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view Tools/Templates/MySqlDataModel.generated.cs @ 9:1e85f66cf767 default tip
update bltoolkit
author | nickolay |
date | Thu, 05 Apr 2018 20:53:26 +0300 (2018-04-05) |
parents | f990fcb411a9 |
children |
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//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <auto-generated> // This code was generated by BLToolkit template for T4. // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. // </auto-generated> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using BLToolkit.Data; using BLToolkit.Data.Linq; using BLToolkit.DataAccess; using BLToolkit.Mapping; using BLToolkit.Validation; namespace MySqlDataModel { public partial class MySqlDataContext : DbManager { public Table<alltypes> alltypes { get { return this.GetTable<alltypes>(); } } public Table<binarydata> binarydata { get { return this.GetTable<binarydata>(); } } public Table<child> child { get { return this.GetTable<child>(); } } public Table<datatypetest> datatypetest { get { return this.GetTable<datatypetest>(); } } public Table<doctor> doctor { get { return this.GetTable<doctor>(); } } public Table<grandchild> grandchild { get { return this.GetTable<grandchild>(); } } public Table<linqdatatypes> linqdatatypes { get { return this.GetTable<linqdatatypes>(); } } public Table<parent> parent { get { return this.GetTable<parent>(); } } public Table<patient> patient { get { return this.GetTable<patient>(); } } public Table<person> person { get { return this.GetTable<person>(); } } public Table<testidentity> testidentity { get { return this.GetTable<testidentity>(); } } } [TableName(Name="alltypes")] public partial class alltypes { [Identity, PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int ID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public long? bigintDataType { get; set; } // bigint(19) [Nullable ] public short? smallintDataType { get; set; } // smallint(5) [Nullable ] public sbyte? tinyintDataType { get; set; } // tinyint(3) [Nullable ] public int? mediumintDataType { get; set; } // mediumint(7) [Nullable ] public int? intDataType { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public decimal? numericDataType { get; set; } // decimal(10) [Nullable ] public decimal? decimalDataType { get; set; } // decimal(10) [Nullable ] public double? doubleDataType { get; set; } // double(22) [Nullable ] public float? floatDataType { get; set; } // float(12) [Nullable ] public DateTime? dateDataType { get; set; } // date [Nullable ] public DateTime? datetimeDataType { get; set; } // datetime [Nullable ] public DateTime? timestampDataType { get; set; } // timestamp [Nullable ] public DateTime? timeDataType { get; set; } // time [Nullable ] public DateTime? yearDataType { get; set; } // year [Nullable ] public DateTime? year2DataType { get; set; } // year [Nullable ] public DateTime? year4DataType { get; set; } // year [Nullable, MaxLength( 1)] public string charDataType { get; set; } // char(1) [Nullable, MaxLength( 20)] public string varcharDataType { get; set; } // varchar(20) [Nullable, MaxLength(65535)] public string textDataType { get; set; } // text(65535) [Nullable ] public byte[] binaryDataType { get; set; } // binary(3) [Nullable ] public byte[] varbinaryDataType { get; set; } // varbinary(5) [Nullable ] public byte[] blobDataType { get; set; } // blob(65535) [Nullable ] public bool? bitDataType { get; set; } // bit(3) [Nullable, MaxLength( 5)] public string enumDataType { get; set; } // enum(5) [Nullable, MaxLength( 7)] public string setDataType { get; set; } // set(7) } [TableName(Name="binarydata")] public partial class binarydata { [Identity, PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int BinaryDataID { get; set; } // int(10) [ NonUpdatable(OnInsert = true, OnUpdate = true), Required] public DateTime Stamp { get; set; } // timestamp [ Required ] public byte[] Data { get; set; } // varbinary(1024) } [TableName(Name="child")] public partial class child { [Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable] public int? ChildID { get; set; } // int(10) } [TableName(Name="datatypetest")] public partial class datatypetest { [Identity, PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int DataTypeID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public byte[] Binary_ { get; set; } // binary(50) [ Required ] public bool Boolean_ { get; set; } // bit(1) [Nullable ] public sbyte? Byte_ { get; set; } // tinyint(3) [Nullable ] public byte[] Bytes_ { get; set; } // varbinary(50) [Nullable, MaxLength( 1)] public string Char_ { get; set; } // char(1) [Nullable ] public DateTime? DateTime_ { get; set; } // datetime [Nullable ] public decimal? Decimal_ { get; set; } // decimal(20,2) [Nullable ] public float? Double_ { get; set; } // float(12) [Nullable ] public byte[] Guid_ { get; set; } // varbinary(50) [Nullable ] public short? Int16_ { get; set; } // smallint(5) [Nullable ] public int? Int32_ { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public long? Int64_ { get; set; } // bigint(19) [Nullable ] public decimal? Money_ { get; set; } // decimal(20,4) [Nullable ] public sbyte? SByte_ { get; set; } // tinyint(3) [Nullable ] public double? Single_ { get; set; } // double(22) [Nullable ] public byte[] Stream_ { get; set; } // varbinary(50) [Nullable, MaxLength( 50)] public string String_ { get; set; } // varchar(50) [Nullable ] public short? UInt16_ { get; set; } // smallint(5) [Nullable ] public int? UInt32_ { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public long? UInt64_ { get; set; } // bigint(19) [Nullable, MaxLength(1000)] public string Xml_ { get; set; } // varchar(1000) } [TableName(Name="doctor")] public partial class doctor { [PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int PersonID { get; set; } // int(10) [ MaxLength(50), Required] public string Taxonomy { get; set; } // varchar(50) // FK_Doctor_Person [Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)] public person DoctorPerson { get; set; } } [TableName(Name="grandchild")] public partial class grandchild { [Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable] public int? ChildID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable] public int? GrandChildID { get; set; } // int(10) } [TableName(Name="linqdatatypes")] public partial class linqdatatypes { [Nullable ] public int? ID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public decimal? MoneyValue { get; set; } // decimal(10,4) [Nullable ] public DateTime? DateTimeValue { get; set; } // datetime [Nullable ] public DateTime? DateTimeValue2 { get; set; } // datetime [Nullable ] public bool? BoolValue { get; set; } // tinyint(3) [Nullable, MaxLength(36)] public string GuidValue { get; set; } // char(36) [Nullable ] public byte[] BinaryValue { get; set; } // varbinary(5000) [Nullable ] public short? SmallIntValue { get; set; } // smallint(5) [Nullable ] public int? IntValue { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable ] public long? BigIntValue { get; set; } // bigint(19) } [TableName(Name="parent")] public partial class parent { [Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } // int(10) [Nullable] public int? Value1 { get; set; } // int(10) } [TableName(Name="patient")] public partial class patient { [PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int PersonID { get; set; } // int(10) [ MaxLength(256), Required] public string Diagnosis { get; set; } // varchar(256) // FK_Patient_Person [Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)] public person PatientPerson { get; set; } } [TableName(Name="person")] public partial class person { [Identity, PrimaryKey(1), Required ] public int PersonID { get; set; } // int(10) [ MaxLength(50), Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } // varchar(50) [ MaxLength(50), Required] public string LastName { get; set; } // varchar(50) [Nullable, MaxLength(50) ] public string MiddleName { get; set; } // varchar(50) [ MaxLength( 1), Required] public string Gender { get; set; } // char(1) // FK_Doctor_Person_BackReference [Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=true)] public doctor DoctorPerson { get; set; } // FK_Patient_Person_BackReference [Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=true)] public patient PatientPerson { get; set; } } [TableName(Name="testidentity")] public partial class testidentity { [Identity, PrimaryKey(1), Required] public int ID { get; set; } // int(10) } }