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view Source/TypeBuilder/Builders/DuckTypeBuilder.cs @ 8:a34cfdde80d6
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author | cin |
date | Wed, 29 Nov 2017 12:43:52 +0300 |
parents | f990fcb411a9 |
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using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using BLToolkit.Patterns; using BLToolkit.Properties; using BLToolkit.Reflection.Emit; namespace BLToolkit.TypeBuilder.Builders { class DuckTypeBuilder : ITypeBuilder { public DuckTypeBuilder(MustImplementAttribute defaultAttribute, Type interfaceType, Type[] objectTypes) { _interfaceType = interfaceType; _objectTypes = objectTypes; _defaultAttribute = defaultAttribute; } private readonly Type _interfaceType; private readonly Type[] _objectTypes; private TypeBuilderHelper _typeBuilder; private readonly MustImplementAttribute _defaultAttribute; #region ITypeBuilder Members public string AssemblyNameSuffix { get { return "DuckType." + AbstractClassBuilder.GetTypeFullName(_interfaceType).Replace('+', '.'); } } public Type Build(AssemblyBuilderHelper assemblyBuilder) { _typeBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineType(GetTypeName(), typeof(DuckType), _interfaceType); if (!BuildMembers(_interfaceType)) return null; foreach (Type t in _interfaceType.GetInterfaces()) if (!BuildMembers(t)) return null; return _typeBuilder.Create(); } public string GetTypeName() { string name = String.Empty; foreach (Type t in _objectTypes) { if (t != null) name += AbstractClassBuilder.GetTypeFullName(t).Replace('+', '.'); name += "$"; } return name + AssemblyNameSuffix; } public Type GetBuildingType() { return _interfaceType; } #endregion private static bool CompareMethodSignature(MethodInfo m1, MethodInfo m2) { if (m1 == m2) return true; if (m1.Name != m2.Name) return false; if (m1.ReturnType != m2.ReturnType) return false; ParameterInfo[] ps1 = m1.GetParameters(); ParameterInfo[] ps2 = m2.GetParameters(); if (ps1.Length != ps2.Length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < ps1.Length; i++) { ParameterInfo p1 = ps1[i]; ParameterInfo p2 = ps2[i]; if (p1.ParameterType != p2.ParameterType || #if !SILVERLIGHT p1.IsIn != p2.IsIn || #endif p1.IsOut != p2.IsOut) return false; } return true; } private bool BuildMembers(Type interfaceType) { FieldInfo objectsField = typeof(DuckType).GetField("_objects", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | (DuckTyping.AllowStaticMembers? BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy: 0); foreach (MethodInfo interfaceMethod in interfaceType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { MethodInfo targetMethod = null; int typeIndex = 0; for (; typeIndex < _objectTypes.Length; typeIndex++) { if (_objectTypes[typeIndex] == null) continue; foreach (MethodInfo mi in _objectTypes[typeIndex].GetMethods(flags)) { if (CompareMethodSignature(interfaceMethod, mi)) { targetMethod = mi; break; } } if (targetMethod == null) { foreach (Type intf in _objectTypes[typeIndex].GetInterfaces()) { if (intf.IsPublic || intf.IsNestedPublic) { foreach (MethodInfo mi in intf.GetMethods(flags)) { if (CompareMethodSignature(interfaceMethod, mi)) { targetMethod = mi; break; } } if (targetMethod != null) break; } } } if (targetMethod != null) break; } ParameterInfo[] ips = interfaceMethod.GetParameters(); MethodBuilderHelper builder = _typeBuilder.DefineMethod(interfaceMethod); EmitHelper emit = builder.Emitter; if (targetMethod != null) { Type targetType = targetMethod.DeclaringType; if (!targetMethod.IsStatic) { emit .ldarg_0 .ldfld (objectsField) .ldc_i4 (typeIndex) .ldelem_ref .end() ; if (targetType.IsValueType) { // For value types we have to use stack. // LocalBuilder obj = emit.DeclareLocal(targetType); emit .unbox_any (targetType) .stloc (obj) .ldloca (obj) ; } else emit .castclass (targetType) ; } foreach (ParameterInfo p in ips) emit.ldarg(p); if (targetMethod.IsStatic || targetMethod.IsFinal || targetMethod.DeclaringType.IsSealed) emit .call (targetMethod) .ret(); else emit .callvirt (targetMethod) .ret(); } else { // Method or property was not found. // Insert an empty stub or stub that throws the NotImplementedException. // MustImplementAttribute attr = (MustImplementAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(interfaceMethod, typeof (MustImplementAttribute)); if (attr == null) { attr = (MustImplementAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( interfaceMethod.DeclaringType, typeof (MustImplementAttribute)); if (attr == null) attr = _defaultAttribute; } // When the member is marked as 'Required' throw a build-time exception. // if (attr.Implement) { if (attr.ThrowException) { throw new TypeBuilderException(string.Format( Resources.TypeBuilder_PublicMethodMustBeImplemented, _objectTypes.Length > 0 && _objectTypes[0] != null ? _objectTypes[0].FullName : "???", interfaceMethod)); } else { // Implement == true, but ThrowException == false. // In this case the null pointer will be returned. // This mimics the 'as' operator behaviour. // return false; } } if (attr.ThrowException) { string message = attr.ExceptionMessage; if (message == null) { message = string.Format(Resources.TypeBuilder_PublicMethodNotImplemented, _objectTypes.Length > 0 && _objectTypes[0] != null ? _objectTypes[0].FullName : "???", interfaceMethod); } emit .ldstr (message) .newobj (typeof(InvalidOperationException), typeof(string)) .@throw .end(); } else { // Emit a 'do nothing' stub. // LocalBuilder returnValue = null; if (interfaceMethod.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { returnValue = emit.DeclareLocal(interfaceMethod.ReturnType); emit.Init(returnValue); } // Initialize out parameters. // ParameterInfo[] parameters = ips; if (parameters != null) emit.InitOutParameters(parameters); if (returnValue != null) emit.ldloc(returnValue); emit.ret(); } } } return true; } } }