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view Tools/BLTgen/Program.cs @ 0:f990fcb411a9
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date | Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:46:09 +0400 (2014-03-27) |
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using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using BLToolkit.Mapping; using BLToolkit.Reflection; using BLToolkit.TypeBuilder; namespace BLTgen { public class Arguments { [MapField(""), Description("source assembly location")] public string SourceAssembly; [MapField("B"), Description("Base type names to include (default: none). Example: /B:*EntityBase;SomeNamespace.*Base")] public string BaseTypes; [MapField("O"), Description("Output directory name (default: target assembly location). Example: /O:C:\\Temp")] public string OutputDirectory; [MapField("I"), Description("Type names to include (default: all). Example: /I:*Accessor;SomeNamespace.*;OtherNamespace.*")] public string Include; [MapField("X"), Description("Type names to exclude (default: none). Example: /X:SomeNamespace.SomeType")] public string Exclude; [MapField("K"), Description("The key pair that is used to create a strong name signature for the output assembly (default: none). Example: /K:C:\\SomePath\\key.snk")] public string KeyPairFile; [MapField("V"), Description("The version of the output assembly (same as source assembly by default). Example: /V:")] public string Version; [MapField("D"), Description("Detailed output (default: false). Example: /D")] public string Debug; } class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Arguments(); Map.MapSourceToDestination(new StringListMapper(args), args, Map.GetObjectMapper(typeof(Arguments)), parsedArgs); WriteBanner(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedArgs.SourceAssembly)) Usage(); else GenerateExtensionAssembly(parsedArgs); } private static void GenerateExtensionAssembly(Arguments parsedArgs) { var verbose = parsedArgs.Debug != null; var sourceAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(parsedArgs.SourceAssembly); var extensionAssemblyPath = GetOutputAssemblyLocation(sourceAsm.Location, parsedArgs.OutputDirectory); var extensionAssemblyVersion = parsedArgs.Version != null? new Version(parsedArgs.Version): sourceAsm.GetName().Version; var extensionAssemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(extensionAssemblyPath); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("{0} =>{1}{2}", sourceAsm.Location, Environment.NewLine, extensionAssemblyPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionAssemblyFolder) && !Directory.Exists(extensionAssemblyFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(extensionAssemblyFolder); var typesToProcess = sourceAsm.GetExportedTypes(); typesToProcess = FilterBaseTypes(typesToProcess, parsedArgs.BaseTypes); typesToProcess = FilterTypes(typesToProcess, parsedArgs.Include, true); typesToProcess = FilterTypes(typesToProcess, parsedArgs.Exclude, false); if (typesToProcess.Length > 0) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += delegate(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { foreach (var asm in ((AppDomain)sender).GetAssemblies()) { if (string.Compare(asm.FullName, args.Name) == 0) return asm; } return null; }; TypeFactory.SaveTypes = true; TypeFactory.SetGlobalAssembly(extensionAssemblyPath, extensionAssemblyVersion, parsedArgs.KeyPairFile); foreach (var t in typesToProcess) { if (verbose) Console.Write(GetFullTypeName(t)); // We cannot create accessors for generic definitions // if (t.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(" - skipping. Generic Definition"); continue; } if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(); try { TypeAccessor.GetAccessor(t); } catch (Exception e) { if (verbose) Console.WriteLine(e); } } TypeFactory.SaveGlobalAssembly(); } else if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("No types to process."); } private static Type[] FilterBaseTypes(Type[] types, string pattern) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern)) return types; var re = new Regex("^" + Regex.Escape(pattern).Replace("\\*", ".*").Replace(";", "$|") + "$"); return Array.FindAll(types, delegate(Type t) { for (var bt = t.BaseType; bt != null; bt = bt.BaseType) { if (re.Match(GetFullTypeName(bt)).Success) return true; } return false; }); } private static Type[] FilterTypes(Type[] types, string pattern, bool include) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern)) return types; var re = new Regex("^" + Regex.Escape(pattern).Replace("\\*", ".*").Replace(";", "$|") + "$"); return Array.FindAll(types, t => re.Match(GetFullTypeName(t)).Success == include); } // System.Type.FullName may be null under some conditions. See // // private static string GetFullTypeName(Type t) { var fullName = t.FullName; if (fullName != null) return fullName; if (t.DeclaringType != null) return GetFullTypeName(t.DeclaringType) + "+" + t.Name; fullName = t.Namespace; if (fullName != null) fullName += "."; fullName += t.Name; return fullName; } private static string GetOutputAssemblyLocation(string sourceAssembly, string outputDirectory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDirectory)) outputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceAssembly); var fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(sourceAssembly), "BLToolkitExtension.dll"); return Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(outputDirectory), fileName); } #region Usage private static void WriteBanner() { var asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var descriptionAttribute = (AssemblyDescriptionAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(asm, typeof (AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)); var copyrightAttribute = (AssemblyCopyrightAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(asm, typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)); Console.WriteLine("{0}, Version {1}", descriptionAttribute.Description, asm.GetName().Version); Console.WriteLine(copyrightAttribute.Copyright); Console.WriteLine(); } private static string ExecutableName { get { return Path.GetFileName(new Uri(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().EscapedCodeBase).LocalPath); } } private static string GetDescription(MemberMapper mm) { var desc = mm.MemberAccessor.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>(); return (null != desc) ? desc.Description : string.Empty; } private static void Usage() { var om = Map.GetObjectMapper(typeof(Arguments)); Console.Write("Usage: {0}", ExecutableName); foreach (MemberMapper mm in om) { if (0 == mm.Name.Length) Console.Write(" <{0}>", GetDescription(mm)); else Console.Write(" /{0}:", mm.Name); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); foreach (MemberMapper mm in om) { if (0 != mm.Name.Length) Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", mm.Name, GetDescription(mm)); } Console.WriteLine(); } #endregion } }