changeset 108:c6fb6964de4c

Removed absolute modules Updated DOM model, selectNodes can now select a complex path Web DOM model release candidate
author wizard
date Fri, 14 May 2010 16:06:06 +0400 (2010-05-14)
parents 0e72ad99eef7
children ddf0f037d460
files Lib/DOM/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/Providers/ Lib/DOM/ Lib/IMPL/DOM/ Lib/IMPL/DOM/Schema/Validator/ Lib/IMPL/Object/ Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/ Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/
diffstat 12 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 897 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Lib/DOM/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-package DOM::Page;
-use Common;
-use Template::Context;
-use strict;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-    DeclareProperty(Title => ACCESS_ALL);
-    DeclareProperty(NavChain => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Menus => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Properties => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Template => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(TemplatesProvider => ACCESS_NONE);
-    DeclareProperty(Site => ACCESS_READ);
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    $this->{$Site} = $args{'Site'};
-    $this->{$TemplatesProvider} = $args{'TemplatesProvider'};
-    $this->{$Properties} = $args{'Properties'} || {};
-    $this->{$Title} = $args{'Template'}->Title() || $args{'Properties'}->{'Title'};
-    $this->{$Template} =  $args{'Template'};
-    $this->{$NavChain} = $args{'NavChain'};
-    $this->{$Menus} = $args{'Menus'};
-sub Render {
-    my ($this,$hOut) = @_;
-    my $context = new Template::Context({
-        VARIABLES => $this->{$Site}->Objects(),
-        LOAD_TEMPLATES => $this->{$TemplatesProvider}
-    });
-    print $hOut $this->{$Template}->process($context);
-sub Dispose {
-    my ($this) = @_;
-    undef %$this;
-    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
-sub Container {
-    my ($this) = @_;
-    my $nav = $this->{$NavChain};
-    return $nav->[@{$nav}-1];
-    my $this = shift;
-    my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
-    $name =~ s/.*://;
-    return $this->{$Properties}->{$name};
-    [
-        ������� ����
-            {
-                Key => ���� ������ ����, ��� �������� ��������� � �������� � ������� ����
-                Name => ��� ������ ����, ������� ����� ������ ������������
-                Expand => ���� ����, ��� ���� �������
-                Value => {[ ������� ���� ...] | ���-�� ���, ������ ���}
-            }
-    ]
-package DOM::PageMenu;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-    DeclareProperty('Items'); # ������
-    DeclareProperty('Keys'); # ����� ��� ������� ����, ���� ������� �������
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    if (ref $args{'DATA'} eq 'ARRAY') {
-        foreach my $item (@{$args{'DATA'}}) {
-            if (ref $item eq 'HASH') {
-                $this->Append($item->{'Name'},_ProcessData($item->{'Value'}), Expand => $item->{'Expand'}, Key => $item->{'Key'}, Url => $item->{'Url'});
-            } elsif (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') {
-                $this->Append($item->[0],_ProcessData($item->[1]), Expand => $item->[2], Key => $item->[3], Url => $item->[4]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-sub Item {
-    my ($this,$index) = @_;
-    return $this->{$Items}[$index];
-sub ItemByKey {
-    my ($this,$key) = @_;
-    return $this->{$Keys}->{$key};
-sub InsertBefore {
-    my ($this,$index,$name,$data,%options) = @_;
-    my $item = {Name => $name, Value => _ProcessData($data), %options};
-    splice @{$this->{$Items}},$index,0,$item;
-    if ($options{'Key'}) {
-        $this->{$Keys}->{$options{'Key'}} = $item;
-    }
-sub Append {
-    my ($this,$name,$data,%options) = @_;
-    my $item = {Name => $name, Value => _ProcessData($data), %options};
-    push @{$this->{$Items}},$item;
-    if ($options{'Key'}) {
-        $this->{$Keys}->{$options{'Key'}} = $item;
-    }
-sub SubMenu {
-    my ($this,$path) = @_;
-    my $item = $this;
-    foreach my $key ( split /\/+/,$path ) {
-        $item = $item->{$Keys}->{$key};
-        if (not $item ) {
-            die new Exception('Item does\'t exist', $path, $key);
-        }
-        $item = $item->{Value};
-        if (not UNIVERSAL::isa($item,'DOM::PageMenu')) {
-            $item = ($this->{$Keys}->{$key}->{Value} = new DOM::PageMenu());
-        }
-    }
-    return $item;
-sub Dump {
-    use Data::Dumper;
-    return Dumper(shift);
-sub AppendItem {
-    my ($this,$item) = @_;
-    push @{$this->{$Items}},$item;
-    if ($item->{'Key'}) {
-        $this->{$Keys}->{$item->{'Key'}} = $item;
-    }
-sub RemoveAt {
-    my ($this,$index) = @_;
-    my $item = splice @{$this->{$Items}},$index,1;
-    if ($item->{'Key'}) {
-        delete $this->{$Keys}->{$item->{'Key'}};
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub ItemsCount {
-    my $this = shift;
-    return scalar(@{$this->{$Items}});
-sub Sort {
-    my $this = shift;
-    $this->{$Items} = \sort { $a->{'Name'} <=> $b->{'Name'} } @{$this->{$Items}};
-    return 1;
-sub as_list {
-    my $this = shift;
-    return $this->{$Items} || [];
-sub Merge {
-    my ($this,$that) = @_;
-    foreach my $itemThat ($that->Items) {
-        my $itemThis = $itemThat->{'Key'} ? $this->{$Keys}->{$itemThat->{'Key'}} : undef;
-        if ($itemThis) {
-            $this->MergeItems($itemThis,$itemThat);
-        } else {
-            $this->AppendItem($itemThat);
-        }
-    }
-sub MergeItems {
-    my ($this,$itemLeft,$itemRight) = @_;
-    while (my ($prop,$value) = each %{$itemRight}) {
-        if ($prop eq 'Value') {
-            if (UNIVERSAL::isa($itemLeft->{$prop},__PACKAGE__) && UNIVERSAL::isa($value,__PACKAGE__)) {
-                $itemLeft->{$prop}->Merge($value);
-            } else {
-                $itemLeft->{$prop} = $value if defined $value;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $itemLeft->{$prop} = $value if defined $value;
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _ProcessData {
-    my $refData = shift;
-    if (ref $refData eq 'ARRAY') {
-        return new DOM::PageMenu(DATA => $refData);
-    } else {
-        return $refData;
-    }
--- a/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package Configuration;
-our $DataDir;
-package DOM::Providers::Form;
-use strict;
-use Form;
-use Schema::Form;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-our $Encoding ;
-our $CacheDir ||= "${DataDir}Cache/";
-warn "The encoding for the DOM::Provider::Form isn't specified" if not $Encoding;
-$Encoding ||= 'utf-8';
-sub GetProviderInfo {
-    return {
-        Name => 'Form',
-        Host => 'DOM::Site',
-        Methods => {
-            LoadForm => \&SiteLoadForm
-        }
-    }
-    DeclareProperty FormsEncoding => ACCESS_READ;
-    DeclareProperty DataCacheDir => ACCESS_READ;
-sub SiteLoadForm {
-    my ($this,$site,$file,$form) = @_;
-    return $site->RegisterObject('Form',$this->LoadForm($file,$form));
-sub LoadForm {
-    my ($this,$file, $formName) = @_;
-    my $formSchema = Schema::Form->LoadForms($file,$this->{$DataCacheDir},$this->{$FormsEncoding})->{$formName} or die new Exception('The form isn\'t found',$formName,$file);
-    return Form->new($formSchema);
-sub construct {
-    my ($class) = @_;
-    return $class->new(FormsEncoding => $Encoding, DataCacheDir => $CacheDir);
--- a/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package DOM::Gallery;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-    DeclareProperty(Id => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Description => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Images => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(CurrentImage => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(NextImage => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(PrevImage => ACCESS_READ);
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    $this->{$Id} = $args{'Id'};
-    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'};
-    $this->{$Description} = $args{'Description'};
-sub GroupList {
-    my ($this,$GroupCount, $option) = @_;
-    my @images = map { $this->{$Images}->{$_} } sort keys %{$this->{$Images}};
-    my @listGroups;
-    my $group;
-    for (my $i = 0; $i < $GroupCount; $i++ ) {
-        #last unless scalar(@images) or $option =~ /align/i; 
-        push (@$group, shift(@images));
-        if ($i == $GroupCount - 1) {
-            push @listGroups, $group;
-            undef $group;
-            $i = -1;
-            last if not scalar(@images);
-        }
-    }
-    return \@listGroups;
-sub SelectImage {
-    my ($this,$imageId) = @_;
-    my @images = sort keys %{$this->{$Images}};
-    for (my $i=0; $i <= @images; $i++) {
-        if ($images[$i] eq $imageId) {
-            $this->{$CurrentImage} = $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i]};
-            $this->{$PrevImage} = $i-1 >= 0 ? $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i-1]} : undef;
-            $this->{$NextImage} = $i+1 < @images ? $this->{$Images}->{$images[$i+1]} : undef;
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    die new Exception("An image '$imageId' not found in the gallery '$this->{$Id}'");
-sub AddImage {
-    my ($this,$image) = @_;
-    $this->{$Images}->{$image->Id()} = $image;
-package DOM::Gallery::Image;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-    DeclareProperty(Id => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Name => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Gallery => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(URL => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(ThumbURL => ACCESS_READ);
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    $this->{$Id} = $args{'Id'} or die new Exception ('An Id should be specified for an image');
-    $this->{$Name} = $args{'Name'};
-    $this->{$Gallery} = $args{'Gallery'} or die new Exception('An Gallery should be specified for an image');
-    $this->{$URL} = $args{'URL'};
-    $this->{$ThumbURL} = $args{'ThumbURL'};
-package DOM::Providers::Gallery;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-our $RepoPath;
-our $ImagesURL;
-our $Encoding;
-    DeclareProperty(GalleryCache => ACCESS_NONE);
-    DeclareProperty(Repository => ACCESS_NONE);
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    $this->{$Repository} = $args {'Repository'} or die new Exception('A path to an galleries repository should be specified');
-sub GetProviderInfo() {
-    return {
-        Name => 'Gallery',
-        Host => 'DOM::Site',
-        Methods => {
-            LoadGallery => \&SiteLoadGallery #($this,$site,$galleryId)
-        }
-    };
-sub SiteLoadGallery {
-    my ($this,$site,$galleryId) = @_;
-    my $gallery = $this->LoadGallery($galleryId);
-    $site->RegisterObject('Gallery',$gallery);
-    return $gallery;
-sub LoadGallery {
-    my ($this,$galleryId) = @_;
-    die new Exception("Invalid Gallery Id: $galleryId") if $galleryId =~ /\\|\//;
-    my $galleryIdPath = $galleryId;
-    $galleryIdPath =~ s/\./\//g;
-    my $GalleryPath = $this->{$Repository} . $galleryIdPath .'/';
-    die new Exception("A gallery '$galleryId' isn't found",$GalleryPath) if not -d $GalleryPath;
-    open my $hDesc, "<:encoding($Encoding)", $GalleryPath.'index.htm' or die new Exception("Invalid gallery: $galleryId","Failed to open ${GalleryPath}index.htm: $!");
-    my $GalleryName;   
-    while (<$hDesc>) {
-        if (/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i) {
-            $GalleryName = $1;
-            last;
-        }
-    }    
-    undef $hDesc;
-    my $ImagesPath = $GalleryPath.'images/';
-    my $ThumbsPath = $GalleryPath.'thumbnails/';
-    opendir my $hImages, $ImagesPath or die new Exception("Invalid gallery: $galleryId","Can't open images repository: $!");
-    my @imageIds = grep { -f $ImagesPath.$_ } readdir $hImages;
-    my %imageNames;
-    if (-f $GalleryPath.'description.txt') {
-        local $/="\n";
-        if (open my $hfile,"<:encoding($Encoding)",$GalleryPath.'description.txt') {
-            while (<$hfile>) {
-                chomp;
-                my ($id,$name) = split /\s*=\s*/;
-                $imageNames{$id} = $name;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    undef $hImages;
-    if ($Common::Debug) {
-        foreach (@imageIds) {
-            warn "A tumb isn't found for an image: $_" if not -f $ThumbsPath.$_;
-        }
-    }
-    my $gallery = new DOM::Gallery(Id => $galleryId, Name => $GalleryName);
-    foreach my $imageId (@imageIds) {
-        $gallery->AddImage(new DOM::Gallery::Image(
-                Id => $imageId,
-                URL => $ImagesURL.$galleryIdPath.'/images/'.$imageId,
-                ThumbURL => $ImagesURL.$galleryIdPath.'/thumbnails/'.$imageId,
-                Gallery => $gallery,
-                Name => $imageNames{$imageId}
-            )
-        );
-    }
-    return $gallery;
-sub construct {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return new DOM::Providers::Gallery( Repository => $RepoPath);
--- a/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package DOM::Providers::Page;
-use Template::Provider;
-#use PerfCounter;
-use DOM::Page;
-use Common;
-use Encode;
-our @ISA= qw(Object Exporter);
-our $UseIndexPage;  #optional
-our $PagesPath;     #required
-our $IncludesPath;  #optional
-our $CacheSize;     #optional
-our $CachePath;     #optional
-our $Encoding;      #optional
-our $AllowExtPath;  #optional
-our $PageResolver;  #optional
-    DeclareProperty('PageResolver');
-    DeclareProperty('PagesBase');
-    DeclareProperty('IndexPage');
-    DeclareProperty('TemplatesProvider');
-    DeclareProperty('PageEnc');
-sub as_list {
-    return( map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'ARRAY') ? @{$_} : defined $_ ? $_ : () } @_ );
-sub GetProviderInfo {
-    return {
-        Name => 'Page',
-        Host => 'DOM::Site',
-        Methods => {
-            LoadPage => \&SiteLoadPage,
-            ReleasePage => \&SiteReleasePage,
-        }
-    }
-sub CTOR {
-    my ($this,%args) = @_;
-    $this->{$PageResolver} = $args{'PageResolver'};
-    $this->{$PagesBase} = $args{'TemplatesPath'};
-    $this->{$IndexPage} = $args{'IndexPage'} || 'index.html';
-    $this->{$PageEnc} = $args{'Encoding'};
-    $this->{$TemplatesProvider} = new Template::Provider( INCLUDE_PATH => [$this->{$PagesBase}, as_list($args{'IncludePath'}) ], COMPILE_DIR => $args{'CachePath'}, CACHE_SIZE => $args{'CacheSize'}, ENCODING => $args{'Encoding'}, ABSOLUTE => $AllowExtPath, RELATIVE => $AllowExtPath, INTERPOLATE => 1, PRE_CHOMP => 3);
-sub ResolveId {
-    my ($this,$pageId) = @_;
-    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'ResolveId')) {
-        return $this->{$PageResolver}->ResolveId($pageId);
-    } else {
-        return grep { $_ } split /\//,$pageId;
-    }
-sub MakePageId {
-    my ($this,$raPath) = @_;
-    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'MakeId')) {
-        return $this->{$PageResolver}->MakeId($raPath);
-    } else {
-        return join '/',@$raPath;
-    }
-sub PageIdToURL {
-    my ($this,$pageId) = @_;
-    if ($this->{$PageResolver} && UNIVERSAL::can($this->{$PageResolver},'PageIdToURL')) {
-        return $this->{$PageResolver}->PageIdToURL($pageId);
-    } else {
-        return '/'.$pageId;
-    }
-sub SiteLoadPage {
-    my ($this,$site,$pageId) = @_;
-    return $site->RegisterObject('Page', $this->LoadPage($pageId, Site => $site));
-sub LoadPage {
-    my ($this,$pageId,%args) = @_;
-    #StartTimeCounter('LoadPageTime');
-    my @pathPage = $this->ResolveId($pageId);
-    my $pageNode = $this->LoadNode(\@pathPage);
-    pop @pathPage;
-    my @pathNode;
-    # ��������� ���� ������ ������������ ��������� ����������, �� ����� ��� �������� � ������
-    my @NavChain = map { push @pathNode, $_; $this->LoadNode(\@pathNode); } ('.',@pathPage);
-    if ($pageNode->{'Type'} eq 'Section') {
-        push @NavChain,$pageNode;
-        $pageNode = $this->LoadNode($pageNode->{'pathIndexPage'});
-    }
-    # ��������� ���� ��������
-    my %PageMenus;
-    foreach my $MenuSet (map { $_->{'Menus'}} @NavChain, $pageNode->{'Menus'} ) {
-        foreach my $menuName (keys %$MenuSet) {
-            if ($PageMenus{$menuName}) {
-                $PageMenus{$menuName}->Merge($MenuSet->{$menuName});
-            } else {
-                $PageMenus{$menuName} = $MenuSet->{$menuName};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    # ��������� �������� ����� � ��������
-    my @keywords;
-    my %Props;
-    foreach my $PropSet ( (map { $_->{'Props'}} @NavChain), $pageNode->{'Props'} ) {
-        if(ref $PropSet->{'Keywords'} eq 'ARRAY') {
-            push @keywords, @{$PropSet->{'Keywords'}};
-        } elsif (not ref $PropSet->{'Keywords'} and exists $PropSet->{'Keywords'}) {
-            push @keywords, $PropSet->{'Keywords'};
-        }
-        while (my ($prop,$value) = each %$PropSet) {
-            next if $prop eq 'Keywords';
-            $Props{$prop} = $value;
-        }
-    }
-    #StopTimeCounter('LoadPageTime');
-    # ��������� ������
-    #StartTimeCounter('FetchTime');
-    my ($Template,$error) = $this->{$TemplatesProvider}->fetch($pageNode->{'TemplateFileName'});
-    die new Exception("Failed to load page $pageId",$Template ? $Template->as_string : 'Failed to parse') if $error;
-    #StopTimeCounter('FetchTime');
-    my $page = new DOM::Page(TemplatesProvider => $this->{$TemplatesProvider}, Properties => \%Props, Menus => \%PageMenus, NavChain => \@NavChain, Template => $Template, %args);
-    $page->Properties->{url} = $this->PageIdToURL($pageId);
-    return $page;
-sub LoadNode {
-    my ($this,$refNodePath) = @_;
-    my $fileNameNode = $this->{$PagesBase} . join('/',grep $_, @$refNodePath);
-    my $fileNameMenus;
-    my $fileNameProps; 
-    my %Node;
-    if ( -d $fileNameNode ) {
-        $Node{'Type'} = 'Section';
-        $fileNameMenus = $fileNameNode . '/';
-        $fileNameProps = $fileNameNode . '/';
-    } elsif ( -e $fileNameNode ) {
-        $Node{'Type'} = 'Page';
-        $Node{'TemplateFileName'} = join('/',@$refNodePath);;
-        $fileNameMenus = $fileNameNode . '';
-        $fileNameProps = $fileNameNode . '';
-    } else {
-        die new Exception("Page not found: $fileNameNode");
-    }
-    if ( -f $fileNameProps ) {
-        local ${^ENCODING};
-        my $dummy = '';
-        open my $hnull,'>>',\$dummy;
-        local (*STDOUT,*STDIN) = ($hnull,$hnull);
-        $Node{'Props'} = do $fileNameProps or warn "can't parse $fileNameProps: $@";
-    }
-    if ( -f $fileNameMenus ) {
-        local ${^ENCODING};
-        my $dummy = '';
-        open my $hnull,'>>',\$dummy;
-        local (*STDOUT,*STDIN) = ($hnull,$hnull);
-        $Node{'Menus'} = do $fileNameMenus or warn "can't parse $fileNameMenus: $@";
-    }
-    if ($Node{'Menus'}) {
-        my %Menus;
-        foreach my $menu (keys %{$Node{'Menus'}}) {
-            $Menus{$menu} = new DOM::PageMenu( DATA => $Node{'Menus'}->{$menu} );
-        }
-        $Node{'Menus'} = \%Menus;
-    }
-    $Node{'pathIndexPage'} = [@$refNodePath, $Node{'Props'}->{'IndexPage'} || $this->{$IndexPage}] if $Node{'Type'} eq 'Section';
-    return \%Node;
-sub SiteReleasePage {
-    my ($this,$site) = @_;
-    my $page = $site->Objects()->{'Page'};
-    $page->Release() if $page;
-    return 1;
-sub construct {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return new DOM::Providers::Page(TemplatesPath => $PagesPath, IncludePath => $IncludesPath, IndexPage => $UseIndexPage, CachePath => $CachePath, CacheSize => $CacheSize, Encoding => $Encoding);
-sub DecodeData {
-    my ($Encoding, $data) = @_;
-    if (ref $data) {
-        if (ref $data eq 'SCALAR') {
-            my $decoded = Encode::decode($Encoding,$$data,Encode::LEAVE_SRC);
-            return \$decoded;
-        } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'HASH')) {
-            return {map {Encode::decode($Encoding,$_,Encode::LEAVE_SRC),DecodeData($Encoding,$data->{$_})} keys %$data };
-        } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'ARRAY')) {
-            return [map {DecodeData($Encoding,$_)} @$data];
-        } elsif (ref $data eq 'REF') {
-            my $decoded = DecodeData($Encoding,$$data);
-            return \$decoded;
-        } else {
-            die new Exception('Cant decode data type', ref $data);
-        }
-    } else {
-        return Encode::decode($Encoding,$data,Encode::LEAVE_SRC);
-    }
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-���������� �������� ��������
-    Keywords �������� �����
-    Name ��������
-    IndexPage �������� �� ���������
-� �������� ��������� ��������, ������ �������� ����� ����� ������� � ����
-��� �������� �������� ��������� ����������� ��� ������������ ����������,
-��� ���� ����������� ���� ���������,
-�������� keywords ��������������,
-���� ��� �������� �� ������, �� ������������ ��� �������
--- a/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package DOM::Providers::Perfomance;
-use PerfCounter;
-sub GetProviderInfo {
-    return {
-        Name => 'Perfomance',
-        Host => 'DOM::Site',
-        Objects => {
-            Counters => \%PerfCounter::Counters
-        }
-    }
--- a/Lib/DOM/Providers/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package DOM::Providers::Security;
-use Security;
-sub GetProviderInfo {
-    return {
-        Name => 'Security',
-        Host => 'DOM::Site',
-        Objects => {
-            Session => \&GetSession
-        }
-    }
-sub GetSession {
-    return Security->CurrentSession;
--- a/Lib/DOM/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-package DOM::Site;
-use strict;
-use Common;
-our @ISA = qw(Object);
-our $Name;
-our @Providers;
-    DeclareProperty(Objects => ACCESS_READ);
-    DeclareProperty(Providers => ACCESS_NONE);
-sub RegisterObject {
-    my ($this,$name,$object) = @_;
-    $this->{$Objects}->{$name} = $object;
-sub RegisterProvider {
-    my ($this,$provider) = @_;
-    my $refInfo = $provider->GetProviderInfo();
-    if ($refInfo->{'Host'} eq __PACKAGE__) {
-        die new Exception("Provider $refInfo->{'Name'} already registered") if exists $this->{$Providers}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}};
-        while (my ($name,$method) = each %{$refInfo->{'Methods'}}) {
-            no strict 'refs';
-            no warnings 'redefine';
-            *{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $name} = sub {
-                shift;
-                $method->($provider,$this,@_);
-            };
-        }
-        while (my ($name,$object) = each %{$refInfo->{'Objects'}}) {
-            $this->{$Objects}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}}->{$name} = $object;
-        }
-        $this->{$Providers}->{$refInfo->{'Name'}} = 1;
-    }
-sub construct {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $site = $self->new();
-    $site->RegisterObject(Site => { Name => $Name});
-    foreach my $provider (@Providers) {
-        my $providerFile = $provider;
-        $providerFile =~ s/::/\//g;
-        $providerFile .= '.pm';
-        eval {
-            require $providerFile;
-        };
-        if ($@) {
-            my $InnerErr = $@;
-            die new Exception("Failed to load provider $provider", $InnerErr);
-        }
-        if ($provider->can('construct')) {
-            $site->RegisterProvider($provider->construct());
-        } else {
-            $site->RegisterProvider($provider);
-        }
-    }
-    return $site;
-sub Dispose {
-    my ($this) = @_;
-    UNIVERSAL::can($_,'Dispose') and $_->Dispose foreach values %{$this->{$Objects} || {}};
-    undef %$this;
-    $this->SUPER::Dispose;
--- a/Lib/IMPL/DOM/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/DOM/	Fri May 14 16:06:06 2010 +0400
@@ -183,7 +183,29 @@
 sub selectNodes {
-    my ($this,$query,$axis) = @_;
+	my $this = shift;
+	my ($path) = @_;
+	$path = ref $path eq 'ARRAY' ? $path :  ( @_ == 1 ? $this->translatePath($path) : [@_]); 
+	my @set = ($this);
+	while (my $query = shift @$path) {
+		@set = map $_->selectNodesAxis($query), @set;
+	}
+	return wantarray ? @set : \@set;   
+sub translatePath {
+	my ($this,$path) = @_;
+	# TODO: Move path compilation here from IMPL::DOM::Schema::Validator::Compare
+	return [$path];
+sub selectNodesAxis {
+	 my ($this,$query,$axis) = @_;
     $axis ||= 'child';
@@ -200,7 +222,7 @@
         @result = grep $keys{$_->nodeName}, @{$nodes};
     } elsif (ref $query eq 'HASH') {
     	while( my ($axis,$filter) = each %$query ) {
-    		push @result, $this->selectNodes($filter,$axis);
+    		push @result, $this->selectNodesAxis($filter,$axis);
     } elsif (defined $query) {
         @result = grep $_->nodeName eq $query, @{$nodes};
@@ -211,18 +233,6 @@
     return wantarray ? @result : \@result;
-sub selectPath {
-	my ($this,$path) = @_;
-	my @set = ($this);
-	while (my $query = shift @$path) {
-		@set = map $_->selectNodes($query), @set;
-	}
-	return wantarray ? @set : \@set;
 sub selectParent {
 	my ($this) = @_;
--- a/Lib/IMPL/DOM/Schema/Validator/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/DOM/Schema/Validator/	Fri May 14 16:06:06 2010 +0400
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 	my $query = $this->_pathTranslated() || $this->_pathTranslated($this->TranslatePath($this->nodePath));
-	my ($foreignNode) = $node->selectPath($query);
+	my ($foreignNode) = $node->selectNodes($query);
 	my $Source = $ctx && $ctx->{Source} || $this->parentNode;
--- a/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Object/	Fri May 14 16:06:06 2010 +0400
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
-    goto &{caller(). substr $AUTOLOAD,4};
+    goto &{caller(). substr $AUTOLOAD,6};
 package supercall;
--- a/Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/	Fri May 14 16:06:06 2010 +0400
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 package IMPL::Web::TT::Control;
-use base qw(IMPL::DOM::Node);
+use base qw(IMPL::Web::TT::Collection);
 use IMPL::Class::Property;
+	public property controlClass => prop_all;
 	public property template => prop_all;
 	public property id => prop_all;
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
 	$this->template($args{template}) if $args{template};
 	$this->id($this->nodeName . '-' . $nextId++);
+	$this->controlClass($args{controlClass} || 'Control');
 sub Render {
--- a/Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/	Thu May 13 03:46:29 2010 +0400
+++ b/Lib/IMPL/Web/TT/	Fri May 14 16:06:06 2010 +0400
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     private property _context => prop_all;
     public property template => prop_get | owner_set;
     public property presenter => prop_all, { validate => \&_validatePresenter };
-    public property controls => { get => \&_getControls };
+    private property _controlClassMap => prop_all;
 our %CTOR = (
@@ -26,11 +26,25 @@
 sub CTOR {
 	my ($this) = @_;
-	$this->appendChild(
-		$this->Create(
-			controls => 'IMPL::Web::TT::Collection'
-		)
-	)
+	$this->_controlClassMap({});
+	$this->registerControlClass( Control => 'IMPL::Web::TT::Control' );
+	$this->appendChild( $this->Create(body => 'IMPL::Web::TT::Collection') );
+	$this->appendChild( $this->Create(head => 'IMPL::Web::TT::Collection') );
+sub CreateControl {
+	my ($this,$name,$class,$args) = @_;
+	$args = {} unless ref $args eq 'HASH';
+	if (my $info = $this->_controlClassMap->{$class}) {
+		my %nodeArgs = (%{$info->{args}},%$args);
+		$nodeArgs{controlClass} = $class;
+		return $this->Create($name,$info->{type},\%nodeArgs);
+	} else {
+		die new IMPL::Exception('A control is\'t registered', $class, $name);
+	}
 sub provider {
@@ -58,8 +72,7 @@
                     this => $this,
                     render => sub {
-                    },
-                    controls => $this->controls
+                    }
                 TRIM => 1,
                 RECURSION => 1,
@@ -69,11 +82,22 @@
-sub createControl {
-	my ($this,$name,$args) = @_;
+sub registerControlClass {
+	my ($this, $controlClass, $type, $args) = @_;
+	$type ||= 'IMPL::Web::TT::Control';
+	die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("A controlClass must be a single word",$controlClass) unless $controlClass =~ /^\w+$/;
-	my $node = $this->Create($name,'IMPL::Web::TT::Control',$args);
-	$this->controls->appendChild($node);
+	eval "require $type; 1;" or die new IMPL::Exception("Failed to load a module",$type,"$@") unless ref $type or $INC{$type};
+	die new IMPL::InvalidArgumentException("A type must be subclass of IMPL::DOM::Node",$type) unless $type->isa('IMPL::DOM::Node');
+	$this->_controlClassMap->{$controlClass} = {
+		controlClass => $controlClass,
+		type => $type,
+		args => ref $args eq 'HASH' ? $args : {}
+	};
 sub _getControls {
@@ -153,6 +177,26 @@
 	return join '',@result;
+	my $this = shift;
+	my ($method) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /(\w+)$/);
+	if($method =~ /^create(\w+)/) {
+		my ($name,$args) = @_;
+		return $this->CreateControl($name,$1,$args);
+	}
+	my @result = $this->selectNodes($method);
+	return $result[0] if @result;
+	return;
+sub as_list {
+	$_[0]->childNodes;
 sub Dispose {
     my ($this) = @_;
@@ -160,7 +204,7 @@
-    $this->SUPER::Dispose();
+    $this->supercall::Dispose();
@@ -223,17 +267,30 @@
 =head1 DOM
+�������� ������������ ����� DOM ��������, ��������� �� �����, ������� ������������ ����� ������
+��� �����������. ��� ��������������� ������ ������������ C<template>.
+� �������� ��������� ��������� ����� ������������� ����������� ������� C<IMPL::Web::TT::Control>,
+������� ������ �������� ������ ��� �������������� ������������ �����������.
+�������� ������������� ��� ������� ��� ������ � ���������� ����������.
+=head1 TEMPLATE
 =begin code html
-[% table = document.Create('env','table') %]
+[% CALL document.registerClass( 'Table', 'My::TableClass', template => 'tables/' ) %]
+[% CALL document.registerClass( 'Form' )%]
+[% table = document.�reateTable('env') %]
 [% FOEACH item in document.result %]
 	[% table.rows.Add( item.get('name','value') ) %]
 [% END %]
-[% form = document.Create('login','form') %]
+[% form = document.createForm('login') %]
 [% form.template = 'LOGIN_FORM'%]
 [% FOREACH item IN document.childNodes %]
@@ -248,5 +305,4 @@
 =end code html