diff Source/Data/Sql/SqlQuery.cs @ 0:f990fcb411a9

Копия текущей версии из github
author cin
date Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:46:09 +0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Source/Data/Sql/SqlQuery.cs	Thu Mar 27 21:46:09 2014 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,4850 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using JetBrains.Annotations;
+namespace BLToolkit.Data.Sql
+	using Reflection;
+	using FJoin = SqlQuery.FromClause.Join;
+	[DebuggerDisplay("SQL = {SqlText}")]
+	public class SqlQuery : ISqlTableSource
+	{
+		#region Init
+		static readonly Dictionary<string,object> _reservedWords = new Dictionary<string,object>();
+		static SqlQuery()
+		{
+			using (var stream = typeof(SqlQuery).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(SqlQuery), "ReservedWords.txt"))
+			using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
+			{
+				/*
+				var words = reader.ReadToEnd().Replace(' ', '\n').Replace('\t', '\n').Split('\n');
+				var q = from w in words where w.Length > 0 orderby w select w;
+				var text = string.Join("\n", q.Distinct().ToArray());
+				*/
+				string s;
+				while ((s = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
+					_reservedWords.Add(s, s);
+			}
+		}
+		public SqlQuery()
+		{
+			SourceID = Interlocked.Increment(ref SourceIDCounter);
+			_select  = new SelectClause (this);
+			_from    = new FromClause   (this);
+			_where   = new WhereClause  (this);
+			_groupBy = new GroupByClause(this);
+			_having  = new WhereClause  (this);
+			_orderBy = new OrderByClause(this);
+		}
+		internal SqlQuery(int id)
+		{
+			SourceID = id;
+		}
+		internal void Init(
+			InsertClause       insert,
+			UpdateClause       update,
+			DeleteClause       delete,
+			SelectClause       select,
+			FromClause         from,
+			WhereClause        where,
+			GroupByClause      groupBy,
+			WhereClause        having,
+			OrderByClause      orderBy,
+			List<Union>        unions,
+			SqlQuery           parentSql,
+			bool               parameterDependent,
+			List<SqlParameter> parameters)
+		{
+			_insert             = insert;
+			_update             = update;
+			_delete             = delete;
+			_select             = select;
+			_from               = from;
+			_where              = where;
+			_groupBy            = groupBy;
+			_having             = having;
+			_orderBy            = orderBy;
+			_unions             = unions;
+			ParentSql          = parentSql;
+			IsParameterDependent = parameterDependent;
+			_parameters.AddRange(parameters);
+			foreach (var col in select.Columns)
+				col.Parent = this;
+			_select. SetSqlQuery(this);
+			_from.   SetSqlQuery(this);
+			_where.  SetSqlQuery(this);
+			_groupBy.SetSqlQuery(this);
+			_having. SetSqlQuery(this);
+			_orderBy.SetSqlQuery(this);
+		}
+		readonly List<SqlParameter> _parameters = new List<SqlParameter>();
+		public   List<SqlParameter>  Parameters
+		{
+			get { return _parameters; }
+		}
+		private List<object> _properties;
+		public  List<object>  Properties
+		{
+			get { return _properties ?? (_properties = new List<object>()); }
+		}
+		public bool     IsParameterDependent { get; set; }
+		public SqlQuery ParentSql            { get; set; }
+		public bool IsSimple
+		{
+			get { return !Select.HasModifier && Where.IsEmpty && GroupBy.IsEmpty && Having.IsEmpty && OrderBy.IsEmpty; }
+		}
+		private QueryType _queryType = QueryType.Select;
+		public  QueryType  QueryType
+		{
+			get { return _queryType;  }
+			set { _queryType = value; }
+		}
+		public bool IsSelect         { get { return _queryType == QueryType.Select;        } }
+		public bool IsDelete         { get { return _queryType == QueryType.Delete;        } }
+		public bool IsInsertOrUpdate { get { return _queryType == QueryType.InsertOrUpdate; } }
+		public bool IsInsert         { get { return _queryType == QueryType.Insert || _queryType == QueryType.InsertOrUpdate; } }
+		public bool IsUpdate         { get { return _queryType == QueryType.Update || _queryType == QueryType.InsertOrUpdate; } }
+		#endregion
+		#region Column
+		public class Column : IEquatable<Column>, ISqlExpression, IChild<SqlQuery>
+		{
+			public Column(SqlQuery parent, ISqlExpression expression, string alias)
+			{
+				if (expression == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");
+				Parent     = parent;
+				Expression = expression;
+				_alias      = alias;
+#if DEBUG
+				_columnNumber = ++_columnCounter;
+			}
+			public Column(SqlQuery builder, ISqlExpression expression)
+				: this(builder, expression, null)
+			{
+			}
+#if DEBUG
+			readonly int _columnNumber;
+			static   int _columnCounter;
+			public ISqlExpression Expression { get; set; }
+			internal string _alias;
+			public   string  Alias
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					if (_alias == null)
+					{
+						if (Expression is SqlField)
+						{
+							var field = (SqlField)Expression;
+							return field.Alias ?? field.PhysicalName;
+						}
+						if (Expression is Column)
+						{
+							var col = (Column)Expression;
+							return col.Alias;
+						}
+					}
+					return _alias;
+				}
+				set { _alias = value; }
+			}
+			public bool Equals(Column other)
+			{
+				return Expression.Equals(other.Expression);
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region ISqlExpression Members
+			public bool CanBeNull()
+			{
+				return Expression.CanBeNull();
+			}
+			public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression,bool> comparer)
+			{
+				if (this == other)
+					return true;
+				return
+					other is Column &&
+					Expression.Equals(((Column)other).Expression, comparer) &&
+					comparer(this, other);
+			}
+			public int Precedence
+			{
+				get { return Sql.Precedence.Primary; }
+			}
+			public Type SystemType
+			{
+				get { return Expression.SystemType; }
+			}
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				var parent = (SqlQuery)Parent.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = new Column(
+						parent,
+						(ISqlExpression)Expression.Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+						_alias));
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IEquatable<ISqlExpression> Members
+			bool IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression other)
+			{
+				if (this == other)
+					return true;
+				return other is Column && Equals((Column)other);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			public ISqlExpression Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				if (!(skipColumns && Expression is Column))
+					Expression = Expression.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return func(this);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IChild<ISqlTableSource> Members
+			string IChild<SqlQuery>.Name
+			{
+				get { return Alias; }
+			}
+			public SqlQuery Parent { get; set; }
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.Column; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				sb
+					.Append('t')
+					.Append(Parent.SourceID)
+					.Append(".");
+#if DEBUG
+				sb.Append('[').Append(_columnNumber).Append(']');
+				if (Expression is SqlQuery)
+				{
+					sb
+						.Append("(\n\t\t");
+					var len = sb.Length;
+					Expression.ToString(sb, dic).Replace("\n", "\n\t\t", len, sb.Length - len);
+					sb.Append("\n\t)");
+				}
+				/*else if (Expression is Column)
+				{
+					var col = (Column)Expression;
+					sb
+						.Append("t")
+						.Append(col.Parent.SourceID)
+						.Append(".")
+						.Append(col.Alias ?? "c" + (col.Parent.Select.Columns.IndexOf(col) + 1));
+				}*/
+				else
+				{
+					Expression.ToString(sb, dic);
+				}
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region TableSource
+		public class TableSource : ISqlTableSource
+		{
+			public TableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string alias)
+				: this(source, alias, null)
+			{
+			}
+			public TableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string alias, params JoinedTable[] joins)
+			{
+				if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
+				Source = source;
+				_alias = alias;
+				if (joins != null)
+					_joins.AddRange(joins);
+			}
+			public TableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string alias, IEnumerable<JoinedTable> joins)
+			{
+				if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
+				Source = source;
+				_alias = alias;
+				if (joins != null)
+					_joins.AddRange(joins);
+			}
+			public ISqlTableSource Source       { get; set; }
+			public SqlTableType    SqlTableType { get { return Source.SqlTableType; } }
+			internal string _alias;
+			public   string  Alias
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_alias))
+					{
+						if (Source is TableSource)
+							return (Source as TableSource).Alias;
+						if (Source is SqlTable)
+							return ((SqlTable)Source).Alias;
+					}
+					return _alias;
+				}
+				set { _alias = value; }
+			}
+			public TableSource this[ISqlTableSource table]
+			{
+				get { return this[table, null]; }
+			}
+			public TableSource this[ISqlTableSource table, string alias]
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					foreach (var tj in Joins)
+					{
+						var t = CheckTableSource(tj.Table, table, alias);
+						if (t != null)
+							return t;
+					}
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			readonly List<JoinedTable> _joins = new List<JoinedTable>();
+			public   List<JoinedTable>  Joins
+			{
+				get { return _joins;  }
+			}
+			public void ForEach(Action<TableSource> action, HashSet<SqlQuery> visitedQueries)
+			{
+				action(this);
+				foreach (var join in Joins)
+					join.Table.ForEach(action, visitedQueries);
+				if (Source is SqlQuery && visitedQueries.Contains((SqlQuery)Source))
+					((SqlQuery)Source).ForEachTable(action, visitedQueries);
+			}
+			public IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> GetTables()
+			{
+				yield return Source;
+				foreach (var join in Joins)
+					foreach (var table in join.Table.GetTables())
+						yield return table;
+			}
+			public int GetJoinNumber()
+			{
+				var n = Joins.Count;
+				foreach (var join in Joins)
+					n += join.Table.GetJoinNumber();
+				return n;
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region IEquatable<ISqlExpression> Members
+			bool IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression other)
+			{
+				return this == other;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			public ISqlExpression Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				Source = (ISqlTableSource)Source.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				foreach (var t in Joins)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)t).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return this;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlTableSource Members
+			public int       SourceID { get { return Source.SourceID; } }
+			public SqlField  All      { get { return Source.All;      } }
+			IList<ISqlExpression> ISqlTableSource.GetKeys(bool allIfEmpty)
+			{
+				return Source.GetKeys(allIfEmpty);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+				{
+					var ts = new TableSource((ISqlTableSource)Source.Clone(objectTree, doClone), _alias);
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = ts);
+					ts._joins.AddRange(_joins.ConvertAll(jt => (JoinedTable)jt.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+				}
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.TableSource; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (sb.Length > 500)
+					return sb;
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				if (Source is SqlQuery)
+				{
+					sb.Append("(\n\t");
+					var len = sb.Length;
+					Source.ToString(sb, dic).Replace("\n", "\n\t", len, sb.Length - len);
+					sb.Append("\n)");
+				}
+				else
+					Source.ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb
+					.Append(" as t")
+					.Append(SourceID);
+				foreach (IQueryElement join in Joins)
+				{
+					sb.AppendLine().Append('\t');
+					var len = sb.Length;
+					join.ToString(sb, dic).Replace("\n", "\n\t", len, sb.Length - len);
+				}
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpression Members
+			public bool CanBeNull()
+			{
+				return Source.CanBeNull();
+			}
+			public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression,bool> comparer)
+			{
+				return this == other;
+			}
+			public int  Precedence { get { return Source.Precedence; } }
+			public Type SystemType { get { return Source.SystemType; } }
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region TableJoin
+		public enum JoinType
+		{
+			Auto,
+			Inner,
+			Left,
+			CrossApply,
+			OuterApply
+		}
+		public class JoinedTable : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public JoinedTable(JoinType joinType, TableSource table, bool isWeak, SearchCondition searchCondition)
+			{
+				JoinType        = joinType;
+				Table           = table;
+				IsWeak          = isWeak;
+				Condition       = searchCondition;
+				CanConvertApply = true;
+			}
+			public JoinedTable(JoinType joinType, TableSource table, bool isWeak)
+				: this(joinType, table, isWeak, new SearchCondition())
+			{
+			}
+			public JoinedTable(JoinType joinType, ISqlTableSource table, string alias, bool isWeak)
+				: this(joinType, new TableSource(table, alias), isWeak)
+			{
+			}
+			public JoinType        JoinType        { get; set; }
+			public TableSource     Table           { get; set; }
+			public SearchCondition Condition       { get; private set; }
+			public bool            IsWeak          { get; set; }
+			public bool            CanConvertApply { get; set; }
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = new JoinedTable(
+						JoinType,
+						(TableSource)Table.Clone(objectTree, doClone), 
+						IsWeak,
+						(SearchCondition)Condition.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+				return clone;
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			public ISqlExpression Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> action)
+			{
+				Condition = (SearchCondition)((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Condition).Walk(skipColumns, action);
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+				Table.Walk(skipColumns, action);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.JoinedTable; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				switch (JoinType)
+				{
+					case JoinType.Inner      : sb.Append("INNER JOIN ");  break;
+					case JoinType.Left       : sb.Append("LEFT JOIN ");   break;
+					case JoinType.CrossApply : sb.Append("CROSS APPLY "); break;
+					case JoinType.OuterApply : sb.Append("OUTER APPLY "); break;
+					default                  : sb.Append("SOME JOIN "); break;
+				}
+				((IQueryElement)Table).ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.Append(" ON ");
+				((IQueryElement)Condition).ToString(sb, dic);
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Predicate
+		public abstract class Predicate : ISqlPredicate
+		{
+			public enum Operator
+			{
+				Equal,          // =     Is the operator used to test the equality between two expressions.
+				NotEqual,       // <> != Is the operator used to test the condition of two expressions not being equal to each other.
+				Greater,        // >     Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression being greater than the other.
+				GreaterOrEqual, // >=    Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression being greater than or equal to the other expression.
+				NotGreater,     // !>    Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression not being greater than the other expression.
+				Less,           // <     Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression being less than the other.
+				LessOrEqual,    // <=    Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression being less than or equal to the other expression.
+				NotLess         // !<    Is the operator used to test the condition of one expression not being less than the other expression.
+			}
+			public class Expr : Predicate
+			{
+				public Expr([NotNull] ISqlExpression exp1, int precedence)
+					: base(precedence)
+				{
+					if (exp1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("exp1");
+					Expr1 = exp1;
+				}
+				public Expr([NotNull] ISqlExpression exp1)
+					: base(exp1.Precedence)
+				{
+					if (exp1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("exp1");
+					Expr1 = exp1;
+				}
+				public ISqlExpression Expr1 { get; set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+					Expr1 = Expr1.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+					if (Expr1 == null)
+						throw new InvalidOperationException();
+				}
+				public override bool CanBeNull()
+				{
+					return Expr1.CanBeNull();
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new Expr((ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone), Precedence));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.ExprPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+				}
+			}
+			public class NotExpr : Expr
+			{
+				public NotExpr(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, int precedence)
+					: base(exp1, precedence)
+				{
+					IsNot = isNot;
+				}
+				public bool IsNot { get; set; }
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new NotExpr((ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone), IsNot, Precedence));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.NotExprPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append("NOT (");
+					base.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append(")");
+				}
+			}
+			// { expression { = | <> | != | > | >= | ! > | < | <= | !< } expression
+			//
+			public class ExprExpr : Expr
+			{
+				public ExprExpr(ISqlExpression exp1, Operator op, ISqlExpression exp2)
+					: base(exp1, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					this.Operator = op;
+					Expr2 = exp2;
+				}
+				public new Operator   Operator { get; private set; }
+				public ISqlExpression Expr2    { get; internal set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					base.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					Expr2 = Expr2.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				}
+				public override bool CanBeNull()
+				{
+					return base.CanBeNull() || Expr2.CanBeNull();
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new ExprExpr(
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone), this.Operator, (ISqlExpression)Expr2.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.ExprExprPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					string op;
+					switch (this.Operator)
+					{
+						case Operator.Equal         : op = "=";  break;
+						case Operator.NotEqual      : op = "<>"; break;
+						case Operator.Greater       : op = ">";  break;
+						case Operator.GreaterOrEqual: op = ">="; break;
+						case Operator.NotGreater    : op = "!>"; break;
+						case Operator.Less          : op = "<";  break;
+						case Operator.LessOrEqual   : op = "<="; break;
+						case Operator.NotLess       : op = "!<"; break;
+						default: throw new InvalidOperationException();
+					}
+					sb.Append(" ").Append(op).Append(" ");
+					Expr2.ToString(sb, dic);
+				}
+			}
+			// string_expression [ NOT ] LIKE string_expression [ ESCAPE 'escape_character' ]
+			//
+			public class Like : NotExpr
+			{
+				public Like(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2, ISqlExpression escape)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					Expr2  = exp2;
+					Escape = escape;
+				}
+				public ISqlExpression Expr2  { get; internal set; }
+				public ISqlExpression Escape { get; internal set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					base.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					Expr2 = Expr2.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+					if (Escape != null)
+						Escape = Escape.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new Like(
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone), IsNot, (ISqlExpression)Expr2.Clone(objectTree, doClone), Escape));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.LikePredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append(" NOT");
+					sb.Append(" LIKE ");
+					Expr2.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (Escape != null)
+					{
+						sb.Append(" ESCAPE ");
+						Escape.ToString(sb, dic);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN expression AND expression
+			//
+			public class Between : NotExpr
+			{
+				public Between(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2, ISqlExpression exp3)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					Expr2 = exp2;
+					Expr3 = exp3;
+				}
+				public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; internal set; }
+				public ISqlExpression Expr3 { get; internal set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					base.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					Expr2 = Expr2.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+					Expr3 = Expr3.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new Between(
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+							IsNot,
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr2.Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr3.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.BetweenPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append(" NOT");
+					sb.Append(" BETWEEN ");
+					Expr2.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(" AND ");
+					Expr3.ToString(sb, dic);
+				}
+			}
+			// expression IS [ NOT ] NULL
+			//
+			public class IsNull : NotExpr
+			{
+				public IsNull(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new IsNull((ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone), IsNot));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb
+						.Append(" IS ")
+						.Append(IsNot ? "NOT " : "")
+						.Append("NULL");
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.IsNullPredicate; }
+				}
+			}
+			// expression [ NOT ] IN ( subquery | expression [ ,...n ] )
+			//
+			public class InSubQuery : NotExpr
+			{
+				public InSubQuery(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, SqlQuery subQuery)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					SubQuery = subQuery;
+				}
+				public SqlQuery SubQuery { get; private set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					base.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					SubQuery = (SqlQuery)((ISqlExpression)SubQuery).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new InSubQuery(
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+							IsNot,
+							(SqlQuery)SubQuery.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.InSubQueryPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append(" NOT");
+					sb.Append(" IN (");
+					((IQueryElement)SubQuery).ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(")");
+				}
+			}
+			public class InList : NotExpr
+			{
+				public InList(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					if (values != null && values.Length > 0)
+						_values.AddRange(values);
+				}
+				public InList(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> values)
+					: base(exp1, isNot, Sql.Precedence.Comparison)
+				{
+					if (values != null)
+						_values.AddRange(values);
+				}
+				readonly List<ISqlExpression> _values = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+				public   List<ISqlExpression>  Values { get { return _values; } }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> action)
+				{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					base.Walk(skipColumns, action);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					for (var i = 0; i < _values.Count; i++)
+						_values[i] = _values[i].Walk(skipColumns, action);
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+					{
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new InList(
+							(ISqlExpression)Expr1.Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+							IsNot,
+							_values.ConvertAll(e => (ISqlExpression)e.Clone(objectTree, doClone)).ToArray()));
+					}
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.InListPredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					Expr1.ToString(sb, dic);
+					if (IsNot) sb.Append(" NOT");
+					sb.Append(" IN (");
+					foreach (var value in Values)
+					{
+						value.ToString(sb, dic);
+						sb.Append(',');
+					}
+					if (Values.Count > 0)
+						sb.Length--;
+					sb.Append(")");
+				}
+			}
+			// CONTAINS ( { column | * } , '< contains_search_condition >' )
+			// FREETEXT ( { column | * } , 'freetext_string' )
+			// expression { = | <> | != | > | >= | !> | < | <= | !< } { ALL | SOME | ANY } ( subquery )
+			// EXISTS ( subquery )
+			public class FuncLike : Predicate
+			{
+				public FuncLike(SqlFunction func)
+					: base(func.Precedence)
+				{
+					Function = func;
+				}
+				public SqlFunction Function { get; private set; }
+				[Obsolete]
+				protected override void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+				{
+					Function = (SqlFunction)((ISqlExpression)Function).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				}
+				public override bool CanBeNull()
+				{
+					return Function.CanBeNull();
+				}
+				protected override ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				{
+					if (!doClone(this))
+						return this;
+					ICloneableElement clone;
+					if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+						objectTree.Add(this, clone = new FuncLike((SqlFunction)Function.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+					return clone;
+				}
+				public override QueryElementType ElementType
+				{
+					get { return QueryElementType.FuncLikePredicate; }
+				}
+				protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic)
+				{
+					((IQueryElement)Function).ToString(sb, dic);
+				}
+			}
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			protected Predicate(int precedence)
+			{
+				Precedence = precedence;
+			}
+			#region IPredicate Members
+			public int Precedence { get; private set; }
+			public    abstract bool              CanBeNull();
+			protected abstract ICloneableElement Clone    (Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone);
+			[Obsolete]
+			protected abstract void              Walk     (bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> action);
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			ICloneableElement ICloneableElement.Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				return Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public abstract QueryElementType ElementType { get; }
+			protected abstract void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic);
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				ToString(sb, dic);
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Condition
+		public class Condition : IQueryElement, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public Condition(bool isNot, ISqlPredicate predicate)
+			{
+				IsNot     = isNot;
+				Predicate = predicate;
+			}
+			public Condition(bool isNot, ISqlPredicate predicate, bool isOr)
+			{
+				IsNot     = isNot;
+				Predicate = predicate;
+				IsOr      = isOr;
+			}
+			public bool          IsNot     { get; set; }
+			public ISqlPredicate Predicate { get; set; }
+			public bool          IsOr      { get; set; }
+			public int Precedence
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					return
+						IsNot ? Sql.Precedence.LogicalNegation :
+						IsOr  ? Sql.Precedence.LogicalDisjunction :
+						        Sql.Precedence.LogicalConjunction;
+				}
+			}
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = new Condition(IsNot, (ISqlPredicate)Predicate.Clone(objectTree, doClone), IsOr));
+				return clone;
+			}
+			public bool CanBeNull()
+			{
+				return Predicate.CanBeNull();
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.Condition; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				sb.Append('(');
+				if (IsNot) sb.Append("NOT ");
+				Predicate.ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.Append(')').Append(IsOr ? " OR " : " AND ");
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region SearchCondition
+		public class SearchCondition : ConditionBase<SearchCondition, SearchCondition.Next>, ISqlPredicate, ISqlExpression
+		{
+			public SearchCondition()
+			{
+			}
+			public SearchCondition(IEnumerable<Condition> list)
+			{
+				_conditions.AddRange(list);
+			}
+			public SearchCondition(params Condition[] list)
+			{
+				_conditions.AddRange(list);
+			}
+			public class Next
+			{
+				internal Next(SearchCondition parent)
+				{
+					_parent = parent;
+				}
+				readonly SearchCondition _parent;
+				public SearchCondition Or  { get { return _parent.SetOr(true);  } }
+				public SearchCondition And { get { return _parent.SetOr(false); } }
+				public ISqlExpression  ToExpr() { return _parent; }
+			}
+			readonly List<Condition> _conditions = new List<Condition>();
+			public   List<Condition>  Conditions
+			{
+				get { return _conditions; }
+			}
+			protected override SearchCondition Search
+			{
+				get { return this; }
+			}
+			protected override Next GetNext()
+			{
+				return new Next(this);
+			}
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IPredicate Members
+			public int Precedence
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					if (_conditions.Count == 0) return Sql.Precedence.Unknown;
+					if (_conditions.Count == 1) return _conditions[0].Precedence;
+					return _conditions.Select(_ =>
+						_.IsNot ? Sql.Precedence.LogicalNegation :
+						_.IsOr  ? Sql.Precedence.LogicalDisjunction :
+						          Sql.Precedence.LogicalConjunction).Min();
+				}
+			}
+			public Type SystemType
+			{
+				get { return typeof(bool); }
+			}
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				foreach (var condition in Conditions)
+					condition.Predicate.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return func(this);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IEquatable<ISqlExpression> Members
+			bool IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression other)
+			{
+				return this == other;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpression Members
+			public bool CanBeNull()
+			{
+				foreach (var c in Conditions)
+					if (c.CanBeNull())
+						return true;
+				return false;
+			}
+			public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression,bool> comparer)
+			{
+				return this == other;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+				{
+					var sc = new SearchCondition();
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = sc);
+					sc._conditions.AddRange(_conditions.ConvertAll(c => (Condition)c.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+				}
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.SearchCondition; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				foreach (IQueryElement c in Conditions)
+					c.ToString(sb, dic);
+				if (Conditions.Count > 0)
+					sb.Length -= 4;
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ConditionBase
+		interface IConditionExpr<T>
+		{
+			T Expr    (ISqlExpression expr);
+			T Field   (SqlField       field);
+			T SubQuery(SqlQuery       sqlQuery);
+			T Value   (object         value);
+		}
+		public abstract class ConditionBase<T1,T2> : IConditionExpr<ConditionBase<T1,T2>.Expr_>
+			where T1 : ConditionBase<T1,T2>
+		{
+			public class Expr_
+			{
+				internal Expr_(ConditionBase<T1,T2> condition, bool isNot, ISqlExpression expr)
+				{
+					_condition = condition;
+					_isNot     = isNot;
+					_expr      = expr;
+				}
+				readonly ConditionBase<T1,T2> _condition;
+				readonly bool                 _isNot;
+				readonly ISqlExpression       _expr;
+				T2 Add(ISqlPredicate predicate)
+				{
+					_condition.Search.Conditions.Add(new Condition(_isNot, predicate));
+					return _condition.GetNext();
+				}
+				#region Predicate.ExprExpr
+				public class Op_ : IConditionExpr<T2>
+				{
+					internal Op_(Expr_ expr, Predicate.Operator op) 
+					{
+						_expr = expr;
+						_op   = op;
+					}
+					readonly Expr_              _expr;
+					readonly Predicate.Operator _op;
+					public T2 Expr    (ISqlExpression expr) { return _expr.Add(new Predicate.ExprExpr(_expr._expr, _op, expr)); }
+					public T2 Field   (SqlField      field) { return Expr(field);               }
+					public T2 SubQuery(SqlQuery   subQuery) { return Expr(subQuery);            }
+					public T2 Value   (object        value) { return Expr(new SqlValue(value)); }
+					public T2 All     (SqlQuery   subQuery) { return Expr(SqlFunction.CreateAll (subQuery)); }
+					public T2 Some    (SqlQuery   subQuery) { return Expr(SqlFunction.CreateSome(subQuery)); }
+					public T2 Any     (SqlQuery   subQuery) { return Expr(SqlFunction.CreateAny (subQuery)); }
+				}
+				public Op_ Equal          { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.Equal);          } }
+				public Op_ NotEqual       { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.NotEqual);       } }
+				public Op_ Greater        { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.Greater);        } }
+				public Op_ GreaterOrEqual { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.GreaterOrEqual); } }
+				public Op_ NotGreater     { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.NotGreater);     } }
+				public Op_ Less           { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.Less);           } }
+				public Op_ LessOrEqual    { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.LessOrEqual);    } }
+				public Op_ NotLess        { get { return new Op_(this, Predicate.Operator.NotLess);        } }
+				#endregion
+				#region Predicate.Like
+				public T2 Like(ISqlExpression expression, SqlValue escape) { return Add(new Predicate.Like(_expr, false, expression, escape)); }
+				public T2 Like(ISqlExpression expression)                  { return Like(expression, null); }
+				public T2 Like(string expression,         SqlValue escape) { return Like(new SqlValue(expression), escape); }
+				public T2 Like(string expression)                          { return Like(new SqlValue(expression), null);   }
+				#endregion
+				#region Predicate.Between
+				public T2 Between   (ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) { return Add(new Predicate.Between(_expr, false, expr1, expr2)); }
+				public T2 NotBetween(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) { return Add(new Predicate.Between(_expr, true,  expr1, expr2)); }
+				#endregion
+				#region Predicate.IsNull
+				public T2 IsNull    { get { return Add(new Predicate.IsNull(_expr, false)); } }
+				public T2 IsNotNull { get { return Add(new Predicate.IsNull(_expr, true));  } }
+				#endregion
+				#region Predicate.In
+				public T2 In   (SqlQuery subQuery) { return Add(new Predicate.InSubQuery(_expr, false, subQuery)); }
+				public T2 NotIn(SqlQuery subQuery) { return Add(new Predicate.InSubQuery(_expr, true,  subQuery)); }
+				Predicate.InList CreateInList(bool isNot, object[] exprs)
+				{
+					var list = new Predicate.InList(_expr, isNot, null);
+					if (exprs != null && exprs.Length > 0)
+					{
+						foreach (var item in exprs)
+						{
+							if (item == null || item is SqlValue && ((SqlValue)item).Value == null)
+								continue;
+							if (item is ISqlExpression)
+								list.Values.Add((ISqlExpression)item);
+							else
+								list.Values.Add(new SqlValue(item));
+						}
+					}
+					return list;
+				}
+				public T2 In   (params object[] exprs) { return Add(CreateInList(false, exprs)); }
+				public T2 NotIn(params object[] exprs) { return Add(CreateInList(true,  exprs)); }
+				#endregion
+			}
+			public class Not_ : IConditionExpr<Expr_>
+			{
+				internal Not_(ConditionBase<T1,T2> condition)
+				{
+					_condition = condition;
+				}
+				readonly ConditionBase<T1,T2> _condition;
+				public Expr_ Expr    (ISqlExpression expr)     { return new Expr_(_condition, true, expr); }
+				public Expr_ Field   (SqlField       field)    { return Expr(field);               }
+				public Expr_ SubQuery(SqlQuery       subQuery) { return Expr(subQuery);            }
+				public Expr_ Value   (object         value)    { return Expr(new SqlValue(value)); }
+				public T2 Exists(SqlQuery subQuery)
+				{
+					_condition.Search.Conditions.Add(new Condition(true, new Predicate.FuncLike(SqlFunction.CreateExists(subQuery))));
+					return _condition.GetNext();
+				}
+			}
+			protected abstract SearchCondition Search { get; }
+			protected abstract T2              GetNext();
+			protected T1 SetOr(bool value)
+			{
+				Search.Conditions[Search.Conditions.Count - 1].IsOr = value;
+				return (T1)this;
+			}
+			public Not_  Not { get { return new Not_(this); } }
+			public Expr_ Expr    (ISqlExpression expr)     { return new Expr_(this, false, expr); }
+			public Expr_ Field   (SqlField       field)    { return Expr(field);                  }
+			public Expr_ SubQuery(SqlQuery       subQuery) { return Expr(subQuery);               }
+			public Expr_ Value   (object         value)    { return Expr(new SqlValue(value));    }
+			public T2 Exists(SqlQuery subQuery)
+			{
+				Search.Conditions.Add(new Condition(false, new Predicate.FuncLike(SqlFunction.CreateExists(subQuery))));
+				return GetNext();
+			}
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region OrderByItem
+		public class OrderByItem : IQueryElement, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public OrderByItem(ISqlExpression expression, bool isDescending)
+			{
+				Expression   = expression;
+				IsDescending = isDescending;
+			}
+			public ISqlExpression Expression   { get; internal set; }
+			public bool           IsDescending { get; private set; }
+			[Obsolete]
+			internal void Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				Expression = Expression.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			}
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = new OrderByItem((ISqlExpression)Expression.Clone(objectTree, doClone), IsDescending));
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType
+			{
+				get { return QueryElementType.OrderByItem; }
+			}
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				Expression.ToString(sb, dic);
+				if (IsDescending)
+					sb.Append(" DESC");
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ClauseBase
+		public abstract class ClauseBase
+		{
+			protected ClauseBase(SqlQuery sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SqlQuery = sqlQuery;
+			}
+			public SelectClause  Select  { get { return SqlQuery.Select;  } }
+			public FromClause    From    { get { return SqlQuery.From;    } }
+			public WhereClause   Where   { get { return SqlQuery.Where;   } }
+			public GroupByClause GroupBy { get { return SqlQuery.GroupBy; } }
+			public WhereClause   Having  { get { return SqlQuery.Having;  } }
+			public OrderByClause OrderBy { get { return SqlQuery.OrderBy; } }
+			public SqlQuery      End()   { return SqlQuery; }
+			protected internal SqlQuery SqlQuery { get; private set; }
+			internal void SetSqlQuery(SqlQuery sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SqlQuery = sqlQuery;
+			}
+		}
+		public abstract class ClauseBase<T1, T2> : ConditionBase<T1, T2>
+			where T1 : ClauseBase<T1, T2>
+		{
+			protected ClauseBase(SqlQuery sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SqlQuery = sqlQuery;
+			}
+			public SelectClause  Select  { get { return SqlQuery.Select;  } }
+			public FromClause    From    { get { return SqlQuery.From;    } }
+			public GroupByClause GroupBy { get { return SqlQuery.GroupBy; } }
+			public WhereClause   Having  { get { return SqlQuery.Having;  } }
+			public OrderByClause OrderBy { get { return SqlQuery.OrderBy; } }
+			public SqlQuery      End()   { return SqlQuery; }
+			protected internal SqlQuery SqlQuery { get; private set; }
+			internal void SetSqlQuery(SqlQuery sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SqlQuery = sqlQuery;
+			}
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region SelectClause
+		public class SelectClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable
+		{
+			#region Init
+			internal SelectClause(SqlQuery sqlQuery) : base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+			}
+			internal SelectClause(
+				SqlQuery   sqlQuery,
+				SelectClause clone,
+				Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree,
+				Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				: base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				_columns.AddRange(clone._columns.ConvertAll(c => (Column)c.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+				IsDistinct = clone.IsDistinct;
+				TakeValue  = clone.TakeValue == null ? null : (ISqlExpression)clone.TakeValue.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+				SkipValue  = clone.SkipValue == null ? null : (ISqlExpression)clone.SkipValue.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			}
+			internal SelectClause(bool isDistinct, ISqlExpression takeValue, ISqlExpression skipValue, IEnumerable<Column> columns)
+				: base(null)
+			{
+				IsDistinct = isDistinct;
+				TakeValue  = takeValue;
+				SkipValue  = skipValue;
+				_columns.AddRange(columns);
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region Columns
+			public SelectClause Field(SqlField field)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, field));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Field(SqlField field, string alias)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, field, alias));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause SubQuery(SqlQuery subQuery)
+			{
+				if (subQuery.ParentSql != null && subQuery.ParentSql != SqlQuery)
+					throw new ArgumentException("SqlQuery already used as subquery");
+				subQuery.ParentSql = SqlQuery;
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, subQuery));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause SubQuery(SqlQuery sqlQuery, string alias)
+			{
+				if (sqlQuery.ParentSql != null && sqlQuery.ParentSql != SqlQuery)
+					throw new ArgumentException("SqlQuery already used as subquery");
+				sqlQuery.ParentSql = SqlQuery;
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, sqlQuery, alias));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, expr));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr, string alias)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, expr, alias));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(string expr, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(null, expr, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string expr, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(systemType, expr, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(null, expr, priority, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(systemType, expr, priority, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(string alias, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(null, expr, priority, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string alias, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlExpression(systemType, expr, priority, values)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlBinaryExpression(typeof(T), expr1, operation, expr2)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2, int priority)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlBinaryExpression(typeof(T), expr1, operation, expr2, priority)));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Expr<T>(string alias, ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2, int priority)
+			{
+				AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, new SqlBinaryExpression(typeof(T), expr1, operation, expr2, priority), alias));
+				return this;
+			}
+			public int Add(ISqlExpression expr)
+			{
+				if (expr is Column && ((Column)expr).Parent == SqlQuery)
+					throw new InvalidOperationException();
+				return Columns.IndexOf(AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, expr)));
+			}
+			public int Add(ISqlExpression expr, string alias)
+			{
+				return Columns.IndexOf(AddOrGetColumn(new Column(SqlQuery, expr, alias)));
+			}
+			Column AddOrGetColumn(Column col)
+			{
+				foreach (var c in Columns)
+					if (c.Equals(col))
+						return col;
+#if DEBUG
+				switch (col.Expression.ElementType)
+				{
+					case QueryElementType.SqlField :
+						{
+							var table = ((SqlField)col.Expression).Table;
+							//if (SqlQuery.From.GetFromTables().Any(_ => _ == table))
+							//	throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong field usage.");
+							break;
+						}
+					case QueryElementType.Column :
+						{
+							var query = ((Column)col.Expression).Parent;
+							//if (!SqlQuery.From.GetFromQueries().Any(_ => _ == query))
+							//	throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong column usage.");
+							break;
+						}
+					case QueryElementType.SqlQuery :
+						{
+							if (col.Expression == SqlQuery)
+								throw new InvalidOperationException("Wrong query usage.");
+							break;
+						}
+				}
+				Columns.Add(col);
+				return col;
+			}
+			readonly List<Column> _columns = new List<Column>();
+			public   List<Column>  Columns
+			{
+				get { return _columns; }
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region HasModifier
+			public bool HasModifier
+			{
+				get { return IsDistinct || SkipValue != null || TakeValue != null; }
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region Distinct
+			public SelectClause Distinct
+			{
+				get { IsDistinct = true; return this; }
+			}
+			public bool IsDistinct { get; set; }
+			#endregion
+			#region Take
+			public SelectClause Take(int value)
+			{
+				TakeValue = new SqlValue(value);
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Take(ISqlExpression value)
+			{
+				TakeValue = value;
+				return this;
+			}
+			public ISqlExpression TakeValue { get; set; }
+			#endregion
+			#region Skip
+			public SelectClause Skip(int value)
+			{
+				SkipValue = new SqlValue(value);
+				return this;
+			}
+			public SelectClause Skip(ISqlExpression value)
+			{
+				SkipValue = value;
+				return this;
+			}
+			public ISqlExpression SkipValue { get; set; }
+			#endregion
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
+				{
+					var col  = Columns[i];
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+					var expr = col.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+					if (expr is Column)
+						Columns[i] = (Column)expr;
+					else
+						Columns[i] = new Column(col.Parent, expr, col.Alias);
+				}
+				if (TakeValue != null) TakeValue = TakeValue.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				if (SkipValue != null) SkipValue = SkipValue.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.SelectClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+					return sb.Append("...");
+				dic.Add(this, this);
+				sb.Append("SELECT ");
+				if (IsDistinct) sb.Append("DISTINCT ");
+				if (SkipValue != null)
+				{
+					sb.Append("SKIP ");
+					SkipValue.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(" ");
+				}
+				if (TakeValue != null)
+				{
+					sb.Append("TAKE ");
+					TakeValue.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(" ");
+				}
+				sb.AppendLine();
+				if (Columns.Count == 0)
+					sb.Append("\t*, \n");
+				else
+					foreach (var c in Columns)
+					{
+						sb.Append("\t");
+						((IQueryElement)c).ToString(sb, dic);
+						sb
+							.Append(" as ")
+							.Append(c.Alias ?? "c" + (Columns.IndexOf(c) + 1))
+							.Append(", \n");
+					}
+				sb.Length -= 3;
+				dic.Remove(this);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private SelectClause _select;
+		public  SelectClause  Select
+		{
+			get { return _select; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region InsertClause
+		public class SetExpression : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public SetExpression(ISqlExpression column, ISqlExpression expression)
+			{
+				Column     = column;
+				Expression = expression;
+				if (expression is SqlParameter)
+				{
+					var p = (SqlParameter)expression;
+					//if (type.IsEnum)
+					//	p.SetEnumConverter(type, mappingSchema);
+					if (column is SqlField)
+					{
+						var field = (SqlField)column;
+						if (field.MemberMapper != null)
+						{
+							if (field.MemberMapper.MapMemberInfo.IsDbTypeSet)
+								p.DbType = field.MemberMapper.MapMemberInfo.DbType;
+							if (field.MemberMapper.MapMemberInfo.IsDbSizeSet)
+								p.DbSize = field.MemberMapper.MapMemberInfo.DbSize;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			public ISqlExpression Column     { get; set; }
+			public ISqlExpression Expression { get; set; }
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				ICloneableElement clone;
+				if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+				{
+					objectTree.Add(this, clone = new SetExpression(
+						(ISqlExpression)Column.    Clone(objectTree, doClone),
+						(ISqlExpression)Expression.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+				}
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				Column     = Column.    Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				Expression = Expression.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.SetExpression; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				Column.ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.Append(" = ");
+				Expression.ToString(sb, dic);
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		public class InsertClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public InsertClause()
+			{
+				Items = new List<SetExpression>();
+			}
+			public List<SetExpression> Items        { get; private set; }
+			public SqlTable            Into         { get; set; }
+			public bool                WithIdentity { get; set; }
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				var clone = new InsertClause { WithIdentity = WithIdentity };
+				if (Into != null)
+					clone.Into = (SqlTable)Into.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+				foreach (var item in Items)
+					clone.Items.Add((SetExpression)item.Clone(objectTree, doClone));
+				objectTree.Add(this, clone);
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				if (Into != null)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Into).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				foreach (var t in Items)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)t).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.InsertClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				sb.Append("VALUES ");
+				if (Into != null)
+					((IQueryElement)Into).ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.AppendLine();
+				foreach (var e in Items)
+				{
+					sb.Append("\t");
+					((IQueryElement)e).ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.AppendLine();
+				}
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private InsertClause _insert;
+		public  InsertClause  Insert
+		{
+			get { return _insert ?? (_insert = new InsertClause()); }
+		}
+		public void ClearInsert()
+		{
+			_insert = null;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region UpdateClause
+		public class UpdateClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public UpdateClause()
+			{
+				Items = new List<SetExpression>();
+				Keys  = new List<SetExpression>();
+			}
+			public List<SetExpression> Items { get; private set; }
+			public List<SetExpression> Keys  { get; private set; }
+			public SqlTable            Table { get; set; }
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				var clone = new UpdateClause();
+				if (Table != null)
+					clone.Table = (SqlTable)Table.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+				foreach (var item in Items)
+					clone.Items.Add((SetExpression)item.Clone(objectTree, doClone));
+				foreach (var item in Keys)
+					clone.Keys.Add((SetExpression)item.Clone(objectTree, doClone));
+				objectTree.Add(this, clone);
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				if (Table != null)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Table).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				foreach (var t in Items)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)t).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				foreach (var t in Keys)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)t).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.UpdateClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				sb.Append("SET ");
+				if (Table != null)
+					((IQueryElement)Table).ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.AppendLine();
+				foreach (var e in Items)
+				{
+					sb.Append("\t");
+					((IQueryElement)e).ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.AppendLine();
+				}
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private UpdateClause _update;
+		public  UpdateClause  Update
+		{
+			get { return _update ?? (_update = new UpdateClause()); }
+		}
+		public void ClearUpdate()
+		{
+			_update = null;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region DeleteClause
+		public class DeleteClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, ICloneableElement
+		{
+			public SqlTable Table { get; set; }
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ICloneableElement Members
+			public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+			{
+				if (!doClone(this))
+					return this;
+				var clone = new DeleteClause();
+				if (Table != null)
+					clone.Table = (SqlTable)Table.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+				objectTree.Add(this, clone);
+				return clone;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				if (Table != null)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Table).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.DeleteClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				sb.Append("DELETE FROM ");
+				if (Table != null)
+					((IQueryElement)Table).ToString(sb, dic);
+				sb.AppendLine();
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private DeleteClause _delete;
+		public  DeleteClause  Delete
+		{
+			get { return _delete ?? (_delete = new DeleteClause()); }
+		}
+		public void ClearDelete()
+		{
+			_delete = null;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region FromClause
+		public class FromClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable
+		{
+			#region Join
+			public class Join : ConditionBase<Join,Join.Next>
+			{
+				public class Next
+				{
+					internal Next(Join parent)
+					{
+						_parent = parent;
+					}
+					readonly Join _parent;
+					public Join Or  { get { return _parent.SetOr(true);  } }
+					public Join And { get { return _parent.SetOr(false); } }
+					public static implicit operator Join(Next next)
+					{
+						return next._parent;
+					}
+				}
+				protected override SearchCondition Search
+				{
+					get { return JoinedTable.Condition; }
+				}
+				protected override Next GetNext()
+				{
+					return new Next(this);
+				}
+				internal Join(JoinType joinType, ISqlTableSource table, string alias, bool isWeak, ICollection<Join> joins)
+				{
+					JoinedTable = new JoinedTable(joinType, table, alias, isWeak);
+					if (joins != null && joins.Count > 0)
+						foreach (var join in joins)
+							JoinedTable.Table.Joins.Add(join.JoinedTable);
+				}
+				public JoinedTable JoinedTable { get; private set; }
+			}
+			#endregion
+			internal FromClause(SqlQuery sqlQuery) : base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+			}
+			internal FromClause(
+				SqlQuery sqlQuery,
+				FromClause clone,
+				Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree,
+				Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				: base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				_tables.AddRange(clone._tables.ConvertAll(ts => (TableSource)ts.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+			}
+			internal FromClause(IEnumerable<TableSource> tables)
+				: base(null)
+			{
+				_tables.AddRange(tables);
+			}
+			public FromClause Table(ISqlTableSource table, params FJoin[] joins)
+			{
+				return Table(table, null, joins);
+			}
+			public FromClause Table(ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins)
+			{
+				var ts = AddOrGetTable(table, alias);
+				if (joins != null && joins.Length > 0)
+					foreach (var join in joins)
+						ts.Joins.Add(join.JoinedTable);
+				return this;
+			}
+			TableSource GetTable(ISqlTableSource table, string alias)
+			{
+				foreach (var ts in Tables)
+					if (ts.Source == table)
+						if (alias == null || ts.Alias == alias)
+							return ts;
+						else
+							throw new ArgumentException("alias");
+				return null;
+			}
+			TableSource AddOrGetTable(ISqlTableSource table, string alias)
+			{
+				var ts = GetTable(table, alias);
+				if (ts != null)
+					return ts;
+				var t = new TableSource(table, alias);
+				Tables.Add(t);
+				return t;
+			}
+			public TableSource this[ISqlTableSource table]
+			{
+				get { return this[table, null]; }
+			}
+			public TableSource this[ISqlTableSource table, string alias]
+			{
+				get
+				{
+					foreach (var ts in Tables)
+					{
+						var t = CheckTableSource(ts, table, alias);
+						if (t != null)
+							return t;
+					}
+					return null;
+				}
+			}
+			public bool IsChild(ISqlTableSource table)
+			{
+				foreach (var ts in Tables)
+					if (ts.Source == table || CheckChild(ts.Joins, table))
+						return true;
+				return false;
+			}
+			static bool CheckChild(IEnumerable<JoinedTable> joins, ISqlTableSource table)
+			{
+				foreach (var j in joins)
+					if (j.Table.Source == table || CheckChild(j.Table.Joins, table))
+						return true;
+				return false;
+			}
+			readonly List<TableSource> _tables = new List<TableSource>();
+			public   List<TableSource>  Tables
+			{
+				get { return _tables; }
+			}
+			static IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> GetJoinTables(TableSource source, QueryElementType elementType)
+			{
+				if (source.Source.ElementType == elementType)
+					yield return source.Source;
+				foreach (var join in source.Joins)
+					foreach (var table in GetJoinTables(join.Table, elementType))
+						yield return table;
+			}
+			internal IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> GetFromTables()
+			{
+				return Tables.SelectMany(_ => GetJoinTables(_, QueryElementType.SqlTable));
+			}
+			internal IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> GetFromQueries()
+			{
+				return Tables.SelectMany(_ => GetJoinTables(_, QueryElementType.SqlQuery));
+			}
+			static TableSource FindTableSource(TableSource source, SqlTable table)
+			{
+				if (source.Source == table)
+					return source;
+				foreach (var join in source.Joins)
+				{
+					var ts = FindTableSource(join.Table, table);
+					if (ts != null)
+						return ts;
+				}
+				return null;
+			}
+			public ISqlTableSource FindTableSource(SqlTable table)
+			{
+				foreach (var source in Tables)
+				{
+					var ts = FindTableSource(source, table);
+					if (ts != null)
+						return ts;
+				}
+				return null;
+			}
+			#region Overrides
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				for (var i = 0; i <	Tables.Count; i++)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Tables[i]).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.FromClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				sb.Append(" \nFROM \n");
+				if (Tables.Count > 0)
+				{
+					foreach (IQueryElement ts in Tables)
+					{
+						sb.Append('\t');
+						var len = sb.Length;
+						ts.ToString(sb, dic).Replace("\n", "\n\t", len, sb.Length - len);
+						sb.Append(", ");
+					}
+					sb.Length -= 2;
+				}
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		public static FJoin InnerJoin    (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Inner,      table, null,  false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin InnerJoin    (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Inner,      table, alias, false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin LeftJoin     (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Left,       table, null,  false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin LeftJoin     (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Left,       table, alias, false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin Join         (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Auto,       table, null,  false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin Join         (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Auto,       table, alias, false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin CrossApply   (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.CrossApply, table, null,  false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin CrossApply   (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.CrossApply, table, alias, false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin OuterApply   (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.OuterApply, table, null,  false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin OuterApply   (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.OuterApply, table, alias, false, joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Inner,      table, null,  true,  joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Inner,      table, alias, true,  joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakLeftJoin (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Left,       table, null,  true,  joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakLeftJoin (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Left,       table, alias, true,  joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakJoin     (ISqlTableSource table,               params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Auto,       table, null,  true,  joins); }
+		public static FJoin WeakJoin     (ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params FJoin[] joins) { return new FJoin(JoinType.Auto,       table, alias, true,  joins); }
+		private FromClause _from;
+		public  FromClause  From
+		{
+			get { return _from; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region WhereClause
+		public class WhereClause : ClauseBase<WhereClause,WhereClause.Next>, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable
+		{
+			public class Next : ClauseBase
+			{
+				internal Next(WhereClause parent) : base(parent.SqlQuery)
+				{
+					_parent = parent;
+				}
+				readonly WhereClause _parent;
+				public WhereClause Or  { get { return _parent.SetOr(true);  } }
+				public WhereClause And { get { return _parent.SetOr(false); } }
+			}
+			internal WhereClause(SqlQuery sqlQuery) : base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SearchCondition = new SearchCondition();
+			}
+			internal WhereClause(
+				SqlQuery sqlQuery,
+				WhereClause clone,
+				Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree,
+				Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				: base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				SearchCondition = (SearchCondition)clone.SearchCondition.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			}
+			internal WhereClause(SearchCondition searchCondition) : base(null)
+			{
+				SearchCondition = searchCondition;
+			}
+			public SearchCondition SearchCondition { get; private set; }
+			public bool IsEmpty
+			{
+				get { return SearchCondition.Conditions.Count == 0; }
+			}
+			protected override SearchCondition Search
+			{
+				get { return SearchCondition; }
+			}
+			protected override Next GetNext()
+			{
+				return new Next(this);
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> action)
+			{
+				SearchCondition = (SearchCondition)((ISqlExpressionWalkable)SearchCondition).Walk(skipColumns, action);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType
+			{
+				get { return QueryElementType.WhereClause; }
+			}
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (Search.Conditions.Count == 0)
+					return sb;
+				sb.Append("\nWHERE\n\t");
+				return ((IQueryElement)Search).ToString(sb, dic);
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private WhereClause _where;
+		public  WhereClause  Where
+		{
+			get { return _where; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region GroupByClause
+		public class GroupByClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable
+		{
+			internal GroupByClause(SqlQuery sqlQuery) : base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+			}
+			internal GroupByClause(
+				SqlQuery    sqlQuery,
+				GroupByClause clone,
+				Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree,
+				Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				: base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				_items.AddRange(clone._items.ConvertAll(e => (ISqlExpression)e.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+			}
+			internal GroupByClause(IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> items) : base(null)
+			{
+				_items.AddRange(items);
+			}
+			public GroupByClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr)
+			{
+				Add(expr);
+				return this;
+			}
+			public GroupByClause Field(SqlField field)
+			{
+				return Expr(field);
+			}
+			void Add(ISqlExpression expr)
+			{
+				foreach (var e in Items)
+					if (e.Equals(expr))
+						return;
+				Items.Add(expr);
+			}
+			readonly List<ISqlExpression> _items = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+			public   List<ISqlExpression>  Items
+			{
+				get { return _items; }
+			}
+			public bool IsEmpty
+			{
+				get { return Items.Count == 0; }
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+				for (var i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
+					Items[i] = Items[i].Walk(skipColumns, func);
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.GroupByClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (Items.Count == 0)
+					return sb;
+				sb.Append(" \nGROUP BY \n");
+				foreach (var item in Items)
+				{
+					sb.Append('\t');
+					item.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(",");
+				}
+				sb.Length--;
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private GroupByClause _groupBy;
+		public  GroupByClause  GroupBy
+		{
+			get { return _groupBy; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region HavingClause
+		private WhereClause _having;
+		public  WhereClause  Having
+		{
+			get { return _having; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region OrderByClause
+		public class OrderByClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable
+		{
+			internal OrderByClause(SqlQuery sqlQuery) : base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+			}
+			internal OrderByClause(
+				SqlQuery    sqlQuery,
+				OrderByClause clone,
+				Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree,
+				Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+				: base(sqlQuery)
+			{
+				_items.AddRange(clone._items.ConvertAll(item => (OrderByItem)item.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+			}
+			internal OrderByClause(IEnumerable<OrderByItem> items) : base(null)
+			{
+				_items.AddRange(items);
+			}
+			public OrderByClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr, bool isDescending)
+			{
+				Add(expr, isDescending);
+				return this;
+			}
+			public OrderByClause Expr     (ISqlExpression expr)               { return Expr(expr,  false);        }
+			public OrderByClause ExprAsc  (ISqlExpression expr)               { return Expr(expr,  false);        }
+			public OrderByClause ExprDesc (ISqlExpression expr)               { return Expr(expr,  true);         }
+			public OrderByClause Field    (SqlField field, bool isDescending) { return Expr(field, isDescending); }
+			public OrderByClause Field    (SqlField field)                    { return Expr(field, false);        }
+			public OrderByClause FieldAsc (SqlField field)                    { return Expr(field, false);        }
+			public OrderByClause FieldDesc(SqlField field)                    { return Expr(field, true);         }
+			void Add(ISqlExpression expr, bool isDescending)
+			{
+				foreach (var item in Items)
+					if (item.Expression.Equals(expr, (x, y) =>
+					{
+						var col = x as Column;
+						return col == null || !col.Parent.HasUnion || x == y;
+					}))
+						return;
+				Items.Add(new OrderByItem(expr, isDescending));
+			}
+			readonly List<OrderByItem> _items = new List<OrderByItem>();
+			public   List<OrderByItem>  Items
+			{
+				get { return _items; }
+			}
+			public bool IsEmpty
+			{
+				get { return Items.Count == 0; }
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+			[Obsolete]
+			ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+			{
+#pragma warning disable 0618
+				foreach (var t in Items)
+					t.Walk(skipColumns, func);
+#pragma warning restore 0618
+				return null;
+			}
+			#endregion
+			#region IQueryElement Members
+			public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.OrderByClause; } }
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				if (Items.Count == 0)
+					return sb;
+				sb.Append(" \nORDER BY \n");
+				foreach (IQueryElement item in Items)
+				{
+					sb.Append('\t');
+					item.ToString(sb, dic);
+					sb.Append(", ");
+				}
+				sb.Length -= 2;
+				return sb;
+			}
+			#endregion
+		}
+		private OrderByClause _orderBy;
+		public  OrderByClause  OrderBy
+		{
+			get { return _orderBy; }
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Union
+		public class Union : IQueryElement
+		{
+			public Union()
+			{
+			}
+			public Union(SqlQuery sqlQuery, bool isAll)
+			{
+				SqlQuery = sqlQuery;
+				IsAll    = isAll;
+			}
+			public SqlQuery SqlQuery { get; private set; }
+			public bool IsAll { get; private set; }
+			public QueryElementType ElementType
+			{
+				get { return QueryElementType.Union; }
+			}
+			public override string ToString()
+			{
+				return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+			}
+			StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+			{
+				sb.Append(" \nUNION").Append(IsAll ? " ALL" : "").Append(" \n");
+				return ((IQueryElement)SqlQuery).ToString(sb, dic);
+			}
+		}
+		private List<Union> _unions;
+		public  List<Union>  Unions
+		{
+			get { return _unions ?? (_unions = new List<Union>()); }
+		}
+		public bool HasUnion { get { return _unions != null && _unions.Count > 0; } }
+		public void AddUnion(SqlQuery union, bool isAll)
+		{
+			Unions.Add(new Union(union, isAll));
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region FinalizeAndValidate
+		public void FinalizeAndValidate(bool isApplySupported, bool optimizeColumns)
+		{
+#if DEBUG
+			var sqlText = SqlText;
+			var dic = new Dictionary<SqlQuery,SqlQuery>();
+			new QueryVisitor().VisitAll(this, e =>
+			{
+				var sql = e as SqlQuery;
+				if (sql != null)
+				{
+					if (dic.ContainsKey(sql))
+						throw new InvalidOperationException("SqlQuery circle reference detected.");
+					dic.Add(sql, sql);
+				}
+			});
+			OptimizeUnions();
+			FinalizeAndValidateInternal(isApplySupported, optimizeColumns, true, new List<ISqlTableSource>());
+			ResolveFields();
+			SetAliases();
+#if DEBUG
+			sqlText = SqlText;
+		}
+		class QueryData
+		{
+			public SqlQuery             Query;
+			public List<ISqlExpression> Fields  = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+			public List<QueryData>      Queries = new List<QueryData>();
+		}
+		void ResolveFields()
+		{
+			var root = GetQueryData();
+			ResolveFields(root);
+		}
+		QueryData GetQueryData()
+		{
+			var data = new QueryData { Query = this };
+			new QueryVisitor().VisitParentFirst(this, e =>
+			{
+				switch (e.ElementType)
+				{
+					case QueryElementType.SqlField :
+						{
+							var field = (SqlField)e;
+							if (field.Name.Length != 1 || field.Name[0] != '*')
+								data.Fields.Add(field);
+							break;
+						}
+					case QueryElementType.SqlQuery :
+						{
+							if (e != this)
+							{
+								data.Queries.Add(((SqlQuery)e).GetQueryData());
+								return false;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					case QueryElementType.Column :
+						return ((Column)e).Parent == this;
+					case QueryElementType.SqlTable :
+						return false;
+				}
+				return true;
+			});
+			return data;
+		}
+		static TableSource FindField(SqlField field, TableSource table)
+		{
+			if (field.Table == table.Source)
+				return table;
+			foreach (var @join in table.Joins)
+			{
+				var t = FindField(field, @join.Table);
+				if (t != null)
+					return @join.Table;
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		static ISqlExpression GetColumn(QueryData data, SqlField field)
+		{
+			foreach (var query in data.Queries)
+			{
+				var q = query.Query;
+				foreach (var table in q.From.Tables)
+				{
+					var t = FindField(field, table);
+					if (t != null)
+					{
+						var n   = q.Select.Columns.Count;
+						var idx = q.Select.Add(field);
+						if (n != q.Select.Columns.Count)
+							if (!q.GroupBy.IsEmpty || q.Select.Columns.Exists(c => IsAggregationFunction(c.Expression)))
+								q.GroupBy.Items.Add(field);
+						return q.Select.Columns[idx];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		static void ResolveFields(QueryData data)
+		{
+			if (data.Queries.Count == 0)
+				return;
+			var dic = new Dictionary<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression>();
+			foreach (SqlField field in data.Fields)
+			{
+				if (dic.ContainsKey(field))
+					continue;
+				var found = false;
+				foreach (var table in data.Query.From.Tables)
+				{
+					found = FindField(field, table) != null;
+					if (found)
+						break;
+				}
+				if (!found)
+				{
+					var expr = GetColumn(data, field);
+					if (expr != null)
+						dic.Add(field, expr);
+				}
+			}
+			if (dic.Count > 0)
+				new QueryVisitor().VisitParentFirst(data.Query, e =>
+				{
+					ISqlExpression ex;
+					switch (e.ElementType)
+					{
+						case QueryElementType.SqlQuery :
+							return e == data.Query;
+						case QueryElementType.SqlFunction :
+							{
+								var parms = ((SqlFunction)e).Parameters;
+								for (var i = 0; i < parms.Length; i++)
+									if (dic.TryGetValue(parms[i], out ex))
+										parms[i] = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.SqlExpression :
+							{
+								var parms = ((SqlExpression)e).Parameters;
+								for (var i = 0; i < parms.Length; i++)
+									if (dic.TryGetValue(parms[i], out ex))
+										parms[i] = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.SqlBinaryExpression :
+							{
+								var expr = (SqlBinaryExpression)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1, out ex)) expr.Expr1 = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr2, out ex)) expr.Expr2 = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.ExprPredicate       :
+						case QueryElementType.NotExprPredicate    :
+						case QueryElementType.IsNullPredicate     :
+						case QueryElementType.InSubQueryPredicate :
+							{
+								var expr = (Predicate.Expr)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1, out ex)) expr.Expr1 = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.ExprExprPredicate :
+							{
+								var expr = (Predicate.ExprExpr)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1, out ex)) expr.Expr1 = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr2, out ex)) expr.Expr2 = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.LikePredicate :
+							{
+								var expr = (Predicate.Like)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1,  out ex)) expr.Expr1  = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr2,  out ex)) expr.Expr2  = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Escape, out ex)) expr.Escape = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.BetweenPredicate :
+							{
+								var expr = (Predicate.Between)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1, out ex)) expr.Expr1 = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr2, out ex)) expr.Expr2 = ex;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr3, out ex)) expr.Expr3 = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.InListPredicate :
+							{
+								var expr = (Predicate.InList)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expr1, out ex)) expr.Expr1 = ex;
+								for (var i = 0; i < expr.Values.Count; i++)
+									if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Values[i], out ex))
+										expr.Values[i] = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.Column :
+							{
+								var expr = (Column)e;
+								if (expr.Parent != data.Query)
+									return false;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expression, out ex)) expr.Expression = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.SetExpression :
+							{
+								var expr = (SetExpression)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expression, out ex)) expr.Expression = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.GroupByClause :
+							{
+								var expr = (GroupByClause)e;
+								for (var i = 0; i < expr.Items.Count; i++)
+									if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Items[i], out ex))
+										expr.Items[i] = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+						case QueryElementType.OrderByItem :
+							{
+								var expr = (OrderByItem)e;
+								if (dic.TryGetValue(expr.Expression, out ex)) expr.Expression = ex;
+								break;
+							}
+					}
+					return true;
+				});
+			foreach (var query in data.Queries)
+				if (query.Queries.Count > 0)
+					ResolveFields(query);
+		}
+		void OptimizeUnions()
+		{
+			var exprs = new Dictionary<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression>();
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(this, e =>
+			{
+				var sql = e as SqlQuery;
+				if (sql == null || sql.From.Tables.Count != 1 || !sql.IsSimple || sql._insert != null || sql._update != null || sql._delete != null)
+					return;
+				var table = sql.From.Tables[0];
+				if (table.Joins.Count != 0 || !(table.Source is SqlQuery))
+					return;
+				var union = (SqlQuery)table.Source;
+				if (!union.HasUnion)
+					return;
+				for (var i = 0; i < sql.Select.Columns.Count; i++)
+				{
+					var scol = sql.  Select.Columns[i];
+					var ucol = union.Select.Columns[i];
+					if (scol.Expression != ucol)
+						return;
+				}
+				exprs.Add(union, sql);
+				for (var i = 0; i < sql.Select.Columns.Count; i++)
+				{
+					var scol = sql.  Select.Columns[i];
+					var ucol = union.Select.Columns[i];
+					scol.Expression = ucol.Expression;
+					scol._alias     = ucol._alias;
+					exprs.Add(ucol, scol);
+				}
+				for (var i = sql.Select.Columns.Count; i < union.Select.Columns.Count; i++)
+					sql.Select.Expr(union.Select.Columns[i].Expression);
+				sql.From.Tables.Clear();
+				sql.From.Tables.AddRange(union.From.Tables);
+				sql.Where.  SearchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(union.Where. SearchCondition.Conditions);
+				sql.Having. SearchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(union.Having.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+				sql.GroupBy.Items.                     AddRange(union.GroupBy.Items);
+				sql.OrderBy.Items.                     AddRange(union.OrderBy.Items);
+				sql.Unions.InsertRange(0, union.Unions);
+			});
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)this).Walk(false, expr =>
+			{
+				ISqlExpression e;
+				if (exprs.TryGetValue(expr, out e))
+					return e;
+				return expr;
+			});
+		}
+		void FinalizeAndValidateInternal(bool isApplySupported, bool optimizeColumns, bool optimizeSearchCondition, List<ISqlTableSource> tables)
+		{
+			OptimizeSearchCondition(Where. SearchCondition);
+			OptimizeSearchCondition(Having.SearchCondition);
+			if (optimizeSearchCondition)
+			{
+				ForEachTable(table =>
+				{
+					foreach (var join in table.Joins)
+						OptimizeSearchCondition(join.Condition);
+				}, new HashSet<SqlQuery>());
+			}
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(this, e =>
+			{
+				var sql = e as SqlQuery;
+				if (sql != null && sql != this)
+				{
+					sql.ParentSql = this;
+					sql.FinalizeAndValidateInternal(isApplySupported, optimizeColumns, false, tables);
+					if (sql.IsParameterDependent)
+						IsParameterDependent = true;
+				}
+			});
+			ResolveWeakJoins(tables);
+			OptimizeColumns();
+			OptimizeApplies   (isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+			OptimizeSubQueries(isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+			OptimizeApplies   (isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(this, e =>
+			{
+				var sql = e as SqlQuery;
+				if (sql != null && sql != this)
+					sql.RemoveOrderBy();
+			});
+		}
+		internal static void OptimizeSearchCondition(SearchCondition searchCondition)
+		{
+			// This 'if' could be replaced by one simple match:
+			//
+			// match (searchCondition.Conditions)
+			// {
+			// | [SearchCondition(true, _) sc] =>
+			//     searchCondition.Conditions = sc.Conditions;
+			//     OptimizeSearchCondition(searchCodition)
+			//
+			// | [SearchCondition(false, [SearchCondition(true, [ExprExpr]) sc])] => ...
+			//
+			// | [Expr(true,  SqlValue(true))]
+			// | [Expr(false, SqlValue(false))]
+			//     searchCondition.Conditions = []
+			// }
+			//
+			// One day I am going to rewrite all this crap in Nemerle.
+			//
+			if (searchCondition.Conditions.Count == 1)
+			{
+				var cond = searchCondition.Conditions[0];
+				if (cond.Predicate is SearchCondition)
+				{
+					var sc = (SearchCondition)cond.Predicate;
+					if (!cond.IsNot)
+					{
+						searchCondition.Conditions.Clear();
+						searchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(sc.Conditions);
+						OptimizeSearchCondition(searchCondition);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (sc.Conditions.Count == 1)
+					{
+						var c1 = sc.Conditions[0];
+						if (!c1.IsNot && c1.Predicate is Predicate.ExprExpr)
+						{
+							var ee = (Predicate.ExprExpr)c1.Predicate;
+							Predicate.Operator op;
+							switch (ee.Operator)
+							{
+								case Predicate.Operator.Equal          : op = Predicate.Operator.NotEqual;       break;
+								case Predicate.Operator.NotEqual       : op = Predicate.Operator.Equal;          break;
+								case Predicate.Operator.Greater        : op = Predicate.Operator.LessOrEqual;    break;
+								case Predicate.Operator.NotLess        :
+								case Predicate.Operator.GreaterOrEqual : op = Predicate.Operator.Less;           break;
+								case Predicate.Operator.Less           : op = Predicate.Operator.GreaterOrEqual; break;
+								case Predicate.Operator.NotGreater     :
+								case Predicate.Operator.LessOrEqual    : op = Predicate.Operator.Greater;        break;
+								default: throw new InvalidOperationException();
+							}
+							c1.Predicate = new Predicate.ExprExpr(ee.Expr1, op, ee.Expr2);
+							searchCondition.Conditions.Clear();
+							searchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(sc.Conditions);
+							OptimizeSearchCondition(searchCondition);
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (cond.Predicate.ElementType == QueryElementType.ExprPredicate)
+				{
+					var expr = (Predicate.Expr)cond.Predicate;
+					if (expr.Expr1 is SqlValue)
+					{
+						var value = (SqlValue)expr.Expr1;
+						if (value.Value is bool)
+							if (cond.IsNot ? !(bool)value.Value : (bool)value.Value)
+								searchCondition.Conditions.Clear();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for (var i = 0; i < searchCondition.Conditions.Count; i++)
+			{
+				var cond = searchCondition.Conditions[i];
+				if (cond.Predicate is Predicate.Expr)
+				{
+					var expr = (Predicate.Expr)cond.Predicate;
+					if (expr.Expr1 is SqlValue)
+					{
+						var value = (SqlValue)expr.Expr1;
+						if (value.Value is bool)
+						{
+							if (cond.IsNot ? !(bool)value.Value : (bool)value.Value)
+							{
+								if (i > 0)
+								{
+									if (searchCondition.Conditions[i-1].IsOr)
+									{
+										searchCondition.Conditions.RemoveRange(0, i);
+										OptimizeSearchCondition(searchCondition);
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else if (cond.Predicate is SearchCondition)
+				{
+					var sc = (SearchCondition)cond.Predicate;
+					OptimizeSearchCondition(sc);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		void ForEachTable(Action<TableSource> action, HashSet<SqlQuery> visitedQueries)
+		{
+			if (!visitedQueries.Add(this))
+				return;
+			foreach (var table in From.Tables)
+				table.ForEach(action, visitedQueries);
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(this, e =>
+			{
+				if (e is SqlQuery && e != this)
+					((SqlQuery)e).ForEachTable(action, visitedQueries);
+			});
+		}
+		void RemoveOrderBy()
+		{
+			if (OrderBy.Items.Count > 0 && Select.SkipValue == null && Select.TakeValue == null)
+				OrderBy.Items.Clear();
+		}
+		internal void ResolveWeakJoins(List<ISqlTableSource> tables)
+		{
+			Func<TableSource,bool> findTable = null; findTable = table =>
+			{
+				if (tables.Contains(table.Source))
+					return true;
+				foreach (var join in table.Joins)
+				{
+					if (findTable(join.Table))
+					{
+						join.IsWeak = false;
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+				if (table.Source is SqlQuery)
+					foreach (var t in ((SqlQuery)table.Source).From.Tables)
+						if (findTable(t))
+							return true;
+				return false;
+			};
+			var areTablesCollected = false;
+			ForEachTable(table =>
+			{
+				for (var i = 0; i < table.Joins.Count; i++)
+				{
+					var join = table.Joins[i];
+					if (join.IsWeak)
+					{
+						if (!areTablesCollected)
+						{
+							areTablesCollected = true;
+							Action<IQueryElement> tableCollector = expr =>
+							{
+								var field = expr as SqlField;
+								if (field != null && !tables.Contains(field.Table))
+									tables.Add(field.Table);
+							};
+							var visitor = new QueryVisitor();
+							visitor.VisitAll(Select,  tableCollector);
+							visitor.VisitAll(Where,   tableCollector);
+							visitor.VisitAll(GroupBy, tableCollector);
+							visitor.VisitAll(Having,  tableCollector);
+							visitor.VisitAll(OrderBy, tableCollector);
+							if (_insert != null)
+								visitor.VisitAll(Insert, tableCollector);
+							if (_update != null)
+								visitor.VisitAll(Update, tableCollector);
+							if (_delete != null)
+								visitor.VisitAll(Delete, tableCollector);
+							visitor.VisitAll(From, expr =>
+							{
+								var tbl = expr as SqlTable;
+								if (tbl != null && tbl.TableArguments != null)
+								{
+									var v = new QueryVisitor();
+									foreach (var arg in tbl.TableArguments)
+										v.VisitAll(arg, tableCollector);
+								}
+							});
+						}
+						if (findTable(join.Table))
+						{
+							join.IsWeak = false;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							table.Joins.RemoveAt(i);
+							i--;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}, new HashSet<SqlQuery>());
+		}
+		TableSource OptimizeSubQuery(
+			TableSource source,
+			bool        optimizeWhere,
+			bool        allColumns,
+			bool        isApplySupported,
+			bool        optimizeValues,
+			bool        optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			foreach (var jt in source.Joins)
+			{
+				var table = OptimizeSubQuery(
+					jt.Table,
+					jt.JoinType == JoinType.Inner || jt.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply,
+					false,
+					isApplySupported,
+					jt.JoinType == JoinType.Inner || jt.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply,
+					optimizeColumns);
+				if (table != jt.Table)
+				{
+					var sql = jt.Table.Source as SqlQuery;
+					if (sql != null && sql.OrderBy.Items.Count > 0)
+						foreach (var item in sql.OrderBy.Items)
+							OrderBy.Expr(item.Expression, item.IsDescending);
+					jt.Table = table;
+				}
+			}
+			return source.Source is SqlQuery ?
+				RemoveSubQuery(source, optimizeWhere, allColumns && !isApplySupported, optimizeValues, optimizeColumns) :
+				source;
+		}
+		static bool CheckColumn(Column column, ISqlExpression expr, SqlQuery query, bool optimizeValues, bool optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			if (expr is SqlField || expr is Column)
+				return false;
+			if (expr is SqlValue)
+				return !optimizeValues && 1.Equals(((SqlValue)expr).Value);
+			if (expr is SqlBinaryExpression)
+			{
+				var e = (SqlBinaryExpression)expr;
+				if (e.Operation == "*" && e.Expr1 is SqlValue)
+				{
+					var value = (SqlValue)e.Expr1;
+					if (value.Value is int && (int)value.Value == -1)
+						return CheckColumn(column, e.Expr2, query, optimizeValues, optimizeColumns);
+				}
+			}
+			var visitor = new QueryVisitor();
+			if (optimizeColumns &&
+				visitor.Find(expr, e => e is SqlQuery || IsAggregationFunction(e)) == null)
+			{
+				var n = 0;
+				var q = query.ParentSql ?? query;
+				visitor.VisitAll(q, e => { if (e == column) n++; });
+				return n > 2;
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		TableSource RemoveSubQuery(
+			TableSource childSource,
+			bool        concatWhere,
+			bool        allColumns,
+			bool        optimizeValues,
+			bool        optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			var query = (SqlQuery)childSource.Source;
+			var isQueryOK = query.From.Tables.Count == 1;
+			isQueryOK = isQueryOK && (concatWhere || query.Where.IsEmpty && query.Having.IsEmpty);
+			isQueryOK = isQueryOK && !query.HasUnion && query.GroupBy.IsEmpty && !query.Select.HasModifier;
+			if (!isQueryOK)
+				return childSource;
+			var isColumnsOK =
+				(allColumns && !query.Select.Columns.Exists(c => IsAggregationFunction(c.Expression))) ||
+				!query.Select.Columns.Exists(c => CheckColumn(c, c.Expression, query, optimizeValues, optimizeColumns));
+			if (!isColumnsOK)
+				return childSource;
+			var map = new Dictionary<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression>(query.Select.Columns.Count);
+			foreach (var c in query.Select.Columns)
+				map.Add(c, c.Expression);
+			var top = this;
+			while (top.ParentSql != null)
+				top = top.ParentSql;
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)top).Walk(false, expr =>
+			{
+				ISqlExpression fld;
+				return map.TryGetValue(expr, out fld) ? fld : expr;
+			});
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(top, expr =>
+			{
+				if (expr.ElementType == QueryElementType.InListPredicate)
+				{
+					var p = (Predicate.InList)expr;
+					if (p.Expr1 == query)
+						p.Expr1 = query.From.Tables[0];
+				}
+			});
+			query.From.Tables[0].Joins.AddRange(childSource.Joins);
+			if (query.From.Tables[0].Alias == null)
+				query.From.Tables[0].Alias = childSource.Alias;
+			if (!query.Where. IsEmpty) ConcatSearchCondition(Where,  query.Where);
+			if (!query.Having.IsEmpty) ConcatSearchCondition(Having, query.Having);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)top).Walk(false, expr =>
+			{
+				if (expr is SqlQuery)
+				{
+					var sql = (SqlQuery)expr;
+					if (sql.ParentSql == query)
+						sql.ParentSql = query.ParentSql ?? this;
+				}
+				return expr;
+			});
+			return query.From.Tables[0];
+		}
+		static bool IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement expr)
+		{
+			if (expr is SqlFunction)
+				switch (((SqlFunction)expr).Name)
+				{
+					case "Count"   :
+					case "Average" :
+					case "Min"     :
+					case "Max"     :
+					case "Sum"     : return true;
+				}
+			return false;
+		}
+		void OptimizeApply(TableSource tableSource, JoinedTable joinTable, bool isApplySupported, bool optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			var joinSource = joinTable.Table;
+			foreach (var join in joinSource.Joins)
+				if (join.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply || join.JoinType == JoinType.OuterApply)
+					OptimizeApply(joinSource, join, isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+			if (isApplySupported && !joinTable.CanConvertApply)
+				return;
+			if (joinSource.Source.ElementType == QueryElementType.SqlQuery)
+			{
+				var sql   = (SqlQuery)joinSource.Source;
+				var isAgg = sql.Select.Columns.Exists(c => IsAggregationFunction(c.Expression));
+				if (isApplySupported && (isAgg || sql.Select.TakeValue != null || sql.Select.SkipValue != null))
+					return;
+				var searchCondition = new List<Condition>(sql.Where.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+				sql.Where.SearchCondition.Conditions.Clear();
+				if (!ContainsTable(tableSource.Source, sql))
+				{
+					joinTable.JoinType = joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply ? JoinType.Inner : JoinType.Left;
+					joinTable.Condition.Conditions.AddRange(searchCondition);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					sql.Where.SearchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(searchCondition);
+					var table = OptimizeSubQuery(
+						joinTable.Table,
+						joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.Inner || joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply,
+						joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply,
+						isApplySupported,
+						joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.Inner || joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply,
+						optimizeColumns);
+					if (table != joinTable.Table)
+					{
+						var q = joinTable.Table.Source as SqlQuery;
+						if (q != null && q.OrderBy.Items.Count > 0)
+							foreach (var item in q.OrderBy.Items)
+								OrderBy.Expr(item.Expression, item.IsDescending);
+						joinTable.Table = table;
+						OptimizeApply(tableSource, joinTable, isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (!ContainsTable(tableSource.Source, joinSource.Source))
+					joinTable.JoinType = joinTable.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply ? JoinType.Inner : JoinType.Left;
+			}
+		}
+		static bool ContainsTable(ISqlTableSource table, IQueryElement sql)
+		{
+			return null != new QueryVisitor().Find(sql, e =>
+				e == table ||
+				e.ElementType == QueryElementType.SqlField && table == ((SqlField)e).Table ||
+				e.ElementType == QueryElementType.Column   && table == ((Column)  e).Parent);
+		}
+		static void ConcatSearchCondition(WhereClause where1, WhereClause where2)
+		{
+			if (where1.IsEmpty)
+			{
+				where1.SearchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(where2.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (where1.SearchCondition.Precedence < Sql.Precedence.LogicalConjunction)
+				{
+					var sc1 = new SearchCondition();
+					sc1.Conditions.AddRange(where1.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+					where1.SearchCondition.Conditions.Clear();
+					where1.SearchCondition.Conditions.Add(new Condition(false, sc1));
+				}
+				if (where2.SearchCondition.Precedence < Sql.Precedence.LogicalConjunction)
+				{
+					var sc2 = new SearchCondition();
+					sc2.Conditions.AddRange(where2.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+					where1.SearchCondition.Conditions.Add(new Condition(false, sc2));
+				}
+				else
+					where1.SearchCondition.Conditions.AddRange(where2.SearchCondition.Conditions);
+			}
+		}
+		void OptimizeSubQueries(bool isApplySupported, bool optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			for (var i = 0; i < From.Tables.Count; i++)
+			{
+				var table = OptimizeSubQuery(From.Tables[i], true, false, isApplySupported, true, optimizeColumns);
+				if (table != From.Tables[i])
+				{
+					var sql = From.Tables[i].Source as SqlQuery;
+					if (!Select.Columns.All(c => IsAggregationFunction(c.Expression)))
+						if (sql != null && sql.OrderBy.Items.Count > 0)
+							foreach (var item in sql.OrderBy.Items)
+								OrderBy.Expr(item.Expression, item.IsDescending);
+					From.Tables[i] = table;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		void OptimizeApplies(bool isApplySupported, bool optimizeColumns)
+		{
+			foreach (var table in From.Tables)
+				foreach (var join in table.Joins)
+					if (join.JoinType == JoinType.CrossApply || join.JoinType == JoinType.OuterApply)
+						OptimizeApply(table, join, isApplySupported, optimizeColumns);
+		}
+		void OptimizeColumns()
+		{
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Select).Walk(false, expr =>
+			{
+				var query = expr as SqlQuery;
+				if (query != null && query.From.Tables.Count == 0 && query.Select.Columns.Count == 1)
+				{
+					new QueryVisitor().Visit(query.Select.Columns[0].Expression, e =>
+					{
+						if (e.ElementType == QueryElementType.SqlQuery)
+						{
+							var q = (SqlQuery)e;
+							if (q.ParentSql == query)
+								q.ParentSql = query.ParentSql;
+						}
+					});
+					return query.Select.Columns[0].Expression;
+				}
+				return expr;
+			});
+		}
+		IDictionary<string,object> _aliases;
+		public void RemoveAlias(string alias)
+		{
+			if (_aliases != null)
+			{
+				alias = alias.ToUpper();
+				if (_aliases.ContainsKey(alias))
+					_aliases.Remove(alias);
+			}
+		}
+		public string GetAlias(string desiredAlias, string defaultAlias)
+		{
+			if (_aliases == null)
+				_aliases = new Dictionary<string,object>();
+			var alias = desiredAlias;
+			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredAlias) || desiredAlias.Length > 30)
+			{
+				desiredAlias = defaultAlias;
+				alias        = defaultAlias + "1";
+			}
+			for (var i = 1; ; i++)
+			{
+				var s = alias.ToUpper();
+				if (!_aliases.ContainsKey(s) && !_reservedWords.ContainsKey(s))
+				{
+					_aliases.Add(s, s);
+					break;
+				}
+				alias = desiredAlias + i;
+			}
+			return alias;
+		}
+		public string[] GetTempAliases(int n, string defaultAlias)
+		{
+			var aliases = new string[n];
+			for (var i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
+				aliases[i] = GetAlias(defaultAlias, defaultAlias);
+			foreach (var t in aliases)
+				RemoveAlias(t);
+			return aliases;
+		}
+		void SetAliases()
+		{
+			_aliases = null;
+			var objs = new Dictionary<object,object>();
+			Parameters.Clear();
+			new QueryVisitor().VisitAll(this, expr =>
+			{
+				switch (expr.ElementType)
+				{
+					case QueryElementType.SqlParameter:
+						{
+							var p = (SqlParameter)expr;
+							if (p.IsQueryParameter)
+							{
+								if (!objs.ContainsKey(expr))
+								{
+									objs.Add(expr, expr);
+									p.Name = GetAlias(p.Name, "p");
+								}
+								Parameters.Add(p);
+							}
+							else
+								IsParameterDependent = true;
+						}
+						break;
+					case QueryElementType.Column:
+						{
+							if (!objs.ContainsKey(expr))
+							{
+								objs.Add(expr, expr);
+								var c = (Column)expr;
+								if (c.Alias != "*")
+									c.Alias = GetAlias(c.Alias, "c");
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case QueryElementType.TableSource:
+						{
+							var table = (TableSource)expr;
+							if (!objs.ContainsKey(table))
+							{
+								objs.Add(table, table);
+								table.Alias = GetAlias(table.Alias, "t");
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case QueryElementType.SqlQuery:
+						{
+							var sql = (SqlQuery)expr;
+							if (sql.HasUnion)
+							{
+								for (var i = 0; i < sql.Select.Columns.Count; i++)
+								{
+									var col = sql.Select.Columns[i];
+									foreach (var t in sql.Unions)
+									{
+										var union = t.SqlQuery.Select;
+										objs.Remove(union.Columns[i].Alias);
+										union.Columns[i].Alias = col.Alias;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ProcessParameters
+		public SqlQuery ProcessParameters()
+		{
+			if (IsParameterDependent)
+			{
+				var query = new QueryVisitor().Convert(this, e =>
+				{
+					switch (e.ElementType)
+					{
+						case QueryElementType.SqlParameter :
+							{
+								var p = (SqlParameter)e;
+								if (p.Value == null)
+									return new SqlValue(null);
+							}
+							break;
+						case QueryElementType.ExprExprPredicate :
+							{
+								var ee = (Predicate.ExprExpr)e;
+								if (ee.Operator == Predicate.Operator.Equal || ee.Operator == Predicate.Operator.NotEqual)
+								{
+									object value1;
+									object value2;
+									if (ee.Expr1 is SqlValue)
+										value1 = ((SqlValue)ee.Expr1).Value;
+									else if (ee.Expr1 is SqlParameter)
+										value1 = ((SqlParameter)ee.Expr1).Value;
+									else
+										break;
+									if (ee.Expr2 is SqlValue)
+										value2 = ((SqlValue)ee.Expr2).Value;
+									else if (ee.Expr2 is SqlParameter)
+										value2 = ((SqlParameter)ee.Expr2).Value;
+									else
+										break;
+									var value = Equals(value1, value2);
+									if (ee.Operator == Predicate.Operator.NotEqual)
+										value = !value;
+									return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(value), Sql.Precedence.Comparison);
+								}
+							}
+							break;
+						case QueryElementType.InListPredicate :
+							return ConvertInListPredicate((Predicate.InList)e);
+					}
+					return null;
+				});
+				if (query != this)
+				{
+					query.Parameters.Clear();
+					new QueryVisitor().VisitAll(query, expr =>
+					{
+						if (expr.ElementType == QueryElementType.SqlParameter)
+						{
+							var p = (SqlParameter)expr;
+							if (p.IsQueryParameter)
+								query.Parameters.Add(p);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				return query;
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		static Predicate ConvertInListPredicate(Predicate.InList p)
+		{
+			if (p.Values == null || p.Values.Count == 0)
+				return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+			if (p.Values.Count == 1 && p.Values[0] is SqlParameter)
+			{
+				var pr = (SqlParameter)p.Values[0];
+				if (pr.Value == null)
+					return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+				if (pr.Value is IEnumerable)
+				{
+					if (p.Expr1 is ISqlTableSource)
+					{
+						var items = (IEnumerable)pr.Value;
+						var table = (ISqlTableSource)p.Expr1;
+						var keys  = table.GetKeys(true);
+						if (keys == null || keys.Count == 0)
+							throw new SqlException("Cant create IN expression.");
+						if (keys.Count == 1)
+						{
+							var values = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+							var field  = GetUnderlayingField(keys[0]);
+							foreach (var item in items)
+							{
+								var value = field.MemberMapper.GetValue(item);
+								values.Add(new SqlValue(value));
+							}
+							if (values.Count == 0)
+								return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+							return new Predicate.InList(keys[0], p.IsNot, values);
+						}
+						{
+							var sc = new SearchCondition();
+							foreach (var item in items)
+							{
+								var itemCond = new SearchCondition();
+								foreach (var key in keys)
+								{
+									var field = GetUnderlayingField(key);
+									var value = field.MemberMapper.GetValue(item);
+									var cond  = value == null ?
+										new Condition(false, new Predicate.IsNull  (field, false)) :
+										new Condition(false, new Predicate.ExprExpr(field, Predicate.Operator.Equal, new SqlValue(value)));
+									itemCond.Conditions.Add(cond);
+								}
+								sc.Conditions.Add(new Condition(false, new Predicate.Expr(itemCond), true));
+							}
+							if (sc.Conditions.Count == 0)
+								return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+							if (p.IsNot)
+								return new Predicate.NotExpr(sc, true, Sql.Precedence.LogicalNegation);
+							return new Predicate.Expr(sc, Sql.Precedence.LogicalDisjunction);
+						}
+					}
+					if (p.Expr1 is SqlExpression)
+					{
+						var expr  = (SqlExpression)p.Expr1;
+						if (expr.Expr.Length > 1 && expr.Expr[0] == '\x1')
+						{
+							var type  = TypeHelper.GetListItemType(pr.Value);
+							var ta    = TypeAccessor.GetAccessor(type);
+							var items = (IEnumerable)pr.Value;
+							var names = expr.Expr.Substring(1).Split(',');
+							if (expr.Parameters.Length == 1)
+							{
+								var values = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+								foreach (var item in items)
+								{
+									var value = ta[names[0]].GetValue(item);
+									values.Add(new SqlValue(value));
+								}
+								if (values.Count == 0)
+									return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+								return new Predicate.InList(expr.Parameters[0], p.IsNot, values);
+							}
+							{
+								var sc = new SearchCondition();
+								foreach (var item in items)
+								{
+									var itemCond = new SearchCondition();
+									for (var i = 0; i < expr.Parameters.Length; i++)
+									{
+										var sql   = expr.Parameters[i];
+										var value = ta[names[i]].GetValue(item);
+										var cond  = value == null ?
+											new Condition(false, new Predicate.IsNull  (sql, false)) :
+											new Condition(false, new Predicate.ExprExpr(sql, Predicate.Operator.Equal, new SqlValue(value)));
+										itemCond.Conditions.Add(cond);
+									}
+									sc.Conditions.Add(new Condition(false, new Predicate.Expr(itemCond), true));
+								}
+								if (sc.Conditions.Count == 0)
+									return new Predicate.Expr(new SqlValue(p.IsNot));
+								if (p.IsNot)
+									return new Predicate.NotExpr(sc, true, Sql.Precedence.LogicalNegation);
+								return new Predicate.Expr(sc, Sql.Precedence.LogicalDisjunction);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					/*
+					var itemType = items.GetType().GetItemType();
+					if (itemType == typeof(DateTime)  || itemType == typeof(DateTimeOffset) ||
+						itemType == typeof(DateTime?) || itemType == typeof(DateTimeOffset?))
+					{
+						var list = new List<SqlParameter>();
+						foreach (var item in items)
+							list.Add(new SqlParameter(itemType, "p", item, (MappingSchema)null));
+						return new Predicate.InList(p.Expr1, p.IsNot, list);
+					}
+					*/
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		static SqlField GetUnderlayingField(ISqlExpression expr)
+		{
+			switch (expr.ElementType)
+			{
+				case QueryElementType.SqlField: return (SqlField)expr;
+				case QueryElementType.Column  : return GetUnderlayingField(((Column)expr).Expression);
+			}
+			throw new InvalidOperationException();
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Clone
+		SqlQuery(SqlQuery clone, Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+		{
+			objectTree.Add(clone,     this);
+			objectTree.Add(clone.All, All);
+			SourceID = Interlocked.Increment(ref SourceIDCounter);
+			_queryType = clone._queryType;
+			if (IsInsert) _insert = (InsertClause)clone._insert.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			if (IsUpdate) _update = (UpdateClause)clone._update.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			if (IsDelete) _delete = (DeleteClause)clone._delete.Clone(objectTree, doClone);
+			_select  = new SelectClause (this, clone._select,  objectTree, doClone);
+			_from    = new FromClause   (this, clone._from,    objectTree, doClone);
+			_where   = new WhereClause  (this, clone._where,   objectTree, doClone);
+			_groupBy = new GroupByClause(this, clone._groupBy, objectTree, doClone);
+			_having  = new WhereClause  (this, clone._having,  objectTree, doClone);
+			_orderBy = new OrderByClause(this, clone._orderBy, objectTree, doClone);
+			_parameters.AddRange(clone._parameters.ConvertAll(p => (SqlParameter)p.Clone(objectTree, doClone)));
+			IsParameterDependent = clone.IsParameterDependent;
+			new QueryVisitor().Visit(this, expr =>
+			{
+				var sb = expr as SqlQuery;
+				if (sb != null && sb.ParentSql == clone)
+					sb.ParentSql = this;
+			});
+		}
+		public SqlQuery Clone()
+		{
+			return (SqlQuery)Clone(new Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement>(), _ => true);
+		}
+		public SqlQuery Clone(Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+		{
+			return (SqlQuery)Clone(new Dictionary<ICloneableElement,ICloneableElement>(), doClone);
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Helpers
+		public TableSource GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table)
+		{
+			var ts = From[table];
+			return ts == null && ParentSql != null? ParentSql.GetTableSource(table) : ts;
+		}
+		static TableSource CheckTableSource(TableSource ts, ISqlTableSource table, string alias)
+		{
+			if (ts.Source == table && (alias == null || ts.Alias == alias))
+				return ts;
+			var jt = ts[table, alias];
+			if (jt != null)
+				return jt;
+			if (ts.Source is SqlQuery)
+			{
+				var s = ((SqlQuery)ts.Source).From[table, alias];
+				if (s != null)
+					return s;
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region Overrides
+		public string SqlText { get { return ToString(); } }
+		public override string ToString()
+		{
+			return ((IQueryElement)this).ToString(new StringBuilder(), new Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement>()).ToString();
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ISqlExpression Members
+		public bool CanBeNull()
+		{
+			return true;
+		}
+		public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer)
+		{
+			return this == other;
+		}
+		public int Precedence
+		{
+			get { return Sql.Precedence.Unknown; }
+		}
+		public Type SystemType
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				if (Select.Columns.Count == 1)
+					return Select.Columns[0].SystemType;
+				if (From.Tables.Count == 1 && From.Tables[0].Joins.Count == 0)
+					return From.Tables[0].SystemType;
+				return null;
+			}
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ICloneableElement Members
+		public ICloneableElement Clone(Dictionary<ICloneableElement, ICloneableElement> objectTree, Predicate<ICloneableElement> doClone)
+		{
+			if (!doClone(this))
+				return this;
+			ICloneableElement clone;
+			if (!objectTree.TryGetValue(this, out clone))
+				clone = new SqlQuery(this, objectTree, doClone);
+			return clone;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ISqlExpressionWalkable Members
+		[Obsolete]
+		ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk(bool skipColumns, Func<ISqlExpression,ISqlExpression> func)
+		{
+			if (_insert != null) ((ISqlExpressionWalkable)_insert).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			if (_update != null) ((ISqlExpressionWalkable)_update).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			if (_delete != null) ((ISqlExpressionWalkable)_delete).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Select) .Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)From)   .Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Where)  .Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)GroupBy).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)Having) .Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			((ISqlExpressionWalkable)OrderBy).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			if (HasUnion)
+				foreach (var union in Unions)
+					((ISqlExpressionWalkable)union.SqlQuery).Walk(skipColumns, func);
+			return func(this);
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region IEquatable<ISqlExpression> Members
+		bool IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression other)
+		{
+			return this == other;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region ISqlTableSource Members
+		public static int SourceIDCounter;
+		public int           SourceID     { get; private set; }
+		public SqlTableType  SqlTableType { get { return SqlTableType.Table; } }
+		private SqlField _all;
+		public  SqlField  All
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				if (_all == null)
+				{
+					_all = new SqlField(null, "*", "*", true, -1, null, null);
+					((IChild<ISqlTableSource>)_all).Parent = this;
+				}
+				return _all;
+			}
+			internal set
+			{
+				_all = value;
+				if (_all != null)
+					((IChild<ISqlTableSource>)_all).Parent = this;
+			}
+		}
+		List<ISqlExpression> _keys;
+		public IList<ISqlExpression> GetKeys(bool allIfEmpty)
+		{
+			if (_keys == null && From.Tables.Count == 1 && From.Tables[0].Joins.Count == 0)
+			{
+				_keys = new List<ISqlExpression>();
+				var q =
+					from key in ((ISqlTableSource)From.Tables[0]).GetKeys(allIfEmpty)
+					from col in Select.Columns
+					where col.Expression == key
+					select col as ISqlExpression;
+				_keys = q.ToList();
+			}
+			return _keys;
+		}
+		#endregion
+		#region IQueryElement Members
+		public QueryElementType ElementType { get { return QueryElementType.SqlQuery; } }
+		StringBuilder IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement,IQueryElement> dic)
+		{
+			if (dic.ContainsKey(this))
+				return sb.Append("...");
+			dic.Add(this, this);
+			sb
+				.Append("(")
+				.Append(SourceID)
+				.Append(") ");
+			((IQueryElement)Select). ToString(sb, dic);
+			((IQueryElement)From).   ToString(sb, dic);
+			((IQueryElement)Where).  ToString(sb, dic);
+			((IQueryElement)GroupBy).ToString(sb, dic);
+			((IQueryElement)Having). ToString(sb, dic);
+			((IQueryElement)OrderBy).ToString(sb, dic);
+			if (HasUnion)
+				foreach (IQueryElement u in Unions)
+					u.ToString(sb, dic);
+			dic.Remove(this);
+			return sb;
+		}
+		#endregion
+	}