+ − 1 <% group # Abstract accessors %>
+ − 2 <% order # 20 %>
+ − 3
+ − 4 <p class="j">The following example demonstrates how to create and use an abstract data accessor class.
+ − 5 All abstract methods of the class are generated at run-time depending on each method declaration.
+ − 6 Every part of the method declaration is important.
+ − 7 Method's return value specifies one of the Execute methods in the following way:
+ − 8 <table class='data'>
+ − 9 <tr><th>Return Type</th><th>Execute Method</th></tr>
+ − 10 <tr><td><i>IDataReader</i> interface</td><td>ExecuteReader</td></tr>
+ − 11 <tr><td>Subclass of <i>DataSet</i></td><td>ExecuteDataSet</td></tr>
+ − 12 <tr><td>Subclass of <i>DataTable</i></td><td>ExecuteDataTable</td></tr>
+ − 13 <tr><td>Class implementing the <i>IList</i> interface</td><td><a href="ExecuteList.htm">ExecuteList</a> or <a href="ExecuteList.htm">ExecuteScalarList</a></td></tr>
+ − 14 <tr><td>Class implementing the <i>IDictionary</i> interface</td><td><a href="ExecuteDictionary.htm">ExecuteDictionary</a> or <a href="ExecuteDictionary.htm">ExecuteScalarDictionary</a></td></tr>
+ − 15 <tr><td><i>void</i></td><td>ExecuteNonQuery</td></tr>
+ − 16 <tr><td><i>string</i>, <i>byte[]</i> or value type</td><td><a href="ExecuteScalar.htm">ExecuteScalar</a></td></tr>
+ − 17 <tr><td>In any other case</td><td><a href="ExecuteObject.htm">ExecuteObject</a></td></tr>
+ − 18 </table>
+ − 19 Method name explicitly defines action name which is converted to stored procedure name.<br/>
+ − 20 Type, sequential order, and name of the method parameters is mapped to the command parameters.
+ − 21 Exceptions from this rule are:
+ − 22 <br>
+ − 23 <div style="margin:-10px 0px -10px -10px"><ul compact="compact">
+ − 24 <li>a parameter of <a href="../Data/index.htm"><i>DbManager</i></a> type. In this case generator uses provided <a href="../Data/index.htm"><i>DbManager</i></a> to call the command.</li>
+ − 25 <li>parameters decorated with attribute <i>FormatAttribute</i>.</li>
+ − 26 </ul></div>
+ − 27 </p>
+ − 28 AbstractAccessor.cs
+ − 29 <% ..\..\..\HowTo\DataAccess\AbstractAccessor.cs %>
+ − 30 <a name='Person'></a>
+ − 31 Person.cs
+ − 32 <% ..\..\..\HowTo\DataAccess\Person.cs %>
+ − 33 Gender.cs
+ − 34 <% ..\..\..\HowTo\DataAccess\Gender.cs %>
+ − 35 App.config
+ − 36 <% Doc\Data\App.config %>
+ − 37 <a href="../Data/CreateSql.htm">Create.sql script</a>