view Demo/Linq/OverWCF/DataModel.generated.cs @ 0:f990fcb411a9

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author cin
date Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:46:09 +0400 (2014-03-27)
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// <auto-generated>
//    This code was generated by BLToolkit template for T4.
//    Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

using BLToolkit.Data;
using BLToolkit.Data.DataProvider;
using BLToolkit.Data.Linq;
using BLToolkit.Data.Sql;
using BLToolkit.Data.Sql.SqlProvider;
using BLToolkit.DataAccess;
using BLToolkit.Mapping;
using BLToolkit.ServiceModel;

namespace Linq.OverWCF
	public partial class DataModel : ServiceModelDataContext
		public Table<BinaryData>    BinaryData    { get { return this.GetTable<BinaryData>();    } }
		public Table<Child>         Child         { get { return this.GetTable<Child>();         } }
		public Table<DataTypes>     DataTypes     { get { return this.GetTable<DataTypes>();     } }
		public Table<DataTypeTest>  DataTypeTest  { get { return this.GetTable<DataTypeTest>();  } }
		public Table<Doctor>        Doctor        { get { return this.GetTable<Doctor>();        } }
		public Table<GrandChild>    GrandChild    { get { return this.GetTable<GrandChild>();    } }
		public Table<LinqDataTypes> LinqDataTypes { get { return this.GetTable<LinqDataTypes>(); } }
		public Table<Parent>        Parent        { get { return this.GetTable<Parent>();        } }
		public Table<Patient>       Patient       { get { return this.GetTable<Patient>();       } }
		public Table<Person>        Person        { get { return this.GetTable<Person>();        } }
		#region FreeTextTable
		public class FreeTextKey<T>
			public T   Key;
			public int Rank;
		class FreeTextTableExpressionAttribute : TableExpressionAttribute
			public FreeTextTableExpressionAttribute()
				: base("")
			public override void SetTable(SqlTable table, MemberInfo member, IEnumerable<Expression> expArgs, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> sqlArgs)
				var aargs  = sqlArgs.ToArray();
				var arr    = ConvertArgs(member, aargs).ToList();
				var method = (MethodInfo)member;
				var sp     = new MsSql2008SqlProvider();
					var ttype  = method.GetGenericArguments()[0];
					var tbl    = new SqlTable(ttype);
					var database     = tbl.Database     == null ? null : sp.Convert(tbl.Database,     ConvertType.NameToDatabase).  ToString();
					var owner        = tbl.Owner        == null ? null : sp.Convert(tbl.Owner,        ConvertType.NameToOwner).     ToString();
					var physicalName = tbl.PhysicalName == null ? null : sp.Convert(tbl.PhysicalName, ConvertType.NameToQueryTable).ToString();
					var name   = sp.BuildTableName(new StringBuilder(), database, owner, physicalName);
					arr.Add(new SqlExpression(name.ToString(), Precedence.Primary));
					var field = ((ConstantExpression)expArgs.First()).Value;
					if (field is string)
						arr[0] = new SqlExpression(field.ToString(), Precedence.Primary);
					else if (field is LambdaExpression)
						var body = ((LambdaExpression)field).Body;
						if (body is MemberExpression)
							var name = ((MemberExpression)body).Member.Name;
							name = sp.Convert(name, ConvertType.NameToQueryField).ToString();
							arr[0] = new SqlExpression(name, Precedence.Primary);
				table.SqlTableType   = SqlTableType.Expression;
				table.Name           = "FREETEXTTABLE({6}, {2}, {3}) {1}";
				table.TableArguments = arr.ToArray();
		public Table<FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable,TKey>(string field, string text)
			return this.GetTable<FreeTextKey<TKey>>(
				((MethodInfo)(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod())).MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TTable), typeof(TKey)),
		public Table<FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable,TKey>(Expression<Func<TTable,string>> fieldSelector, string text)
			return this.GetTable<FreeTextKey<TKey>>(
				((MethodInfo)(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod())).MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TTable), typeof(TKey)),

	public partial class BinaryData
		[Identity, PrimaryKey(1)] public int    BinaryDataID { get; set; } // int(10)
		                          public byte[] Stamp        { get; set; } // timestamp
		                          public byte[] Data         { get; set; } // varbinary(1024)

	public partial class Child
		[Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public int? ChildID  { get; set; } // int(10)

	public partial class DataTypes
		[Nullable] public int?     ID         { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public decimal? MoneyValue { get; set; } // decimal(10,4)

	public partial class DataTypeTest
		[Identity, PrimaryKey(1)] public int       DataTypeID { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable               ] public byte[]    Binary_    { get; set; } // binary(50)
		[Nullable               ] public bool?     Boolean_   { get; set; } // bit
		[Nullable               ] public byte?     Byte_      { get; set; } // tinyint(3)
		[Nullable               ] public byte[]    Bytes_     { get; set; } // varbinary(50)
		[Nullable               ] public char?     Char_      { get; set; } // char(1)
		[Nullable               ] public DateTime? DateTime_  { get; set; } // datetime(3)
		[Nullable               ] public decimal?  Decimal_   { get; set; } // decimal(20,2)
		[Nullable               ] public double?   Double_    { get; set; } // float(53)
		[Nullable               ] public Guid?     Guid_      { get; set; } // uniqueidentifier
		[Nullable               ] public short?    Int16_     { get; set; } // smallint(5)
		[Nullable               ] public int?      Int32_     { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable               ] public long?     Int64_     { get; set; } // bigint(19)
		[Nullable               ] public decimal?  Money_     { get; set; } // money(19,4)
		[Nullable               ] public byte?     SByte_     { get; set; } // tinyint(3)
		[Nullable               ] public float?    Single_    { get; set; } // real(24)
		[Nullable               ] public byte[]    Stream_    { get; set; } // varbinary(50)
		[Nullable               ] public string    String_    { get; set; } // nvarchar(50)
		[Nullable               ] public short?    UInt16_    { get; set; } // smallint(5)
		[Nullable               ] public int?      UInt32_    { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable               ] public long?     UInt64_    { get; set; } // bigint(19)
		[Nullable               ] public string    Xml_       { get; set; } // xml(-1)

	public partial class Doctor
		[PrimaryKey(1)] public int    PersonID { get; set; } // int(10)
		                public string Taxonomy { get; set; } // nvarchar(50)

		// FK_Doctor_Person
		[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)]
		public Person Person { get; set; }

	public partial class GrandChild
		[Nullable] public int? ParentID     { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public int? ChildID      { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public int? GrandChildID { get; set; } // int(10)

	public partial class LinqDataTypes
		[Nullable] public int?      ID            { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public decimal?  MoneyValue    { get; set; } // decimal(10,4)
		[Nullable] public DateTime? DateTimeValue { get; set; } // datetime(3)
		[Nullable] public bool?     BoolValue     { get; set; } // bit
		[Nullable] public Guid?     GuidValue     { get; set; } // uniqueidentifier
		[Nullable] public byte[]    BinaryValue   { get; set; } // varbinary(5000)
		[Nullable] public short?    SmallIntValue { get; set; } // smallint(5)

	public partial class Parent
		[Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } // int(10)
		[Nullable] public int? Value1   { get; set; } // int(10)

	public partial class Patient
		[PrimaryKey(1)] public int    PersonID  { get; set; } // int(10)
		                public string Diagnosis { get; set; } // nvarchar(256)

		// FK_Patient_Person
		[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)]
		public Person Person { get; set; }

	public partial class Person
		[Identity, PrimaryKey(1)] public int    PersonID   { get; set; } // int(10)
		                          public string FirstName  { get; set; } // nvarchar(50)
		                          public string LastName   { get; set; } // nvarchar(50)
		[Nullable               ] public string MiddleName { get; set; } // nvarchar(50)
		                          public char   Gender     { get; set; } // char(1)

		// FK_Doctor_Person_BackReference
		[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=true)]
		public Doctor Doctor { get; set; }

		// FK_Patient_Person_BackReference
		[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=true)]
		public Patient Patient { get; set; }

namespace Linq.OverWCF
	public partial class DataModel
		public DataModel() : base(
			new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None)
				MaxReceivedMessageSize = 10000000,
				MaxBufferPoolSize      = 10000000,
				MaxBufferSize          = 10000000,
				CloseTimeout           = new TimeSpan(00, 01, 00),
				OpenTimeout            = new TimeSpan(00, 01, 00),
				ReceiveTimeout         = new TimeSpan(00, 10, 00),
				SendTimeout            = new TimeSpan(00, 10, 00),
			new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:1234/LinqOverWCF"))