+            Deployment::Batch->Temp( File => \$tmpObj ) or die "Failed to create temp file" ;
+            copy ($this->{$Action}{Arg}, $tmpObj->filename) or die "Failed to backup";
+            $this->{$Action}{Result} = $tmpObj->filename;
+        }
+    } else {
+        die "Don't know how to backup the $this->{$Action}{Name}";
+    }
+sub Rollback {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$Action}{Name} eq 'File') {
+        $this->Log("Revert file: $this->{$Action}{Arg}");
+        if ($this->{$Action}{Result}) {
+            copy ($this->{$Action}{Result}, $this->{$Action}{Arg}) or die "Failed to backup";
+        } else {
+            unlink $this->{$Action}{Arg} if -f $this->{$Action}{Arg};
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch::CDBIUpdate;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Deployment::Batch::Generic);
+use DBI;
+use Schema::DataSource;
+use Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder;
+    DeclareProperty DataSchemaFile => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DataSourceDir => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DSNamespace => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DBConnection => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DBTraitsClass => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty SchemaPrev => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$DataSchemaFile} = $args{'Source'} or die new Exception('A data shema file is required');
+    $this->{$DataSourceDir} = $args{'Output'} or die new Exception('A directory for a data source is required');
+    $this->{$DSNamespace} = $args{'Namespace'} || 'DataSource';
+    $this->{$DBTraitsClass} = $args{'DBTraits'} or die new Exception('A DBTraitsClass is required');
+    (my $modname = $args{'DBTraits'}.'.pm') =~ s/::/\//g;
+    $this->Log("Loading DBTraits '$modname'");
+    require $modname;
+sub Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$DBConnection} = $this->Context->{Connection};
+    my $prefix = $this->{$DSNamespace}.'::';
+    my $schemaDS = new Schema::DataSource(DataSourceBuilder => new Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder);
+    $schemaDS->BuildSchema($this->{$DataSchemaFile});
+    my $schemaDB = $schemaDS->DataSourceBuilder->BuildDBSchema();
+    (my $fname = $this->{$DataSourceDir}.$this->{$DSNamespace}.'.pm') =~ s/::/\//g;
+    # we are in the immediate mode, so the file will be backupped immediatelly;
+    $this->Log("Backup $fname");
+    Deployment::Batch->Backup( File => $fname );
+    $this->Log("Write the datasource '$this->{$DSNamespace}' to '$this->{$DataSourceDir}'");
+    $schemaDS->DataSourceBuilder->WriteModules($fname,$prefix);
+    if ($this->{$DBConnection}) {
+        $this->Log("Update the database '$this->{$DBConnection}[0]'");
+        $this->{$SchemaPrev} = $this->UpdateDBToSchema($schemaDB);
+    }
+    $schemaDB->Dispose;
+sub Rollback {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$SchemaPrev}) {
+        $this->Log("Rallback the DB schema");
+        $this->UpdateDBToSchema($this->{$SchemaPrev})->Dispose;
+        $this->{$SchemaPrev}->Dispose;
+        delete $this->{$SchemaPrev};
+    }
+sub UpdateDBToSchema {
+    my ($this,$schemaDB) = @_;
+    my $dbh = DBI->connect(@{$this->{$DBConnection}}) or die new Exception('Failed to connect to the database',@{$this->{$DBConnection}});
+    my $SchemaSource;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$DBTraitsClass},'GetMetaTable')) {
+        $SchemaSource = new Deployment::CDBI::SQLSchemeSource (MetaTable => $this->{$DBTraitsClass}->GetMetaTable($dbh));
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("Can't get a meta table",$this->{$DBTraitsClass});
+    }
+    my $schemaDBOld = $SchemaSource->ReadSchema($schemaDB->Name);
+    my $updater = $this->{$DBTraitsClass}->new(SrcSchema => $schemaDBOld, DstSchema => $schemaDB);
+    $updater->UpdateSchema();
+    $dbh->do($_) or die new Exception('Failed to execute the sql statement', $_) foreach $updater->Handler->Sql;
+    $SchemaSource->SaveSchema($schemaDB);
+    return $schemaDBOld;
+sub DESTROY {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->{$SchemaPrev}->Dispose if $this->{$SchemaPrev};
+package Deployment::CDBI::SQLSchemeSource;
+use Common;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Storable qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve);
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty MetaTable => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub ReadSchema {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    my $schema = decode_base64($this->{$MetaTable}->ReadProperty("db_schema_$name"));
+    if ($schema) {
+        open my $hvar,"<",\$schema or die new Exception("Failed to create a handle to the variable");
+        return fd_retrieve($hvar);
+    } else {
+        return new Schema::DB(Name => $name, Version => 0);
+    }
+sub SaveSchema {
+    my ($this,$schema) = @_;
+    my $name = $schema->Name;
+    my $data = "";
+    {
+        open my $hvar,">",\$data or die new Exception("Failed to create a handle to the variable");
+        nstore_fd($schema,$hvar);
+    }
+    $this->{$MetaTable}->SetProperty("db_schema_$name",encode_base64($data));
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch;
+our %Dirs;
+package Deployment::Batch::CopyFile;
+use base qw(Deployment::Batch::Generic);
+use File::Copy;
+require URI::file;
+use Common;
+    DeclareProperty Src => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Dst => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$src,$dest,$Dir) = @_;
+    $src or die "Source file name is required";
+    $dest or die "Destination file name is reqiured";
+    my $uriSrc = URI::file->new($src)->abs($this->Context->{PackageDir});
+    my $uriDest = URI::file->new($dest);
+    $uriDest = $uriDest->abs(
+        ($Dir and $Dirs{$Dir}) ?
+            $Dirs{$Dir} :
+            $this->Context->{PackageDir}
+    );
+    $this->{$Src} = $uriSrc->file;
+    $this->{$Dst} = $uriDest->file;
+sub Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->Log("Copy '$this->{$Src}' to '$this->{$Dst}'");
+    Deployment::Batch->Backup( File => $this->{$Dst} );
+    copy($this->{$Src},$this->{$Dst}) or die "copy failed: $!";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package Deployment::Batch::CopyTree;
+use base 'Deployment::Batch::Generic';
+use Common;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch::CustomAction;
+use base qw(Deployment::Batch::Generic);
+use Common;
+    DeclareProperty handlerRun => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty handlerRollback => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$handlerRun} = $args{Run} || sub {};
+    $this->{$handlerRollback} = $args{Rollback} || sub {};
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{Name} || $this->SUPER::Name();
+sub Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$handlerRun}->($this);
+sub Rollback {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$handlerRollback}->($this);
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch;
+our @history;
+package Deployment::Batch::Generic;
+use Common;
+use Time::HiRes;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty isProcessed => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty LastError => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty LocalHistory => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub _Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef $@;
+    local @history = ();
+    my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];
+    eval {
+        $this->Run;
+    };
+    $this->Log("completed in ",Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0)," s");
+    if ($@) {
+        $this->{$LastError} = $@;
+        Deployment::Batch::Rollback; # rallback nested actions
+        return 0;
+    }
+    $this->{$LocalHistory} = \@history;
+    $this->{$isProcessed} = 1;
+    return 1;
+sub Name {
+    my $this = shift;
+    (my $mod = ref $this) =~ s/^(?:\w+\:\:)*(\w+)$/$1/;
+    return $mod;
+sub _Rollback {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef $@;
+    eval {
+        $this->Rollback;
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $this->{$LastError} = $@;
+    }
+    $this->{$isProcessed} = 0;
+    if ($this->{$LocalHistory}) {
+        local @history = @{$this->{$LocalHistory}};
+        Deployment::Batch::Rollback;
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub Context {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return \%Deployment::Batch::Context;
+sub Log {
+    my $this = shift @_;
+    if ($this->Context->{LogOutput}) {
+        my $out = $this->Context->{LogOutput};
+        print $out $this->Name,": ",@_,"\n";
+    }
+sub Run {
+sub Rollback {
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+++ b/Lib/Deployment/Batch/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::Batch::Temp;
+use base qw(Deployment::Batch::Generic);
+use Common;
+use File::Temp;
+    DeclareProperty TmpObj => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Ref => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty TmpObjType => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$type,$ref) = @_;
+    die "A reference to the temp object can be obtained only in the immediate mode" if $ref and not $this->Context->{Immediate};
+    $this->{$TmpObjType} = $type or die "The type of a temporary object should be specified";
+    $this->{$Ref} = $ref;
+sub Run {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if ($this->{$TmpObjType} eq 'File') {
+        $this->{$TmpObj} = File::Temp->new;
+        if ($this->{$Ref}) {
+            ${$this->{$Ref}} = $this->{$TmpObj};
+        } else {
+            $this->Context('tmpfile') = $this->{$TmpObj}->filename;
+        }
+    } elsif ($this->{$TmpObjType} eq 'Dir') {
+        $this->{$TmpObj} = File::Temp->newdir;
+        if ($this->{$Ref}) {
+            ${$this->{$Ref}} = $this->{$TmpObj};
+        } else {
+            $this->Context('tmpdir') = $this->{$TmpObj}->dirname;
+        }
+    } else {
+        die "Don't know how to create a temporary $this->{$TmpObjType}";
+    }
+sub DESTORY {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef $this->{$TmpObj};
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Deployment/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+use strict;
+package Deployment::CDBI;
+use Common;
+use DBI;
+use Schema::DataSource;
+use Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty DataSchemaFile => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DataSourceDir => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DSNamespace => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DBConnection => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DBTraitsClass => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$DataSchemaFile} = $args{'DataSchemaFile'} or die new Exception('A data shema file is required');
+    $this->{$DataSourceDir} = $args{'DataSourceDir'} or die new Exception('A directory for a data source is required');
+    $this->{$DSNamespace} = $args{'DSNamespace'} || 'DataSource';
+    $this->{$DBTraitsClass} = $args{'DBTraitsClass'} or die new Exception('A DBTraitsClass is required');
+    $this->{$DBConnection} = $args{'DBConnection'};
+sub Update {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $prefix = $this->{$DSNamespace}.'::';
+    my $schemaDS = new Schema::DataSource(DataSourceBuilder => new Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder);
+    $schemaDS->BuildSchema($this->{$DataSchemaFile});
+    my $schemaDB = $schemaDS->DataSourceBuilder->BuildDBSchema();
+    (my $fname = $this->{$DSNamespace} ) =~ s/::/\//g;
+    $schemaDS->DataSourceBuilder->WriteModules($this->{$DataSourceDir}.$fname.'.pm',$prefix);
+    if ($this->{$DBConnection}) {
+        my $dbh = DBI->connect(@{$this->{$DBConnection}}) or die new Exception('Failed to connect to the database',@{$this->{$DBConnection}});
+        my $SchemaSource;
+        if (UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$DBTraitsClass},'GetMetaTable')) {
+            $SchemaSource = new Deployment::CDBI::SQLSchemeSource (MetaTable => $this->{$DBTraitsClass}->GetMetaTable($dbh));
+        } else {
+            die new Exception("Can't get meta table");
+        }
+        my $schemaDBOld = $SchemaSource->ReadSchema($schemaDB->Name);
+        my $updater = $this->{$DBTraitsClass}->new(SrcSchema => $schemaDBOld, DstSchema => $schemaDB);
+        $updater->UpdateSchema();
+        $dbh->do($_) or die new Exception('Failed to execute the sql statement', $_) foreach $updater->Handler->Sql;
+        $SchemaSource->SaveSchema($schemaDB);
+        $schemaDBOld->Dispose;
+    }
+    $schemaDB->Dispose;
+package Deployment::CDBI::SQLSchemeSource;
+use Common;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Storable qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve);
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty MetaTable => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub ReadSchema {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    my $schema = decode_base64($this->{$MetaTable}->ReadProperty("db_schema_$name"));
+    if ($schema) {
+        open my $hvar,"<",\$schema or die new Exception("Failed to create a handle to the variable");
+        return fd_retrieve($hvar);
+    } else {
+        return new Schema::DB(Name => $name, Version => 0);
+    }
+sub SaveSchema {
+    my ($this,$schema) = @_;
+    my $name = $schema->Name;
+    my $data;
+    {
+        open my $hvar,">",\$data or die new Exception("Failed to create a handle to the variable");
+        nstore_fd($schema,$hvar);
+    }
+    $this->{$MetaTable}->SetProperty("db_schema_$name",encode_base64($data));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+package Engine::Action;
+use Engine::CGI;
+use Common;
+use URI;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Disposable IMPL::Object::Autofill IMPL::Object::EventSource);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+our %Fallout;
+    public _direct property Package => prop_all;
+    public _direct property Method => prop_all;
+    public _direct property Output => prop_all;
+    public _direct property RequestURI => prop_all;
+    public _direct property Result => prop_all;
+    __PACKAGE__->CreateEvent('OnPreInvoke');
+    __PACKAGE__->CreateEvent('OnPastInvoke');
+sub Invoke {
+    my ($this,$query) = @_;
+    eval {
+        die new Exception('A package isn\'t specified for the action',$this->RequestURI->as_string) if not $this->{$Package};
+        no strict 'refs';        
+        eval "require ".$this->{$Package}.";" or die $@;
+        $this->OnPreInvoke();
+        $this->{$Package}->can($this->{$Method}) or
+            die new Exception("The method doesn't exists", $this->{$Method}, $this->{$Package})
+            if not ref $this->{$Method} eq 'CODE';
+        my $instance = $this->{$Package}->can('revive') ? $this->{$Package}->revive : $this->{$Package};
+        my $method = $this->{$Method};
+        $this->{$Result} = $instance->$method($query,$this);
+        $this->OnPastInvoke();
+    };
+    if($@) {
+        my $err = $@;
+        my $module = ref $this->{$Output} || $this->{$Output};
+        if(my $uri = $module ? ($Fallout{$module}->{ref $err} || $Fallout{$module}->{Default}) : undef) {
+            $this->{$RequestURI} = URI->new($uri,'http');
+            $this->{$Result} = $Common::Debug ? $err : undef;
+        } else {
+            die $err;
+        }
+    }
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef %$this;
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Action/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package Engine::Action::URICall;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Engine::Action;
+our $Namespace;
+our %MapOutput;
+our $DefaultMethod;
+%MapOutput = ( page => 'Engine::Output::Page' , xml => 'Engine::Output::Xml' ) if not %MapOutput;
+    /module/submodule/method.format
+sub ConstructAction {
+    my ($class,$uriRequest) = @_;
+    my @module = $uriRequest->path_segments;
+    my ($function,$format) = (((pop @module) or $DefaultMethod) =~ m/^(.*?)(?:\.(\w+))?$/);
+    @module = grep $_, @module;
+    my $module = @module ? ($Namespace ? $Namespace . '::' : '').join('::',@module) : $Namespace;
+    return new Engine::Action( Package => $module, Method => $function, Output => $class->MapOutput($format), RequestURI => $uriRequest);
+sub MapOutput {
+    my ($class,$format) = @_;
+    my $module = $MapOutput{$format} or return undef;
+    eval "require $module;" or die new Exception('Failed to load output module',$module,$@);
+    if ($module->can('construct')) {
+        return $module->construct($format);
+    } else {
+        return $module;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use strict;
+package Engine::CGI;
+use base 'CGI';
+use Encode;
+use Common;
+    DeclareProperty Expires => ACCESS_ALL;
+my $query;
+sub Query {
+    $query = new Engine::CGI unless $query;
+    return $query;
+my $fcgi_loaded = 0;
+sub Accept {
+    my ($self) = shift;
+    require CGI::Fast unless $fcgi_loaded;
+    $fcgi_loaded = 1;
+    my $fquery = CGI::Fast->new();
+    $query = $fquery ? $self->new($fquery) : undef;
+    return $query;
+sub as_list {
+    return( map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : defined $_ ? $_ : () } @_ );
+sub header {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $args{'-cookies'} = [as_list($args{'-cookies'}), values %{$this->{'cookies_list'}}] if $this->{'cookies_list'};
+    $args{'-expires'} = $this->{$Expires} || 'now';
+    $this->SUPER::header(%args);
+sub SetCookies {
+    my ($this,@cookies) = @_;
+    foreach (@cookies) {
+        $this->{'cookies_list'}{$_->name} = $_;
+    }
+sub param {
+    my ($this) = shift;
+    my $charset = $this->charset or die new Exception("Encoding is not defined");
+    if (wantarray) {
+        return map { Encode::is_utf8($_) ? $_ : Encode::decode($charset,$_,Encode::LEAVE_SRC) } $this->SUPER::param( map Encode::encode($charset,$_,Encode::LEAVE_SRC ), @_ );
+    } else {
+        my $val = $this->SUPER::param( map Encode::encode($charset,$_,Encode::LEAVE_SRC ), @_ );
+        return (Encode::is_utf8($val) ? $val : Encode::decode($charset,$val,Encode::LEAVE_SRC));
+    }
+sub param_raw {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return $this->SUPER::param(@_);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Output/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package Configuration;
+our $HtDocsDir;
+package Engine;
+our $Encoding;
+package Engine::Output::JSON;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Encode;
+use PerlIO;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+use JSON;
+sub CTX_TEMPLATE()  { 1 }
+sub CTX_DATA()      { 2 }
+my $context = CTX_DATA;
+our $Data;
+sub template() { $context = CTX_TEMPLATE }
+sub data() { $context = CTX_DATA }
+sub Print {
+    my ($class,$query,$action) = @_;
+    my @path = $action->RequestURI->path_segments;
+    shift @path;
+    my $result;
+    undef $@;
+    $Data = $action->Result;
+    eval {
+        my $fname = $HtDocsDir . join '/', @path;
+        if ($context == CTX_DATA) {
+            my $dummy = '';
+            open my $hstd, ">>", \$dummy or die new IMPL::Exception('Failed to create inmemory stream');
+            local (*STDIN,*STDOUT) = ($hstd,$hstd);
+            local ${^ENCODING};
+            $result = do $fname or die new IMPL::Exception('Failed to evalute the file', $@, $!,$fname);
+        } else {
+            die new IMPL::Exception('JSON templates not implemented');
+        }
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $result = { errorCode => 1, errorMessage => "$@"};
+    }
+    print $query->header(-status => 200, -type => 'text/javascript');
+    print to_json({ errorCode => 0, result => $result });
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Output/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package Engine;
+our $Encoding;
+package Engine::Output::Page;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use DOM;
+sub Print {
+    my ($class,$Query,$Action) = @_;
+    if (DOM::Site->can('LoadPage')) {
+        my $pageId = $Action->RequestURI->path;
+        DOM::Site->RegisterObject("Request",$Action);
+        my $Page = DOM::Site->LoadPage($pageId);
+        print $Query->header(-status => 200);
+        undef $@;
+        eval {
+            $Page->Properties->{Encoding} = $Engine::Encoding;
+            $Page->Render(*STDOUT);
+        };
+        if ($@) {
+            print $Query->start_html('Error processing template');
+            print $Query->p("Page: $pageId");
+            print $Query->p("Error: $@");
+            print $Query->end_html;
+        }
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('The site doesn\'t support page output');
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Output/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package Engine;
+our $Encoding;
+package Engine::Output::Template;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Template;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our %Formats;
+    DeclareProperty Include => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty ContentType => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Encoding => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Include} = $args{Include} or die new Exception('An include diretory is required',$args{Format});
+    $this->{$ContentType} = $args{ContentType} or die new Exception('A content type must be specied',$args{Format});
+    $this->{$Encoding} = $args{Encoding};
+sub Print {
+    my ($this,$Query,$Action) = @_;
+    my $template = new Template(
+        {
+            INCLUDE_PATH => $this->{$Include},
+            INTERPOLATE => 1,
+            RECURSION => 1,
+            ENCODING => $this->{$Encoding}
+        }
+    );
+    my @path = $Action->RequestURI->path_segments;
+    shift @path;
+    my $Template;
+    eval {
+        $Template = $template->context->template(join('/',@path));
+    };
+    print $Query->header(-type => 'text/html') and die new Exception('Failed to process a template', $@) if $@;
+    $Query->Expires($Template->Expires);
+    print $Query->header(-type => $this->{$ContentType});
+    print $template->context->process($Template,{Encoding => $Engine::Encoding, Data => $Action->Result, Query => $Query });
+sub construct {
+    my ($class,$format) = @_;
+    $class->new(%{$Formats{$format}},Format => $format);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use strict;
+package Engine::Security;
+use Security::Auth;
+use Security;
+use Engine::Security::Auth;
+our @AuthMethods;
+my $AuthResult;
+my $AuthMod;
+my $AuthMethod;
+# use last auth method as default
+$AuthMethod = Engine::Security::Auth->new(%{$AuthMethods[$#AuthMethods]}) if @AuthMethods;
+sub AuthenticateContext {
+    Security->CurrentSession(undef); #prevent previous session from closing
+    foreach my $method (@AuthMethods) {
+        my $AuthObj = Engine::Security::Auth->new(%$method);
+        $AuthResult = $AuthObj->DoAuth();
+        # �������� ������� �������� ������������, ������ ���� ��� ����������
+        $AuthObj->SetAuthResult($AuthResult) if $AuthResult->State == Security::AUTH_FAILED or $AuthResult->State == Security::AUTH_SUCCESS;
+        $AuthMethod = $AuthObj and last if $AuthResult->State != Security::AUTH_FAILED and $AuthResult->State != Security::AUTH_NOAUTH;
+    }
+    $AuthMod = $AuthMethod->AuthMod if $AuthMethod;
+sub SetAuthResult {
+    shift;
+    $AuthMethod->SetAuthResult(@_) if $AuthMethod;
+sub AuthMod {
+    return $AuthMethod ? $AuthMethod->AuthMod : undef;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package Engine::Security::AccessDeniedException;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Exception);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$message,@args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR($message ? $message : 'Access denied',@args);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+package Engine::Security::Auth;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+use Security;
+use Security::Auth;
+use Engine::Security::AccessDeniedException;
+    DeclareProperty ClientSecData => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty SecPackage => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DataSource => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DefaultUser => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty _AuthMod => ACCESS_NONE; # construct on demand
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    eval "require $this->{$ClientSecData};" or warn $@;
+sub DoAuth {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $data = $this->{$ClientSecData}->ReadSecData($this);
+    my $SSID = $this->{$ClientSecData}->ReadSSID($this);
+    my $AuthResult;
+    if ($SSID) {
+        $AuthResult = $this->AuthMod->AuthenticateSession($SSID,$data);
+    } else {
+        $AuthResult = new Security::AuthResult(State => Security::AUTH_NOAUTH);
+    }
+    if ($AuthResult->State == Security::AUTH_SUCCESS) {
+        #warn "Session authenticated: ".$AuthResult->Session->User->Name;
+    } else {
+        #warn "Session is not authenticated: ".$AuthResult->State;
+        if ($this->{$DefaultUser}) {
+            $AuthResult = $this->AuthMod->AuthenticateUser($this->{$DefaultUser},undef);
+        }
+    }
+    return $AuthResult;
+sub SetAuthResult {
+    my ($this,$AuthResult) = @_;
+    if ($AuthResult and $AuthResult->State == Security::AUTH_SUCCESS) {
+        $this->_CurrentSession($AuthResult->Session);
+        $this->{$ClientSecData}->WriteSecData($AuthResult->ClientSecData,$this);
+    } else {
+        $this->_CurrentSession(undef);
+        $this->{$ClientSecData}->WriteSecData(undef,$this);
+    }
+sub _CurrentSession {
+    my ($this,$Session) = @_;
+    if (@_ >= 2) {
+        $this->AuthMod->DS->CloseSession(Security->CurrentSession) if Security->CurrentSession;
+        $this->{$ClientSecData}->WriteSSID($Session ? $Session->SSID : undef);
+        Security->CurrentSession($Session);
+    } else {
+        return Security->CurrentSession;
+    }
+sub AuthMod {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (not $this->{$_AuthMod}) {
+        if ($this->{$DataSource} and $this->{$SecPackage}) {
+            eval qq {
+                require $this->{$DataSource};
+                require  $this->{$SecPackage};
+            } or warn $@;
+            $this->{$_AuthMod} = Security::Auth->new(
+                DS => $this->{$DataSource},
+                SecPackage => $this->{$SecPackage}
+            );
+        } else {
+            #construct default
+            $this->{$_AuthMod} = Security::Auth->construct;
+        }
+    }
+    return $this->{$_AuthMod};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+use strict;
+package Engine::Security::Cookies;
+use Engine::CGI;
+use CGI::Cookie;
+sub ReadSecData {
+    return Engine::CGI::Query->cookie('SecData');
+sub WriteSecData {
+    my ($class,$data) = @_;
+    Engine::CGI::Query->SetCookies(new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'SecData', -value => $data, -expires => '+1d'));
+sub ReadSSID {
+    return Engine::CGI::Query->cookie('SSID');
+sub WriteSSID {
+    my ($class,$data) = @_;
+    Engine::CGI::Query->SetCookies(new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'SSID', -value => $data, -expires => '+1d'));
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Engine/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Engine::Security::IPSession;
+use strict;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+our %IPMap; # { IP_ADDR => {user => 'name', ClientSecData => 'ClientData', InitSecData => 'ServerData'} }
+sub ReadSecData {
+    return $IPMap{$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} || ''} ? $IPMap{$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} || ''}->{ClientSecData} : undef; # avoid from create hash item
+sub WriteSecData {
+    my ($class,$data) = @_;
+    # does nothing
+sub ReadSSID {
+    my ($class,$authEngineObj) = @_;
+    my $ip = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
+    return undef if not $IPMap{$ip || ''};
+    my $SSID = md5_hex($ip);
+    if (not my $session = $authEngineObj->AuthMod->DS->LoadSession($SSID)) {
+        my $User = $authEngineObj->AuthMod->DS->FindUser($IPMap{$ip}->{user}) or warn "can't authenticate the $ip: user not found" and return undef;
+        $authEngineObj->AuthMod->DS->CreateSession($SSID,$User,$authEngineObj->AuthMod->SecPackage->NewAuthData($IPMap{$ip}->{InitSecData}));
+    } elsif ($session->User->Name ne $IPMap{$ip}->{user}) {
+        # update user
+        my $User = $authEngineObj->AuthMod->DS->FindUser($IPMap{$ip}->{user});
+        if ($User) {
+            $session->User($User);
+        } else {
+            warn "can't authenticate the $ip: user not found";
+            $authEngineObj->AuthMod->DS->CloseSession($session);
+        }
+    }
+    return $SSID;
+sub WriteSSID {
+    my ($class,$data) = @_;
+    #do nothing
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+package Form;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Form::Container);
+use Form::ItemId;
+use Form::ValueItem;
+    DeclareProperty AutoCreate => ACCESS_ALL;
+    DeclareProperty isValidated => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty isValid => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty ValidationErrors => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty MapFieldClasses => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty LoadedFiledClasses => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty Bindings => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$schema,$bind) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(
+        Schema => $schema->Body,
+        Id => Form::ItemId->new('Form',undef,Form::ItemId::Root->new()),
+        Form => $this
+    );
+    $this->{$MapFieldClasses} = {
+        SelectBox => 'Form::ValueItem::List',
+        RadioSelect => 'Form::ValueItem::List',
+        MultiCheckBox => 'Form::ValueItem::List'
+    };
+    $this->{$LoadedFiledClasses} = { 'Form::ValueItem' => 1 };
+    $this->{$Bindings} = $bind || {};
+    $this->{$isValid} = 0;
+    $this->{$isValidated} = 0;
+sub NavigatePath {
+    my ($this,$path) = @_;
+    shift @$path if $path->[0]->Name eq 'Form'; # eat root node in Form/Item
+    return $this->SUPER::NavigatePath($path);
+sub Item {
+    my ($this,$strId) = @_;
+    return $this->Navigate($this->MakeItemId($strId,undef));
+sub MakeItemId {
+    my ($this,$Name,$BaseObject) = @_;
+    my $ItemId;
+    if ($BaseObject and $BaseObject->isa('Form::Item')) {
+        $ItemId = $BaseObject->Id;
+    } else {
+        $ItemId = new Form::ItemId::Root;
+    }
+    foreach my $item (split /\//,$Name) {
+        if ($item =~ /^(\w+?)(\d+)?$/) {
+            $ItemId = Form::ItemId->new($1,$2,$ItemId);
+        } else {
+            die new Exception('The invalid identifier',$Name);
+        }
+    }
+    return $ItemId;
+sub CreateInstance {
+    my ($this,$schema,$ItemId,$parent) = @_;
+    my $obj;
+    if ($schema->isa('Schema::Form::Container')) {
+        $obj = new Form::Container(
+            Id => Form::ItemId->new($ItemId->Name,$ItemId->InstanceID,($parent ? $parent->Id : undef)),
+            Form => $this,
+            Parent => $parent,
+            Schema => $schema,
+            Attributes => {%{$schema->Attributes}}
+        );
+    } elsif ($schema->isa('Schema::Form::Field')) {
+        my $class = $this->{$MapFieldClasses}{$schema->Format->Name} || 'Form::ValueItem';
+        if (not $this->{$LoadedFiledClasses}{$class}) {
+            eval "require $class;" or die new Exception('Failed to load a module',$class,$@);
+            $this->{$LoadedFiledClasses}{$class} = 1;
+        }
+        $obj = $class->new(
+            Id => Form::ItemId->new($ItemId->Name,$ItemId->InstanceID,($parent ? $parent->Id : undef)),
+            Form => $this,
+            Parent => $parent,
+            Type => $schema->Format->Name,
+            Schema => $schema,
+            Attributes => {%{$schema->Attributes}}
+        );
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Unexpected schema type', ref $schema);
+    }
+    return $obj;
+sub Validate {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my @errors = $this->SUPER::Validate;
+    $this->{$isValidated} = 1;
+    if (@errors) {
+        $this->{$isValid} = 0;
+        $this->{$ValidationErrors} = \@errors;
+    } else {
+        $this->{$isValid} = 1;
+        delete $this->{$ValidationErrors};
+    }
+    return @errors;
+sub SelectErrors {
+    my ($this,$parentId) = @_;
+    return [grep $_->Item->Parent->Id->Canonical eq $parentId, $this->ValidationErrors];
+sub LoadValues {
+    my ($this,$rhValues) = @_;
+    $this->{$isValidated} = 0;
+    $this->{$isValid} = 0;
+    foreach my $key (keys %$rhValues) {
+        eval { $this->Item($key)->Value($rhValues->{$key}) };
+        undef $@;
+    }
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete @$this{$ValidationErrors,$MapFieldClasses,$LoadedFiledClasses,$Bindings};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package Form::Container;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Form::Filter;
+use base qw(Form::Item);
+    DeclareProperty Schema => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Children => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $args{Schema} or die new Exception('A schema is required');
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@args{qw(Id Form Parent Attributes)});
+    $this->{$Schema} = $args{Schema};
+sub ResolveItem {
+    my ($this,$ItemId) = @_;
+    if (my $schemaChild = $this->{$Schema}->FindChild($ItemId->Name)) {
+        if ($schemaChild->isMulti) {
+            defined $ItemId->InstanceID or die new Exception('Instance id is required for a muti element');
+            if (my $child = $this->{$Children}{$ItemId->Name}[$ItemId->InstanceID]){
+                return $child;
+            } else {
+                return undef if not $this->Form->AutoCreate;
+                return $this->{$Children}{$ItemId->Name}[$ItemId->InstanceID] = $this->Form->CreateInstance($schemaChild,$ItemId,$this);
+            }
+        } else {
+            defined $ItemId->InstanceID and die new Exception('The child is a single element',$this->Id->Canonical,$ItemId->Name);
+            if(my $child = $this->{$Children}{$ItemId->Name}) {
+                return $child;
+            } else {
+                return undef if not $this->Form->AutoCreate;
+                return $this->{$Children}{$ItemId->Name} = $this->Form->CreateInstance($schemaChild,$ItemId,$this);
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('The requested item isn\'t exists in the schema', $this->Id->Canonical,$ItemId->Name);
+    }
+sub isEmpty {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    foreach my $child (values %{$this->{$Children} || {} }) {
+        if (ref $child eq 'ARRAY') {
+            foreach my $inst (@$child) {
+                return 0 if not $child->isEmpty;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return 0 if not $child->isEmpty;
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+�������� �������� ��������� � ���� ������, ��� ��� ������ �� ������ ����������.
+���� ��������� ��������� �� �������������, �� ������ ����� �������� �� ������ ��������.
+sub GetChild {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    return unless exists $this->{$Children}{$name};
+    return( grep $_, map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : $_ } $this->{$Children}{$name} );
+��������� ������� �� ����� ��� ���� � ���� �����.
+������� ������������ �� ����� � ���������� � �������� ����������
+* ������� ��� ������,
+* ����� ��� �������, ������ ����
+    * ������� �������������, ��
+        * ������� ��� ������ �������, � �����
+        * ��� ������� � �����������
+sub Validate {
+    my ($this,$rhDisableFilters) = @_;
+    $rhDisableFilters ||= {};
+    my @errors;
+    foreach my $filter (grep {$_->SUPPORTED_CONTEXT & (Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE) and not exists $rhDisableFilters->{$_}} map {$_->Instance} $this->{$Schema}->Filters) {
+        my $result = $filter->Invoke($this,Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_EXISTENT,$this->{$Schema});
+        if ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STOP) {
+            return ();
+        } elsif ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR) {
+            push @errors,$result;
+        }
+    }
+    CHILD_LOOP: foreach my $schemaChild ($this->{$Schema}->Children) {
+        if ($schemaChild->isMulti) {
+            my %DisableFilters;
+            foreach my $filter (grep {$_->SUPPORTED_CONTEXT & Form::Filter::CTX_SET} map {$_->Instance} $schemaChild->Filters) {
+                my $result = $filter->Invoke($this->{$Children}{$schemaChild->Name},Form::Filter::CTX_SET,$schemaChild,$this);
+                if ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR) {
+                    push @errors,$result;
+                    # �� ��������� ������ ������� ������
+                    next CHILD_LOOP;
+                } elsif ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STOP) {
+                    # �� ��������� ������ ������� ������
+                    next CHILD_LOOP;
+                } elsif ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STAY) {
+                    # �� ��������� ������ ������ �� ������ ����������
+                    $DisableFilters{$filter} = 1;
+                } else {
+                    # STATE_SUCCESS - ��� ��
+                }
+            }
+            $_ and push @errors,$_->Validate(\%DisableFilters) foreach grep !$_->isEmpty, $this->GetChild($schemaChild->Name);
+        } else {
+            my %DisableFilters;
+            # ��������� �������, ������� ����� ����������� �� �������������� ��������
+            foreach my $filter (grep { $_->SUPPORTED_CONTEXT & Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE and not $_->SUPPORTED_CONTEXT & Form::Filter::CTX_EXISTENT} map {$_->Instance} $schemaChild->Filters) {
+                my $result = $filter->Invoke($this->{$Children}{$schemaChild->Name},Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE,$schemaChild,$this);
+                if ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR) {
+                    push @errors,$result;
+                    # �� ��������� ������ ������� ������
+                    next CHILD_LOOP;
+                } elsif ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STOP) {
+                    # �� ��������� ������ ������� ������
+                    next CHILD_LOOP;
+                } else {
+                    # STATE_SUCCESS(_STAY) - ��� ��
+                    $DisableFilters{$filter} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            # ���� �������� ����������, �� ��������� ���������� �������
+            push @errors,$this->{$Children}{$schemaChild->Name}->Validate(\%DisableFilters) if $this->{$Children}{$schemaChild->Name};
+        }
+    }
+    return @errors;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    foreach my $child (values %{ $this->{$Children} || {} }) {
+        if (ref $child eq 'ARRAY') {
+            foreach my $inst (@$child) {
+                $inst->Dispose;
+            }
+        } else {
+            die new IMPL::Exception("Child is null",%{ $this->{$Children} }) if not $child;
+            $child->Dispose;
+        }
+    }
+    delete @$this{$Schema,$Children};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package Form::Filter;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+use constant {
+    CTX_SINGLE      => 1,   # �������� ����
+    CTX_SET         => 2,   # ��������� ��������
+    CTX_EXISTENT    => 4    # ������ ������������ ��������
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Message => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$message) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $name or die new Exception('A filter name is required');
+    $this->{$Message} = $message;
+sub FormatMessage {
+    my ($this,$object) = @_;
+    (my $message = $object->Attributes->{$this->{$Name}} || $this->{$Message} || ($Common::Debug ? "$this->{$Name}: %name%" : '')) =~ s{%(\w+(?:\.\w+)*)%}{
+        my $value = $object->Attributes->{$1} || ($Common::Debug ? $object->Name.'.'.$1 : '');
+    }ge;
+    return $message;
+package Form::FilterResult;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+use constant {
+    STATE_ERROR => 0,           # ��������� ��������
+    STATE_SUCCESS => 1,         # �������� ����������, ����� ���������� ����������
+    STATE_SUCCESS_STOP => 2,    # �������� ����������, ���������� ��������� �������� �� ���������
+    STATE_SUCCESS_STAY => 3     # �������� ����������, ���������� ������� ������� ����� �� ���������
+    DeclareProperty State => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Message => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Target => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Container => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    UNIVERSAL::isa($this->{$Target},'Form::Item') or UNIVERSAL::isa($this->{$Container},'Form::Container') or die new Exception("Invalid Target or Container property") if $this->{$State} == STATE_ERROR;
+sub Item {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return ref $this->{$Target} ?
+        ($this->{$Target}->isa('Form::Item') ? $this->{$Target} : $this->{$Container}->Item( $this->{$Target}->isMulti ? $this->{$Target}->Name . '0' : $this->{$Target}->Name ) )
+        :
+        ($this->{$Target});
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/Filter/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package Form::Filter::Depends;
+use base qw(Form::Filter);
+use Common;
+    DeclareProperty Fields => ACCESS_READ;
+sub SUPPORTED_CONTEXT { Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_SET }
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$message,@fields) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR($name,$message);
+    $this->{$Fields} = \@fields;
+sub Invoke {
+    my ($this,$object,$context,$schemaTarget) = @_;
+    foreach my $field (@{$this->{$Fields}}) {
+        my $objProv = $object->Navigate($object->Form->MakeItemId($field,$object->Parent));
+        if ( not $objProv or $objProv->isEmpty ) {
+            return new Form::FilterResult(State => Form::FilterResult::STATE_STOP);
+        }
+    }
+    return new Form::FilterResult(State => Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STAY);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/Filter/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package Form::Filter::Mandatory;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Form::Filter);
+sub SUPPORTED_CONTEXT { Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_SET }
+sub Invoke {
+    my ($this,$target,$context,$schemaTarget,$parent) = @_;
+    my @list;
+    if ($context & Form::Filter::CTX_SET) {
+        @list = @{$target || []};
+    } elsif ($context & (Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_EXISTENT)) {
+        @list = ($target);
+    }
+    foreach my $object (@list) {
+        if (defined $object and not $object->isEmpty) {
+            return Form::FilterResult->new(
+                State => Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STAY
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    return Form::FilterResult->new(
+        State => Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR,
+        Message => $this->FormatMessage($schemaTarget),
+        Target => $schemaTarget,
+        Container => $parent
+    );
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/Filter/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package Form::Filter::Regexp;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Form::Filter;
+use base qw(Form::Filter);
+    DeclareProperty Regexp => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,@args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@args[0,1]);
+    my $re = $args[2] or die new Exception('A regular expression is required');
+    $this->{$Regexp} = qr/$re/;
+sub SUPPORTED_CONTEXT { Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_EXISTENT }
+sub Invoke {
+    my ($this,$object) = @_;
+    if ($object->isa('Form::ValueItem')) {
+        my $re = $this->{$Regexp};
+        if ($object->isEmpty or $object->Value =~ m/$re/) {
+            return new Form::FilterResult(State => Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS);
+        } else {
+            return new Form::FilterResult(Sate => Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR, Message => $this->FormatMessage($object), Target => $object );
+        }
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Only a value items can be verified against a regular expression');
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package Form::Item;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Parent => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Form => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Id => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Attributes => ACCESS_ALL;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$id,$form,$parent,$attrib) = @_;
+    $this->{$Id} = $id or die new Exception('An Id i required for the form item');
+    $this->{$Form} = $form or die new Exception('A form is required for the form item');
+    $this->{$Parent} = $parent;
+    $this->{$Attributes} = $attrib || {};
+sub Name {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Id}->Name;
+sub Navigate {
+    my ($this,$ItemId) = @_;
+    $ItemId or die new Exception("An item id is undefined");
+    return $this->NavigatePath([$ItemId->ToNAVPath]);
+sub Item {
+    my ($this,$strId) = @_;
+    return $this->Navigate($this->Form->MakeItemId($strId,$this));
+sub NavigatePath {
+    my ($this,$refPath) = @_;
+    my $ItemId = shift @$refPath or die new Exception("An item id is undefined");
+    my $current;
+    if ($ItemId->isa('Form::ItemId::Prev')) {
+        $this->{$Parent} or die new Exception('Can\'t navigate to upper level');
+        $current = $this->{$Parent};
+    } elsif ($ItemId->isa('Form::ItemId::Root')) {
+        $current = $this->{$Form};
+    } else {
+        $current = $this->ResolveItem($ItemId);
+    }
+    if (@$refPath > 0) {
+        die new Exception('The item not found', $ItemId->Canonical) if not $current;
+        return $current->NavigatePath($refPath);
+    } else {
+        return $current;
+    }
+sub ResolveItem {
+    my ($this,$ItemId) = @_;
+    die new Exception('Item not found',$ItemId->Name);
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef %$this;
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package Form::ItemId;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Canonical => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty InstanceID => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Parent => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$instance_id,$parent) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $name or die new Exception('A name is required for the item id');
+    $this->{$InstanceID} = $instance_id;
+    $this->{$Parent} = $parent;
+    $this->{$Canonical} = ($parent && !$parent->isa('Form::ItemId::Root') ? $parent->Canonical.'/':'').$name.(defined $instance_id ? $instance_id : '');
+sub ToNAVPath {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return ($this->{$Parent} ? ($this->{$Parent}->ToNAVPath,$this) : $this);
+package Form::ItemId::Prev;
+our @ISA = qw(Form::ItemId);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$parent) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR('(prev)',undef,$parent);
+package Form::ItemId::Root;
+our @ISA = qw(Form::ItemId);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$parent) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR('(root)',undef,$parent);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package Form::Transform;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Transform);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->superCTOR(
+        Templates => {
+            'Form::Container' => sub { my $this = shift; $this->TransformContainer(@_); },
+            'Form' => sub { my $this = shift; $this->TransformContainer(@_); }
+        },
+        Default => \&TransformItem
+    );
+sub TransformContainer {
+    my ($this,$container) = @_;
+sub TransformItem {
+    my ($this,$item) = @_;
+    return $item->isEmpty ? undef : $item->Value;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package Form::ValueItem;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Form::Item);
+use Common;
+use Form::Filter;
+    DeclareProperty Value => ACCESS_ALL;
+    DeclareProperty Type => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Schema => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@args{qw(Id Form Parent Attributes)});
+    $this->{$Type} = $args{'Type'};
+    $this->{$Schema} = $args{'Schema'} or die new Exception('A field schema is required');
+sub isEmpty {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return length $this->{$Value} ? 0 : 1;
+sub Validate {
+    my ($this,$rhDisableFilters) = @_;
+    $rhDisableFilters ||= {};
+    my @errors;
+    foreach my $filter (grep {$_->SUPPORTED_CONTEXT & (Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE) and not exists $rhDisableFilters->{$_}} map {$_->Instance} $this->{$Schema}->Filters) {
+        my $result = $filter->Invoke($this,Form::Filter::CTX_SINGLE | Form::Filter::CTX_EXISTENT,$this->{$Schema},$this->Parent);
+        if ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_SUCCESS_STOP) {
+            return ();
+        } elsif ($result->State == Form::FilterResult::STATE_ERROR) {
+            push @errors,$result;
+        }
+    }
+    return @errors;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Form/ValueItem/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package Form::ValueItem::List;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Form::ValueItem);
+    DeclareProperty ListValues => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty CurrentItem => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->{$ListValues} = [];
+    my $source = $this->Form->Bindings->{$this->Attributes->{source}};
+    if (ref $source eq 'CODE') {
+        $this->LoadList($source->());
+    } elsif (ref $source and (UNIVERSAL::isa($source,'HASH') or UNIVERSAL::isa($source,'ARRAY'))){
+        $this->LoadList($source);
+    } else {
+        if (not $source) {
+            warn "a source isn't specified for the listvalue ".$this->Id->Canonical;
+        } else {
+            warn "an unsupported source type ".(ref $source)." for the listvalue".$this->Id->Canonical;
+        }
+    }
+sub Value {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+        my $newValue = shift;
+        $this->{$CurrentItem}->{active} = 0 if $this->{$CurrentItem};
+        my ($item) = (defined $newValue ? grep {defined $_->{id} and $_->{id} eq $newValue} @{$this->{$ListValues}} : undef);
+        if ($item) {
+            $this->{$CurrentItem} = $item;
+            $item->{active} = 1;
+            return $this->SUPER::Value($newValue);
+        } else {
+            undef $this->{$CurrentItem};
+            return $this->SUPER::Value(undef);
+        }
+    } else {
+        return $this->SUPER::Value;
+    }
+sub LoadList {
+    my ($this,$refList) = @_;
+    if (ref $refList and UNIVERSAL::isa($refList,'HASH')) {
+        $this->{$CurrentItem} = undef;
+        $this->{$ListValues} = [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } map { Form::ValueItem::List::Item->new($_,ref $refList->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$refList->{$_}} : $refList->{$_})} keys %{$refList}];
+        $this->SUPER::Value(undef);
+    } elsif (ref $refList and UNIVERSAL::isa($refList,'ARRAY')) {
+        $this->{$CurrentItem} = undef;
+        $this->{$ListValues} = [map { Form::ValueItem::List::Item->new(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ )} @$refList];
+        $this->SUPER::Value(undef);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('An unexpected list type');
+    }
+package Form::ValueItem::List::Item;
+use fields qw(
+    id
+    description
+    name
+    active
+sub new {
+    my ($class,$id,$name,$desc) = @_;
+    my $this=fields::new($class);
+    $this->{id} = $id;
+    $this->{name} = $name;
+    $this->{description} = $desc;
+    return $this;
+#compatibility with TToolkit
+sub Id {
+    $_[0]->{id};
+sub Description {
+    $_[0]->{description};
+sub Active {
+    $_[0]->{active};
+sub Name {
+    $_[0]->{name};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package IMPL::Class::Member;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(virtual public private protected);
+use IMPL::Class::Meta;
+require IMPL::Class::MemberInfo;
+use constant {
+    MOD_PUBLIC => 1,
+    MOD_PROTECTED => 2,
+    MOD_PRIVATE => 3
+sub virtual($) {
+    $_[0]->Virtual(1);
+    $_[0];
+sub public($) {
+    $_[0]->Access(MOD_PUBLIC);
+    $_[0]->Implement;
+    $_[0];
+sub private($) {
+    $_[0]->Access(MOD_PRIVATE);
+    $_[0]->Implement;
+    $_[0];
+sub protected($) {
+    $_[0]->Access(MOD_PROTECTED);
+    $_[0]->Implement;
+    $_[0];
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package IMPL::Class::MemberInfo;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Accessor);
+require IMPL::Exception;
+require IMPL::Class::Member;
+    qw(
+        Name
+        Access
+        Virtual
+        Class
+        Frozen
+        Implementor
+        Attributes
+    )
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    die new IMPL::Exception('The name is required for the member') unless $this->Name;
+    die new IMPL::Exception('The class is required for the member') unless $this->Class;
+    $this->Frozen(0);
+    $this->Virtual(0) unless defined $this->Virtual;
+    $this->Access(3) unless $this->Access;
+sub Implement {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->Implementor->Make($this);
+    $this->Frozen(1);
+    $this->Class->set_meta($this);
+    return;
+sub set {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if ($this->Frozen) {
+        die new IMPL::Exception('The member information can\'t be modified', $this->Name);
+    }
+    $this->SUPER::set(@_);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package IMPL::Class::Meta;
+use strict;
+my %class_meta;
+sub set_meta {
+    my ($class,$meta_data) = @_;
+    $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+    # ��� ������ ������������ ����������� ����������, ��������� ��� ���� ������������
+    # ����� IMPL::Object::Accessor, ������� ����������� �� �������� ������
+    die "The meta_data parameter should be an object" if not ref $meta_data;
+    push @{$class_meta{$class}{ref $meta_data}},$meta_data;
+sub get_meta {
+    my ($class,$meta_class,$predicate,$deep) = @_;
+    $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my @result;
+    if ($deep) {
+        @result = map { $_->can('get_meta') ? $_->get_meta($meta_class,$predicate,$deep) : () } @{$class.'::ISA'};
+    }
+    if ($predicate) {
+        push @result,grep( &$predicate($_), map( @{$class_meta{$class}{$_}}, grep( $_->isa($meta_class), keys %{$class_meta{$class} || {}} ) ) );
+    } else {
+        push @result, map( @{$class_meta{$class}{$_} || []}, grep( $_->isa($meta_class), keys %{$class_meta{$class} || {}} ) );
+    }
+    wantarray ? @result : \@result;
+__PACKAGE_->get_meta('MyMetaClass',sub {
+    my ($item) = @_;
+    $item->Name eq 'Something' ? 1 : 0
+} );
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package IMPL::Class::Property;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+    our @EXPORT = qw(property prop_get prop_set owner_set prop_none prop_all prop_list CreateProperty);
+require IMPL::Class::Member;
+require IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo;
+sub import {
+    __PACKAGE__->export_to_level(1,@_);
+    IMPL::Class::Member->export_to_level(1,@_);
+sub prop_get { 1 };
+sub prop_set { 2 };
+sub owner_set { 2 };
+sub prop_none { 0 };
+sub prop_all { 3 };
+sub prop_list { 4 };
+sub property($$;$) {
+    my ($propName,$mutators,$attributes) = @_;
+    my $Info = new IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo( {Name => $propName, Mutators => $mutators, Class => scalar(caller), Attributes => $attributes } );
+    return $Info;
+sub CreateProperty {
+    my ($class,$propName,$mutators,$attributes) = @_;
+    my $Info = new IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo( {Name => $propName, Mutators => $mutators, Class => $class, Attributes => $attributes} );
+    return $Info;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/Property/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Accessor Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(_direct);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+require IMPL::Exception;
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors qw(ExportField);
+sub _direct($) {
+    my ($prop_info) = @_;
+    $prop_info->Implementor( IMPL::Class::Property::Direct->new({ExportField => 1}) );
+    return $prop_info;
+my $access_private = "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the private member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;";
+my $access_protected = "die new IMPL::Exception('Can\\'t access the protected member',\$name,\$class,scalar caller) unless caller eq \$class;";
+my $accessor_get_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is write only\',$name,$class) unless $get;';
+my $accessor_set_no = 'die new IMPL::Exception(\'The property is read only\',$name,$class) unless $set;';
+my $accessor_set = 'return( $this->{$field} = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : [@_] );';
+my $accessor_get = 'return( $this->{$field} );';
+my $list_accessor_set = 'return( @{ ($this->{$field} = ( (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq \'ARRAY\') ? $_[0] : [@_] ) || [] ) } );';
+my $list_accessor_get = 'return( @{ $this->{$field} || [] } );';
+my $custom_accessor_get = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$get;';
+my $custom_accessor_set = 'unshift @_, $this and goto &$set;';
+my %accessor_cache;
+sub mk_acessor {
+    my ($virtual,$access,$class,$name,$mutators,$field) = @_;
+    my ($get,$set) = ref $mutators ? ( $mutators->{get}, $mutators->{set}) : ($mutators & prop_get, $mutators & prop_set);
+    my $key = join '',$virtual,$access,$get ? 1 : 0,$set ? 1 : 0, (ref $mutators ? 'c' : ($mutators & prop_list() ? 'l' : 's'));
+    my $factory = $accessor_cache{$key};
+    if (not $factory) {
+        my $code =
+sub {
+    my (\$class,\$name,\$set,\$get,\$field) = \@_;
+    my \$accessor;
+    \$accessor = sub {
+        my \$this = shift;
+        $code .= <<VCALL if $virtual;
+        my \$method = \$this->can(\$name);
+        return \$this->\$method(\@_) unless \$method == \$accessor or caller->isa(\$class);
+        $code .= "$access_private\n" if $access == IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PRIVATE;
+        $code .= "$access_protected\n" if $access == IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PROTECTED;
+        my ($codeGet,$codeSet);
+        if (ref $mutators) {
+            $codeGet = $get ? $custom_accessor_get : $accessor_get_no;
+            $codeSet = $set ? $custom_accessor_set : $accessor_set_no;
+        } else {
+            if ($mutators & prop_list) {
+                $codeGet = $get ? $list_accessor_get : $accessor_get_no;
+                $codeSet = $set ? $list_accessor_set : $accessor_set_no;
+            } else {
+                $codeGet = $get ? $accessor_get : $accessor_get_no;
+                $codeSet = $set ? $accessor_set : $accessor_set_no;
+            }
+        }
+        $code .=
+        if (\@_) {
+            $codeSet    
+        } else {
+            $codeGet
+        }
+    }
+        $factory = eval $code or die new IMPL::Exception('Failed to generate the accessor',$@);
+        $accessor_cache{$key} = $factory;
+    }
+    return $factory->($class,$name,$set,$get, $field);
+sub Make {
+    my ($self,$propInfo) = @_;
+    my $isExportField = ref $self ? ($self->ExportField || 0) : 0;
+    my ($class,$name,$virt,$access,$mutators) = $propInfo->get qw(Class Name Virtual Access Mutators);
+    (my $field = "${class}_$name") =~ s/::/_/g;
+    my $propGlob = $class.'::'.$name;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *$propGlob = mk_acessor($virt,$access,$class,$name,$mutators,$field);
+    *$propGlob = \$field if $isExportField;
+    if (ref $mutators) {
+        $propInfo->canGet( $mutators->{get} ? 1 : 0);
+        $propInfo->canSet( $mutators->{set} ? 1 : 0);
+    } else {
+        $propInfo->canGet( ($mutators & prop_get) ? 1 : 0);
+        $propInfo->canSet( ($mutators & prop_set) ? 1 : 0);
+    }
+sub FieldName {
+    my ($self,$propInfo) = @_;
+    my ($class,$name) = $propInfo->get qw(Class Name);
+    (my $field = "${class}_$name") =~ s/::/_/g;
+    return $field;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Class/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Class::MemberInfo);
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(Type Mutators canGet canSet));
+our @Implementors = ( ['IMPL::Object' => 'IMPL::Class::Property::Direct'] );
+my %LoadedModules;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $implementor = $this->Implementor($this->SelectImplementor());
+    if (my $class = ref $implementor ? undef : $implementor) {
+        if (not $LoadedModules{$class}) {
+            (my $package = $class.'.pm') =~ s/::/\//g;
+            require $package;
+            $LoadedModules{$class} = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    $this->Mutators(0) unless defined $this->Mutators;
+sub SelectImplementor {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    foreach my $item (@Implementors) {
+        return $item->[1] if $this->Class->isa($item->[0]);
+    }
+    die new IMPL::Exception('Can\'t find a property implementor for the specified class',$this->Class);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+package IMPL::Config;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Serializable IMPL::Object::Autofill);
+use IMPL::Class::Member;
+use IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+use IMPL::Serialization;
+use IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter;
+sub LoadXMLFile {
+    my ($self,$file) = @_;
+    my $class = ref $self || $self;
+    my $serializer = new IMPL::Serializer(
+        Formatter => new IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter(
+            IdentOutput => 1,
+            SkipWhitespace => 1
+        )
+    );
+    open my $hFile,'<',$file or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to open file",$file,$!);
+    my $obj;
+    eval {
+        $obj = $serializer->Deserialize($hFile);
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        my $e=$@;
+        die new IMPL::Exception("Can't load the configuration file",$file,$e);
+    }
+    return $obj;
+sub SaveXMLFile {
+    my ($this,$file) = @_;
+    my $serializer = new IMPL::Serializer(
+        Formatter => new IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter(
+            IdentOutput => 1,
+            SkipWhitespace => 1
+        )
+    );
+    open my $hFile,'>',$file or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to open file",$file,$!);
+    $serializer->Serialize($hFile, $this);
+sub xml {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $serializer = new IMPL::Serializer(
+        Formatter => new IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter(
+            IdentOutput => 1,
+            SkipWhitespace => 1
+        )
+    );
+    my $str = '';
+    open my $hFile,'>',\$str or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to open stream",$!);
+    $serializer->Serialize($hFile, $this);
+    undef $hFile;
+    return $str;
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    foreach my $info ($this->get_meta('IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo')) {
+        next if $info->Access != IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PUBLIC; # save only public properties
+        my $name = $info->Name;
+        $ctx->AddVar($name => $this->$name()) if $this->$name();
+    }
+package App::Config
+use base qw(IMPL::Config)
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Config::Class;
+    public property SimpleString => prop_all;
+    public property MyClass => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->superCTOR(@_);
+    $this->MyClass(new IMPL::Config::Class(Type => MyClass)) unless $this->MyClass;
+��������� ���������/��������� ������������. ����� ��� ������ ������������
+������ ������������� �� ������� ������, � ��� Public �������� �����
+������������� ����������� � �����������������.
+=head1 MEMBERS
+=item static LoadXMLFile($fileName)
+������� �� XML ����� ��������� ����������
+=item SaveXMLFile($fileName)
+��������� ���������� � ����
+=item xml
+��������� ������������ ���������� � XML ������
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Config/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package IMPL::Config::Class;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Config);
+use IMPL::Exception;
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property Type => prop_all;
+    public property Parameters => prop_all;
+    public property IsSingleton => prop_all;
+    private property _Instance => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    die new IMPL::Exception("A Type parameter is required") unless $this->Type;
+sub _is_class {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    scalar keys %{"$_[0]::"} ? 1 : 0;
+sub instance {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $type = $this->Type;
+    if ($this->IsSingleton) {
+        if ($this->_Instance) {
+            return $this->_Instance;
+        } else {
+            my %args = (%{$this->Parameters || {}},@_);
+            eval "require $type" unless _is_class($type);
+            my $inst = $type->new(%args);
+            $this->_Instance($inst);
+            return $inst;
+        }
+    } else {
+        my %args = (%{$this->Parameters || {}},@_);
+        eval "require $type" unless _is_class($type);
+        return $type->new(%args);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Config/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package IMPL::Config::Container;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Config);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property Chidren => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->Chidren(\%args);
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    while (my ($key,$value) = each %{$this->Chidren}) {
+        $ctx->AddVar($key,$value);
+    }
+    my $this = shift;
+    (my $prop = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*?(\w+)$/$1/;
+    my $child = $this->Chidren->{$prop};
+    if (ref $child and $child->isa('IMPL::Config::Class')) {
+        return $child->instance(@_);
+    } else {
+        return $child;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/DOM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package IMPL::DOM::Navigator;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/DOM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package IMPL::DOM::Node;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Serializable IMPL::Object::Autofill);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+    public property nodeName => prop_get | owner_set;
+    public property isComplex => prop_get | owner_set;
+    public property nodeValue => prop_get | owner_set;
+    public property childNodes => prop_get | owner_set| prop_list;
+    public property parentNode => prop_get | owner_set;
+    private property _propertyMap => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = @_;
+    $this->_propertyMap({});
+sub insertNode {
+    my ($this,$node,$pos) = @_;
+sub removeNode {
+    my ($this,$node) = @_;
+sub removeAt {
+    my ($this,$pos) = @_;
+sub selectNodes {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+sub setParent {
+    my ($this,$parentNode) = @_;
+sub text {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+sub Property {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+        # set
+        return $this->_propertyMap->{$name} = shift;
+    } else {
+        return $this->_propertyMap->{$name};
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package IMPL::Exception;
+use strict;
+use overload
+    '""' => \&ToString,
+    'fallback' => 1;
+use Carp qw(longmess shortmess);
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
+	require Error;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Accessor Error);
+    __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw(Message Args CallStack Source) );
+sub indent {
+    my ($str,$level) = @_;
+    $level ||= 0;
+    $str = '' unless defined $str;
+    join ("\n", map( "\t"x$level.$_ , split(/\n/,$str) ) );
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    $class = ref $class || $class;
+    my $this = $class->Error::new() or die "Failed to create an exception";
+    $this->callCTOR(@_);
+    $this->{-text} = $this->Message;
+    local $Carp::CarpLevel = 0;
+    $this->CallStack(longmess);
+    $this->Source(shortmess);
+    return $this;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$message,@args) = @_;
+    $this->Message($message || '');
+    die new IMPL::Exception("Fatal erorr: cyclic structure in the exceptions were detected, do not use \$\@ while throwing the exception!") if grep ref $_ ? refaddr($this) == refaddr($_) : 0 , @args;
+    $this->Args([map defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef', @args]);
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    $ctx->AddVar(Message => $this->Message) if $this->Message;
+    $ctx->AddVar(Args => $this->Args) if @{$this->Args};
+    $ctx->AddVar(Source => $this->Source);
+    $ctx->AddVar(CallStack => $this->CallStack);
+sub restore {
+    my ($class,$data,$instance) = @_;
+    my %args = @$data;
+    if ($instance) {
+        $instance->callCTOR($args{Message},@{$args{Args}});
+    } else {
+        $instance = $class->new($args{Message},@{$args{Args}});
+    }
+    $instance->Source($args{Source});
+    $instance->CallStack($args{CallStack});
+    return $instance;
+sub ToString {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->toString();
+sub toString {
+    my ($this,$notrace) = @_;
+    $this->Message . join("\n",'',map { my $s = $_; local $_; indent("$s",1) } @{$this->Args} ) . ( $notrace ? '' : "\n" . $this->CallStack);
+package IMPL::InvalidOperationException;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package IMPL::InvalidArgumentException;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package IMPL::DuplicateException;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package IMPL::NotImplementedException;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package Exception;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+package IMPL::DeprecatedException;
+our @ISA = qw(IMPL::Exception);
+our %CTOR = (
+    'IMPL::Exception' => sub { @_ ? @_ : "The method is deprecated" }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package IMPL::ORM;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken refaddr);
+use IMPL::Exception;
+our $Depth = 1; # ��������� ������ + 1 ������� �����
+our $UseProxy = 1;
+    private property _ObjectCache => prop_all;
+    private property _MapInstances => prop_all;
+    private property _WorkUnit => prop_all;
+    public property Schema => prop_all;
+sub ObjectInfoById {
+    my ($this,$oid) = @_;
+    return $this->_ObjectCache->{$oid};
+sub ObjectInfo {
+    my ($this,$inst) = @_;
+    die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("This method can be used only for a reference") unless ref $inst;
+    return $this->_MapInstances->{refaddr $inst};
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use IMPL::ORM::Sql;
+my $DB = new IMPL::ORM::Sql("connection string");
+local $IMPL::ORM::Depth = 1; # load childs only, no more
+my $artist = $DB->Lookup( Artist => { name => 'Beatles' } );
+my $order = new Order();
+$order->AddItem($_) foreach $artist->Albums->List;
+my $label = $artist->Albums->Index(0)->Label;
+$DB->Populate($label); #load $label
+=head2 MEMBERS
+=level 4
+=head2 Variables
+=head3 Object Representation
+������ ����� ������������ � �������� ������ �������������� � ���� ������
+���������, ������ �� ������� ������������ ��������� �������� ������.
+Foo         entityFoo
+    Bar         entityBar
+    Baz         entityBaz
+��� ���������� ����������� ������� ������� � ��������������� ��������� ���������
+��� ���� - ���� ��� ���������� ������������ �������� ��������, ������ - ���
+������� ������������ ��������.
+    public virtual property Name => prop_all, {Type => String};
+    string m_Name - ����������� ��������
+    string v_Name - ���������� ��������
+������ ����������� ������ � ���� ����� ����������� �������������.
+����� ������� �������������� �� �����, �� ��� ��� ���� ��� �� ����� ���������.
+=head3 Object Cache
+��� ����� ��������, ������� ������������ � ��������� ������ ������������ ���
+��������. ���� �������� ���������� �� ���� �������, � ����� ����� �����������
+ObjectInfo => {
+    instance => weak ref
+    _id => data source dependent id
+    state => {persistent|null|new|deleted}
+    work_unit => ref to the work unit where object is acting
+������ ��������� �������� ����� ��� ������� ObjectInfoById � ObjectInfo
+=head3 Type mapping
+�������� ������ ����� � ���� ����� ������, ������� ���������� ����� �����,
+�������� � ������ ���������. ���� ��������� ����� ����������� �����:
+=level 4
+=item 1
+����������� �������, ����� ����� �������������� � ��� ������ �������
+����������� ������� � ���� �������� (������� ������, ������ � �.�.)
+������, ������� �� ������ �������� � ���������� ������, ����� ��� ���������.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/ORM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package IMPL::ORM::Entity;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::DOM::Node);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+# Name
+# Fields
+# Relations
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/ORM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package IMPL::ORM::MapInfo;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property Entities => prop_all;
+    public property Cumulative => prop_all;
+package IMPL::ORM::MapEntityInfo;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property Name => prop_all;
+    public property Fields => prop_all;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/ORM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package IMPL::ORM::Sql;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/ORM/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package IMPL::ORM::WorkUnit;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package IMPL::Object;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Class::Meta);
+our $MemoryLeakProtection;
+my $Cleanup = 0;
+our $Debug;
+our %leaked_objects;
+my %cacheCTOR;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
+    $self->$_(@_) foreach @{$cacheCTOR{ref $self} || cache_ctor(ref $self)};
+    $self;
+my $t = 0;
+sub cache_ctor {
+    my $class = shift;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my @sequence;
+    my $refCTORS = *{"${class}::CTOR"}{HASH};
+    foreach my $super ( @{"${class}::ISA"} ) {
+	my $superSequence = $cacheCTOR{$super} || cache_ctor($super);
+	my $mapper = $refCTORS ? $refCTORS->{$super} : undef;
+	if (ref $mapper eq 'CODE') {
+	    if ($mapper == *_pass_throgh_mapper{CODE}) {
+		push @sequence,@$superSequence;
+	    } else {
+		push @sequence, sub {
+		    my $this = shift;
+		    $this->$_($mapper->(@_)) foreach @$superSequence;
+		};
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    warn "Unsupported mapper type, in '$class' for the super class '$super'" if $mapper;
+	    push @sequence, sub {
+		my $this = shift;
+		$this->$_() foreach @$superSequence;
+	    };
+	}
+    }
+    push @sequence, *{"${class}::CTOR"}{CODE} if *{"${class}::CTOR"}{CODE};
+    $cacheCTOR{$class} = \@sequence;
+    return \@sequence;
+sub callCTOR {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $class = ref $self;
+    $self->$_(@_) foreach @{$cacheCTOR{$class} || cache_ctor($class)};
+sub surrogate {
+    bless {}, ref $_[0] || $_[0];
+sub superCTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    warn "The mehod is deprecated, at " . caller;
+sub toString {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return (ref $self || $self);
+sub DESTROY {
+    if ($MemoryLeakProtection and $Cleanup) {
+        my $this = shift;
+        warn sprintf("Object leaks: %s of type %s %s",$this->can('ToString') ? $this->ToString : $this,ref $this,UNIVERSAL::can($this,'_dump') ? $this->_dump : '');
+    }
+sub END {
+    $Cleanup = 1;
+    $MemoryLeakProtection = 0 unless $Debug;
+sub _pass_throgh_mapper {
+    @_;
+sub PassThroughArgs {
+    my $class = shift;
+    $class = ref $class || $class;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    no warnings 'once';
+    ${"${class}::CTOR"}{$_} = \&_pass_throgh_mapper foreach @{"${class}::ISA"};
+package self;
+    goto &{caller(). substr $AUTOLOAD,4};
+package supercall;
+    my $sub;
+    my $methodName = substr $AUTOLOAD,11;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    $sub = $_->can($methodName) and $sub->(@_) foreach @{caller().'::ISA'};
+package Foo;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$arg) = @_;
+    print "Foo: $arg\n";
+package Bar;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$arg) = @_;
+    print "Bar: $arg\n";
+package Baz;
+use base qw(Foo Bar);
+our %CTOR = (
+    Foo => sub { my %args = @_; $args{Mazzi}; },
+    Bar => sub { my %args = @_; $args{Fugi}; }
+package Composite;
+use base qw(Baz Foo Bar);
+our %CTOR = (
+    Foo => undef,
+    Bar => undef
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    print "Composite: $args{Text}\n";
+package main;
+my $obj = new Composite(
+    Text => 'Hello World!',
+    Mazzi => 'Mazzi',
+    Fugi => 'Fugi'
+# will print
+# Foo: Mazzi
+# Bar: Fugi
+# Foo:
+# Bar:
+# Composite: Hello World!
+=h1 Description
+������� ����� ��� ��������. ��������� ������������� ������������
+=h1 Members
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package IMPL::Object::Accessor;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object Class::Accessor IMPL::Class::Meta);
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = $class->Class::Accessor::new( @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'HASH') ? $_[0] : ());
+    $self->callCTOR(@_);
+    return $self;
+sub surrogate {
+    $_[0]->Class::Accessor::new;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+package IMPL::Object::Autofill;
+use strict;
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my $fields = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
+    $this->_fill(ref $this,$fields);
+sub _fill {
+    my ($this,$class,$fields) = @_;
+    $class->_autofill_method->($this,$fields);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    $this->_fill($_,$fields) foreach grep $_->isa('IMPL::Object::Autofill'), @{"${class}::ISA"};
+sub DisableAutofill {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $class = ref $self || $self;
+    *{"${class}::_impl_object_autofill"} = sub {};
+sub _autofill_method {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+    # ��� �������������� ����� ���� ����� �������� ������
+    my $method;
+    {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        $method = ${$class.'::'}{_impl_object_autofill};
+    }
+    if ($method) {
+        return $method;
+    } else {
+        my $text = <<HEADER;
+package $class;
+sub _impl_object_autofill {
+    my (\$this,\$fields) = \@_;
+        if ($class->can('get_meta')) {
+            # meta supported
+            foreach my $prop_info (grep {
+                my $mutators = $_->Mutators;
+                ref $mutators ? (exists $mutators->{set}) : ($mutators & prop_set || $_->Implementor->isa('IMPL::Class::Property::Direct'));
+            } $class->get_meta('IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo')) {
+                my $name = $prop_info->Name;
+                if (ref $prop_info->Mutators || !$prop_info->Implementor->isa('IMPL::Class::Property::Direct')) {
+                    $text .= "\t\$this->$name(\$fields->{$name}) if exists \$fields->{$name};\n";
+                } else {
+                    my $fld = $prop_info->Implementor->FieldName($prop_info);
+                    if ($prop_info->Mutators & prop_list) {
+                        $text .= "\t\$this->{$fld} = ref \$fields->{$name} ? \$fields->{$name} : [\$fields->{$name}] if exists \$fields->{$name};\n";
+                    } else {
+                        $text .= "\t\$this->{$fld} = \$fields->{$name} if exists \$fields->{$name};\n";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            # meta not supported
+            #$text .= "\t".'$this->$_($fields->{$_}) foreach keys %$fields;'."\n";
+        }
+        $text .= "}\n\\&_impl_object_autofill;";
+        return eval $text;
+    }
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+package MyClass;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill);
+    private property PrivateData => prop_all;
+    public property PublicData => prop_get;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->superCTOR(@_);
+    # or eqvivalent
+    # $this->supercall::CTOR(@_);
+    print $this->PrivateData,"\n";
+    print $this->PublicData,"\n";
+my $obj = new MyClass(PrivateData => 'private', PublicData => 'public', Other => 'some data');
+will print
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package IMPL::Object::Disposable;
+use strict;
+our $Strict = 1;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    bless $this, 'IMPL::Object::Disposed';
+sub DESTROY {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    warn sprintf('The object %s were marked as disposable but isn\'t disposed properly', $this->can('ToString') ? $this->ToString() : (ref $this || $this) );
+sub superDispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $package = caller;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    ($_.'::Dispose')->($this) foreach @{$package.'::ISA'};
+package IMPL::Object::Disposed;
+    return if $AUTOLOAD eq __PACKAGE__.'::DESTROY';
+    die new IMPL::Exception('Object have been disposed',$AUTOLOAD);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package IMPL::Object::EventSource;
+use strict;
+require IMPL::Exception;
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+sub CreateEvent {
+    my ($class,$event) = @_;
+    die new IMPL::Exception('A name is required for the event') unless $event;
+    (my $fullEventName = "$class$event") =~ s/:://g;
+    my $globalEventTable = new IMPL::Object::EventSource::EventTable($fullEventName);
+    my $propEventTable = $event.'Table';
+    public CreateProperty($class,$propEventTable,prop_all);
+    public CreateProperty($class,$event,
+        {
+            get => sub {
+                my $this = shift;
+                if (not defined wantarray and caller(1) eq $class) {
+                    (ref $this ? $this->$propEventTable() || $globalEventTable : $globalEventTable)->Invoke($this);
+                } else {
+                    if (ref $this) {
+                        if (my $table = $this->$propEventTable()) {
+                            return $table;
+                        } else {
+                            $table = new IMPL::Object::EventSource::EventTable($fullEventName,$globalEventTable);
+                            $this->$propEventTable($table);
+                            return $table;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        return $globalEventTable;
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            set => sub {
+                (ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->$propEventTable() || $globalEventTable : $globalEventTable)->Invoke(@_);
+            }
+        }
+    );
+sub CreateStaticEvent {
+    my ($class,$event) = @_;
+    die new IMPL::Exception('A name is required for the event') unless $event;
+    (my $fullEventName = "$class$event") =~ s/:://g;
+    my $globalEventTable = new IMPL::Object::EventSource::EventTable($fullEventName);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{"${class}::$event"} = sub {
+        my $class = shift;
+        if (not @_) {
+            if (not defined wantarray and caller(1) eq $class) {
+                $globalEventTable->Invoke($class);
+            } else {
+                return $globalEventTable;
+            }
+        } else {
+            $globalEventTable->Invoke(@_);
+        }
+    };
+package IMPL::Object::EventSource::EventTable;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+use overload
+    '+=' => \&opSubscribe,
+    'fallback' => 1;
+    public _direct property Name => prop_get;
+    public _direct property Handlers => { get => \&get_handlers };
+    private _direct property Next => prop_all;
+    private _direct property NextId => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR();
+    $this->{$Handlers} = {};
+    $this->{$Name} = shift;
+    $this->{$Next} = shift;
+    $this->{$NextId} = 1;
+sub get_handlers {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return values %{$this->{$Handlers}};
+sub Invoke {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $tmp; 
+    $tmp = $_ and local($_) or &$tmp(@_) foreach values %{$this->{$Handlers}};
+    $this->{$Next}->Invoke(@_) if $this->{$Next};
+sub Subscribe {
+    my ($this,$consumer,$nameHandler) = @_;
+    my $id = $this->{$NextId} ++;
+    if (ref $consumer eq 'CODE') {
+        $this->{$Handlers}{$id} = $consumer;
+    } else {
+        $nameHandler ||= $this->Name or die new IMPL::Exception('The name for the event handler method must be specified');
+        my $method = $consumer->can($nameHandler) or die new IMPL::Exception('Can\'t find the event handler method',$nameHandler,$consumer);
+        weaken($consumer) if ref $consumer;
+        $this->{$Handlers}{$id} = sub {
+            unshift @_, $consumer;
+            $consumer ? goto &$method : delete $this->{$Handlers}{$id};
+        };
+    }
+    return $id;
+sub Remove {
+    my ($this,$id) = @_;
+    return delete $this->{$Handlers}{$id};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package IMPL::Object::Meta;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+    public _direct property Container => prop_get;
+sub meta {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    my $meta = $class->surrogate();
+    $meta->{$Container} = $caller;
+    $meta->callCTOR(@_);
+    $caller->set_meta($meta);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package IMPL::Object::Serializable;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require IMPL::Exception;
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+sub restore {
+    my ($class,$data,$refSurrogate) = @_;
+    if ($refSurrogate) {
+        $refSurrogate->callCTOR(@$data);
+        return $refSurrogate;
+    } else {
+        return $class->new(@$data);
+    }
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx,$predicate) = @_;
+    ($this->_get_save_method)->($this,$ctx);
+sub _get_save_method {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    $class = ref $class || $class;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    if (my $method = *{"${class}::_impl_auto_save"}{CODE}) {
+        return $method;
+    } else {
+        my $code = <<SAVE_METHOD;
+package $class;
+sub _impl_auto_save {
+    my (\$this,\$ctx) = \@_;
+        $code .=
+        join "\n", map "\t".'$ctx->AddVar('.$_->Name.' => ' .
+            ((not ref $_->Mutators and $_->Mutators & prop_list) ? ('[$this->'.$_->Class.'::'.$_->Name.'()]') : ('$this->'.$_->Class.'::'.$_->Name.'()')) .
+        ') if defined ' . '$this->'.$_->Class.'::'.$_->Name.'()' . ';', grep $_->canGet, $class->get_meta('IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo',undef,1);
+        $code .= <<SAVE_METHOD;
+        return (eval $code || die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to generate serialization method",$class,$@));
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package IMPL::Profiler;
+our $Enabled;
+our %TrappedModules;
+our %InvokeInfo;
+our $InvokeTime = 0;
+my $level;
+    $level = 0;
+    if ($Enabled) {
+        warn "profiler enabled";
+        no warnings 'once';
+        *CORE::GLOBAL::caller = sub {
+            my $target = (shift || 0)+1;
+            my $realFrame = 1;
+            for (my $i = 1; $i<$target; $i++) {
+                $realFrame ++;
+                my $caller = CORE::caller($realFrame-1) or return;
+                $realFrame ++ if $caller eq 'IMPL::Profiler::Proxy'; #current frame is proxy
+            }
+            my @frame = CORE::caller($realFrame) or return;
+            if ( $frame[0] eq 'IMPL::Profiler::Proxy' ) {
+                my @next = CORE::caller($realFrame+1) or return;
+                @frame[0..2] = @next[0..2];
+            }
+            #warn "\t"x$level,"$frame[0] - $frame[3]";
+            return wantarray ? @frame : $frame[0];
+        };
+    }
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Time::HiRes;
+require Scalar::Util;
+sub trap_all {    
+    return if not $Enabled;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    foreach my $class (@_) {
+        next if $TrappedModules{$class};
+        $TrappedModules{$class} = 1;
+        eval "warn 'load $class'; require $class;" if not %{"${class}::"};
+        die $@ if $@;
+        no strict 'refs';
+        my $table = \%{"${class}::"};
+        trap($class,$_) foreach (grep *{$table->{$_}}{CODE}, keys %$table);
+    }
+sub trap {
+    my ($class,$method) = @_;
+    return if not $Enabled;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my $prevCode = \&{"${class}::${method}"};
+    my $proto = prototype $prevCode;
+    if (defined $proto and not $proto) {
+        return;
+    }
+    {
+    package IMPL::Profiler::Proxy;
+    no warnings 'redefine';
+    my $sub = sub {
+        my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday];
+        my @arr;
+        my $scalar;
+        my $entry = $prevCode;
+        my ($timeOwn,$timeTotal);
+        my $context = wantarray;
+        {
+            local $InvokeTime = 0;
+            #warn "\t"x$level,"enter ${class}::$method";
+            $level ++;
+            if ($context) {
+                @arr = &$entry(@_);
+            } else {
+                if (defined $context) {
+                    $scalar = &$entry(@_);
+                } else {
+                    &$entry(@_);
+                }
+            }
+            $timeTotal = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0);
+            $timeOwn = $timeTotal - $InvokeTime;
+        }
+        $InvokeInfo{"${class}::${method}"}{Count} ++;
+        $InvokeInfo{"${class}::${method}"}{Total} += $timeTotal;
+        $InvokeInfo{"${class}::${method}"}{Own} += $timeOwn;
+        $InvokeTime += $timeTotal;
+        $level --;
+        #warn "\t"x$level,"leave ${class}::$method";
+        return $context ? @arr : $scalar;
+    };
+    if ($proto) {
+        Scalar::Util::set_prototype($sub => $proto);
+    }
+    *{"${class}::${method}"} = $sub;
+    }
+sub PrintStatistics {
+    my $hout = shift || *STDERR;
+    print $hout "-- modules --\n";
+    print $hout "$_\n" foreach sort keys %TrappedModules;
+    print $hout "\n-- stats --\n";
+    print $hout
+        pad($_,50),
+        pad("$InvokeInfo{$_}{Count}",10),
+        pad(sprintf("%.3f",$InvokeInfo{$_}{Own}),10),
+        pad(sprintf("%.3f",$InvokeInfo{$_}{Total}),10),
+        "\n"
+        foreach sort { $InvokeInfo{$b}{Own} <=> $InvokeInfo{$a}{Own} } keys %InvokeInfo;
+sub ResetStatistics {
+    $InvokeTime = 0;
+    %InvokeInfo = ();
+sub pad {
+    my ($str,$len) = @_;
+    if (length $str < $len) {
+        return $str.(' 'x ($len- length $str));
+    } else {
+        return $str;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Profiler/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package IMPL::Profiler::Memory;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(longmess shortmess);
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr weaken isweak);
+my %instances;
+    *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub {
+        $_[1] |= caller unless $_[1];
+        my $ref = CORE::bless $_[0],$_[1];
+        my $id = refaddr($ref);
+        $instances{$id} = {
+            Class => $_[1],
+            WeakRef => $ref
+        };
+        weaken($instances{$id}{WeakRef});
+        return $ref;
+    }
+sub DumpAlive {
+    my ($hout) = @_;
+    $hout = *STDOUT unless $hout;
+    print $hout "Alive objects table\n";
+    print $hout "-------------------\n";
+    while (my ($id,$info) = each %instances) {
+        delete $instances{$id} and next unless $info->{WeakRef};
+        print "$info->{Class} $id: $info->{WeakRef}\n";
+    }
+sub StatClasses {
+    my ($hout) = @_;
+    $hout = *STDOUT unless $hout;
+    print $hout "Statistics by class\n";
+    print $hout "-------------------\n";
+    my %stat;
+    while (my ($id,$info) = each %instances) {
+        #$stat{$info->{Class}}{total} ++;
+        delete $instances{$id} and next unless $info->{WeakRef};
+        $stat{$info->{Class}}{alive} ++;
+    }
+    print $hout "$_ $stat{$_}{alive} \n" foreach sort keys %stat;
+sub Clear {
+    undef %instances;
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package IMPL::Resources;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $Encoding ||= 'utf-8';
+our %Files;
+my %Data;
+    foreach my $group (keys %Files) {
+        $Data{$group} = ParseResource($Files{$group});
+    }
+sub findFile {
+    my ($fname) = @_;
+    foreach my $dir (',',@INC) {
+        my $fullfname = "$dir/$fname";
+        return $fullfname if -f $fullfname;
+    }
+    return $fname;
+sub ParseResource {
+    my ($fname) = @_;
+    open my $hRes, "<:encoding($Encoding)", findFile($fname) or die "Failed to open file $fname: $!";
+    my %Map;
+    my $line = 1;
+    while (<$hRes>) {
+        chomp;
+        $line ++ and next if /^\s*$/;
+        if (/^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $Map{$1} = $2;
+        } else {
+            die "Invalid resource format in $fname at $line";
+        }
+        $line ++;
+    }
+    return \%Map;
+sub import {
+    my ($class,@groups) = @_;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    my %merged = map %{$Data{$_} || {} }, @groups;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    foreach my $item ( keys %merged ) {
+        *{"${caller}::ids_$item"} = sub { sprintf($merged{$item},@_) } 
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package IMPL::SVN;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Object::Property;
+    public virtual _direct property SvnClient => get;
+sub UpdateBatch {
+    my ($this,$revstart,$revend) = @_;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package IMPL::Security;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package IMPL::Security::AuthResult;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+    public _direct property State => prop_get;
+    public _direct property Session => prop_get;
+    public _direct property ClientSecData => prop_get;
+    public _direct property AuthMod => prop_get;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+# 20060222
+# ������ ��� ������������ �������� ������
+# (�) Sourcer,
+# revision 3 (20090517)
+package IMPL::Serialization;
+use strict;
+package IMPL::Serialization::Context;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
+  private _direct property ObjectWriter => prop_all; # ������, ������������ ������ � �����
+  private _direct property Context => prop_all; # �������� (������� ������� ��� �������������, �� ��������������)
+  private _direct property NextID => prop_all;# ��������� ������������� ��� �������
+  # ���������, ������� �����, ��� ��������������� ������������ ����. ������ ����������
+  # �������� ������ �� IMPL::Serialization::Context, ������ ���������� ������ �� ������
+  public _direct property Serializer => prop_all;
+  private _direct property State => prop_all; # ��������� ��������� ������������
+# �������� ������, �.�. ������� ������ �� �����
+sub STATE_CLOSED () { 0 }
+# �������� ������, �.�. ������ �����, �� � ��� ��� ������ �� �����
+sub STATE_OPENED () { 1 }
+# �������� ������ � � ���� ����� ���� ��������� ������ ����������
+sub STATE_COMPLEX () { 2 }
+# �������� ������ � � ���� ��� ������ �� ����� ���� ���������, ��� ����� ������
+sub STATE_DATA () { 3 }
+sub CTOR {
+  my ($this,%args) = @_;
+  $this->{$ObjectWriter} = $args{'ObjectWriter'};
+  #$this->{$Context} = {};
+  $this->{$NextID} = 1;
+  $this->{$Serializer} = ($args{'Serializer'} ? $args{'Serializer'} : \&DefaultSerializer );
+  $this->{$State} = STATE_CLOSED;
+  return 1;
+sub AddVar {
+  my ($this,$sName,$Var) = @_;
+  die new Exception ('Invalid operation') if $this->{$State} == STATE_DATA;
+  if (not ref $Var) {
+    # ������� ����������� ��, ��� �����, �� ��� ���� ����, ����� �������, ������� ����
+    # �� �� ������, �� �������� ��������������, �� �� �� �����
+    my $prevState = $this->{$State};
+    $this->{$ObjectWriter}->BeginObject(name => $sName);#, type => 'SCALAR');
+    $this->{$State} = STATE_OPENED;
+    $this->{$Serializer}->($this,\$Var);
+    $this->{$ObjectWriter}->EndObject();
+    if ($prevState == STATE_OPENED) {
+      $this->{$State} = STATE_COMPLEX;
+    } else {
+      $this->{$State} = $prevState;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  my $PrevState = $this->{$State};
+  my $ObjID = $this->{$Context}->{refaddr $Var};
+  if ($ObjID) {
+    $this->{$ObjectWriter}->BeginObject(name => $sName, refid => $ObjID);
+    $this->{$ObjectWriter}->EndObject();
+    return $ObjID;
+  }
+  $ObjID = $this->{$NextID};
+  $this->{$NextID} = $ObjID + 1;
+  $this->{$Context}->{refaddr $Var} = $ObjID;
+  $this->{$ObjectWriter}->BeginObject(name => $sName, type => ref($Var), id => $ObjID);
+  $this->{$State} = STATE_OPENED;
+  $this->{$Serializer}->($this,$Var);
+  $this->{$ObjectWriter}->EndObject();
+  if ($PrevState == STATE_OPENED) {
+    $this->{$State} = STATE_COMPLEX;
+  } else {
+    $this->{$State} = $PrevState;
+  }  
+  return $ObjID;
+sub SetData {
+  my ($this,$Data,$Type) = @_;
+  die new Exception ('The object should be a scalar value') if ref $Data;
+  die new Exception ('Invalid operation') if $this->{$State} != STATE_OPENED;
+  $this->{$ObjectWriter}->SetData($Data,$Type);
+  $this->{$State} = STATE_DATA;
+  return 1;
+sub DefaultSerializer {
+  my ($Context, $refObj) = @_;
+  if (ref($refObj) eq 'SCALAR') {
+    $Context->SetData($$refObj, 'SCALAR');
+  } elsif (ref($refObj) eq 'ARRAY') {
+    $Context->AddVar('item',$_) foreach @$refObj;
+  } elsif (ref($refObj) eq 'HASH') {
+    while (my ($key,$value) = each %$refObj) {
+      $Context->AddVar($key,$value);
+    }
+  } elsif (ref($refObj) eq 'REF') {
+    $Context->AddVar('ref',$$refObj);
+  } else {
+    if (ref $refObj and $refObj->UNIVARSAL::can('save')) {
+      $refObj->save($Context);
+    } else {
+      die new Exception('Cant serialize the object of the type: '.ref($refObj));
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+package IMPL::Deserialization::Context;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+  # ��� ����������������� �������, ���, ���� - �������������, �������� - ������.
+  private _direct property Context => prop_all;
+  # ������� ������. ���������� ��� ��������������
+  # {
+  #   Type => 'typename',
+  #   Name => 'object_name',
+  #   Data => $Data,
+  #   Id => 'object_id'
+  # }
+  private _direct property CurrentObject => prop_all;
+  # ���� ��������. ���� ����������� �������� �������� �� ���� ���������� ����� ��������.
+  private _direct property ObjectsPath => prop_all;
+  # ���� ������� ������ ����� ��������
+  public _direct property Root => prop_get;
+  # ������� ������ � ���������� �� ���� ������
+  # ObjectFactory($Type,$DeserializationData,$refSurogate)
+  # $Type - ��� ���� ������
+  # $DeserializationData - ���� ������ �� ������ � ������� ��� �������������� �����,
+  # ���� ������ ���������� ������.
+  # $refSurogate - ������ �� �������������� ���������, �� ������������������ ������.
+  # ����� ��������� �������� undef
+  private _direct property ObjectFactory => prop_all;
+  # ������� �������������������� �������.
+  # SurogateHelper($Type)
+  # $Type ��� �����, ��� ������� ����� �������.
+  private _direct property SurogateHelper => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+  my ($this,%args) = @_;
+  $this->{$CurrentObject} = undef;
+  $this->{$Root} = undef;
+sub OnObjectBegin {
+  my ($this,$name,$rhProps) = @_;
+  die new Exception("Invalid data from an ObjectReader","An object reader should pass a referense to a hash which contains attributes of an object") if (ref $rhProps ne 'HASH');
+  die new Exception("Trying to create second root object") if not $this->{$CurrentObject} and $this->{$Root};
+  if ($rhProps->{'refid'}) {
+    my $refObj = $this->{$Context}->{$rhProps->{'refid'}};
+    die new Exception("A reference to a not existing object found") if not $refObj;
+    my $rhCurrentObj = $this->{$CurrentObject};
+    die new Exception("Found a reference to an object as a root of an object's graph") if not $rhCurrentObj;
+    if ($rhCurrentObj->{'Data'}) {
+      die new Exception("Invalid serializaed data","Plain deserialization data for an object already exist") if not ref $rhCurrentObj->{'Data'};
+      push @{$rhCurrentObj->{'Data'}}, $name,$refObj;
+    } else {
+      $rhCurrentObj->{'Data'} = [$name,$refObj];
+    }
+    # ��� �����, ��� ����� ������ OnObjectEnd ��� �������, ������� ��� ������� �������. �.�. �� �� ������� ����
+    push @{$this->{$ObjectsPath}},$rhCurrentObj;
+    $this->{$CurrentObject} = undef;
+  } else {
+    push @{$this->{$ObjectsPath}},$this->{$CurrentObject} if $this->{$CurrentObject};
+    $this->{$CurrentObject} = {
+                          Name => $name,
+                          Type => $rhProps->{'type'} || 'SCALAR',
+                          Id => $rhProps->{'id'},
+                          refId => $rhProps->{'refid'}
+                          };
+    $this->{$Context}->{$rhProps->{'id'}} = $this->{$SurogateHelper} ? $this->{$SurogateHelper}->($rhProps->{'type'}) : DefaultSurogateHelper($rhProps->{'type'}) if defined $rhProps->{'id'};
+  }
+  return 1;
+sub OnObjectData {
+  my ($this,$data) = @_;
+  my $rhObject = $this->{$CurrentObject};
+  die new Exception("Trying to set data for an object which not exists") if not $rhObject;
+  die new Exception("Deserialization data already exists for a current object", "ObjectName= $rhObject->{'Name'}") if $rhObject->{'Data'};
+  $rhObject->{'Data'} = $data;
+  return 1;
+  my $AutoId = 0;
+  sub OnObjectEnd {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    my $rhObject = $this->{$CurrentObject};
+    my $rhPrevObject = pop @{$this->{$ObjectsPath}};
+    # ���� ������� ������ �� ���������, � ���������� - ���������, ������ ������� - ��� ������
+    # ������ ��������������� ���������� � ������� � ������ ����� �� ������
+    if ((not defined($rhObject)) && $rhPrevObject) {
+      $this->{$CurrentObject} = $rhPrevObject;
+      return 1;
+    }
+    my $refObj = $this->{$ObjectFactory} ?$this->{$ObjectFactory}->($rhObject->{'Type'},$rhObject->{'Data'},$rhObject->{'Id'} ? $this->{$Context}->{$rhObject->{'Id'}} : undef) : DefaultFactory($rhObject->{'Type'},$rhObject->{'Data'},$rhObject->{'Id'} ? $this->{$Context}->{$rhObject->{'Id'}} : undef);
+    die new Exception("Trying to close a non existing oject") if not $rhObject;
+    my $Data;
+    if ($rhObject->{'Id'}) {
+      $this->{$Context}->{$rhObject->{'Id'}} = $refObj;
+      $Data = $refObj;
+    } else {
+      if (ref $refObj ne 'SCALAR') {
+        $rhObject->{Id} = "auto$AutoId";
+        $AutoId ++;
+        $this->{$Context}->{$rhObject->{'Id'}} = $refObj;
+        $Data = $refObj;
+      } else {
+        $Data = ${$refObj};
+      }
+    }
+    if (not $rhPrevObject) {
+      $this->{$Root} = $Data;
+    } else {
+      if ($rhPrevObject->{'Data'}) {
+        die new Exception("Trying append a reference to an object to the plain data") if not ref $rhPrevObject->{'Data'};
+        push @{$rhPrevObject->{'Data'}},$rhObject->{'Name'},$Data;
+      } else {
+        $rhPrevObject->{'Data'} = [$rhObject->{'Name'},$Data];
+      }
+    }
+    $this->{$CurrentObject} = $rhPrevObject;
+    return 1;
+  }
+sub _is_class {
+  no strict 'refs';
+  scalar keys %{"$_[0]::"} ? 1 : 0;
+sub DefaultSurogateHelper {
+  my ($Type) = @_;
+  if ($Type eq 'SCALAR' or $Type eq 'REF') {
+    my $var;
+    return \$var;
+  } elsif ($Type eq 'ARRAY') {
+    return [];
+  } elsif ($Type eq 'HASH') {
+    return {};
+  } else {
+    eval "require $Type" unless _is_class($Type);
+    if ($Type->UNIVERSAL::can('surrogate')) {
+      return $Type->surrogate();
+    } else {
+      return bless {}, $Type;
+    }
+  }
+# deserialization context:
+# [
+#   'var_name',value,
+#   ....
+# ]
+sub DefaultFactory {
+  my ($Type,$Data,$refSurogate) = @_;
+  if ($Type eq 'SCALAR') {
+    die new Exception("SCALAR needs a plain data for a deserialization") if ref $Data;
+    if ($refSurogate) {
+      $$refSurogate = $Data;
+      return $refSurogate;
+    } else {
+      return \$Data;
+    }
+  } elsif ($Type eq 'ARRAY') {
+    die new Exception("Invalid a deserialization context when deserializing ARRAY") if not ref $Data and defined $Data;
+    if (not ref $refSurogate) {
+      my @Array;
+      $refSurogate = \@Array;
+    }
+    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$Data})/2; $i++) {
+      push @$refSurogate,$Data->[$i*2+1];
+    }
+    return $refSurogate;
+  } elsif ($Type eq 'HASH') {
+    die new Exception("Invalid a deserialization context when deserializing HASH") if not ref $Data and defined $Data;
+    if (not ref $refSurogate) {
+      $refSurogate = {};
+    }
+    for (my $i = 0; $i< @$Data; $i+= 2) {
+      $refSurogate->{$Data->[$i]} = $Data->[$i+1];
+    }
+    return $refSurogate;
+  } elsif ($Type eq 'REF') {
+    die new Exception("Invalid a deserialization context when deserializing REF") if not ref $Data and defined $Data;
+    if (not ref $refSurogate) {
+      my $ref = $Data->[1]; 
+      return \$ref;
+    } else {
+      $$refSurogate = $Data->[1];
+      return $refSurogate;
+    }
+  } else {
+    eval "require $Type" unless _is_class($Type);
+    if ( $Type->UNIVERSAL::can('restore') ) {
+      return $Type->restore($Data,$refSurogate);
+    } else {
+      die new Exception("Don't know how to deserialize $Type");
+    }
+  }
+package IMPL::Serializer;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+  private _direct property Formatter => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+  my ($this,%args) = @_;
+  $this->Formatter($args{'Formatter'}) or die new Exception("Omitted mandatory parameter 'Formatter'");
+sub Serialize {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my ($hStream,$Object) = @_;
+  my $ObjWriter = $this->Formatter()->CreateWriter($hStream);
+  my $Context = new IMPL::Serialization::Context(ObjectWriter => $ObjWriter);
+  $Context->AddVar('root',$Object);
+  return 1;
+sub Deserialize {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my ($hStream) = @_;
+  my $Context = new IMPL::Deserialization::Context();
+  my $ObjReader = $this->Formatter()->CreateReader($hStream,$Context);
+  $ObjReader->Parse();
+  return $Context->Root();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Serialization/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+package IMPL::Serialization::XmlObjectWriter;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+use IMPL::Serialization;
+use XML::Writer;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+sub CONTAINER_EMPTY () { 1 }
+sub CONTAINER_NORMAL () { 2 }
+  public _direct property Encoding => prop_all;
+  public _direct property hOutput => prop_all;
+  public _direct property IdentOutput => prop_all;
+  private _direct property CurrentObject => prop_all;
+  private _direct property ObjectPath => prop_all;
+  private _direct property XmlWriter => prop_all;
+  private _direct property IdentLevel => prop_all;
+  private _direct property IdentNextTag => prop_all;
+sub new {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
+  $self->CTOR(@_);
+  return $self;
+sub CTOR {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my %args = @_;
+  $this->{$hOutput} = $args{'hOutput'};
+  $this->{$Encoding} = $args{'Encoding'};
+  $this->{$CurrentObject} = undef;
+  $this->{$IdentOutput} = $args{'IdentOutput'};
+  $this->{$IdentLevel} = 0;
+  $this->{$IdentNextTag} = 0;
+  #$this->{$ObjectPath} = [];
+  return 1;
+sub BeginObject {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my %args = @_;
+  if (not $this->{$CurrentObject}) {
+    my $xmlWriter = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $this->{$hOutput}, ENCODING => $this->{$Encoding});
+    $this->{$XmlWriter} = $xmlWriter;
+    $xmlWriter->xmlDecl();
+  }
+  push @{$this->{$ObjectPath}},$this->{$CurrentObject} if $this->{$CurrentObject};
+  my %ObjectProperties = %args;
+  delete $ObjectProperties{'name'};
+  delete $args{'container_type'};
+  $this->{$CurrentObject} = \%ObjectProperties;
+  my $tagname;  
+  if (_CheckName($args{'name'})) {
+    $tagname = $args{'name'};
+  } else {
+    $tagname = 'element';
+    $ObjectProperties{'extname'} = $args{'name'};
+  }
+  if ($args{'refid'}) {
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->characters("\n" . ('  ' x $$this{$IdentLevel}) ) if $$this{$IdentNextTag};
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->emptyTag($tagname,%ObjectProperties);
+    $ObjectProperties{'container_type'} = CONTAINER_EMPTY;
+  } else {
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->characters("\n" . ('  ' x $$this{$IdentLevel}) ) if $$this{$IdentNextTag};
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->startTag($tagname,%ObjectProperties);
+    $ObjectProperties{'container_type'} = CONTAINER_NORMAL;
+  }
+  $this->{$IdentLevel} ++;
+  $this->{$IdentNextTag} = $this->{$IdentOutput};
+  return 1;
+sub EndObject {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my $hCurrentObject = $this->{$CurrentObject} or return 0;
+  $this->{$IdentLevel} --;
+  if ( $hCurrentObject->{'container_type'} != CONTAINER_EMPTY ) {
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->characters("\n" . ('  ' x $$this{$IdentLevel}) ) if $$this{$IdentNextTag};
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->endTag();
+  }
+  $this->{$IdentNextTag} = $this->{$IdentOutput};
+  $this->{$CurrentObject} = pop @{$this->{$ObjectPath}} if exists $this->{$ObjectPath};
+  $this->{$XmlWriter} = undef if (not $this->{$CurrentObject});
+  return 1;
+sub SetData {
+  my $this = shift;
+  #my $hCurrentObject = $this->{$CurrentObject} or return 0;
+  if ($this->{$CurrentObject}->{'container_type'} == CONTAINER_NORMAL) {
+    $this->{$XmlWriter}->characters($_[0]) if defined $_[0];
+    $this->{$IdentNextTag} = 0;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+sub _CheckName {
+  return 0 if not $_[0];
+  return $_[0] =~ /^(_|\w|\d)+$/;
+package IMPL::Serialization::XmlObjectReader;
+use base qw(XML::Parser);
+sub new {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my %args = @_;
+  die new Exception("Handler parameter is reqired") if not $args{'Handler'};
+  die new Exception("Handler parameter must be a reference") if not ref $args{'Handler'};
+  #my $this = $class->SUPER::new(Style => 'Stream', Pkg => 'Serialization::XmlObjectReader', 'Non-Expat-Options' => {hInput => $args{'hInput'} , Handler => $args{'Handler'}, SkipWhitespace => $args{'SkipWhitespace'} } );
+  my $this = $class->SUPER::new(Handlers => { Start => \&StartTag, End => \&EndTag, Char => \&Text} , 'Non-Expat-Options' => {hInput => $args{'hInput'} , Handler => $args{'Handler'}, SkipWhitespace => $args{'SkipWhitespace'} } );
+  return $this;
+sub Parse {
+  my $this = shift;
+  $this->parse($this->{'Non-Expat-Options'}->{'hInput'});
+  return 1;
+sub StartTag {
+  my $this = shift;
+  my $name = shift;
+  my %Attr = @_;
+  $name = $Attr{'extname'} if defined $Attr{'extname'};
+  $this->{'Non-Expat-Options'}->{'Handler'}->OnObjectBegin($name,\%Attr);
+  return 1;
+sub EndTag {
+  my ($this,$name) = @_;
+  $this->{'Non-Expat-Options'}->{'Handler'}->OnObjectEnd($name);
+  return 1;
+sub Text {
+  my ($this) = shift;
+  $_ = shift;
+  return 1 if $this->{'Non-Expat-Options'}->{'SkipWhitespace'} and /^\n*\s*\n*$/;
+  $this->{'Non-Expat-Options'}->{'Handler'}->OnObjectData($_);
+  return 1;
+package IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+  public _direct property Encoding => prop_all;
+  public _direct property SkipWhitespace => prop_all;
+  public _direct property IdentOutput => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+  my ($this,%args) = @_;
+  $this->Encoding($args{'Encoding'} || 'utf-8');
+  $this->SkipWhitespace($args{'SkipWhitespace'});
+  $this->IdentOutput($args{'IdentOutput'});
+  return 1;
+sub CreateWriter {
+  my ($this,$hStream) = @_;
+  return new IMPL::Serialization::XmlObjectWriter(Encoding =>$this->Encoding() , hOutput => $hStream, IdentOutput => $this->IdentOutput());
+sub CreateReader {
+  my ($this,$hStream,$refHandler) = @_;
+  return new IMPL::Serialization::XmlObjectReader(hInput => $hStream, Handler => $refHandler, SkipWhitespace => $this->SkipWhitespace());
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package IMPL::Test;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&test &shared);
+require IMPL::Test::Unit;
+use IMPL::Class::Member;
+sub test($$) {
+    my ($name,$code) = @_;
+    my $class = caller;
+    $class->set_meta(
+        new IMPL::Test::Unit::TestInfo( $name, $code )
+    );
+sub shared($) {
+    my ($propInfo) = @_;
+    my $class = caller;
+    die new IMPL::Exception("Only properties could be declared as shared",$propInfo->Name) unless eval {$propInfo->isa('IMPL::Class::PropertyInfo')};
+    die new IMPL::Exception("You can't mark the readonly property as shared",$propInfo->Name) unless $propInfo->canSet;
+    die new IMPL::Exception("Only public properties could be declared as shared",$propInfo->Name) unless $propInfo->Access == IMPL::Class::Member::MOD_PUBLIC;
+    $class->set_meta(new IMPL::Test::Unit::SharedData($propInfo->Name));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package IMPL::Test::BadUnit;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Test::Unit);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property UnitName => prop_all;
+    public property Message => prop_all;
+    public property Error => prop_all;
+our %CTOR = (
+    'IMPL::Test::Unit' => sub {
+        my ($unit,$message,$error) = @_;
+        return new IMPL::Test::Unit::TestInfo(
+            BadUnitTest => sub {
+                die new IMPL::Test::FailException($message,$unit,eval {$error->isa('IMPL::Exception')} ? $error->toString(1) : $error)
+            }
+        );
+    }
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$message,$error) = @_;
+    $this->UnitName($name);
+    $this->Message($message);
+    $this->Error($error);
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    defined ($this->$_()) and $ctx->AddVar($_ => $this->$_()) foreach qw(UnitName Message);
+sub restore {
+    my ($class,$data,$inst) = @_;
+    my %args = @$data;
+    $inst ||= $class->surrogate;
+    $inst->callCTOR(@args{qw(UnitName Message)});
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package IMPL::Test::FailException;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Exception);
+sub toString {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->Message . join("\n",'',map IMPL::Exception::indent($_,1), @{$this->Args} );
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    $ctx->AddVar(Message => $this->Message);
+    $ctx->AddVar(Args => $this->Args) if @{$this->Args};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package IMPL::Test::HarnessRunner;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill IMPL::Object::Serializable);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use Test::Harness;
+    public property Strap => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("The Strap parameter must be specified") unless $this->Strap;
+sub RunTests {
+    my ($this,@files) = @_;
+    local $Test::Harness::Strap = $this->Strap;
+    return runtests(@files);
+sub ExecuteTests {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    local $Test::Harness::Strap = $this->Strap;
+    return Test::Harness::execute_tests(%args);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package IMPL::Test::Plan;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+use IMPL::Test::Result;
+use IMPL::Test::BadUnit;
+use Error qw(:try);
+use IMPL::Serialization;
+use IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter;
+    public property Units => prop_all | prop_list;
+    public property Results => prop_all | prop_list;
+    public property Listeners => prop_all | prop_list;
+    private property _Cache => prop_all | prop_list;
+    private property _Count => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->Units(\@_);
+sub restore {
+    my ($class,$data,$instance) = @_;
+    $instance ||= $class->surrogate;
+    $instance->callCTOR();
+    my %args = @$data;
+    $instance->Units($args{Units});
+    $instance->Results($args{Results}) if $args{Results};
+    $instance->Listeners($args{Listeners}) if $args{Listeners};
+sub save {
+    my ($this,$ctx) = @_;
+    $ctx->AddVar(Units => [$this->Units]);
+    $ctx->AddVar(Results => [$this->Results]) if $this->Results;
+    $ctx->AddVar(Listeners => [$this->Listeners]) if $this->Listeners;
+sub AddListener {
+    my ($this,$listener) = @_;
+    $this->Listeners($this->Listeners,$listener);
+sub Prepare {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $count = 0;
+    my @cache;
+    foreach my $Unit ($this->Units){
+        my %info;
+        $info{Unit} = $Unit;
+        try {
+            $info{Tests} = [map $Unit->new($_), $Unit->List];
+        } otherwise {
+            $info{Tests} = [$info{Unit} = new IMPL::Test::BadUnit($Unit->UnitName,"Failed to extract tests",$@)];
+        };
+        $count += @{$info{Tests}};
+        push @cache, \%info if @{$info{Tests}};
+    }
+    $this->_Count($count);
+    $this->_Cache(\@cache);
+sub Count {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->_Count;
+sub Run {
+    my $this = shift;
+    die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("You must call the prepare method before running the plan") unless $this->_Cache;
+    $this->_Tell(RunPlan => $this);
+    my @resultsTotal;
+    foreach my $info ($this->_Cache) {
+        $this->_Tell(RunUnit => $info->{Unit});
+        my $data;
+        undef $@;
+        eval {
+            $data = $info->{Unit}->StartUnit;
+        };
+        my @results;
+        if (not $@) {
+            foreach my $test (@{$info->{Tests}}) {
+                $this->_Tell(RunTest => $test);
+                my $result = $test->Run($data);
+                $this->_Tell(EndTest => $test,$result);
+                push @results,$result;
+            }
+        } else {
+            my $e = $@;
+            foreach my $test (@{$info->{Tests}}) {
+                $this->_Tell(RunTest => $test);
+                my $result = new IMPL::Test::Result(
+                    Name => $test->Name,
+                    State => IMPL::Test::Result::FAIL,
+                    Exception => $e
+                );
+                $this->_Tell(EndTest => $test,$result);
+                push @results,$result;
+            }
+        }
+        eval {
+            $info->{Unit}->FinishUnit($data);
+        };
+        undef $@;
+        push @resultsTotal, { Unit => $info->{Unit}, Results => \@results};
+        $this->_Tell(EndUnit => $info->{Unit},\@results);
+    }
+    $this->Results(\@resultsTotal);
+    $this->_Tell(EndPlan => $this);
+sub _Tell {
+    my ($this,$what,@args) = @_;
+    $_->$what(@args) foreach $this->Listeners;
+sub SaveXML {
+    my ($this,$out) = @_;
+    my $h;
+    if (ref $out eq 'GLOB') {
+        $h = $out;
+    } elsif ($out and not ref $out) {
+        open $h, ">", $out or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to open file",$out);
+    } else {
+        die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("Invalid output specified");
+    }
+    my $s = new IMPL::Serializer(Formatter => new IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter( IdentOutput => 1, SkipWhitespace => 1) );
+    $s->Serialize($h,$this);
+sub LoadXML {
+    my ($self,$in) = @_;
+    my $h;
+    if (ref $in eq 'GLOB') {
+        $h = $in;
+    } elsif ($in and not ref $in) {
+        open $h, ">", $in or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to open file",$in);
+    } else {
+        die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("Invalid input specified");
+    }
+    my $s = new IMPL::Serializer(Formatter => new IMPL::Serialization::XmlFormatter( IdentOutput => 1, SkipWhitespace => 1) );
+    return $s->Deserialize($h);
+sub xml {
+    my $this = shift;
+    my $str = '';
+    open my $h,'>',\$str or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to create stream");
+    $this->SaveXML($h);
+    undef $h;
+    return $str;
+sub LoadXMLString {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str = shift;
+    open my $h,'<',\$str or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to create stream");
+    return $self->LoadXML($h);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package IMPL::Test::Result;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill IMPL::Object::Serializable);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use constant {
+    SUCCESS => 0,
+    FAIL => 1,
+    ERROR => 2
+    public property Name => prop_all;
+    public property State => prop_all;
+    public property Exception => prop_all;
+    public property TimeExclusive => prop_all;
+    public property TimeInclusive => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->TimeInclusive(0) unless defined $this->TimeInclusive;
+    $this->TimeExclusive(0) unless defined $this->TimeExclusive;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package IMPL::Test::SkipException;
+use base qw(IMPL::Test::FailException);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package IMPL::Test::Straps;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Test::Harness::Straps IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill IMPL::Object::Serializable);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property Executors => prop_all | prop_list;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $this = $class->Test::Harness::Straps::new();
+    $this->callCTOR(@_);
+    return $this;
+sub surrogate {
+    my $class = shift;
+    return $class->Test::Harness::Straps::new();
+sub analyze_file {
+    my($self, $file) = @_;
+    unless( -e $file ) {
+        $self->{error} = "$file does not exist";
+        return;
+    }
+    unless( -r $file ) {
+        $self->{error} = "$file is not readable";
+        return;
+    }
+    # *sigh* this breaks under taint, but open -| is unportable.
+    my $h = $self->ExecuteFile($file);
+    unless ($h) {
+        print "can't run $file. $!\n";
+        return;
+    }
+    my $results = $self->analyze_fh($file, $h);
+    my $exit    = close $h;
+    $results->set_wait($?);
+    if ( $? && $self->{_is_vms} ) {
+        $results->set_exit($?);
+    }
+    else {
+        $results->set_exit( Test::Harness::Straps::_wait2exit($?) );
+    }
+    $results->set_passing(0) unless $? == 0;
+    $self->_restore_PERL5LIB();
+    return $results;
+sub SelectExecutor {
+    my ($this,$file) = @_;
+    return $_->{Executor} foreach grep $file =~ /$_->{Re}/i, $this->Executors;
+sub ExecuteFile {
+    my ($this,$file) = @_;
+    if (my $executor = $this->SelectExecutor($file)) {
+        return $executor->Execute($file);
+    }
+    return undef;
+sub Execute {
+    my ($self,$file) = @_;
+    local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $self->_INC2PERL5LIB;
+    open my $h,'-|',$self->_command_line($file) or return undef;
+    return $h;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/Straps/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package IMPL::Test::Straps::ShellExecutor;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Serializable);
+if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+    require Win32::Console;
+sub Execute {
+    my ($this,$file) = @_;
+    my $h;
+    if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
+        Win32::Console::OutputCP(65001);
+        unless ( open $h,'-|',$file ) {
+           return undef;
+        }
+        binmode $h,':encoding(utf-8)';
+    } else {
+        unless ( open $h,'-|',$file ) {
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+    return $h; 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package IMPL::Test::TAPListener;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Serializable);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Test::Result;
+    private property _Output => prop_all;
+    private property _testNo => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$out) = @_;
+    $this->_Output($out || *STDOUT);
+    $this->_testNo(1);
+sub RunPlan {
+    my ($this,$plan) = @_;
+    my $out = $this->_Output;
+    print $out "1..",$plan->Count,"\n";
+sub EndPlan {
+sub RunUnit {
+    my ($this,$unit) = @_;
+    my $out = $this->_Output;
+    print $out "#\n",join("\n",map "# $_", split /\n/, "Running unit: " . $unit->UnitName, ),"\n#\n";
+sub EndUnit {
+sub RunTest {
+sub EndTest {
+    my ($this,$test,$result) = @_;
+    my $out = $this->_Output;
+    my $n = $this->_testNo;
+    $this->_testNo($n+1);
+    print $out (
+            $result->State == IMPL::Test::Result::SUCCESS ?
+            "ok $n " . join("\n# ", split(/\n/, $result->Name) )
+                :
+            "not ok $n " . (eval { $result->Exception->isa('IMPL::Test::SkipException') } ? '# SKIP ' : '') . join("\n# ", split(/\n/, $result->Name."\n".$result->Exception || '') )
+        ),"\n";
+sub save {
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Test/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+package IMPL::Test::Unit;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
+use Error qw(:try);
+use IMPL::Test::Result;
+use IMPL::Test::FailException;
+use IMPL::Exception;
+    public property Name => prop_all;
+    public property Code => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$info) = @_;
+    die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("TestInfo should be supplied as an argument") unless $info;
+    $this->Name($info->Name || 'Annon');
+    $this->Code($info->Code)or die new IMPL::InvalidOperationException("Can't create test without entry point");
+sub UnitName {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->toString;
+sub Setup {
+    1;
+sub Cleanup {
+    1;
+sub StartUnit {
+    my $class = shift;
+    return {};
+sub InitTest {
+    my ($this,$session) = @_;
+    $this->$_($session->{$_}) foreach map $_->DataList, $this->get_meta('IMPL::Test::Unit::SharedData');
+sub FinishUnit {
+    my ($class,$session) = @_;
+    1;
+sub List {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->get_meta('IMPL::Test::Unit::TestInfo',undef,1); # deep search with no criteria
+sub Run {
+    my ($this,$session) = @_;
+    my $t = [gettimeofday];
+    return try {
+        $this->InitTest($session);
+        $this->Setup;
+        my $code = $this->Code;
+        my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
+        my $elapsed;
+        try {
+            $this->$code();
+            $elapsed = tv_interval ( $t0 );
+        } finally {
+            # we need to call Cleanup anyway
+            $this->Cleanup;
+        };
+        return new IMPL::Test::Result(
+            Name => $this->Name,
+            State => IMPL::Test::Result::SUCCESS,
+            TimeExclusive => $elapsed,
+            TimeInclusive => tv_interval ( $t )
+        );
+    } catch IMPL::Test::FailException with {
+        my $e = shift;
+        return new IMPL::Test::Result(
+            Name => $this->Name,
+            State => IMPL::Test::Result::FAIL,
+            Exception => $e,
+            TimeInclusive => tv_interval ( $t )
+        );
+    } otherwise {
+        my $e = shift;
+        return new IMPL::Test::Result(
+            Name => $this->Name,
+            State => IMPL::Test::Result::ERROR,
+            Exception => $e,
+            TimeInclusive => tv_interval ( $t )
+        );
+    }
+package IMPL::Test::Unit::TestInfo;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Meta);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+require IMPL::Exception;
+    public property Name => prop_all;
+    public property Code => prop_all;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$code) = @_;
+    $this->Name($name);
+    $this->Code($code) or die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("The Code is a required parameter");
+package IMPL::Test::Unit::SharedData;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object::Meta);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+    public property DataList => prop_all | prop_list;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->DataList(\@_);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package IMPL::Transform;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object IMPL::Object::Autofill);
+use IMPL::Class::Property;
+use IMPL::Class::Property::Direct;
+    protected _direct property Templates => prop_all;
+    protected _direct property Default => prop_all;
+    protected _direct property Plain => prop_all;
+sub Transform {
+    my ($this,$object) = @_;
+    if (not ref $object) {
+        die new IMPL::Exception("There is no the template for a plain value in the transform") unless $this->{$Plain};
+        my $template = $this->{$Plain};
+        return $this->$template($object);
+    } else {
+        my $template = $this->MatchTemplate($object) || $this->Default or die new IMPL::Transform::NoTransformException(ref $object);
+        return $this->$template($object);
+    }
+sub MatchTemplate {
+    my ($this,$object) = @_;
+    my $class = ref $object;
+    foreach my $tClass ( keys %{$this->Templates || {}} ) {
+        return $this->Templates->{$tClass} if ($tClass eq $class);
+    }
+package IMPL::Transform::NoTransformException;
+use base qw(IMPL::Exception);
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+my $obj = new AnyObject;
+my $t = new Transform (
+    AnyClass => sub {
+        my ($this,$object) = @_;
+        return new NewClass({ Name => $object->name, Document => $this->Transform($object->Data) })
+    },
+    DocClass => sub {
+        my ($this,$object) = @_;
+        return new DocPreview(Author => $object->Author, Text => $object->Data);
+    }
+=head1 Summary
+����������� ������ ������������ � ����� � �������� ������� ��������� ����������� ��������������.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Tree/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+package IMPL::Tree::Batch;
+use strict;
+use base qw(IMP::Object);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package Mailer;
+use strict;
+use Encode qw (encode);
+use Encode::MIME::Header;
+use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
+use Email::Simple;
+sub DeliverMessage {
+    my $message = shift;
+    $message = shift if $message eq __PACKAGE__ or ref $message eq __PACKAGE__;
+    my $email = new Email::Simple($message);
+    $email->header_set('Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'base64');
+    $email->header_set('MIME-Version' => '1.0') if !$email->header('MIME-Version');
+    $email->header_set('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"');
+    my $raw = $email->body();
+    utf8::encode($raw) if utf8::is_utf8($raw);
+    $email->body_set(encode_base64($raw));
+    foreach my $field ($email->header_names()) {
+        $email->header_set($field, map { encode('MIME-Header', utf8::is_utf8($_) ? $_ : Encode::decode('utf-8',$_) ) } $email->header($field) );
+    }
+    return SendMail($email,@_);
+sub _find_sendmail {
+    return $SENDMAIL if defined $SENDMAIL;
+    my @path = split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
+    my $sendmail;
+    for (@path) {
+        if ( -x "$_/sendmail" ) {
+            $sendmail = "$_/sendmail";
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    return $sendmail;
+sub SendMail {
+    my ($message, %args) = @_;
+    my $mailer = _find_sendmail;
+    local *SENDMAIL;
+    if( $args{'TestFile'} ) {
+        open SENDMAIL, '>', $args{TestFile} or die "Failed to open $args{TestFile}: $!";
+        binmode(SENDMAIL);
+        print SENDMAIL "X-SendMail-Cmd: sendmail ",join(' ',%args),"\n";
+    } else {
+        my @args = %args;
+        die "sendmail not found" unless $mailer;
+        die "Found $mailer but cannot execute it"
+        unless -x $mailer;
+        open SENDMAIL, "| $mailer -t -oi @args"
+            or die "Error executing $mailer: $!";
+    }
+    print SENDMAIL $message->as_string
+        or die "Error printing via pipe to $mailer: $!";
+    close SENDMAIL;
+    return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/ObjectStore/CDBI/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+package ObjectStore::CDBI::Users;
+use Common;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $Namespace;
+our $DataModule;
+our $Prefix = $Namespace ? $Namespace.'::' : '';
+if ($DataModule) {
+    $DataModule =~ s/::/\//g;
+    $DataModule .= '.pm';
+    require $DataModule;
+    DeclareProperty DSNamespace => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$DSNamespace} = $args{'DSNamespace'};
+sub ClassName {
+    return $_[0]->{$DSNamespace} ? $_[0]->{$DSNamespace}. $_[1] : $_[1];
+sub FindUser {
+    my ($this,$uname) = @_;
+    my @Users = $this->ClassName('Principal')->search(Name => $uname);
+    return shift @Users;
+sub CreateUser {
+    my ($this,$uname,$description,$active) = @_;
+    if (my $user = $this->FindUser($uname)) {
+        die new Exception("The user is already exists",$uname);
+    } else {
+        return $this->ClassName('Principal')->insert({Name => $uname, Description => $description, Active => $active});
+    }
+sub DeleteUser {
+    my ($this,$objUser) = @_;
+    $objUser->delete;
+sub GetUserAuthData {
+    my ($this,$objUser,$objSecPackage) = @_;
+    my @Data = $this->ClassName('AuthData')->search(User => $objUser,Package => $objSecPackage->Name);
+    return $Data[0];
+sub SetUserAuthData {
+    my ($this,$objUser,$objSecPackage,$objAuthData) = @_;
+    if (my $AuthData = $this->GetUserAuthData($objUser,$objSecPackage)) {
+        $AuthData->AuthData(objAuthData->SessionAuthData);
+        $AuthData->update;
+    } else {
+        $this->ClassName('AuthData')->insert({ User => $objUser, Package => $objSecPackage->Name, AuthData => $objAuthData->SessionAuthData});
+    }
+sub CreateSession {
+    my ($this,$SSID,$objUser,$objAuthData) = @_;
+    my $session = $this->ClassName('Session')->insert({SSID => $SSID, User => $objUser, SecData => $objAuthData->SessionAuthData, LastUsage => DateTime->now() });
+    $session->autoupdate(1);
+    return $session;
+sub CloseSession {
+    my ($this,$objSession) = @_;
+    $objSession->delete;
+sub LoadSession {
+    my ($this,$SSID) = @_;
+    my @Data = $this->ClassName('Session')->search(SSID => $SSID);
+    if ($Data[0]) {
+        $Data[0]->autoupdate(1);
+        return $Data[0];
+    }
+sub construct {
+    return __PACKAGE__->new(DSNamespace => $Prefix);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+package PerfCounter;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(&GetTimeCounter &StartTimeCounter &StopTimeCounter &SetDBIPerfCounter);
+our %Counters;
+sub Reset() {
+    $_->Reset foreach values %Counters;
+sub GetTimeCounter {
+    my $counter = $Counters{$_[0]};
+    die new Exception("'$_[0]' already exists and isn't a time counter.") if ref $counter and ref $counter ne 'PerfInterval';
+    if (not ref $counter) {
+        $counter = new PerfInterval;
+        $Counters{$_[0]} = $counter;
+    }
+    return $counter;
+sub StartTimeCounter {
+    my $counter = GetTimeCounter($_[0]);
+    if (not $counter->IsOpened) {
+        $counter->OpenInterval;
+    }
+sub StopTimeCounter {
+    my $counter = GetTimeCounter($_[0]);
+    if ($counter->IsOpened) {
+        $counter->CloseInterval;
+    }
+sub SetDBIPerfCounter{
+    my ($dbh,$name) = @_;
+    $name ||= 'DBI';
+    $Counters{$name} = DBIPerfomance->new(DBH => $dbh);
+package PerfInterval;
+use Common;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = bless { StartTime => scalar(gettimeofday()) }, $class;
+    return $self;
+sub CloseInterval {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (not $this->{'EndTime'}) {    
+        $this->{'EndTime'} = scalar(gettimeofday());    
+        $this->{'Value'} += $this->{'EndTime'} - $this->{'StartTime'};
+    }
+    return $this->{'Value'};
+sub Value {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (not $this->{'EndTime'}) {
+        return sprintf ( '%.3f+',scalar(gettimeofday()) - $this->{'StartTime'});
+    } else {
+        return sprintf ( '%.3f',$this->{'Value'});
+    }
+sub Add {
+    my ($this,$interval) = @_;
+    if(ref $interval eq 'PerfInterval') {
+        $this->{'Value'} += $interval->{'Value'};
+    } else {
+        $this->{'Value'} += $interval;
+    }
+    return $this->{'Value'};
+sub IsOpened {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return( not $this->{'EndTime'} );
+sub OpenInterval {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->{'StartTime'} = gettimeofday();
+    delete $this->{'EndTime'};
+    return 1;
+sub Reset {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->CloseInterval();
+    $this->{'Value'} = 0;
+package DBIPerfomance;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty DBH => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this=shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->DBH->{Profile} = 6;
+sub Reset {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->DBH->{Profile} = 6;
+sub Value {
+    my ($this,%opt) = @_;
+    my $infoSelect = { count => 0, time => 0};
+    my $infoUpdate = { count => 0, time => 0};
+    my $infoTotal;
+    foreach my $stmt (grep /^SELECT/i,keys %{$this->DBH->{Profile}->{Data} || {}}) {
+        $infoSelect->{'count'} += $this->DBH->{Profile}{Data}{$stmt}{execute}[0] || 0;
+        $infoSelect->{'time'} += $this->DBH->{Profile}{Data}{$stmt}{execute}[1] || 0;
+    }
+    foreach my $stmt (grep /^UPDATE/i,keys %{$this->DBH->{Profile}->{Data} || {}}) {
+        $infoUpdate->{'count'} += $this->DBH->{Profile}{Data}{$stmt}{execute}[0] || 0;
+        $infoUpdate->{'time'} += $this->DBH->{Profile}{Data}{$stmt}{execute}[1] || 0;
+    }
+    $infoTotal->{'count'} = $infoSelect->{'count'} + $infoUpdate->{'count'};
+    $infoTotal->{'time'} = $infoSelect->{'time'} + $infoUpdate->{'time'};
+    if ($opt{'extended'}) {
+        return ($infoSelect,$infoUpdate,$infoTotal);
+    } else {
+        return sprintf( '%i (%.2f)', $infoTotal->{count},$infoTotal->{time} );
+    }
+sub Queries {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return [ map { "$this->{$DBH}{Profile}{Data}{$_}{execute}[0] x $_"} sort grep $_, keys %{$this->DBH->{Profile}->{Data}}];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+package Schema;
+package Schema::TypeName;
+package Schema::Type;
+package Schema::Template;
+package Schema::TemplateSpec;
+package Schema::Member;
+package Schema::Property;
+package Schema::TypeName;
+use Common;
+#our @ISA = qw(Object);
+# ����� �������������� ������������������, �������� ������ ������� ��� �������
+# ���� � ������ ��� ��� �������������
+# �������
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $this;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my @list = map { ref $_ eq 'Schema::TypeName' ? $_ : new Schema::TypeName($_) } @_;
+    die new Exception('TypeName soud be a simple identifier',$name) if not $name =~ /^\w+$/;
+    if (@list) {
+        $this = bless {}, $class;
+        $this->{Name} = $name;
+        $this->{TemplateList} = \@list if @list;
+    } else {
+        $this = bless \$name, $class;
+    }
+    return $this;
+sub Name {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return (UNIVERSAL::isa($this,'HASH') ? $this->{Name} : $$this);
+sub Simple {
+    return $_[0]->Name;
+# ������ ���������� ����
+sub TemplateList {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return (UNIVERSAL::isa($this,'HASH') ? (wantarray ? @{$this->{TemplateList}} : $this->{TemplateList} ) : (wantarray ? return () : undef));
+# ��� ���� �������� ������ �������
+sub isTemplateSpec {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return( UNIVERSAL::isa($this,'HASH') ? 1 : 0 );
+sub CanonicalName {
+    my $this = shift;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($this,'HASH')) {
+        if (my $result = $this->{SavedCanonicalName}) {
+            $result;
+        } else {
+            $result = $this->{Name};
+            $result .= '@'. join('#',map {ref $_ eq __PACKAGE__ ? $_->CanonicalName : $_} @{$this->{TemplateList}}) . '@@';
+            $this->{SavedCanonicalName} = $result;
+        }
+    } else {
+        $$this;
+    }
+sub Canonical {
+    return $_[0]->CanonicalName;
+# �� ������������ ����� ��������� ����� � �������
+# ��� ��-�� ������, �����:
+# MyClass { Hash<int> my_map; }, ������ ���������� ��� Hahs<int> ��� ��������������� � �� ����� ����� ���������������
+# DoNotCreate ��� ������������� ������� ������ ������������� ������
+sub Resolve {
+    my ($this,$TypeTable,$DoNotCreate) = @_;
+    if (my $type = $TypeTable->ResolveType($this,$DoNotCreate)) {
+        # ��������������, ��� ����� ������������� ������� ������ ������ �� �������������� ������� ����
+        return $type;
+    } else {
+        if ($this->isTemplateSpec) {
+            return new Schema::TemplateSpec($this->Name,map {ref $_ eq __PACKAGE__ ? $_->Resolve($TypeTable,$DoNotCreate) : Schema::TypeName->new($_)->Resolve($TypeTable,$DoNotCreate)} @{$this->{TemplateList}} );
+        } else {
+            die new Exception("Simple type not found", $this->Name);
+        }
+    }
+package Schema::TypeTable;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Table => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(NextTable => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$nextTable) = @_;
+    $this->{$NextTable} = $nextTable;
+sub ResolveType {
+    my ($this,$TypeName,@args) = @_;
+    if (my $Type = $this->{$Table}->{$TypeName->CanonicalName}) {
+        return $Type;
+    } elsif($this->{$NextTable}) {
+        return $this->{$NextTable}->ResolveType($TypeName,@args);
+    } else {
+        return undef;
+    }
+sub RegisterType {
+    my ($this,$Type) = @_;
+    if (not $this->{$Table}->{$Type->Name->CanonicalName}) {
+        $this->{$Table}->{$Type->Name->CanonicalName} = $Type;
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("A type already registered",$Type->Name->CanonicalName);
+    }
+sub _ListTypes {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return values %{$this->{$Table}};
+sub Dispose {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $_->Dispose foreach values %{$this->{$Table} ? $this->{$Table} : {} };
+    delete $this->{$Table};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+# ������������� ������� - ��� ��� ����������������� ������� � ���������, ������� ����� ��� �������� (����� ������� ����������)
+# ������������� ������� ����������� ��������� �������� ������������������ ������, ������� �� ���� ����� �������� ��������
+# ���� ������������� ������, �� ����� ������� ��������� �������, ������ ����������� ���
+package Schema::TemplateSpec;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Parameters => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(TemplateList => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$templateName,@typeList) = @_;
+    my %Params;
+    $this->{$TemplateList} = \@typeList;
+    # ��������� ��������� ������ �������������
+    my @nameList;
+    foreach $typeItem (@typeList) {
+        map { $Params{$_->Name} = $_ } @{$typeItem->Parameters} if $typeItem->isTemplate;
+        push @nameList, $typeItem->Name;
+    }
+    $this->{$Parameters} = [ values %Params ];
+    $this->{$Name} = new Schema::TypeName($templateName,@nameList);
+sub isTemplate {
+    1;
+sub canInstantinate {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (@{$this->{$Parameters}}) {
+        0;
+    } else {
+        1;
+    }
+sub Specialize {
+    my ($this,$refParams,$TypeTable) = @_;
+    my @specializedList = map {$_->isTemplate && !$_->canInstantinate ? $_->Specialize($refParams,$TypeTable) : $_ } @{$this->{$TemplateList}};
+    if ($TypeTable) {
+        my $TypeName = new Schema::TypeName($this->Name->Name,map {$_->Name} @specializedList);
+        my $templateSpec = $TypeTable->ResolveType($TypeName);
+        if (not $templateSpec) {
+            $templateSpec = new Schema::TemplateSpec($this->Name->Name,@specializedList);
+            $TypeTable->RegisterType($templateSpec);
+        }
+        return $templateSpec;
+    } else {
+        return new Schema::TemplateSpec($this->Name->Name,@specializedList);
+    }
+# �������� �������
+# �� ���� �������� �������� ���� Param_Name<T> -> T;
+package Schema::Parameter;
+sub new {
+    my $TypeName = new Schema::TypeName($_[1]);
+    bless \$TypeName,$_[0];
+sub Name {
+    ${shift()};
+sub Specialize {
+    my ($this,$refArgs) = @_;
+    return $refArgs->{$$this->Name};
+sub isTemplate {
+    1;
+sub canInstantinate {
+    0;
+sub Parameters {
+    if (wantarray) {
+        shift;
+    } else {
+        [shift];
+    }
+# ���� ������
+package Schema::Member;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $Abstract = 1;
+    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my($this,$name) =  @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $name;
+# ���� ������ - ��������.
+# �������� ����� ���� ��������, ���� �������� �������� ��� ���
+package Schema::Property;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Schema::Member);
+    DeclareProperty(Type => ACCESS_READ);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$type) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR($name);
+    $this->{$Type} = $type or die new Exception("A type for the property must be specified",$name);
+sub isTemplate {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return $this->{$Type}->isTemplate;
+sub canInstantinate {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return $this->{$Type}->canInstantinate;
+sub Instantinate {
+    my ($this,$Schema) = @_;
+    return new Schema::Property($this->Name,$Schema->Instantinate($this->{$Type}));
+sub Specialize {
+    my ($this,$refParams,$TypeTable) = @_;
+    return new Schema::Property($this->Name,$this->{$Type}->Specialize($refParams,$TypeTable));
+# ���, ��������� ��� �������
+package Schema::Type;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Schema => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Members => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(BaseList => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(Attributes => ACCESS_READ); #hash of attributes
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$argSchema,$name) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = ref $name eq 'Schema::TypeName' ? $name : new Schema::TypeName($name);
+    $this->{$Schema} = $argSchema;
+sub isTemplate {
+    0;
+sub Equals {
+    my ($this,$other) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($other,'Schema::Type')) {
+        return ($this->Name->CanonicalName eq $other->Name->CanonicalName);
+    } else {
+        return 1;
+    }
+sub CreateProperty {
+    my ($this,$PropName,$TypeName) = @_;
+    $PropType = $this->_ResolveType($TypeName);
+    return new Schema::Property($PropName,$PropType);
+sub AddBase {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    $type = $this->_ResolveType($type);
+    not $type->isType($this) or die new Exception('Cant derive from the class which is derived from self', $this->Name->CanonicalName, $type->Name->CanonicalName);
+    push @{$this->{$BaseList}},$type;
+sub isType {
+    my ($this,$type,$maxlevel) = @_;
+    return 0 if defined $maxlevel and $maxlevel < 0;
+    my $typeName = UNIVERSAL::isa($type,'Schema::Type') ? $type->Name : $type ;
+    return (
+        $this->{$Name}->CanonicalName eq $typeName->CanonicalName ?
+            1
+        :
+            scalar (grep {$_->isType($typeName,defined $maxlevel ? $maxlevel - 1 : undef)} $this->BaseList)
+    );
+sub ValidateType {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    die new Exception('Can\'t use an unspecialized template',$type->Name->CanonicalName) if ($type->isa('Schema::TypeTemplate'));
+    if ($type->isTemplate and not $type->canInstantinate) {
+        die new Exception('Cant use a not fully specialized template in a simple type',$type->Name->CanonicalName, $this->Name->Name) if not $this->isTemplate;
+        my %Params = map {$_->Name->Name() , 1} @{$this->Parameters};
+        my @Unresolved = grep {not $Params{$_->Name->Name}} @{$type->Parameters()};
+        die new Exception('Not all parameters can be rsolved',map {$_->Name->Name} @Unresolved) if @Unresolved;
+    }
+sub InsertProperty {
+    my ($this,$PropName,$PropType) = @_;
+    $PropType = $this->_ResolveType($PropType);
+    my $prop = new Schema::Property($PropName,$PropType);
+    push @{$this->{$Members}}, $prop;
+    return $prop;
+sub AddMember {
+    my ($this,$member) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$Members}},$member;
+sub GetTypeTable {
+    my $this = shift;
+    return $this->{$Schema};
+sub _ResolveType {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    if ($type->isa('Schema::TypeName')) {
+        $type = $type->Resolve($this->GetTypeTable());
+    } elsif ($type->isa('Schema::Type') or $type->isa('Schema::TemplateSpec')) {
+        $this->ValidateType($type);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Invalid type',$type);
+    }
+    $type = $this->{$Schema}->Instantinate($type) if ($type->isTemplate and $type->canInstantinate and not $this->isTemplate);
+    return $type;
+sub ListMembers {
+    my ($this,%options) = @_;
+    my @members;
+    if ($options{'foreign'}) {
+        push @members, $_->isa('Schema::Type') ? $_->ListMembers(%options) : () foreach @{$this->{$BaseList} ? $this->{$BaseList} : []};
+    }
+    push @members, @{$this->{$Members} ? $this->{$Members} : []};
+    return @members;
+sub FindMembers {
+    my ($this,$memberName,%options) = @_;
+    my @members = grep { $_->Name eq $memberName} @{$this->{$Members} ? $this->{$Members} : []};
+    if ($options{'deep'}) {
+        push @members,$_->ListMembers(%options) foreach @{$this->{$BaseList} ? $this->{$BaseList} : []};
+    }
+    if(wantarray) {
+        return @members;
+    } else {
+        return shift @members;
+    }
+sub SetAttributes {
+    my ($this,%attributes) = @_;
+    while (my ($key,$value) = each %attributes) {
+        $this->{$Attributes}{$key} = $value;
+    }
+sub GetAttribute {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Attributes}{$name};
+sub _dump {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->Name->CanonicalName;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    undef %{$this};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+# ������ - ���������������� ���
+package Schema::Template;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Schema::Type);
+    DeclareProperty(Parameters => ACCESS_READ);
+    DeclareProperty(LocalTypes => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$Schema,$name,@args) = @_;
+    # ��������� �� �������� ������ �����
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR($Schema,$name);
+    $this->{$Parameters} = [ map {new Schema::Parameter($_) } @args ];
+    my $TypeTable = new Schema::TypeTable($Schema);
+    $TypeTable->RegisterType($_) foreach @{$this->{$Parameters} };
+    $this->{$LocalTypes} = $TypeTable;
+sub GetTypeTable {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$LocalTypes};
+sub isTemplate {
+    1;
+sub Specialize {
+    my ($this,$refArgs,$TypeTable) = @_;
+    my @specializedList = map {$_->Specialize($refArgs)} @{$this->{$Parameters}};
+    # ������� ������������� �������
+    my $specializedType;
+    if ($TypeTable) {
+        my $TypeName = new Schema::TypeName($this->Name->Name,map {$_->Name} @specializedList);
+        if(my $specializedType = $TypeTable->ResolveType($TypeName)) {
+            return $specializedType;
+        } else {
+            $specializedType = new Schema::TemplateSpec($this->Name->Name, @specializedList );
+            $TypeTable->RegisterType($specializedType);
+            return $specializedType;
+        }
+    } else {
+        return new Schema::TemplateSpec($this->Name->Name, @specializedList );
+    }
+sub canInstantinate {
+    0;
+# �������� ���������� �������.
+# ������� ������ = ��������� ��� ����������������
+# ��������� ����� ���������� ������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� ���������� �� �����
+sub Instantinate {
+    my ($this,$refArgs,$instance) = @_;
+    my %ParamInstances;
+    my @TemplateListNames;
+    foreach my $param (@{$this->{$Parameters}}) {
+        my $type = $refArgs->{$param->Name->Name};
+        die new Exception("Parameter not specified",$param->Name->Name) if not $type;
+        if ($type->isTemplate) {
+            if ($type->canInstantinate) {
+                $type = $this->Schema->Instantinate($type);
+            } else {
+                die new Exception("Parameter must be a fully speciazlied type",$param->Name->Name);
+            }
+        }
+        $ParamInstances{$param->Name->Name} = $type;
+        push @TemplateListNames, $type->Name;
+    }
+    # ��������� ������������ ����� �������� ����, ��������� � �������� ����
+    # ������ ������� ��������� ������� ����� ���, ��� ������� ���������� ����
+    $instance = $this->Schema->CreateType( new Schema::TypeName($this->Name->Name,@TemplateListNames) ) if not $instance;
+    $instance->SetAttributes(%{$this->Attributes}) if $this->Attributes;
+    $instance->SetAttributes(
+        TemplateInstance => {
+            Template => $this,
+            Parameters => \%ParamInstances
+        }
+    );
+    foreach my $Ancestor ($this->BaseList) {
+        $instance->AddBase(
+            $Ancestor->isTemplate ?
+                ( $Ancestor->canInstantinate ?
+                    $this->Schema->Instantinate($Ancestor)
+                    :
+                    $this->Schema->Instantinate($Ancestor->Specialize(\%ParamInstances,$this->GetTypeTable))
+                )
+                :
+                $Ancestor
+        );
+    }
+    foreach my $Member ($this->Members) {
+        $instance->AddMember(
+            $Member->isTemplate ?
+                ($Member->canInstantinate ?
+                    $Member->Instantinate($this->Schema)
+                    :
+                    $Member->Specialize(\%ParamInstances,$this->GetTypeTable)->Instantinate($this->Schema)
+                )
+                :
+                $Member
+        );
+    }
+    return $instance;
+sub _ResolveType {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    if ($type->isa('Schema::TypeName')) {
+        $type = $type->Resolve($this->GetTypeTable());
+        if (not $this->{$LocalTypes}->ResolveType($type->Name)) {
+            $this->{$LocalTypes}->RegisterType($type);
+        }
+    } elsif ($type->isa('Schema::Type') or $type->isa('Schema::TemplateSpec')) {
+        $this->ValidateType($type);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Invalid type',$type);
+    }
+    return $type;
+package Schema;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Schema::TypeTable);
+    DeclareProperty(PendingInstances => ACCESS_NONE);
+    DeclareProperty(UnresolvedTypes => ACCESS_NONE);
+sub CTOR {
+# ����� ������������� ������� ������ ������ �� �������������� ������� ����
+sub ResolveType {
+    my ($this,$TypeName,$DoNotCreate) = @_;
+    if (my $type = $this->SUPER::ResolveType($TypeName)) {
+        return $type;
+    } else {
+        if (not $TypeName->isTemplateSpec and not $DoNotCreate) {
+            $type = new Schema::Type($this,$TypeName);
+            $this->RegisterType($type);
+            $this->{$UnresolvedTypes}->{$TypeName->CanonicalName} = $TypeName;
+            return $type;
+        } else {
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+sub CreateType {
+    my ($this,$TypeName) = @_;
+    $TypeName = new Schema::TypeName($TypeName) if ref $TypeName ne 'Schema::TypeName';
+    if (my $type = $this->SUPER::ResolveType($TypeName)) {
+        if ($this->{$UnresolvedTypes}->{$TypeName->CanonicalName}) {
+            delete $this->{$UnresolvedTypes}->{$TypeName->CanonicalName};
+            return $type;
+        } else {
+            die new Exception("Type already exists",$TypeName->CanonicalName);
+        }
+    } else {
+        $type = new Schema::Type($this,$TypeName);
+        $this->SUPER::RegisterType($type);
+        return $type;
+    }
+sub CreateTemplate {
+    my ($this,$TemplateName,@ParamNames) = @_;
+    die new Exception("Parameters required for the template") if not @ParamNames;
+    if (ref $TemplateName eq 'Schema::TypeName') {
+        die new Exception('Template specialization is not valid name for a new template',$TemplateName->CanonicalName) if $TemplateName->isTemplateSpec;
+    } else {
+        $TemplateName = new Schema::TypeName($TemplateName);
+    }
+    if (my $type = $this->SUPER::ResolveType($TemplateName)) {
+        die new Exception('Type already exists');
+    } else {
+        $type = new Schema::Template($this,$TemplateName,@ParamNames);
+        $this->SUPER::RegisterType($type);
+        return $type;
+    }
+# �������� ���������� �������
+# ��������� ����� ������ ���, ����������� � PendingInstances
+sub Instantinate {
+    my ($this,$TemplateSpec) = @_;
+    # ��� ������������� ������� �����: T m_var; ������� ��� ������������� real_type m_var; � �� �������� ������� ��� �� �������������,
+    # ��� � ���������
+    return $TemplateSpec if not $TemplateSpec->isTemplate;
+    die new Exception('Only a template specialization can be instantinated') if ref $TemplateSpec ne 'Schema::TemplateSpec';
+    die new Exception('Only fully specialized template can be instantinated') if not $TemplateSpec->canInstantinate;
+    my $TypeName = $TemplateSpec->Name;
+    if (my $type = $this->SUPER::ResolveType($TypeName)) {
+        return $type;
+    } else {
+        $type = new Schema::Type($this,$TypeName);
+        $this->SUPER::RegisterType($type);
+        push @{$this->{$PendingInstances}},[$TemplateSpec,$type];
+        return $type;
+    }
+sub Close {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (keys %{$this->{$UnresolvedTypes}}) {
+        die new Exception('Some type definitions are absent',keys %{$this->{$UnresolvedTypes}});
+    }
+    if ($this->{$PendingInstances}) {
+        while( my $ref = shift @{$this->{$PendingInstances}} ) {
+            my ($spec,$instance) = @$ref;
+            if (my $typeTemplate = $this->SUPER::ResolveType( new Schema::TypeName($spec->Name->Name) )) {
+                die new Exception('Can\'t instantinate a specialization of the simple type',$instance->Name->CanonicalName) if not $typeTemplate->isTemplate;
+                if (scalar(@{$typeTemplate->Parameters}) == scalar(@{$spec->TemplateList})) {
+                    my @Params = @{$typeTemplate->Parameters};
+                    $typeTemplate->Instantinate({map { (shift @Params)->Name->Name, $_ } @{$spec->TemplateList}},$instance);
+                } else {
+                    die new Exception('A template parameters doesn\'t match to the specialization list',$instance->Name->CanonicalName);
+                }
+            } else {
+                die new Exception('Can\'t instantinate a specialization, the specified template isn\'t found', $instance->Name->CanonicalName);
+            }
+        }
+        delete $this->{$PendingInstances};
+    }
+sub EnumTypes {
+    my ($this,%options) = @_;
+    return grep { ($_->isTemplate and not $options{'skip_templates'}) or (not $_->isTemplate and not $options{'skip_classes'}) } $this->_ListTypes;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete $this->{$UnresolvedTypes};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use strict;
+package Schema::DB;
+use Common;
+use Schema::DB::Table;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Version => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Tables => ACCESS_READ;
+sub AddTable {
+    my ($this,$table) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($table,'Schema::DB::Table')) {
+        $table->Schema == $this or die new Exception('The specified table must belong to the database');
+        not exists $this->{$Tables}->{$table->Name} or die new Exception('a table with the same name already exists in the database');
+    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($table,'HASH')) {
+        not exists $this->{$Tables}->{$table->{'Name'}} or die new Exception('a table with the same name already exists in the database');
+        $table->{'Schema'} = $this;
+        $table = new Schema::DB::Table(%{$table});
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Either a table object or a hash with table parameters is required');
+    }
+    $this->{$Tables}{$table->Name} = $table;
+sub RemoveTable {
+    my ($this,$table) = @_;
+    my $tn = UNIVERSAL::isa($table,'Schema::DB::Table') ? $table->Name : $table;
+    $table = delete $this->{$Tables}{$tn} or die new Exception('The table doesn\'t exists',$tn);
+    # drop foreign keys
+    map { $_->Table->RemoveConstraint($_) } values %{$table->PrimaryKey->ConnectedFK} if $table->PrimaryKey;
+    # drop table contents
+    $table->Dispose();
+    return 1;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $_->Dispose foreach values %{$this->{$Tables}};
+    delete $this->{$Tables};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package Schema::DB::Column;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Type => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty CanBeNull => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DefaultValue => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Tag => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->{$Name} or die new Exception('a column name is required');
+    $this->{$CanBeNull} = 0 if not exists $this->{$CanBeNull};
+    UNIVERSAL::isa($this->{$Type},'Schema::DB::Type') or die new Exception('a type is required for the column',$this->{$Name});
+sub isEqualsStr {
+    my ($a,$b) = @_;
+    if (defined $a and defined $b) {
+        return $a eq $b;
+    } else {
+        if (defined $a or defined $b) {
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+sub isEquals {
+    my ($a,$b) = @_;
+    if (defined $a and defined $b) {
+        return $a == $b;
+    } else {
+        if (defined $a or defined $b) {
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+sub isSame {
+    my ($this,$other) = @_;
+    return ($this->{$Name} eq $other->{$Name} and $this->{$CanBeNull} == $other->{$CanBeNull} and isEqualsStr($this->{$DefaultValue}, $other->{$DefaultValue}) and $this->{$Type}->isSame($other->{$Type}));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Schema::DB::Constraint;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Table => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Columns => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    die new Exception("The table argument must be an instance of a table object") if not UNIVERSAL::isa($args{'Table'},'Schema::DB::Table');
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'};
+    $this->{$Table} = $args{'Table'};
+    $this->{$Columns} = [map { ResolveColumn($this->Table,$_) } @{$args{'Columns'}}];
+sub ResolveColumn {
+    my ($Table,$Column) = @_;
+    my $cn = UNIVERSAL::isa($Column,'Schema::DB::Column') ? $Column->Name : $Column;
+    my $resolved = $Table->Column($cn);
+    die new Exception("The column is not found in the table", $cn, $Table->Name) if not $resolved;
+    return $resolved;
+sub HasColumn {
+    my ($this,@Columns) = @_;
+    my %Columns = map { $_, 1} @Columns;
+    return scalar(grep { $Columns{$_->Name} } $this->Columns) == scalar(@Columns);
+sub UniqName {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Table}->Name.'_'.$this->{$Name};
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete @$this{$Table,$Columns};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::DB::Constraint);
+    DeclareProperty ReferencedPrimaryKey => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty OnDelete => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty OnUpdate => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(%args);
+    die new Eexception("Referenced table must be an instance of a table object") if not UNIVERSAL::isa($args{'ReferencedTable'},'Schema::DB::Table');
+    die new Exception("Referenced columns must be a not empty list of columns") if not UNIVERSAL::isa($args{'ReferencedColumns'},'ARRAY') or not scalar(@{$args{'ReferencedColumns'}});
+    my @ReferencedColumns = map {Schema::DB::Constraint::ResolveColumn($args{'ReferencedTable'},$_)} @{$args{'ReferencedColumns'}};
+    my $ForeingPK = $args{'ReferencedTable'}->PrimaryKey or die new Exception('The referenced table doesn\'t have a primary key');
+    scalar (@ReferencedColumns) == scalar(@{$this->Columns}) or die new Exception('A foreing key columns doesn\'t match refenced columns');
+    my @ColumnsCopy = @ReferencedColumns;
+    die new Exception('A foreing key columns doesn\'t match refenced columns') if grep { not $_->Type->isSame((shift @ColumnsCopy)->Type)} $this->Columns;
+    @ColumnsCopy = @ReferencedColumns;
+    die new Exception('The foreign key must match to the primary key of the referenced table',$this->Name) if grep { not $_->Type->isSame(shift(@ColumnsCopy)->Type)} $ForeingPK->Columns;
+    $this->{$ReferencedPrimaryKey} = $ForeingPK;
+    $ForeingPK->ConnectFK($this);
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$ReferencedPrimaryKey}->DisconnectFK($this) if not $this->{$ReferencedPrimaryKey}->isa('Object::Disposed');
+    delete $this->{$ReferencedPrimaryKey};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+sub isSame {
+    my ($this,$other) = @_;
+    uc $this->OnDelete eq uc $other->OnDelete or return 0;
+    uc $this->OnUpdate eq uc $other->OnUpdate or return 0;
+    return $this->SUPER::isSame($other);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package Schema::DB::Constraint::Index;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::DB::Constraint);
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    my %colnames;
+    not grep { $colnames{$_}++ } $this->Columns or die new Exception('Each column in the index can occur only once');
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::DB::Constraint::Index);
+    DeclareProperty ConnectedFK => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(%args);
+    $this->{$ConnectedFK} = {};
+sub ConnectFK {
+    my ($this,$FK) = @_;
+    UNIVERSAL::isa($FK,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey') or die new Exception('Aprimary key could be connected only to a foreign key');
+    not exists $this->{$ConnectedFK}->{$FK->UniqName} or die new Exception('This primary key already conneted with the specified foreing key',$FK->Name,$FK->Table->Name);
+    $this->{$ConnectedFK}->{$FK->UniqName} = $FK;
+sub DisconnectFK {
+    my ($this,$FK) = @_;
+    delete $this->{$ConnectedFK}->{$FK->UniqName};
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete $this->{$ConnectedFK};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/Constraint/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::DB::Constraint::Index);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+use strict;
+package Schema::DB::Table;
+use Carp;
+use Common;
+use Schema::DB::Column;
+use Schema::DB::Constraint;
+use Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey;
+use Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+srand time;
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Schema => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Columns => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Constraints => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty ColumnsByName => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty PrimaryKey => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Tag => ACCESS_ALL;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'} or die new Exception('a table name is required');
+    $this->{$Schema} = $args{'Schema'} or die new Exception('a parent schema is required');
+sub InsertColumn {
+    my ($this,$column,$index) = @_;
+    $index = ($this->{$Columns} ? scalar(@{$this->{$Columns}}) : 0) if not defined $index;
+    die new Exception("Index is out of range") if ($index < 0 || $index > ($this->{$Columns} ? scalar(@{$this->{$Columns}}) : 0));
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($column,'Schema::DB::Column')) {
+    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($column,'HASH')) {
+        $column = new Schema::DB::Column(%{$column});
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("The invalid parameter");
+    }
+    if (exists $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$column->Name}) {
+        die new Exception("The column already exists",$column->name);
+    } else {
+        $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$column->Name} = $column;
+        splice @{$this->{$Columns}},$index,0,$column;
+    }
+    return $column;
+sub RemoveColumn {
+    my ($this,$NameOrColumn,$Force) = @_;
+    my $ColName;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($NameOrColumn,'Schema::DB::Column')) {
+        $ColName = $NameOrColumn->Name;
+    } elsif (not ref $NameOrColumn) {
+        $ColName = $NameOrColumn;
+    }
+    if (exists $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$ColName}) {
+        my $index = 0;
+        foreach my $column(@{$this->{$Columns}}) {
+            last if $column->Name eq $ColName;
+            $index++;
+        }
+        my $column = $this->{$Columns}[$index];
+        if (my @constraints = $this->GetColumnConstraints($column)){
+            $Force or die new Exception('Can\'t remove column which is used in the constraints',@constraints);
+            $this->RemoveConstraint($_) foreach @constraints;
+        }
+        my $removed = splice @{$this->{$Columns}},$index,1;
+        delete $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$ColName};
+        return $removed;
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("The column not found",$NameOrColumn->Name);
+    }
+sub Column {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    return $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$name};
+sub ColumnAt {
+    my ($this,$index) = @_;
+    die new Exception("The index is out of range") if $index < 0 || $index >= ($this->{$Columns} ? scalar(@{$this->{$Columns}}) : 0);
+    return $this->{$Columns}[$index];
+sub AddConstraint {
+    my ($this,$Constraint) = @_;
+    die new Exception('The invalid parameter') if not UNIVERSAL::isa($Constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint');
+    $Constraint->Table == $this or die new Exception('The constaint must belong to the target table');
+    if (exists $this->{$Constraints}->{$Constraint->Name}) {
+        die new Exception('The table already has the specified constraint',$Constraint->Name);
+    } else {
+        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($Constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey')) {
+            not $this->{$PrimaryKey} or die new Exception('The table already has a primary key');
+            $this->{$PrimaryKey} = $Constraint;
+        }
+        $this->{$Constraints}->{$Constraint->Name} = $Constraint;
+    }
+sub RemoveConstraint {
+    my ($this,$Constraint,$Force) = @_;
+    my $cn = UNIVERSAL::isa($Constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint') ? $Constraint->Name : $Constraint;
+    $Constraint = $this->{$Constraints}->{$cn} or die new Exception('The specified constraint doesn\'t exists',$cn);
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($Constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey')) {
+        not scalar keys %{$this->{$PrimaryKey}->ConnectedFK} or die new Exception('Can\'t remove Primary Key unless some foreign keys referenses it');
+        delete $this->{$PrimaryKey};
+    }
+    $Constraint->Dispose;
+    delete $this->{$Constraints}->{$cn};
+    return $cn;
+sub GetColumnConstraints {
+    my ($this,@Columns) = @_;
+    my @cn = map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_ ,'Schema::DB::Column') ? $_ ->Name : $_ } @Columns;
+    exists $this->{$ColumnsByName}->{$_} or die new Exception('The specified column isn\'t found',$_) foreach @cn;
+    return grep {$_->HasColumn(@cn)} values %{$this->{$Constraints}};
+sub SetPrimaryKey {
+    my ($this,@ColumnList) = @_;
+    $this->AddConstraint(new Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey(Name => $this->{$Name}.'_PK', Table => $this,Columns => \@ColumnList));
+sub LinkTo {
+    my ($this,$table,@ColumnList) = @_;
+    $table->PrimaryKey or die new Exception('The referenced table must have a primary key');
+    my $constraintName = $this->{$Name}.'_'.$table->Name.'_FK_'.join('_',map {ref $_ ? $_->Name : $_} @ColumnList);
+    $this->AddConstraint(new Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey(Name => $constraintName, Table => $this,Columns => \@ColumnList, ReferencedTable => $table, ReferencedColumns => scalar($table->PrimaryKey->Columns)));
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $_->Dispose() foreach values %{$this->{$Constraints}};
+    undef %{$this};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+package Schema::DB::Traits;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw (Object);
+use constant {
+    STATE_NORMAL => 0,
+    STATE_UPDATED => 1,
+    STATE_CREATED => 2,
+    STATE_REMOVED => 3,
+} ;
+    DeclareProperty SrcSchema => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty DstSchema => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty PendingActions => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty TableInfo => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Handler => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty TableMap => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty KeepTables => ACCESS_ALL;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->{$SrcSchema} or die new Exception('A source schema is required');
+    $this->{$DstSchema} or die new Exception('A destination schema is required');
+    $this->{$Handler} or die new Exception('A handler is required to produce the update batch');
+    $this->{$TableInfo} = {};
+    $this->{$PendingActions} = [];
+sub UpdateTable {
+    my ($this,$srcTable) = @_;
+    return 1 if $this->{$TableInfo}->{$srcTable->Name}->{'processed'};
+    my $dstTableName = $this->{$TableMap}->{$srcTable->Name} ? $this->{$TableMap}->{$srcTable->Name} : $srcTable->Name;
+    my $dstTable = $this->{$DstSchema}->Tables->{$dstTableName};
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$srcTable->Name}->{'processed'} = 1;
+    if (not $dstTable) {
+        $this->DropTable($srcTable) if not $this->{$KeepTables};
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if ( not grep {$srcTable->Column($_->Name)} $dstTable->Columns ) {
+        $this->{$TableInfo}->{$srcTable->Name}->{'NewName'} = $dstTable->Name if $srcTable->Name ne $dstTable->Name;
+        $this->DropTable($srcTable);
+        $this->CreateTable($dstTable);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if ($srcTable->Name ne $dstTableName) {
+        $this->RenameTable($srcTable,$dstTableName);
+    }
+    my %dstConstraints = %{$dstTable->Constraints};
+    foreach my $srcConstraint (values %{$srcTable->Constraints}) {
+        if (my $dstConstraint = delete $dstConstraints{$srcConstraint->Name}) {
+            $this->UpdateConstraint($srcConstraint,$dstConstraint);
+        } else {
+            $this->DropConstraint($srcConstraint);
+        }
+    }
+    my $i = 0;
+    my %dstColumns = map { $_->Name, $i++} $dstTable->Columns ;
+    # ������� ������� �������
+    # ����� ��������� ����������� � �������� ������� � ������ �������
+    my @columnsToUpdate;
+    foreach my $srcColumn ($srcTable->Columns) {
+        if (defined (my $dstColumnIndex = delete $dstColumns{$srcColumn->Name})) {
+            push @columnsToUpdate, { Action => 'update', ColumnSrc => $srcColumn, ColumnDst => $dstTable->ColumnAt($dstColumnIndex), NewPosition => $dstColumnIndex};
+        } else {
+            $this->DropColumn($srcTable,$srcColumn);
+        }
+    }
+    push @columnsToUpdate, map { {Action => 'add', ColumnDst => $dstTable->ColumnAt($_), NewPosition => $_} } values %dstColumns;
+    foreach my $action (sort {$a->{'NewPosition'} <=> $b->{'NewPosition'}} @columnsToUpdate ) {
+        if ($action->{'Action'} eq 'update') {
+            $this->UpdateColumn($srcTable,@$action{'ColumnSrc','ColumnDst'},$dstTable,$action->{'NewPosition'}); # change type and position
+        }elsif ($action->{'Action'} eq 'add') {
+            $this->AddColumn($srcTable,$action->{'ColumnDst'},$dstTable,$action->{'NewPosition'}); # add at specified position
+        }
+    }
+    foreach my $dstConstraint (values %dstConstraints) {
+        $this->AddConstraint($dstConstraint);
+    }
+    $this->{$TableInfo}{$srcTable->Name}{'State'} = STATE_UPDATED;
+sub UpdateConstraint {
+    my ($this,$src,$dst) = @_;
+    if (not ConstraintEquals($src,$dst)) {
+        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($src,'Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey')) {
+            $this->UpdateTable($_->Table) foreach values %{$src->ConnectedFK};
+        }
+        $this->DropConstraint($src);
+        $this->AddConstraint($dst);
+    } else {
+        $this->{$TableInfo}->{$this->MapTableName($src->Table->Name)}->{'Constraints'}->{$src->Name} = STATE_UPDATED;
+    }
+sub ConstraintEquals {
+    my ($src,$dst) = @_;
+    ref $src eq ref $dst or return 0;
+    my @dstColumns = $dst->Columns;
+    scalar(@{$src->Columns}) == scalar(@{$dst->Columns}) and not grep { my $column = shift @dstColumns; not $column->isSame($_) } $src->Columns or return 0;
+    not UNIVERSAL::isa($src,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey') or ConstraintEquals($src->ReferencedPrimaryKey,$dst->ReferencedPrimaryKey) or return 0;
+    1;
+sub UpdateSchema {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my %Updated = map { $this->UpdateTable($_); $this->MapTableName($_->Name) , 1; } values %{$this->{$SrcSchema}->Tables ? $this->{$SrcSchema}->Tables : {} };
+    $this->CreateTable($_) foreach grep {not $Updated{$_->Name}} values %{$this->{$DstSchema}->Tables};
+    $this->ProcessPendingActions();
+sub RenameTable {
+    my ($this,$tblSrc,$tblDstName) = @_;
+    $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableRename($tblSrc->Name,$tblDstName);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$tblSrc->Name}->{'NewName'} = $tblDstName;
+sub MapTableName {
+    my ($this,$srcName) = @_;
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$srcName}->{'NewName'} ? $this->{$TableInfo}->{$srcName}->{'NewName'} : $srcName;
+sub DropTable {
+    my ($this,$tbl) = @_;
+    if ($tbl->PrimaryKey) {
+        $this->UpdateTable($_->Table) foreach values %{$tbl->PrimaryKey->ConnectedFK};
+    }
+    $this->{$Handler}->DropTable($this->MapTableName($tbl->Name));
+    $this->{$TableInfo}{$this->MapTableName($tbl->Name)}{'State'} = STATE_REMOVED;
+    $this->{$TableInfo}{$this->MapTableName($tbl->Name)}{'Constraints'} = {map {$_,STATE_REMOVED} keys %{$tbl->Constraints}};
+    $this->{$TableInfo}{$this->MapTableName($tbl->Name)}{'Columns'} = {map { $_->Name, STATE_REMOVED} $tbl->Columns};
+    return 1;
+sub CreateTable {
+    my ($this,$tbl) = @_;
+    # ������� �������, ����� ������� ������
+    $this->{$Handler}->CreateTable($tbl,skip_foreign_keys => 1);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$tbl->Name}->{'State'} = STATE_CREATED;
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$tbl->Name}->{'Columns'} = {map { $_->Name, STATE_CREATED } $tbl->Columns};
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$tbl->Name}->{'Constraints'} = {map {$_->Name, STATE_CREATED} grep { not UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey') } values %{$tbl->Constraints}};
+    $this->AddConstraint($_) foreach grep { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey') } values %{$tbl->Constraints};
+    return 1;
+sub AddColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblSrc,$column,$tblDst,$pos) = @_;
+    $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableAddColumn($this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name),$column,$tblDst,$pos);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name)}->{'Columns'}->{$column->Name} = STATE_CREATED;
+    return 1;
+sub DropColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblSrc,$column) = @_;
+    $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableDropColumn($this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name),$column->Name);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name)}->{'Columns'}->{$column->Name} = STATE_REMOVED;
+    return 1;
+sub UpdateColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblSrc,$srcColumn,$dstColumn,$tblDst,$pos) = @_;
+    if ($srcColumn->isSame($dstColumn) and $pos < @{$tblSrc->Columns} and $tblSrc->ColumnAt($pos) == $srcColumn) {
+        $this->{$TableInfo}->{$this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name)}->{'Columns'}->{$dstColumn->Name} = STATE_UPDATED;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableChangeColumn($this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name),$dstColumn,$tblDst,$pos);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$this->MapTableName($tblSrc->Name)}->{'Columns'}->{$dstColumn->Name} = STATE_UPDATED;
+    return 1;
+sub DropConstraint {
+    my ($this,$constraint) = @_;
+    $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableDropConstraint($this->MapTableName($constraint->Table->Name),$constraint);
+    $this->{$TableInfo}->{$constraint->Table->Name}->{'Constraints'}->{$constraint->Name} = STATE_REMOVED;
+    return 1;
+sub IfUndef {
+    my ($value,$default) = @_;
+    return defined $value ? $value : $default;
+sub AddConstraint {
+    my ($this,$constraint) = @_;
+    # ����� ����������� ����������� ����� ��������� � ���, ��� ������� ��� ����������� ������� � �������������
+    # ����������� (�������� ��������� �����)
+    my $pending;
+    $pending = grep { my $column = $_; not grep { IfUndef($this->{$TableInfo}{$constraint->Table->Name}{'Columns'}{$column->Name}, STATE_NORMAL) == $_ } (STATE_UPDATED, STATE_CREATED) } $constraint->Columns;
+    if ($pending) {
+        push @{$this->{$PendingActions}},{Action => \&AddConstraint, Args => [$constraint]};
+        return 2;
+    } else {
+        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey')) {
+            if (not grep { IfUndef($this->{$TableInfo}{$constraint->ReferencedPrimaryKey->Table->Name}{'Constraints'}{$constraint->ReferencedPrimaryKey->Name},STATE_NORMAL) == $_} (STATE_UPDATED, STATE_CREATED)) {
+                push @{$this->{$PendingActions}},{Action => \&AddConstraint, Args => [$constraint]};
+                return 2;
+            }
+        }
+        $this->{$Handler}->AlterTableAddConstraint($constraint->Table->Name,$constraint);
+        $this->{$TableInfo}->{$constraint->Table->Name}->{'Constraints'}->{$constraint->Name} = STATE_CREATED;
+    }
+sub ProcessPendingActions {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    while (my $action = shift @{$this->{$PendingActions}}) {
+        $action->{'Action'}->($this,@{$action->{'Args'}});
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/Traits/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+package Schema::DB::Traits::mysql::Handler;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA=qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty SqlBatch => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub formatTypeNameInteger {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    return $type->Name.($type->MaxLength ? '('.$type->MaxLength.')' : '').($type->Unsigned ? ' UNSIGNED': '').($type->Zerofill ? ' ZEROFILL' : '');
+sub formatTypeNameReal {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    return $type->Name.($type->MaxLength ? '('.$type->MaxLength.', '.$type->Scale.')' : '').($type->Unsigned ? ' UNSIGNED': '').($type->Zerofill ? ' ZEROFILL' : '');
+sub formatTypeNameNumeric {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    $type->MaxLength or die new Exception('The length and precission must be specified',$type->Name);
+    return $type->Name.($type->MaxLength ? '('.$type->MaxLength.', '.$type->Scale.')' : '').($type->Unsigned ? ' UNSIGNED': '').($type->Zerofill ? ' ZEROFILL' : '');
+sub formatTypeName {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    return $type->Name;
+sub formatTypeNameChar {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    return (
+        $type->Name.'('.$type->MaxLength.')'. (UNIVERSAL::isa($type,'Schema::DB::Type::mysql::CHAR') ? $type->Encoding : '')
+    );
+sub formatTypeNameVarChar {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    return (
+        $type->Name.'('.$type->MaxLength.')'. (UNIVERSAL::isa($type,'Schema::DB::Type::mysql::VARCHAR') ? $type->Encoding : '')
+    );
+sub formatTypeNameEnum {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    die new Exception('Enum must be a type of either Schema::DB::Type::mysql::ENUM or Schema::DB::Type::mysql::SET') if not (UNIVERSAL::isa($type,'Schema::DB::Type::mysql::ENUM') or UNIVERSAL::isa($type,'Schema::DB::Type::mysql::SET'));
+    return (
+        $type->Name.'('.join(',',map {quote($_)} $type->Values).')'
+    );
+sub quote{
+    if (wantarray) {
+        return map { my $str=$_; $str=~ s/'/''/g; "'$str'"; } @_;
+    } else {
+        return join '',map { my $str=$_; $str=~ s/'/''/g; "'$str'"; } @_;
+    }
+sub quote_names {
+    if (wantarray) {
+        return map { my $str=$_; $str=~ s/`/``/g; "`$str`"; } @_;
+    } else {
+        return join '',map { my $str=$_; $str=~ s/`/``/g; "`$str`"; } @_;
+    }
+sub formatStringValue {
+    my ($value) = @_;
+    if (ref $value) {
+        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value,'Schema::DB::mysql::Expression')) {
+            return $value->as_string;
+        } else {
+            die new Exception('Can\'t format the object as a value',ref $value);
+        }
+    } else {
+        return quote($value);
+    }
+sub formatNumberValue {
+    my ($value) = @_;
+    if (ref $value) {
+        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value,'Schema::DB::mysql::Expression')) {
+            return $value->as_string;
+        } else {
+            die new Exception('Can\'t format the object as a value',ref $value);
+        }
+    } else {
+        $value =~ /^((\+|-)\s*)?\d+(\.\d+)?(e(\+|-)?\d+)?$/ or die new Exception('The specified value isn\'t a valid number',$value);
+        return $value;
+    }
+my %TypesFormat = (
+    TINYINT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    SMALLINT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    MEDIUMINT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    INT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    INTEGER => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    BIGINT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameInteger,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    REAL => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameReal,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    DOUBLE => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameReal,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    FLOAT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameReal,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    DECIMAL => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameNumeric,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    NUMERIC => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameNumeric,
+        formatValue => \&formatNumberValue
+    },
+    DATE => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    TIME => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    TIMESTAMP => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    DATETIME => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    CHAR => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameChar,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    VARCHAR => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameVarChar,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    TINYBLOB => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    BLOB => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    MEDIUMBLOB => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    LONGBLOB => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    TINYTEXT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    TEXT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    MEDIUMTEXT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    LONGTEXT => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeName,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    ENUM => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameEnum,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    },
+    SET => {
+        formatType => \&formatTypeNameEnum,
+        formatValue => \&formatStringValue
+    }
+CREATE TABLE 'test'.'New Table' (
+  `ff` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
+  `ffg` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'aaa',
+  PRIMARY KEY(`dd`),
+  UNIQUE `Index_2`(`ffg`),
+  CONSTRAINT `FK_New Table_1` FOREIGN KEY `FK_New Table_1` (`ddf`)
+    REFERENCES `user` (`id`)
+sub formatCreateTable {
+    my ($table,$level,%options) = @_;
+    my @sql;
+    # table body
+    push @sql, map { formatColumn($_,$level+1) } $table->Columns ;
+    if ($options{'skip_foreign_keys'}) {
+        push @sql, map { formatConstraint($_,$level+1) } grep {not UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey')} values %{$table->Constraints};
+    } else {
+        push @sql, map { formatConstraint($_,$level+1) } values %{$table->Constraints};
+    }
+    for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @sql -1; $i++) {
+        $sql[$i] .= ',';
+    }
+    unshift @sql, "CREATE TABLE ".quote_names($table->Name)."(";
+    if ($table->Tag) {
+        push @sql, ")";
+        push @sql, formatTableTag($table->Tag,$level);
+        $sql[$#sql].=';';
+    } else {
+        push @sql, ');';
+    }
+    return map { ("\t" x $level) . $_ } @sql;
+sub formatDropTable {
+    my ($tableName,$level) = @_;
+    return "\t"x$level."DROP TABLE ".quote_names($tableName).";";
+sub formatTableTag {
+    my ($tag,$level) = @_;
+    return map { "\t"x$level . "$_ = ".$tag->{$_} } grep {/^(ENGINE)$/i} keys %{$tag};
+sub formatColumn {
+    my ($column,$level) = @_;
+    $level ||= 0;
+    return "\t"x$level.quote_names($column->Name)." ".formatType($column->Type)." ".($column->CanBeNull ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL').($column->DefaultValue ? formatValueToType($column->DefaultValue,$column->Type) : '' ).($column->Tag ? ' '.join(' ',$column->Tag) : '');
+sub formatType {
+    my ($type) = @_;
+    my $format = $TypesFormat{uc $type->Name} or die new Exception('The unknown type name',$type->Name);
+    $format->{formatType}->($type);
+sub formatValueToType {
+    my ($value,$type) = @_;
+    my $format = $TypesFormat{uc $type->Name} or die new Exception('The unknown type name',$type->Name);
+    $format->{formatValue}->($value);
+sub formatConstraint {
+    my ($constraint,$level) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey')) {
+        return formatForeignKey($constraint,$level);
+    } else {
+        return formatIndex($constraint, $level);
+    }
+sub formatIndex {
+    my ($constraint,$level) = @_;
+    my $name = quote_names($constraint->Name);
+    my $columns = join(',',map quote_names($_->Name),$constraint->Columns);
+    if (ref $constraint eq 'Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey') {
+        return "\t"x$level."PRIMARY KEY ($columns)";
+    } elsif ($constraint eq 'Schema::DB::Constraint::Unique') {
+        return "\t"x$level."UNIQUE $name ($columns)";
+    } elsif ($constraint eq 'Schema::DB::Constraint::Index') {
+        return "\t"x$level."INDEX $name ($columns)";
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('The unknown constraint', ref $constraint);
+    }
+sub formatForeignKey {
+    my ($constraint,$level) = @_;
+    my $name = quote_names($constraint->Name);
+    my $columns = join(',',map quote_names($_->Name),$constraint->Columns);
+    not $constraint->OnDelete or grep { uc $constraint->OnDelete eq $_ } ('RESTRICT','CASCADE','SET NULL','NO ACTION','SET DEFAULT') or die new Exception('Invalid ON DELETE reference',$constraint->OnDelete);
+    not $constraint->OnUpdate or grep { uc $constraint->OnUpdate eq $_ } ('RESTRICT','CASCADE','SET NULL','NO ACTION','SET DEFAULT') or die new Exception('Invalid ON UPDATE reference',$constraint->OnUpdate);
+    my $refname = quote_names($constraint->ReferencedPrimaryKey->Table->Name);
+    my $refcolumns = join(',',map quote_names($_->Name),$constraint->ReferencedPrimaryKey->Columns);
+    return (
+        "\t"x$level.
+        "CONSTRAINT $name FOREIGN KEY $name ($columns) REFERENCES $refname ($refcolumns)".
+        ($constraint->OnUpdate ? 'ON UPDATE'.$constraint->OnUpdate : '').
+        ($constraint->OnDelete ? 'ON DELETE'.$constraint->OnDelete : '')
+    );
+sub formatAlterTableRename {
+    my ($oldName,$newName,$level) = @_;
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($oldName)." RENAME TO ".quote_names($newName).";";
+sub formatAlterTableDropColumn {
+    my ($tableName, $columnName,$level) = @_;
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($tableName)." DROP COLUMN ".quote_names($columnName).";";
+ALTER TABLE `test`.`user` ADD COLUMN `my_col` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL AFTER `name2`
+sub formatAlterTableAddColumn {
+    my ($tableName, $column, $table, $pos, $level) = @_;
+    my $posSpec = $pos == 0 ? 'FIRST' : 'AFTER '.quote_names($table->ColumnAt($pos-1)->Name);
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($tableName)." ADD COLUMN ".formatColumn($column) .' '. $posSpec.";";
+sub formatAlterTableChangeColumn {
+    my ($tableName,$column,$table,$pos,$level) = @_;
+    my $posSpec = $pos == 0 ? 'FIRST' : 'AFTER '.quote_names($table->ColumnAt($pos-1)->Name);
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($tableName)." MODIFY COLUMN ".formatColumn($column).' '. $posSpec.";";
+ALTER TABLE `test`.`manager` DROP INDEX `Index_2`;
+sub formatAlterTableDropConstraint {
+    my ($tableName,$constraint,$level) = @_;
+    my $constraintName;
+    if (ref $constraint eq 'Schema::DB::Constraint::PrimaryKey') {
+        $constraintName = 'PRIMARY KEY';
+    } elsif (ref $constraint eq 'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey') {
+        $constraintName = 'FOREIGN KEY '.quote_names($constraint->Name);
+    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::Index')) {
+        $constraintName = 'INDEX '.quote_names($constraint->Name);
+    } else {
+        die new Exception("The unknow type of the constraint",ref $constraint);
+    }
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($tableName)." DROP $constraintName;";
+ALTER TABLE `test`.`session` ADD INDEX `Index_2`(`id`, `name`);
+sub formatAlterTableAddConstraint {
+    my ($tableName,$constraint,$level) = @_;
+    return "\t"x$level."ALTER TABLE ".quote_names($tableName)." ADD ".formatConstraint($constraint,0).';';
+sub CreateTable {
+    my ($this,$tbl,%option) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatCreateTable($tbl,0,%option));
+    return 1;
+sub DropTable {
+    my ($this,$tbl) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatDropTable($tbl,0));
+    return 1;
+sub RenameTable {
+    my ($this,$oldName,$newName) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableRename($oldName,$newName,0));
+    return 1;
+sub AlterTableAddColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblName,$column,$table,$pos) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableAddColumn($tblName,$column,$table,$pos,0));
+    return 1;
+sub AlterTableDropColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblName,$columnName) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableDropColumn($tblName,$columnName,0));
+    return 1;
+sub AlterTableChangeColumn {
+    my ($this,$tblName,$column,$table,$pos) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableChangeColumn($tblName,$column,$table,$pos,0));
+    return 1;
+sub AlterTableAddConstraint {
+    my ($this,$tblName,$constraint) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableAddConstraint($tblName,$constraint,0));
+    return 1;
+sub AlterTableDropConstraint {
+    my ($this,$tblName,$constraint) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$SqlBatch}},join("\n",formatAlterTableDropConstraint($tblName,$constraint,0));
+    return 1;
+sub Sql {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (wantarray) {
+        $this->SqlBatch;
+    } else {
+        return join("\n",$this->SqlBatch);
+    }
+package Schema::DB::Traits::mysql;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::DB::Traits);
+    DeclareProperty PendingConstraints => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $args{'Handler'} = new Schema::DB::Traits::mysql::Handler;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(%args);
+sub DropConstraint {
+    my ($this,$constraint) = @_;
+    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($constraint,'Schema::DB::Constraint::Index')) {
+        return 1 if not grep { $this->TableInfo->{$this->MapTableName($constraint->Table->Name)}->{'Columns'}->{$_->Name} != Schema::DB::Traits::STATE_REMOVED} $constraint->Columns;
+        my @constraints = grep {$_ != $constraint } $constraint->Table->GetColumnConstraints($constraint->Columns);
+        if (scalar @constraints == 1 and UNIVERSAL::isa($constraints[0],'Schema::DB::Constraint::ForeignKey')) {
+            my $fk = shift @constraints;
+            if ($this->TableInfo->{$this->MapTableName($fk->Table->Name)}->{'Constraints'}->{$fk->Name} != Schema::DB::Traits::STATE_REMOVED) {
+                push @{$this->PendingActions}, {Action => \&DropConstraint, Args => [$constraint]};
+                $this->{$PendingConstraints}->{$constraint->UniqName}->{'attempts'} ++;
+                die new Exception('Can\'t drop the primary key becouse of the foreing key',$fk->UniqName) if $this->{$PendingConstraints}->{$constraint->UniqName}->{'attempts'} > 2;
+                return 2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $this->SUPER::DropConstraint($constraint);
+sub GetMetaTable {
+    my ($class,$dbh) = @_;
+    return Schema::DB::Traits::mysql::MetaTable->new( DBHandle => $dbh);
+package Schema::DB::Traits::mysql::MetaTable;
+use Common;
+our @ISA=qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty DBHandle => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub ReadProperty {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    local $this->{$DBHandle}->{PrintError};
+    $this->{$DBHandle}->{PrintError} = 0;
+    my ($val) = $this->{$DBHandle}->selectrow_array("SELECT value FROM _Meta WHERE name like ?", undef, $name);
+    return $val;
+sub SetProperty {
+    my ($this,$name,$val) = @_;
+    if ( $this->{$DBHandle}->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T where TABLE_SCHEMA like DATABASE() and TABLE_NAME like '_Meta'")) {
+        if ($this->{$DBHandle}->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT name FROM _Meta WHERE name like ?", undef, $name)) {
+            $this->{$DBHandle}->do("UPDATE _Meta SET value = ? WHERE name like ?",undef,$val,$name);
+        } else {
+            $this->{$DBHandle}->do("INSERT INTO _Meta(name,value) VALUES ('$name',?)",undef,$val);
+        }
+    } else {
+        $this->{$DBHandle}->do(q{
+            CREATE TABLE `_Meta` (
+                `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+                `value` LONGTEXT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY(`name`)
+            );
+        }) or die new Exception("Failed to create table","_Meta");
+        $this->{$DBHandle}->do("INSERT INTO _Meta(name,value) VALUES (?,?)",undef,$name,$val);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DB/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use strict;
+package Schema::DB::Type;
+use Common;
+our @ISA=qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty MaxLength => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Scale => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Unsigned => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Zerofill => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Tag => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my $this = shift;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@_);
+    $this->{$Scale} = 0 if not $this->{$Scale};
+sub isEquals {
+    my ($a,$b) = @_;
+    if (defined $a and defined $b) {
+        return $a == $b;
+    } else {
+        if (defined $a or defined $b) {
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+sub isSame {
+    my ($this,$other) = @_;
+    return ($this->{$Name} eq $other->{$Name} and isEquals($this->{$MaxLength},$other->{$MaxLength}) and isEquals($this->{$Scale},$other->{$Scale}));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+package Configuration;
+our $DataDir;
+package Schema::DataSource;
+use Common;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Object);
+use BNFCompiler;
+use Schema::DB;
+use Schema;
+use URI::file;
+    DeclareProperty ProcessedSchemas => ACCESS_NONE;  #{ uri => schema }
+    DeclareProperty Types => ACCESS_READ; # Schema
+    DeclareProperty DataSourceBuilder => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Compiler => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$DataSourceBuilder} = $args{'DataSourceBuilder'} or die new Exception('A data source builder is required');
+    $this->{$Types} = new Schema;
+    $this->{$Compiler} = new BNFCompiler(SchemaCache => "${DataDir}Cache/",Transform => sub { BNFCompiler::DOM::TransformDOMToHash(@_,{skip_spaces => 1})} );
+    $this->{$Compiler}->LoadBNFSchema(file => 'Schema/schema.def');
+sub as_list {
+    return( map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : defined $_ ? $_ : () } @_ );
+sub ProcessSchema {
+    my ($this,$uriFile) = @_;
+    return 1 if $this->{$ProcessedSchemas}{$uriFile->as_string};
+    my $uriDir = URI::file->new('./')->abs($uriFile);
+    $this->{$ProcessedSchemas}->{$uriFile->as_string} = 1;
+    my $Schema = $this->ParseSchema($uriFile);
+    foreach my $item (as_list($Schema->{'header'}{'include_item'})) {
+        my $uriItem = URI::file->new($item->{'file_name'})->abs($uriDir);
+        $this->ProcessSchema($uriItem);
+    }
+    $this->ConstructTypes($Schema);
+sub ParseSchema {
+    my ($this,$fileUri) = @_;
+    my $fileName = $fileUri->file;
+    open my $hfile,"$fileName" or die new Exception('Failed to read the file',$fileName,$!);
+    local $/ = undef;
+    my $Schema = $this->{$Compiler}->Parse(<$hfile>);
+    return $Schema;
+sub ConstructTypes {
+    my ($this,$schema) = @_;
+    return if not $schema->{'class'};
+    foreach my $class (as_list($schema->{'class'})){
+        # ���������� ����
+        my $type;
+        my $builder;
+        if ($class->{'type_definition'}{'args_list'}) {
+            $type = $this->{$Types}->CreateTemplate($class->{'type_definition'}{'name'},as_list($class->{'type_definition'}{'args_list'}{'name'}));
+        } else {
+            $type = $this->{$Types}->CreateType($class->{'type_definition'}{'name'});
+        }
+        $type->SetAttributes(ValueType => 1) if $class->{'value_type'};
+        my $mappingTip = $this->{$DataSourceBuilder}->GetClassMapping($type);
+        # ������������ ������ ������� �������
+        if ($class->{'base_types'}) {
+            foreach my $typename (as_list($class->{'base_types'}{'type'})) {
+                $type->AddBase(MakeTypeName($typename));
+            }
+        }
+        # ������������ ������ �������
+        if ($class->{'property_list'}) {
+            foreach my $property (as_list($class->{'property_list'}{'property'})) {
+                $type->InsertProperty($property->{'name'},MakeTypeName($property->{'type'}));
+                if (my $mapping = $property->{'mapping'}) {
+                    $mappingTip->PropertyMapping($property->{'name'},Column => $mapping->{'column_name'},DBType => $mapping->{'db_type'});
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub MakeTypeName {
+    my ($typename) = @_;
+    return new Schema::TypeName(
+        $typename->{'name'},
+        (
+            $typename->{'template_list'} ?
+                map { MakeTypeName($_) } as_list($typename->{'template_list'}{'type'})
+            :
+                ()
+        )
+    );
+sub BuildSchema {
+    my ($this,$fileName) = @_;
+    my $uriFile = URI::file->new_abs($fileName);
+    $this->ProcessSchema($uriFile);
+    $this->{$Types}->Close();
+    foreach my $type ($this->{$Types}->EnumTypes(skip_templates => 1)) {
+        $this->{$DataSourceBuilder}->AddType($type);
+    }
+sub DESTROY {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->{$Compiler}->Dispose;
+    $this->{$DataSourceBuilder}->Dispose;
+    $this->{$Types}->Dispose;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DataSource/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+use strict;
+package Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder;
+use Schema::DataSource::TypeMapping;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty ClassMappings => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty TypeMapping => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty ValueTypeReflections => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$TypeMapping} = $args{'TypeMapping'} || Schema::DataSource::TypeMapping::Std->new;
+    $this->{$ValueTypeReflections} = { DateTime => 'DateTime'};
+sub ReflectValueType {
+    my ($this,$Type) = @_;
+    return $this->{$ValueTypeReflections}{$Type->Name->Simple};
+sub GetClassMapping {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    if (my $mapping = $this->{$ClassMappings}->{$type->Name->Canonical}) {
+        return $mapping;
+    } else {
+        $mapping = new Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder::ClassMapping(Class => $type,Parent => $this);
+        $this->{$ClassMappings}{$type->Name->Canonical} = $mapping;
+        return $mapping
+    }
+sub EnumClassMappings {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$ClassMappings} ? values %{$this->{$ClassMappings}} : ();
+sub AddType {
+    my ($this,$type) = @_;
+    $this->GetClassMapping($type);
+sub BuildDBSchema {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my $schemaDB = new Schema::DB(Name => 'auto', Version => time);
+    if ($this->{$ClassMappings}) {
+        $_->CreateTable($schemaDB) foreach values %{ $this->{$ClassMappings} };
+        $_->CreateConstraints($schemaDB) foreach values %{ $this->{$ClassMappings} };
+    }
+    return $schemaDB;
+sub WriteModules {
+    my ($this,$fileName,$prefix) = @_;
+    my $text;
+    $text = <<ModuleHeader;
+#autogenerated script don't edit
+package ${prefix}DBI;
+use base 'Class::DBI';
+require DateTime;
+our (\$DSN,\$User,\$Password,\$Init);
+\$DSN ||= 'DBI:null'; # avoid warning
+# initialize
+foreach my \$action (ref \$Init eq 'ARRAY' ? \@{\$Init} : \$Init) {
+    next unless \$action;
+    if (ref \$action eq 'CODE') {
+        \$action->(__PACKAGE__->db_Main);
+    } elsif (not ref \$action) {
+        __PACKAGE__->db_Main->do(\$action);
+    }
+    if ($this->{$ClassMappings}) {
+        $text .= join ("\n\n", map $_->GenerateText($prefix.'DBI',$prefix), sort {$a->Class->Name->Canonical cmp $b->Class->Name->Canonical } values %{ $this->{$ClassMappings} } );
+    }
+    $text .= "\n1;";
+    open my $out, ">$fileName" or die new Exception("Failed to open file",$fileName,$!);
+    print $out $text;
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete @$this{$ClassMappings,$TypeMapping,$ValueTypeReflections};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
+package Schema::DataSource::CDBIBuilder::ClassMapping;
+use Common;
+use Schema;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Table => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty PropertyTables => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty PropertyMappings => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Class => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Parent => ACCESS_NONE;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Class} = $args{'Class'} or die new Exception('The class must be specified');
+    $this->{$Parent} = $args{'Parent'} or die new Exception('The parent must be specified');
+sub PropertyMapping {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$PropertyMappings}{$args{'name'}} = { Column => $args{'Column'},DBType => $args{'DBType'} };
+sub CreateTable {
+    my ($this,$schemaDB) = @_;
+    return if $this->{$Class}->isTemplate or $this->{$Class}->GetAttribute('ValueType') or $this->{$Class}->Name->Simple eq 'Set';
+    # CreateTable
+    my $table = $schemaDB->AddTable({Name => $this->{$Class}->Name->Canonical});
+    $table->InsertColumn({
+        Name => '_id',
+        Type => $this->{$Parent}->TypeMapping->DBIdentifierType,
+        Tag => ['AUTO_INCREMENT']
+    });
+    $table->SetPrimaryKey('_id');
+    foreach my $prop ( grep { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::Property') } $this->{$Class}->ListMembers ) {
+        if ($prop->Type->Name->Name eq 'Set') {
+            # special case for multiple values
+            my $propTable = $this->CreatePropertyTable($schemaDB,$prop);
+            $propTable->LinkTo($table,'parent');
+        } else {
+            $table->InsertColumn({
+                Name => $prop->Name,
+                Type => $this->{$Parent}->TypeMapping->MapType($prop->Type),
+                CanBeNull => 1
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    $this->{$Table} = $table;
+    return $table;
+sub CreatePropertyTable {
+    my ($this,$schemaDB,$property) = @_;
+    my $table = $schemaDB->AddTable({Name => $this->{$Class}->Name->Canonical.'_'.$property->Name});
+    $table->InsertColumn({
+        Name => '_id',
+        Type => $this->{$Parent}->TypeMapping->DBIdentifierType,
+        Tag => ['AUTO_INCREMENT']
+    });
+    $table->SetPrimaryKey('_id');
+    $table->InsertColumn({
+        Name => 'parent',
+        Type => $this->{$Parent}->TypeMapping->DBIdentifierType
+    });
+    $table->InsertColumn({
+        Name => 'value',
+        Type => $this->{$Parent}->TypeMapping->MapType($property->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'}),
+        CanBeNull => 1
+    });
+    $this->{$PropertyTables}->{$property->Name} = $table;
+    return $table;
+sub CreateConstraints {
+    my ($this,$schemaDB) = @_;
+    return if $this->{$Class}->isTemplate or $this->{$Class}->GetAttribute('ValueType') or $this->{$Class}->Name->Simple eq 'Set';
+    foreach my $prop ( grep { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::Property') } $this->{$Class}->ListMembers ) {
+        if ($prop->Type->Name->Name eq 'Set' ) {
+            # special case for multiple values
+            if (not $prop->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'}->GetAttribute('ValueType')) {
+                $this->{$PropertyTables}->{$prop->Name}->LinkTo(
+                    $this->{$Parent}->GetClassMapping($prop->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'})->Table,
+                    'value'
+                );
+            }
+        } elsif (not $prop->Type->GetAttribute('ValueType')) {
+            $this->{$Table}->LinkTo(
+                scalar($this->{$Parent}->GetClassMapping($prop->Type)->Table),
+                $prop->Name
+            );
+        }
+    }
+sub GeneratePropertyTableText {
+    my ($this,$prop,$baseModule,$prefix) = @_;
+    my $packageName = $this->GeneratePropertyClassName($prop,$prefix);
+    my $tableName = $this->{$PropertyTables}->{$prop->Name}->Name;
+    my $parentName = $this->GenerateClassName($prefix);
+    my $text .= "package $packageName;\n";
+    $text .= "use base '$baseModule';\n\n";
+    $text .= "__PACKAGE__->table('`$tableName`');\n";
+    $text .= "__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw/_id parent value/);\n";
+    $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_a( parent => '$parentName');\n";
+    my $typeValue;
+    if ($prop->Type->Name->Simple eq 'Set') {
+        $typeValue = $prop->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'};
+    } else {
+        $typeValue = $prop->Type;
+    }
+    if ($typeValue->GetAttribute('ValueType')) {
+        if (my $reflectedClass = $this->{$Parent}->ReflectValueType($typeValue)) {
+            $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_a( value => '$reflectedClass');\n";
+        }
+    } else {
+        my $foreignName = $this->{$Parent}->GetClassMapping($prop->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'})->GenerateClassName($prefix);
+        $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_a( value => '$foreignName');\n";
+    }
+    return $text;
+sub GeneratePropertyClassName {
+    my ($this,$prop,$prefix) = @_;
+    my $packageName = $this->{$Class}->Name->Canonical;
+    $packageName =~ s/\W//g;
+    return $prefix.$packageName.$prop->Name.'Ref';
+sub GenerateClassName {
+    my ($this,$prefix) = @_;
+    my $packageName = $this->{$Class}->Name->Canonical;
+    $packageName =~ s/\W//g;
+    return $prefix. $packageName;
+sub GenerateText {
+    my ($this,$baseModule,$prefix) = @_;
+    return if $this->{$Class}->isTemplate or $this->{$Class}->GetAttribute('ValueType') or $this->{$Class}->Name->Simple eq 'Set';
+    my @PropertyModules;
+    my $text;
+    my $packageName = $this->GenerateClassName($prefix);
+    my $tableName = $this->{$Table}->Name;
+    my $listColumns = join ',', map { '\''. $_->Name . '\''} $this->{$Table}->Columns;
+    $text .= "package $packageName;\n";
+    $text .= "use base '$baseModule'". ($this->{$Class}->Name->Name eq 'Map' ? ',\'CDBI::Map\'' : '' ).";\n\n";
+    $text .= "__PACKAGE__->table('`$tableName`');\n";
+    $text .= "__PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => $listColumns);\n";
+    foreach my $prop ( grep { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Schema::Property') } $this->{$Class}->ListMembers ) {
+        my $propName = $prop->Name;
+        if ($prop->Type->Name->Name eq 'Set') {
+            # has_many
+            push @PropertyModules, $this->GeneratePropertyTableText($prop,$baseModule,$prefix);
+            my $propClass = $this->GeneratePropertyClassName($prop,$prefix);
+            $text .= <<ACCESSORS;
+__PACKAGE__->has_many( ${propName}_ref => '$propClass');
+sub $propName {
+    return map { \$_->value } ${propName}_ref(\@_);
+sub add_to_$propName {
+    return add_to_${propName}_ref(\@_);
+        } elsif (not $prop->Type->GetAttribute('ValueType')) {
+            # has_a
+            my $ForeignClass = $this->{$Parent}->GetClassMapping($prop->Type)->GenerateClassName($prefix);
+            $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_a( $propName => '$ForeignClass');\n";
+        } else {
+            if (my $reflectedClass = $this->{$Parent}->ReflectValueType($prop->Type)) {
+                $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_a( $propName => '$reflectedClass');\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # ������� ������ �������� �������
+    foreach my $descedantMapping (grep {$_->{$Class}->isType($this->{$Class},1)} $this->{$Parent}->EnumClassMappings) {
+        next if $descedantMapping == $this;
+        $text .= "__PACKAGE__->might_have('m".$descedantMapping->GenerateClassName('')."' => '".$descedantMapping->GenerateClassName($prefix)."');\n";
+    }
+    # ������� ������ �� ��� ������, ������� ����� ��������� �� ���
+    # ��� �������� ������: refererClassProp
+    foreach my $referer (grep {not $_->Class->isTemplate} $this->{$Parent}->EnumClassMappings) {
+        next if $referer == $this;
+        foreach my $prop ( grep { $_->isa('Schema::Property') } $referer->{$Class}->ListMembers ) {
+            if($prop->Type->Equals($this->{$Class})) {
+                $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_many('referer".$referer->GenerateClassName('').$prop->Name."' => '".$referer->GenerateClassName($prefix)."','".$prop->Name."');\n";
+            } elsif ($prop->Type->Name->Name eq 'Set' and $this->{$Class}->Equals($prop->Type->GetAttribute('TemplateInstance')->{'Parameters'}{'T'}) ) {
+                # ���� ����� ��� ���������� ��������� � $prop->Type � ���� ��� ���������
+                $text .= "__PACKAGE__->has_many('referer".$referer->GeneratePropertyClassName($prop,'')."value' => '".$referer->GeneratePropertyClassName($prop,$prefix)."','value');\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (@PropertyModules,$text);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/DataSource/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use strict;
+package Schema::DataSource::TypeMapping;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Mappings => ACCESS_NONE;
+    DeclareProperty DBIdentifierType => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DBValueType => ACCESS_READ;
+sub MapType {
+    my ($this,$Type) = @_;
+    if (my $mapped = $this->{$Mappings}->{$Type->Name->Canonical}) {
+        return $mapped;
+    } elsif ($Type->Attributes and $Type->GetAttribute('ValueType')) {
+        return $this->{$DBValueType};
+    } else {
+        return $this->{$DBIdentifierType};
+    }
+package Schema::DataSource::TypeMapping::Std;
+use Schema::DB::Type;
+our @ISA = qw(Schema::DataSource::TypeMapping);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(
+        Mappings => {
+            Identifier => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Integer'),
+            String => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'varchar', MaxLength => 255),
+            Integer => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Integer'),
+            Float => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Real'),
+            DateTime => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'DateTime'),
+            Bool => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Tinyint'),
+            Blob => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Blob'),
+            Text => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Text')
+        },
+        DBIdentifierType => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'Integer'),
+        DBValueType => new Schema::DB::Type(Name => 'varchar', MaxLength => 255)
+    );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+package Configuration;
+our $DataDir;
+package Schema::Form;
+use strict;
+use Storable;
+use Common;
+use URI::file;
+use BNFCompiler;
+use Schema::Form::Container;
+use Schema::Form::Field;
+use Schema::Form::Filter;
+use Schema::Form::Format;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Body => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{Name};
+sub SetBody {
+    my ($this, $containerBody) = @_;
+    $this->{$Body} = $containerBody;
+sub list {
+    return( map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : defined $_ ? $_ : () } @_ );
+sub LoadForms {
+    my ($class,$File,$CacheDir,$Encoding) = @_;
+    $Encoding or die new Exception('An encoding must be specified for forms');
+    my $Compiler = new BNFCompiler(SchemaCache => "${DataDir}Cache/",Transform => sub { BNFCompiler::DOM::TransformDOMToHash(@_,{skip_spaces => 1})} );
+    $Compiler->LoadBNFSchema(file => 'Schema/form.def');
+    my %Context = (Compiler => $Compiler, Encoding => $Encoding);
+    $class->ProcessFile(URI::file->new_abs($File),URI::file->new_abs($CacheDir),\%Context);
+    $Compiler->Dispose;
+    return $Context{Forms};
+sub ProcessFile {
+    my ($class,$uriFile,$uriCacheDir,$refContext) = @_;
+    return 1 if $refContext->{'Processed'}{$uriFile->as_string};
+    $refContext->{'Processed'}{$uriFile->as_string} = 1;
+    my $Data;
+    my $file = $uriFile->file;
+    my $fnameCached = $file;
+    $fnameCached =~ s/[\\\/:]+/_/g;
+    $fnameCached .= '.cfm';
+    $fnameCached = URI::file->new($fnameCached)->abs($uriCacheDir)->file;
+    if ( -e $fnameCached && -f $fnameCached && ( -M $file >= -M $fnameCached ) ) {
+        $Data = retrieve($fnameCached);
+    } else {
+        my $Compiler = $refContext->{'Compiler'};
+        local $/ = undef;
+        open my $hfile,"<:encoding($refContext->{Encoding})",$file or die new Exception('Failed to open file',$file);
+        $Data = $Compiler->Parse(<$hfile>);
+        store($Data,$fnameCached);
+    }
+    my $uriDir = URI::file->new('./')->abs($uriFile);
+    my $needRebuild = 0;
+    foreach my $inc (list $Data->{_include}) {
+        $needRebuild ||= $class->ProcessFile(URI::file->new($inc->{file_name})->abs($uriDir),$uriCacheDir,$refContext);
+    }
+    foreach my $use (list $Data->{_use}) {
+        $refContext->{Filters}{$use->{alias}} = { Class => join '', list $use->{mod_name} };
+        $refContext->{Require}{$use->{mod_name}} = 1;
+    }
+    foreach my $container (list $Data->{container}) {
+        if ($container->{type} eq 'Form') {
+            $class->ConstructForm($container,$refContext);
+        } elsif ($container->{type} eq 'Format') {
+            $class->ConstructFormat($container,$refContext);
+        } elsif ($container->{type} eq 'Filter') {
+            $class->ConstructFilter($container,$refContext);
+        }
+    }
+sub ProcessContainer {
+    my ($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+sub ConstructForm {
+    my ($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+    $container->{type} eq 'Form' or die new Exception("Unexpected container type");
+    not $refContext->{Forms}{$container->{name}} or die new Exception('The form is already exists',$container->{name});
+    my $Form = new Schema::Form(Name => $container->{name});
+    $Form->SetBody($class->ConstructGroup($container,$refContext));
+    $refContext->{Forms}{$Form->Name} = $Form;
+sub ConstructGroup {
+    my($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+    my $Group = new Schema::Form::Container(
+        Name => $container->{name},
+        isMulti => ($container->{multi} ? 1 : 0)
+    );
+    foreach my $child (list $container->{body}{container}) {
+        my $obj;
+        if ($child->{type} eq 'Group') {
+            $obj = $class->ConstructGroup($child,$refContext);
+        } else {
+            $obj = $class->ConstructField($child,$refContext);
+        }
+        $Group->AddChild($obj);
+    }
+    foreach my $filter (list $container->{expression}) {
+        $Group->AddFilter($class->FilterInstance($filter,$refContext,$container->{name}));
+    }
+    foreach my $attr (list $container->{body}{body_property}) {
+        $Group->Attributes->{$attr->{complex_name}} = $class->ScalarExpression($attr->{expression},$container->{name});
+    }
+    return $Group;
+sub ConstructField {
+    my ($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+    my $Format = $refContext->{Formats}{$container->{type}} or die new Exception('An undefined format name', $container->{type});
+    my $Field = Schema::Form::Field->new(
+        Name => $container->{name},
+        isMulti => ($container->{multi} ? 1 : 0),
+        Format => $Format
+    );
+    foreach my $filter (list $container->{expression}) {
+        $Field->AddFilter($class->FilterInstance($filter,$refContext,$container->{name}));
+    }
+    foreach my $attr (list $container->{body}{body_property}) {
+        $Field->Attributes->{ref $attr->{complex_name} ? join '', @{$attr->{complex_name}} : $attr->{complex_name}} = $class->ScalarExpression($attr->{expression},$container->{name});
+    }
+    return $Field;
+sub FilterInstance {
+    my ($class,$expr,$refContext,$where) = @_;
+    my $filter = $expr->{instance} or die new Exception('Invalid filter syntax',$where);
+    my $filterClass = $refContext->{Filters}{$filter->{name}}{Class} or die new Exception('Using undefined filter name',$filter->{name},$where);
+    my @Args = map { $class->ScalarExpression($_,$where) } list $filter->{expression};
+    my $Filter = Schema::Form::Filter->new(
+        Name => $filter->{name},
+        Class => $filterClass,
+        Args => \@Args
+    );
+    if ($refContext->{Filters}{$filter->{name}}{Attributes}) {
+        while (my ($name,$value) = each %{$refContext->{Filters}{$filter->{name}}{Attributes}}) {
+            $Filter->Attributes->{$name} = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    return $Filter;
+sub ScalarExpression {
+    my ($class,$expr,$where) = @_;
+    my $val;
+    if ($expr->{instance}) {
+        $val = $expr->{instance}{name};
+    } elsif ($expr->{string}) {
+        $val = join '', list $expr->{string};
+        $val =~ s/\\(.)/
+            if ($1 eq '"' or $1 eq '\\') {
+                $1;
+            } else {
+                "\\$1";
+            }
+        /ge;
+    } elsif ($expr->{number}) {
+        $val = join '', list $expr->{number};
+    } else {
+        die new Exception('Scalar expression required');
+    }
+    return $val;
+sub ConstructFormat {
+    my ($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+    my $Format = Schema::Form::Format->new (
+        Name => $container->{name}
+    );
+    foreach my $filter (list $container->{expression}) {
+        $Format->AddFilter($class->FilterInstance($filter,$refContext,$container->{name}));
+    }
+    foreach my $attr (list $container->{body}{body_property}) {
+        $Format->Attributes->{ref $attr->{complex_name} ? join '', @{$attr->{complex_name}} : $attr->{complex_name}} = $class->ScalarExpression($attr->{expression},$container->{name});
+    }
+    $refContext->{Formats}{$Format->Name} = $Format;
+sub ConstructFilter {
+    my ($class,$container,$refContext) = @_;
+    foreach my $attr (list $container->{body}{body_property}) {
+        $refContext->{Filters}{$container->{name}}{Attributes}{ref $attr->{complex_name} ? join '', @{$attr->{complex_name}} : $attr->{complex_name}} = $class->ScalarExpression($attr->{expression},$container->{name});
+    }
+Form schema - �������� ����� ����� � ������� ��������
+Form instance - �������� ��������� �����
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package Schema::Form::Container;
+use Form::Container;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::Form::Item);
+    DeclareProperty Children => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@args{qw(Name isMulti Filters)});
+    $this->{$Children} = [];
+sub AddChild {
+    my ($this,$child) = @_;
+    not grep { $_->Name eq $child->Name } $this->Children or die new Exception("The item already exists",$child->Name);
+    push @{$this->{$Children}},$child;
+sub FindChild {
+    my ($this,$name) = @_;
+    my @result = grep { $_->Name eq $name} $this->Children;
+    return $result[0];
+sub Dispose {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    delete $this->{$Children};
+    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package Schema::Form::Field;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use base qw(Schema::Form::Item);
+    DeclareProperty Format => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $args{'Format'} or die new Exception('A format is required for a field');
+    $args{'Attributes'} = { %{$args{Format}->Attributes},%{$args{Attributes} || {} } };
+    $this->SUPER::CTOR(@args{qw(Name isMulti Filters Attributes)});
+    $this->{$Format} = $args{'Format'};
+������� ��������� ������� ������� � ����� ������� ����
+sub Filters {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    my @filters = $this->{$Format}->Filters;
+    push @filters,$this->SUPER::Filters;
+    return @filters;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package Schema::Form::Filter;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+my %LoadedModules;
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Class => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Args => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Attributes => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty _Instance => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'} or die new Exception('A filter name is required');
+    $this->{$Class} = $args{'Class'} or die new Exception('A filter class is required');
+    $this->{$Args} = $args{'Args'};
+    $this->{$Attributes} = {};
+sub Create {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (not $LoadedModules{$this->{$Class}}) {
+        eval "require $this->{$Class};" or die new Exception('Can\'t load the specified filter',$this->{$Name},$this->{$Class},$@);
+        $LoadedModules{$this->{$Class}} = 1;
+    }
+    return $this->{$Class}->new($this->{$Name},$this->{$Attributes}{'message'},$this->Args);
+sub Instance {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    if (my $instance = $this->{$_Instance}) {
+        return $instance;
+    } else {
+        return $this->{$_Instance} = $this->Create;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package Schema::Form::Format;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Filters => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Attributes => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'} or die new Exception('A format name is required');
+    $this->{$Filters} = [];
+    $this->{$Attributes} = $args{'Attributes'} || {};
+sub AddFilter {
+    my ($this,$filter) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$Filters}},$filter;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Schema/Form/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package Schema::Form::Item;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Name => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty isMulti => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Filters => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Attributes => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,$name,$multi,$filters,$attributes) = @_;
+    $this->{$Name} = $name or die new Exception("A name is required for the item");
+    $this->{$isMulti} = defined $multi ? $multi : 0;
+    $this->{$Filters} = $filters || [];
+    $this->{$Attributes} = $attributes || {};
+sub AddFilter {
+    my ($this,$filter) = @_;
+    push @{$this->{$Filters}}, $filter;
+sub isMandatory {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return ( grep $_->Name eq 'mandatory', $this->Filters ) ? 1 : 0 ;
+sub GetFirstFilter {
+    my ($this,$filterName) = @_;
+    my ($filter) = grep $_->Name eq $filterName, $this->Filters;
+    return $filter;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use strict;
+package Security;
+use constant {
+    AUTH_FAILED =>      0,
+    AUTH_SUCCESS =>     1,
+    AUTH_NOAUTH =>      3
+my $CurrentSession;
+sub CurrentSession {
+    my ($class,$newSession) = @_;
+    $CurrentSession = $newSession if @_>=2;
+    return $CurrentSession;
+package Security::AuthResult;
+use Common;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty State => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty Session => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty ClientSecData => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty AuthMod => ACCESS_READ;
+sub isSuccess {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$State} == Security::AUTH_SUCCESS;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package Security::Auth;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use Security;
+use DateTime;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+our $Package;
+our $DataSource;
+srand time;
+    DeclareProperty DS => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty SecPackage => ACCESS_READ;
+    my $i = 0;
+    sub GenSSID() {
+        return md5_hex(time,rand,$i++);
+    }
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    $this->{$DS} = $args{'DS'} or die new Exception('A data source is required');
+    $this->{$SecPackage} = $args{'SecPackage'} or die new Exception('A security package is required');
+sub AuthenticateUser {
+    my ($this,$Name,$SecData) = @_;
+    my $User = $this->{$DS}->FindUser($Name);
+    if (not $User or not $User->Active ) {
+        return new Security::AuthResult (
+            State => Security::AUTH_FAILED,
+            AuthModule => $this
+        );
+    } else {
+        if (my $StoredData = $this->{$DS}->GetUserAuthData($User,$this->{$SecPackage})) {
+            my $AuthData = $this->{$SecPackage}->ConstructAuthData($StoredData->AuthData);
+            if ((my $status = $AuthData->DoAuth($SecData)) != Security::AUTH_FAILED) {
+                $AuthData = $this->{$SecPackage}->NewAuthData(GenSSID);
+                return new Security::AuthResult (
+                    State => $status,
+                    Session => $this->{$DS}->CreateSession(GenSSID,$User,$AuthData),
+                    ClientSecData => $AuthData->ClientAuthData,
+                    AuthModule => $this
+                )
+            } else {
+                return new Security::AuthResult (
+                    State => Security::AUTH_FAILED,
+                    AuthModule => $this
+                );
+            }
+        } else {
+            # the user isn't allowed to authenticate using this method
+            return new Security::AuthResult (
+                    State => Security::AUTH_FAILED,
+                    AuthModule => $this
+            );
+        }
+    }
+sub AuthenticateSession {
+    my ($this,$SSID,$SecData) = @_;
+    my $Session = $this->{$DS}->LoadSession($SSID) or return new Security::AuthResult(State => Security::AUTH_FAILED);
+    my $AuthData = $this->{$SecPackage}->ConstructAuthData($Session->SecData);
+    if ((my $status = $AuthData->DoAuth($SecData)) != Security::AUTH_FAILED) {
+        $Session->SecData($AuthData->SessionAuthData);
+        $Session->LastUsage(DateTime->now());
+        return new Security::AuthResult(State => $status, Session => $Session, ClientSecData => $AuthData->ClientAuthData, AuthModule => $this);
+    } else {
+        $this->{$DS}->CloseSession($Session);
+        return new Security::AuthResult(State => Security::AUTH_FAILED, AuthModule => $this);
+    }
+sub CreateUser {
+    my ($this,$uname,$description,$active,$secData) = @_;
+    my $user = $this->{$DS}->CreateUser($uname,$description,$active);
+    $this->{$DS}->SetUserAuthData($user,$this->{$SecPackage},$this->{$SecPackage}->NewAuthData($secData));
+    return $user;
+sub try_construct {
+    my $package = shift;
+    return $package->can('construct') ? $package->construct() : $package;
+sub construct {
+    $Package or die new Exception('A security package is reqiured');
+    $DataSource or die new Exception('A data source is required');
+    eval "require $DataSource;" or die new Exception('Failed to load the data source module',$@) if not ref $DataSource;
+    eval "require $Package;" or die new Exception('Failed to load the security package module',$@) if not ref $Package;
+    return __PACKAGE__->new(DS => try_construct($DataSource), SecPackage => try_construct($Package));
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Security/Auth/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package Security::Auth::Simple;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+our $Strict;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+sub Name {
+    return 'Simple';
+sub ConstructAuthData {
+    my ($class,$SecData) = @_;
+    return new Security::Auth::Simple::AuthData(DataMD5 => $SecData);
+sub NewAuthData {
+    my ($class,$SecData) = @_;
+    return new Security::Auth::Simple::AuthData(Data => $SecData);
+package Security::Auth::Simple::AuthData;
+use Common;
+use Security;
+use Security::Auth;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty Data => ACCESS_READ;
+    DeclareProperty DataMD5 => ACCESS_READ;
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    if ($args{'Data'}) {
+        $args{'DataMD5'}= $args{'Data'} ? md5_hex($args{'Data'}) : undef ;
+        $this->{$Data} = $args{'Data'};
+    }
+    $this->{$DataMD5} = $args{'DataMD5'};
+sub DoAuth {
+    my ($this,$SecData) = @_;
+    if (not ($this->{$DataMD5} or $SecData) or $this->{$DataMD5} eq md5_hex($SecData)) {
+        if ($Strict) {
+            $this->{$Data} = Security::Auth::GenSSID;
+            $this->{$DataMD5} = md5_hex($this->{$Data});
+        } else {
+            $this->{$Data} = $SecData;
+        }
+        return Security::AUTH_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return Security::AUTH_FAILED;
+    }
+sub SessionAuthData {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$DataMD5};
+sub ClientAuthData {
+    my ($this) = @_;
+    return $this->{$Data};
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lib/Security/	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package Security::Authz;
+use Common;
+use Security;
+our @ISA = qw(Object);
+    DeclareProperty User => ACCESS_READ;
+sub _CurrentUser {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    if (ref $class) {
+        return $class->{$User};
+    } else {
+        if (Security->CurrentSession) {
+            Security->CurrentSession->User;
+        } else {
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+sub demand {
+    my ($class,@Roles) = @_;
+    return 0 if not $class->_CurrentUser;
+    my %UserRoles = map { $_->Name, 1 } $class->_CurrentUser->Roles;
+    return not grep {not $UserRoles{$_}} @Roles;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Schema/form.def	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+syntax ::= {{_include|_use}|container}[ {{_include|_use}|container} ...]
+name ::=<\w>+
+file_name ::=<\w./>+
+mod_name ::= <\w>+[::<\w>+...]
+_include ::= include file_name ;
+_use ::= use alias mod_name ;
+alias ::= <\w>+
+type ::=<\w>+
+multi ::=*
+container ::=type [multi] name[ : expression [, expression ...]] [body];
+instance ::= name[ ( expression [, expression ...])]
+string ::=[{<^\\">+|<\\><\w\W>}...]
+number ::=[{+|-}] <0-9>+[.<0-9>+[e[-]<0-9>+]]
+bin_op ::={+|-|&|<|>|=}
+un_op ::=!
+expression ::= {"string"|number|instance|(expression)|{"string"|number|instance|(expression)} bin_op expression|un_op expression}
+body ::= <{>
+    [{body_property|container} ...]
+complex_name ::= <\w>+[.<\w>+...]
+body_property ::= complex_name = expression;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Schema/query.def	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+syntax ::= select expr_list from var_defs where condition
+name ::= <\w>+
+fqdn ::= name[.name...]
+string ::= '[{<^'>+|<'>{2}}...]'
+number ::= [{+|-}] <\d>+
+math_op ::= {+|-|*|/}
+compare_op ::= {<\>>|<\<>|==|!=}
+log_op ::= {OR|AND}
+not_op ::= NOT
+expr ::= {string|number|fqdn} [math_op {string|number|fqdn|( expr )} ...]
+expr_list ::= expr [, expr ...]
+type ::= name [<\<>type [, type ...]<\>>]
+condition ::= [not_op] expr compare_op expr [log_op {condition|( condition )} ...]
+var_defs ::= name as type [, name as type ...]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Schema/schema.def	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+syntax ::= header[ class ...]
+name ::= <\w>+
+column_name ::= {<\w>+|<[><^[]>+<]>}
+type ::= name [<\<> template_list <\>>]
+type_definition ::= name [<\<> args_list <\>>]
+args_list ::= name [, name ...]
+db_type ::= <\w>+[(<\d>+[,<\d>+])]
+template_list ::= type[, type ...]
+mapping ::= column_name [as db_type]
+property ::= type name[ =<\>> mapping]
+comment ::= #<^\n>*<\n>[ #<^\n>*<\n>...]
+property_list ::= property ; [comment] [property ; [comment] ...]
+base_types ::= type [, type ...]
+value_type ::= value
+class ::=
+[comment][value_type ]type_definition [: base_types] <{>
+    [comment]
+    [property_list]
+header_value ::= {*<^;>+ {;<\n>| header_value}|<^\n>+[;]}
+header_prop ::= name = header_value
+file_name ::=<\w./>+
+include_item ::= include ( file_name )[;]
+header ::=[ {header_prop|include_item} ...]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Schema/type.def	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+syntax ::= name [<\<>syntax [, syntax ...]<\>>]
+name ::= <\w>+
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/_test/object.t	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib '../Lib';
+package Foo;
+use base qw(IMPL::Object);
+sub CTOR {
+    my ($this,%args) = @_;
+    print "CTOR Foo $args{Name}\n";
+sub Hello {
+    print "Hello";
+package Bar;
+use base qw(Foo);
+sub CTOR {
+    print "CTOR Bar\n";
+package main;
+my $obj = new Bar ( Name => 'Tom') ;
+Hello $obj;
+no strict 'refs';
+print "$_\n" foreach sort keys %{'Bar::'};
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/impl.kpf	Tue Jul 14 12:54:37 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
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