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view Source/Aspects/Builders/AsyncAspectBuilder.cs @ 9:1e85f66cf767 default tip
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author | nickolay |
date | Thu, 05 Apr 2018 20:53:26 +0300 (2018-04-05) |
parents | f990fcb411a9 |
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using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; namespace BLToolkit.Aspects.Builders { using Properties; using TypeBuilder; using TypeBuilder.Builders; /// <summary> /// This aspect simplifies asynchronous operations. /// </summary> public class AsyncAspectBuilder : AbstractTypeBuilderBase { private readonly string _targetMethodName; private readonly Type[] _parameterTypes; public AsyncAspectBuilder(string targetMethodName, Type[] parameterTypes) { _targetMethodName = targetMethodName; _parameterTypes = parameterTypes; } public override int GetPriority(BuildContext context) { return TypeBuilderConsts.Priority.AsyncAspect; } public override bool IsCompatible(BuildContext context, IAbstractTypeBuilder typeBuilder) { if (context.IsBuildStep) return false; var list = new AbstractTypeBuilderList(2) { this, typeBuilder }; var step = context.Step; try { context.Step = BuildStep.Build; return typeBuilder.IsApplied(context, list); } finally { context.Step = step; } } public override bool IsApplied(BuildContext context, AbstractTypeBuilderList builders) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); return context.IsBuildStep && context.BuildElement == BuildElement.AbstractMethod; } protected override void BuildAbstractMethod() { var mi = Context.CurrentMethod; if (mi.ReturnType == typeof(IAsyncResult)) BuildBeginMethod(); else { var parameters = mi.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(IAsyncResult)) BuildEndMethod(); else throw new TypeBuilderException(string.Format("Method '{0}.{1}' is not a 'Begin' nor an 'End' method.", mi.DeclaringType.FullName, mi.Name)); } } private void BuildBeginMethod() { var mi = Context.CurrentMethod; var method = GetTargetMethod(Context, "Begin"); var delegateType = EnsureDelegateType(Context, method); var emit = Context.MethodBuilder.Emitter; var type = typeof(InternalAsyncResult); var arLocal = emit.DeclareLocal(type); var dLocal = emit.DeclareLocal(delegateType); emit .newobj (type) .dup .dup .dup .stloc (arLocal) .ldarg_0 .ldftn (method) .newobj (delegateType, typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr)) .stloc (dLocal) .ldloc (dLocal) .stfld (type.GetField("Delegate")) .ldloc (dLocal) ; var callbackIndex = -1; var parameters = mi.GetParameters(); for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; ++i) { if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(AsyncCallback)) { callbackIndex = i; emit .ldloc (arLocal) .dup .ldarg (parameters[i]) .stfld (type.GetField("AsyncCallback")) .ldftn (type.GetMethod("CallBack")) .newobj (typeof(AsyncCallback), typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr)) ; } else emit.ldarg(parameters[i]); } if (callbackIndex < 0) { // Callback omitted // emit .ldnull .ldnull .end(); } else if (callbackIndex == parameters.Length - 1) { // State omitted // emit .ldnull .end(); } emit .callvirt (delegateType.GetMethod("BeginInvoke")) .stfld (type.GetField("InnerResult")) .stloc (Context.ReturnValue) ; } private void BuildEndMethod() { var method = GetTargetMethod(Context, "End"); var delegateType = EnsureDelegateType(Context, method); var emit = Context.MethodBuilder.Emitter; var type = typeof(InternalAsyncResult); var arLocal = emit.DeclareLocal(type); emit .ldarg_1 .castclass (type) .dup .stloc (arLocal) .ldfld (type.GetField("Delegate")) .castclass (delegateType) .ldloc (arLocal) .ldfld (type.GetField("InnerResult")) .callvirt (delegateType, "EndInvoke", typeof(IAsyncResult)); if (Context.ReturnValue != null) emit.stloc(Context.ReturnValue); } private MethodInfo GetTargetMethod(BuildContext context, string prefix) { var targetMethodName = _targetMethodName; if (targetMethodName == null) { var mi = context.CurrentMethod; var name = mi.Name; if (name.StartsWith(prefix)) targetMethodName = name.Substring(prefix.Length); else throw new TypeBuilderException(string.Format( Resources.AsyncAspectBuilder_NoTargetMethod, mi.DeclaringType.FullName, mi.Name)); } return _parameterTypes == null? context.Type.GetMethod(targetMethodName): context.Type.GetMethod(targetMethodName, _parameterTypes); } private static Type EnsureDelegateType(BuildContext context, MethodInfo method) { // The delegate should be defined as inner type of context.TypeBuilder. // It's possible, but we can not define and use newly defined type as Emit target in its owner type. // To solve this problem, we should create a top level delegate and make sure its name is unique. // var delegateName = context.TypeBuilder.TypeBuilder.FullName + "$" + method.Name + "$Delegate"; var delegateType = context.GetItem<Type>(delegateName); if (delegateType == null) { var pi = method.GetParameters(); var parameters = new Type[pi.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < pi.Length; i++) parameters[i] = pi[i].ParameterType; const MethodImplAttributes mia = MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed; const MethodAttributes ma = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual; var delegateBuilder = context.AssemblyBuilder.DefineType(delegateName, TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.NotPublic | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.AutoClass, typeof(MulticastDelegate)); // Create constructor // var ctorBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, CallingConventions.Standard, typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr)); ctorBuilder.ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); // Define the BeginInvoke method for the delegate // var beginParameters = new Type[parameters.Length + 2]; Array.Copy(parameters, 0, beginParameters, 0, parameters.Length); beginParameters[parameters.Length] = typeof(AsyncCallback); beginParameters[parameters.Length+1] = typeof(object); var methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("BeginInvoke", ma, typeof(IAsyncResult), beginParameters); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); // Define the EndInvoke method for the delegate // methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("EndInvoke", ma, method.ReturnType, typeof(IAsyncResult)); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); // Define the Invoke method for the delegate // methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("Invoke", ma, method.ReturnType, parameters); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); context.Items.Add(delegateName, delegateType = delegateBuilder.Create()); } return delegateType; } #region Helper /// <summary> /// Reserved for internal BLToolkit use. /// </summary> public class InternalAsyncResult : IAsyncResult { public IAsyncResult InnerResult; public Delegate Delegate; public AsyncCallback AsyncCallback; public void CallBack(IAsyncResult ar) { if (AsyncCallback != null) AsyncCallback(this); } public bool IsCompleted { get { return InnerResult.IsCompleted; } } public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { return InnerResult.AsyncWaitHandle; } } public object AsyncState { get { return InnerResult.AsyncState; } } public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { return InnerResult.CompletedSynchronously; } } } #endregion } }