log Implab/Components/RunnableComponent.cs @ 246:5aa9cfbe56c3 v3

age author description
2018-01-25 cin working on promises v3
2017-03-20 cin Code review for RunnableComponent v2
2016-11-13 cin RunnableComponent.Dispose(bool,Exception) changed to standart Dispose(bool) v2
2016-10-25 cin Added ResetState to RunnableComponent to reset in case of failure v2
2016-10-18 cin Added 'Fail' method to RunnableComponent which allows component to move from v2
2016-10-17 cin Implemented PollingRunnableComponent v2
2016-08-29 cin fixed promise chaining behavior, the error handler doesn't handle result or cancellation handlers exceptions these exceptions are propagated to the next handlers.
2016-04-19 cin Reworked cancelation handling, if the cancel handler isn't specified the OperationCanceledException will be handled by the error handler ref20160224
2016-04-18 cin working on cancelation and error handling ref20160224
2016-04-18 cin runnable component, work in progress ref20160224
2016-04-16 cin working on runnable component ref20160224
2016-03-23 cin refactoring complete, JSONParser rewritten ref20160224
2016-02-18 cin refactoring, code cleanup v2
2016-02-18 cin sync v2
2016-02-15 cin Promises: SignalXXX methods merged into SignalHandler method. v2