view Extensions/JointureAddOn/Mapping/FullMappingSchema.cs @ 1:8f65451dc28f

Исправлена проблема с фабрикой и выборкой нескольких объектов в linq выражении
author cin
date Fri, 28 Mar 2014 01:04:56 +0400
parents f990fcb411a9
line wrap: on
line source


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using BLToolkit.Data;
using BLToolkit.Reflection.Extension;


namespace BLToolkit.Mapping
    public class FullMappingSchema : MappingSchema
        #region Fields

        private readonly DbManager _db;
        private readonly bool _ignoreLazyLoad;
        private DataTable _schema;
        private List<string> _schemaColumns;
        private readonly MappingSchema _parentMappingSchema;
        private readonly FactoryType _factoryType;

        private ExtensionList _extensions;


        public FullMappingSchema(DbManager db, bool ignoreLazyLoad = false, MappingSchema parentMappingSchema = null, 
            FactoryType factoryType = FactoryType.LazyLoading)
            _db = db;
            _parentMappingSchema = parentMappingSchema;
            _factoryType = factoryType;
            _ignoreLazyLoad = ignoreLazyLoad;

        #region Overrides

        public override ExtensionList Extensions
                if (_parentMappingSchema != null) 
                    return this._parentMappingSchema.Extensions;
                return _extensions;
                if (_parentMappingSchema != null) 
                    this._parentMappingSchema.Extensions = value;
                _extensions = value;

        protected override ObjectMapper CreateObjectMapperInstance(Type type)
            return new FullObjectMapper(_db, _ignoreLazyLoad,_factoryType);

        protected override void MapInternal(Reflection.InitContext initContext, IMapDataSource source, object sourceObject, IMapDataDestination dest, object destObject, params object[] parameters)
            FullObjectMapper mapper = (FullObjectMapper)initContext.ObjectMapper;
            IDataReader dataReader = (IDataReader)sourceObject;

            //int[] index = GetIndex(source, dest);
            //IValueMapper[] mappers = GetValueMappers(source, dest, index);

            //foreach (var valueMapper in mappers)


            if (mapper.ColParent)
                FillObject(mapper, dataReader, destObject);
                while (dataReader.Read())
                    destObject = FillObject(destObject, mapper, dataReader);
                 FillObject(mapper, dataReader, destObject);

        public override IList MapDataReaderToList(
            IDataReader reader,
            IList list,
            Type destObjectType,
            params object[] parameters)
            return internalMapDataReaderToList(reader, list, destObjectType, parameters);


        #region Private methods

        private object FillObject(object result, IObjectMapper mapper, IDataReader datareader)
            foreach (IMapper map in mapper.PropertiesMapping)
                if (map is IObjectMapper && (map as IObjectMapper).IsLazy)
                if (map is CollectionFullObjectMapper)
                    var collectionFullObjectMapper = (CollectionFullObjectMapper) map;
                    object listInstance = collectionFullObjectMapper.Getter(result);
                    if (listInstance == null)
                        listInstance = Activator.CreateInstance((map as CollectionFullObjectMapper).PropertyCollectionType);
                        map.Setter(result, listInstance);
                    var list = (IList) listInstance;
                    object fillObject = ((CollectionFullObjectMapper)map).CreateInstance();
                    FillObject((CollectionFullObjectMapper) map, datareader, fillObject);

                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        var curMapper = (FullObjectMapper)GetObjectMapper(fillObject.GetType());

                        object lastElement = list[list.Count - 1];

                        bool allPksEqual = true;

                        //This is needed, because DBValue can be Null, but the Field can be Guid, wich then is filled with Guid.Empty and this is also a valid value!
                        /*foreach (var pkIndex in pkIndexes)
                            var dbValue = reader.GetValue(pkIndex);
                            if (dbValue == DBNull.Value)
                                pkIsNull = true;

                        foreach (var pkGetter in curMapper.PrimaryKeyValueGetters)
                            object lastPk = pkGetter.Invoke(lastElement);
                            object currentPk = pkGetter.Invoke(fillObject);

                            if (!lastPk.Equals(currentPk))
                                allPksEqual = false;

                        if (allPksEqual)

                    ((IList) listInstance).Add(fillObject);

            return result;

        private void FillObject(IObjectMapper mapper, IDataReader datareader, object result)
            foreach (IMapper map in mapper.PropertiesMapping)
                if (map is IObjectMapper && (map as IObjectMapper).IsLazy)

                if  (map is ValueMapper)
                    if (((ValueMapper)map).SetDataReaderIndex(_schemaColumns))

                if (datareader.IsDBNull(map.DataReaderIndex))

                if (map is ValueMapper)
                    object value = datareader.GetValue(map.DataReaderIndex);

                        map.Setter(result, value);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw new Exception(
                            string.Format("FillOject failed for field : {0} of class: {1}.\nColumn name : {2} Db type is: {3} and value : {4}",
                                          map.PropertyName, mapper.PropertyType,
                                          ((ValueMapper) map).ColumnName,
                                          value == null ? "Null" : value.GetType().ToString(), value), exception);

                if (map is FullObjectMapper)
                    object fillObject = ((FullObjectMapper) map).CreateInstance();
                    FillObject((FullObjectMapper) map, datareader, fillObject);
                    map.Setter(result, fillObject);

                if (map is CollectionFullObjectMapper)
                    var collectionFullObjectMapper = (CollectionFullObjectMapper) map;

                    object listInstance = collectionFullObjectMapper.Getter(result);
                    if (listInstance == null)
                        listInstance = Activator.CreateInstance((map as CollectionFullObjectMapper).PropertyCollectionType);
                        map.Setter(result, listInstance);

                    object fillObject = ((CollectionFullObjectMapper)map).CreateInstance();
                    FillObject((CollectionFullObjectMapper) map, datareader, fillObject);
                    ((IList) listInstance).Add(fillObject);

        private void InitSchema(IDataReader reader)
            _schemaColumns = new List<string>();
            _schema = reader.GetSchemaTable();
            if (_schema != null)
                _schema.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().ToList().ForEach(dr => _schemaColumns.Add((string)dr["ColumnName"]));

        private IList internalMapDataReaderToList(
            IDataReader reader,
            IList list,
            Type destObjectType,
            params object[] parameters)
            FullObjectMapper mapper = (FullObjectMapper)GetObjectMapper(destObjectType);


            object currentItem = null;

            List<int> pkIndexes = new List<int>();
            foreach (var nm in mapper.PrimaryKeyNames)
                pkIndexes.Add(mapper.PropertiesMapping.First(x => x.PropertyName == nm).DataReaderIndex);

            while (reader.Read())
                var result = mapper.CreateInstance();

                FillObject(mapper, reader, result);
                if (currentItem == null)
                    currentItem = result;

                bool pkIsNull = false;
                bool allPksEqual = true;

                //This is needed, because DBValue can be Null, but the Field can be Guid, wich then is filled with Guid.Empty and this is also a valid value!
                foreach (var pkIndex in pkIndexes)
                    var dbValue = reader.GetValue(pkIndex);
                    if (dbValue == DBNull.Value)
                        pkIsNull = true;

                if (!pkIsNull)
                    foreach (var pkGetter in mapper.PrimaryKeyValueGetters)
                        object resultPk = pkGetter.Invoke(result);
                        object currentItemPk = pkGetter.Invoke(currentItem);

                        if (!resultPk.Equals(currentItemPk))
                            allPksEqual = false;

                if (!pkIsNull && !allPksEqual)
                    currentItem = result;

                if (mapper.ColParent)
                    FillObject(currentItem, mapper, reader);

            return list;
