log Implab/Promise.cs @ 281:e0916ddc9950 v3 tip

age author description
2018-04-13 cin minor fixes v3 v3.0.6
2018-01-31 cin Implab.Test moved to xunit v3
2018-01-29 cin Added awaiters to promises v3
2018-01-24 cin working on promises v3
2016-10-25 cin Added ResetState to RunnableComponent to reset in case of failure v2
2015-03-06 cin DRAFT: refactoring v2
2015-02-17 cin added ICancellable.Cancel(Exception) to allow specify the reason of cancellation v2
2015-01-11 cin Promises rewritten, added improved version of AsyncQueue v2
2014-11-19 cin fixed Promise.Error handler v2
2014-11-11 cin minor fixes and optimizations v2
2014-11-10 cin promises refactoring v2
2014-11-10 cin minor fixes v2
2014-11-09 cin renamed Promise.Last -> Promise.On v2
2014-11-06 cin code cleanup v2
2014-11-04 cin fixed TransientPromiseException handling v2
2014-10-30 cin Added the chaining method to the non-generic IPromise v2
2014-09-25 cin added memory barriers v2
2014-09-10 cin Refactoring of the IPromise<T> interface v2
2014-09-10 cin major refactoring, added tasks support v2
2014-09-08 cin minor fixes v2
2014-09-04 cin promises refactoring v2
2014-09-03 cin code cleanup
2014-08-14 cin Refactoring
2014-06-30 cin minor changes
2014-04-09 cin removed the reference to the parent from the promise object this allows
2014-04-08 cin fixed: StackOverflow in IPromiseBase.Then(handler)
2014-04-06 cin small refactoring, cleanup.
2014-03-06 cin Added a casting method for promises.
2014-03-03 cin fixes
2014-03-03 cin fixes
2014-02-20 cin refactoring
2014-02-05 cin refactoring
2013-11-09 cin Promise is rewritten to use interlocked operations instead of locks promises
2013-11-07 cin sync promises
2013-11-06 cin implemented parallel map and foreach for arrays promises
2013-11-06 cin Implemented interllocked queue promises
2013-11-04 cin refactoring promises
2013-11-03 cin implemeted new cancellable promises concept promises
2013-11-01 cin sync promises
2013-11-01 cin inital progress handling promises
2013-10-20 cin *refactoring: Promise.Then now returns a new chained promise
2013-08-29 cin small fixes
2013-08-27 cin Added utility class for safe disposing methods.
2013-08-23 user initial commit