view Source/Templates/Sybase.ttinclude @ 1:8f65451dc28f

Исправлена проблема с фабрикой и выборкой нескольких объектов в linq выражении
author cin
date Fri, 28 Mar 2014 01:04:56 +0400
parents f990fcb411a9
line wrap: on
line source

	ConnectionType = "Sybase.Data.AseClient.AseConnection, Sybase.AdoNet2.AseClient";

bool GenerateSybaseSystemTables = false;

private void LoadServerMetadata()
	var tables  = CreateList(new { ID = 0, Table  = new Table()  });
	var columns = CreateList(new { ID = 0, Column = new Column() });

	using (var conn = GetConnection())
	using (var cmd  = conn.CreateCommand())
		// Load tables & vies.
		cmd.CommandText = @"
				type IN ('U','V')";

		using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
			while (rd.Read())
				var t = new
					ID    = Convert.ToInt32(rd[0]),
					Table = new Table
						Owner         = rd[1].ToString(),
						TableName     = rd[2].ToString(),
						ClassName     = rd[2].ToString(),
						IsView        = rd[3].ToString()[0] == 'V',
						BaseClassName = BaseEntityClass,


		// Load columns.
		cmd.CommandText = @"
				c.scale, as typename,
				Convert(bit, c.status & 0x08) isNullable,
				Convert(bit, c.status & 0x80) isIdentity
				syscolumns c
					JOIN sysobjects o ON       =
					JOIN systypes   t ON c.usertype = t.usertype
				o.type IN ('U','V')";

		using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
			while (rd.Read())
				var col = new
					ID     = Convert.ToInt32(rd["id"]),
					Column = new Column
						ID         = Convert.ToInt16  (rd["colid"]),
						ColumnName = Convert.ToString (rd["name"]),
						MemberName = Convert.ToString (rd["name"]),
						ColumnType = Convert.ToString (rd["typename"]),
						IsNullable = Convert.ToBoolean(rd["isNullable"]),
						IsIdentity = Convert.ToBoolean(rd["isIdentity"]),
						Length     = rd.IsDBNull(rd.GetOrdinal("length")) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(rd["length"]),
						Precision  = rd.IsDBNull(rd.GetOrdinal("prec"))   ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(rd["prec"]),
						Scale      = rd.IsDBNull(rd.GetOrdinal("scale"))  ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(rd["scale"]),

				var c = col.Column;

				switch (Convert.ToInt32(rd["type"]))
					case  34 /* image         */ : c.Type = "byte[]";   c.DbType = DbType.Binary;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Image;         break;
					case  35 /* text          */ : c.Type = "string";   c.DbType = DbType.String;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Text;          break;
					case  45 /* binary        */ : c.Type = "byte[]";   c.DbType = DbType.Binary;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Binary;        break;
					case  48 /* tinyint       */ : c.Type = "byte";     c.DbType = DbType.Byte;      c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.TinyInt;       break;
					case  49 /* date          */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.Date;      c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Date;          break;
					case  50 /* bit           */ : c.Type = "bool";     c.DbType = DbType.Boolean;   c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit;           break;
					case  51 /* time          */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.Time;      c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Time;          break;
					case  52 /* smallint      */ : c.Type = "short";    c.DbType = DbType.Int16;     c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallInt;      break;
					case  55 /* decimal       */ : c.Type = "decimal";  c.DbType = DbType.Decimal;   c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal;       break;
					case  56 /* int           */ : c.Type = "int";      c.DbType = DbType.Int32;     c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;           break;
					case  58 /* smalldatetime */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.DateTime;  c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallDateTime; break;
					case  59 /* real          */ : c.Type = "float";    c.DbType = DbType.Single;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Real;          break;
					case  60 /* money         */ : c.Type = "decimal";  c.DbType = DbType.Currency;  c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Money;         break;
					case  61 /* datetime      */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.DateTime;  c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime;      break;
					case  62 /* float         */ : c.Type = "double";   c.DbType = DbType.Double;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Float;         break;
					case  63 /* numeric       */ : c.Type = "decimal";  c.DbType = DbType.Decimal;   c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal;       break;
					case  65 /* usmallint     */ : c.Type = "ushort";   c.DbType = DbType.UInt16;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallInt;      break;
					case  66 /* uint          */ : c.Type = "uint";     c.DbType = DbType.UInt32;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;           break;
					case  67 /* ubigint       */ : c.Type = "ulong";    c.DbType = DbType.UInt64;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt;        break;
					case 122 /* smallmoney    */ : c.Type = "decimal";  c.DbType = DbType.Currency;  c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallMoney;    break;
					case 174 /* unitext       */ : c.Type = "string";   c.DbType = DbType.String;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NText;         break;
					case 189 /* bigdatetime   */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.DateTime2; c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime2;     break;
					case 190 /* bigtime       */ : c.Type = "DateTime"; c.DbType = DbType.DateTime2; c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime2;     break;
					case 191 /* bigint        */ : c.Type = "long";     c.DbType = DbType.Int64;     c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt;        break;

					case  37 /* varbinary     */
					         /* timestamp     */ :
						c.Type      = "byte[]";
						c.DbType    = DbType.Binary;
						c.SqlDbType = Convert.ToString(rd["typename"]) == "timestamp" ? SqlDbType.Timestamp : SqlDbType.VarBinary;

					case  39 /* sysname       */
					         /* longsysname   */
					         /* varchar       */
					         /* nvarchar      */ :

						c.Type = "string";

						if (Convert.ToString(rd["typename"]) == "nvarchar")
							c.DbType    = DbType.String;
							c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
							c.DbType    = DbType.AnsiString;
							c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;


					case  47 /* char          */
					         /* nchar         */ : 

						c.Type      = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["length"])   == 1      ? "char" : "string";
						c.DbType    = Convert.ToString(rd["typename"]) == "char" ? DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength : DbType.StringFixedLength;
						c.SqlDbType = Convert.ToString(rd["typename"]) == "char" ? SqlDbType.Char : SqlDbType.NChar;

					case 135 /* unichar       */ :
						c.Type      = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["length"]) == 1 ? "char" : "string";
						c.DbType    = DbType.StringFixedLength;
						c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar;

					case 155 /* univarchar    */ :
						c.Type      = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["length"]) == 1 ? "char" : "string";
						c.DbType    = DbType.String;
						c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;

					case  36 /* extended type */ :
					case  38 /* intn          */ : 
					case  68 /* uintn         */ : 
					case 106 /* decimaln      */ : 
					case 108 /* numericn      */ : 
					case 109 /* floatn        */ : 
					case 110 /* moneyn        */ : 
					case 111 /* datetimn      */ : 
					case 123 /* daten         */ : 
					case 147 /* timen         */ : 
					case 187 /* bigdatetimen  */ : 
					case 188 /* bigtimen      */ : c.Type = "byte[]";   c.DbType = DbType.Binary;    c.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Binary;        break;

				switch (c.Type)
					case "string" :
					case "byte[]" : c.IsClass = true; break;

				if (c.IsNullable && !c.IsClass)
					c.Type += "?";


		// Load PKs.
		cmd.CommandText = @"
				INDEX_COL(USER_NAME(o.uid) + '.' +, i.indid, c.colid) AS colname,
				INDEX_COLORDER(USER_NAME(o.uid) + '.' +, i.indid, c.colid) AS [order],
				sysindexes i
					JOIN sysobjects o ON =
					JOIN syscolumns c ON =
				i.status2 & 2 = 2 AND
				i.status & 2048 = 2048 AND
				i.indid > 0 AND
				c.colid < i.keycnt + CASE WHEN i.indid = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END";

		using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
			while (rd.Read())
				var id      = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["id"]);
				var colid   = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["colid"]);
				var colname = Convert.ToString(rd["colname"]);

				columns.Single(_ => _.ID == id && _.Column.ColumnName == colname).Column.PKIndex = colid;

		// Load FKs.
		cmd.CommandText = @"
			SELECT     as Name,
				c.tableid  as ThisTable,
				r.reftabid as OtherTable,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey1) as ThisColumn1,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey2) as ThisColumn2,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey3) as ThisColumn3,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey4) as ThisColumn4,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey5) as ThisColumn5,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey6) as ThisColumn6,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey7) as ThisColumn7,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey8) as ThisColumn8,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey9) as ThisColumn9,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey10) as ThisColumn10,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey11) as ThisColumn11,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey12) as ThisColumn12,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey13) as ThisColumn13,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey14) as ThisColumn14,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey15) as ThisColumn15,
				COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey16) as ThisColumn16,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey1) as OtherColumn1,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey2) as OtherColumn2,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey3) as OtherColumn3,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey4) as OtherColumn4,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey5) as OtherColumn5,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey6) as OtherColumn6,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey7) as OtherColumn7,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey8) as OtherColumn8,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey9) as OtherColumn9,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey10) as OtherColumn10,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey11) as OtherColumn11,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey12) as OtherColumn12,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey13) as OtherColumn13,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey14) as OtherColumn14,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey15) as OtherColumn15,
				COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey16) as OtherColumn16
				sysreferences r
					JOIN sysconstraints c ON r.constrid = c.constrid
						JOIN sysobjects o  ON c.constrid =
						JOIN sysobjects o3 ON c.tableid  =
					LEFT JOIN sysobjects o2 ON r.reftabid =
					JOIN sysreferences r2 ON r.constrid = r2.constrid
						LEFT JOIN sysindexes i ON r2.indexid = i.indid AND r2.reftabid =
				c.status = 64";

		using (var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader())
			while (rd.Read())
				var name            = Convert.ToString(rd["Name"]);
				var thisTableID     = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["ThisTable"]);
				var otherTableID    = Convert.ToInt32 (rd["OtherTable"]);

				var thisTable   = (from t in tables  where t.ID == thisTableID  select t.Table).Single();
				var otherTable  = (from t in tables  where t.ID == otherTableID select t.Table).Single();

				thisTable.ForeignKeys.Add(name, new ForeignKey { KeyName = name, MemberName = name, OtherTable = otherTable });

				for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
					if (rd.IsDBNull(rd.GetOrdinal("ThisColumn"  + i)))

					var thisColumnName  = Convert.ToString(rd["ThisColumn"  + i]);
					var otherColumnName = Convert.ToString(rd["OtherColumn" + i]);

					var thisColumn  = (from c in columns where c.ID == thisTableID  && c.Column.ColumnName == thisColumnName  select c.Column).Single();
					var otherColumn = (from c in columns where c.ID == otherTableID && c.Column.ColumnName == otherColumnName select c.Column).Single();

					var key = thisTable.ForeignKeys[name];

					key.ThisColumns. Add(thisColumn);

	var qc =
		from c in columns
		group c by c.ID into gr
		join t in tables on gr.Key equals t.ID
		select new { t.Table, gr };

	foreach (var c in qc)
		foreach (var col in from col in orderby col.Column.ID select col.Column)
			c.Table.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col);

		if (c.Table.Owner == "dbo")
			c.Table.Owner = null;
			Tables.Add(c.Table.TableName, c.Table);
			Tables.Add(c.Table.Owner + "." + c.Table.TableName, c.Table);

	if (GenerateSybaseSystemTables)
		Tables.Add("sysobjects", new Table
			TableName     = "sysobjects",
			ClassName     = "SysObject",
			BaseClassName = BaseEntityClass,
			Columns       =
				{ "name",      new VarCharColumn  { ColumnName = "name", Length = 255 }},
				{ "id",        new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "id"  }},
				{ "uid",       new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "uid" }},
				{ "type",      new Column {
					ColumnName = "type",
					Type       = "string",
					ColumnType = "char",
					DbType     = DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength,
					SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.Char,
					Length     = 2,
				{ "userstat",  new SmallIntColumn { ColumnName = "userstat"  }},
				{ "sysstat",   new SmallIntColumn { ColumnName = "sysstat"   }},
				{ "indexdel",  new SmallIntColumn { ColumnName = "indexdel"  }},
				{ "schemacnt", new SmallIntColumn { ColumnName = "schemacnt" }},
				{ "sysstat2",  new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "sysstat2"  }},
				{ "crdate",    new DateTimeColumn { ColumnName = "crdate"    }},
				{ "expdate",   new DateTimeColumn { ColumnName = "expdate"   }},
				{ "deltrig",   new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "deltrig"   }},
				{ "instrig",   new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "instrig"   }},
				{ "updtrig",   new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "updtrig"   }},
				{ "seltrig",   new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "seltrig"   }},
				{ "ckfirst",   new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "ckfirst"   }},
				{ "cache",     new SmallIntColumn { ColumnName = "cache"     }},
				{ "audflags",  new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "audflags", IsNullable = true }},
				{ "objspare",  new IntColumn      { ColumnName = "objspare"  }},
				{ "versionts", new Column {
					ColumnName = "versionts",
					IsNullable = true,
					Type       = "byte[]",
					ColumnType = "binary",
					IsClass    = true,
					DbType     = DbType.Binary,
					SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.Binary,
					Length     = 6,
				{ "loginame", new VarCharColumn   { ColumnName = "loginame", Length = 30 }},

		int n = 1;

		foreach (var col in Tables["sysobjects"].Columns)
			var c = col.Value;

			c.ID         = n++;
			c.MemberName = c.ColumnName;

			if (c.IsNullable && !c.IsClass)
				c.Type = c.Type + "?";

class VarCharColumn : Column
	public VarCharColumn()
		Type       = "string";
		ColumnType = "varchar";
		IsClass    = true;
		DbType     = DbType.AnsiString;
		SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.VarChar;

class IntColumn : Column
	public IntColumn()
		Type       = "int";
		ColumnType = "int";
		DbType     = DbType.Int32;
		SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.Int;
		Length     = 4;

class SmallIntColumn : Column
	public SmallIntColumn()
		Type       = "short";
		ColumnType = "smallint";
		DbType     = DbType.Int16;
		SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.SmallInt;
		Length     = 2;

class DateTimeColumn : Column
	public DateTimeColumn()
		Type       = "DateTime";
		ColumnType = "datetime";
		DbType     = DbType.DateTime;
		SqlDbType  = SqlDbType.DateTime;
		Length     = 8;
