diff UnitTests/CS/DataAccess/DataAccessorBuilderTest.cs @ 0:f990fcb411a9

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author cin
date Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:46:09 +0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UnitTests/CS/DataAccess/DataAccessorBuilderTest.cs	Thu Mar 27 21:46:09 2014 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Reflection;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using BLToolkit.DataAccess;
+using BLToolkit.TypeBuilder;
+namespace DataAccess
+	[TestFixture]
+	public class DataAccessorBuilderTest : MarshalByRefObject
+	{
+		DataAccessorBuilderTest _localTest;
+		AppDomain               _localDomain;
+		public struct Person
+		{
+		}
+		[TestFixtureSetUp]
+		public void SetUp()
+		{
+			string path = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().EscapedCodeBase).LocalPath;
+			_localDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewDomain");
+			_localDomain.Load(typeof(DataAccessor).Assembly.GetName());
+			_localTest = (DataAccessorBuilderTest)_localDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(path, GetType().FullName);
+		}
+		[TestFixtureTearDown]
+		public void TearDown()
+		{
+			AppDomain.Unload(_localDomain);
+		}
+		public abstract class TypelessAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE PersonID < 3")]
+			public abstract Hashtable Typeless();
+		}
+		private void Typeless()
+		{
+			// Can not determine object type for the method 'TypelessAccessor.Typeless'
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(TypelessAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void TypelessTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.Typeless);
+		}
+		public abstract class TypelessAccessor2 : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[SprocName("Person_SelectAll")]
+			public abstract ArrayList Typeless();
+		}
+		private void Typeless2()
+		{
+			// Can not determine object type for the method 'TypelessAccessor2.Typeless'
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(TypelessAccessor2));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void Gen_SelectAllListException()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.Typeless2);
+		}
+		public abstract class MultiDestinationAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[ObjectType(typeof(Person))]
+			public abstract IList SelectAll([Destination] IList list1, [Destination] IList list2);
+		}
+		private void MultiDestinationException()
+		{
+			// More then one parameter is marked as destination.
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(MultiDestinationAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void MultiDestinationExceptionTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.MultiDestinationException);
+		}
+		public abstract class ScalarDestinationAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[ObjectType(typeof(Person))]
+			public abstract int SelectAll([Destination] int p);
+		}
+		private void ScalarDestinationException()
+		{
+			// ExecuteScalar destination must be an out or a ref parameter
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(ScalarDestinationAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void ScalarDestinationExceptionTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.ScalarDestinationException);
+		}
+		public abstract class IncompatibleScalarDestinationAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[ObjectType(typeof(Person))]
+			public abstract int SelectAll([Destination] out string p);
+		}
+		private void IncompatibleScalarDestinationException()
+		{
+			// The return type 'System.Int32' of the method 'SelectAll'
+			// is incompatible with the destination parameter type 'System.String'
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(IncompatibleScalarDestinationAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void IncompatibleScalarDestinationExceptionTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.IncompatibleScalarDestinationException);
+		}
+		public abstract class VoidDestinationAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[ObjectType(typeof(Person))]
+			public abstract void SelectAll([Destination] int p);
+		}
+		private void VoidDestinationException()
+		{
+			// ExecuteNonQuery does not support the Destination attribute
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(VoidDestinationAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void VoidDestinationExceptionTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.VoidDestinationException);
+		}
+		public abstract class IllegalDataSetTableAccessor : DataAccessor
+		{
+			[DataSetTable(12345)]
+			public abstract DataTable SelectAll();
+		}
+		private void IllegalDataSetTable()
+		{
+			// DataSetTable attribute may not be an index
+			//
+			DataAccessor.CreateInstance(typeof(IllegalDataSetTableAccessor));
+		}
+		[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(TypeBuilderException))]
+		public void IllegalDataSetTableTest()
+		{
+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoCallBack(_localTest.IllegalDataSetTable);
+		}
+	}
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