log Implab/Automaton/DFATable.cs @ 189:b60643b47078 ref20160224

age author description
2016-03-24 cin fixed DFA optimization, JSON is fully functional ref20160224
2016-03-24 cin pretty print DFA, the minimization is still buggy ref20160224
2016-03-24 cin minor fixes and debug ref20160224
2016-03-23 cin refactoring complete, JSONParser rewritten ref20160224
2016-03-23 cin working on JSON parser ref20160224
2016-03-22 cin rewritten the text scanner ref20160224
2016-03-13 cin Working on text scanner ref20160224
2016-03-09 cin Working on regular DFA ref20160224
2016-03-03 cin DFA refactoring ref20160224