view UnitTests/CS/Mapping/MemberMapperTest.cs @ 9:1e85f66cf767 default tip

update bltoolkit
author nickolay
date Thu, 05 Apr 2018 20:53:26 +0300 (2018-04-05)
parents f990fcb411a9
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line source
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Globalization;

using NUnit.Framework;

using BLToolkit.Data;
using BLToolkit.Mapping;

namespace Mapping
	public class MemberMapperTest
		public class Object1
			public int       Int32;
			public float     Float;
			public DayOfWeek Dow1;
			public DayOfWeek Dow2;

		public void PrimitiveMemberTest()
			ObjectMapper om = Map.GetObjectMapper(typeof(Object1));

			Object1 o = new Object1();

			DayOfWeek de = DayOfWeek.Thursday;
			short     di = (short)de;

			om.SetValue(o, "Int32", 123.56);
			om.SetValue(o, "Float", 123.57.ToString());
			om.SetValue(o, "Dow1",  de);
			om.SetValue(o, "Dow2",  di);

			Assert.AreEqual(123,    om.GetValue(o, "Int32"));
			Assert.AreEqual(de,     om.GetValue(o, "Dow1"));
			Assert.AreEqual(de,     om.GetValue(o, "Dow2"));
			Assert.IsTrue  (Math.Abs(123.57 - (float)om.GetValue(o, "Float")) < 0.0001);

			Assert.IsNull(om.GetValue(o, "blah-blah-blah"));

		public class AnsiStringObject
			public string ansi;
			public string unicode;

		internal class AnsiStringNumberMapper : MemberMapper
			public override void Init(MapMemberInfo mapMemberInfo)
				mapMemberInfo.DbType = DbType.AnsiString;

#if !SQLCE
		public void ProvideCustomDBTypeTest()
			AnsiStringObject obj = new AnsiStringObject();
			obj.ansi    = "ansi";
			obj.unicode = "unicode";

			IDbDataParameter[] parametrs = new DbManager().CreateParameters( obj );

			Assert.AreEqual(2, parametrs.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual(DbType.String,     parametrs[1].DbType);

			// AnsiString is not supported by FB.
			Assert.AreEqual(DbType.AnsiString, parametrs[0].DbType);

		public class Object2
			public short?     Int16;
			public int?       Int32;
			public long?      Int64;
			public float?     Float;
			public Guid?      Guid;
			public DayOfWeek? Dow1;
			public DayOfWeek? Dow2;

		public void NullableMemberTest()
			Object2 o = new Object2();

			short?    s  = 125;
			Guid      g  = Guid.NewGuid();
			DayOfWeek de = DayOfWeek.Thursday;
			int       di = (int)de;

			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Int16", s);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Int32", 123.56);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Int64", null);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Float", 123.57.ToString());
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Guid",  (Guid?)g);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Guid",  g);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Dow1",  de);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Dow1",  (DayOfWeek?)de);
			ObjectMapper<Object2>.SetValue(o, "Dow2",  di);

			Assert.AreEqual(125, o.Int16);
			Assert.AreEqual(123, o.Int32);
			Assert.IsNull  (     o.Int64);
			Assert.AreEqual(g,   o.Guid);
			Assert.AreEqual(de,  o.Dow1);
			Assert.AreEqual(de,  o.Dow2);
			Assert.IsTrue  (Math.Abs(123.57 - o.Float.Value) < 0.0001);

			Assert.AreEqual(125,    ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Int16"));
			Assert.AreEqual(123,    ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Int32"));
			Assert.IsNull  (        ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Int64"));
			Assert.AreEqual(g,      ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Guid"));
			Assert.AreEqual(de,     ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Dow1"));
			Assert.AreEqual(de,     ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Dow2"));
			Assert.IsTrue  (Math.Abs(123.57 - (float)ObjectMapper<Object2>.GetValue(o, "Float")) < 0.0001);

		public class Object3
			public SqlInt32  Int32;
			public SqlSingle Single;

		// fixes test fail due to use of "," vs "." in numbers parsing for some cultures
		public void SqlTypeMemberTest()
			ObjectMapper om = Map.GetObjectMapper(typeof(Object3));

			Object3 o = new Object3();

			om.SetValue(o, "Int32",  123.56);
			om.SetValue(o, "Single", 123.57.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

			Assert.AreEqual(123,     o.Int32. Value);
			Assert.AreEqual(123.57f, o.Single.Value);

			Assert.AreEqual(123,     om.GetValue(o, "Int32"));
			Assert.AreEqual(123.57f, om.GetValue(o, "Single"));

		public interface IClassInterface
			IClassInterface classInterface { get; set;}

		public class ClassInterface : IClassInterface
			private IClassInterface _ici;

			public IClassInterface classInterface
				get { return _ici; }
				set { _ici = value; }

		public void DerivedTypeTest()
			IClassInterface ici = new ClassInterface();
			ObjectMapper om = Map.GetObjectMapper(ici.GetType());
			MemberMapper mm = om["classInterface"];
			mm.SetValue(ici, new ClassInterface());

		public class Class1
			int _int32 = 0;
			[MapField(Storage = "_int32")]
			public int Int32
				get { return _int32; }

		public void MapToStorageTest()
			Class1 o  = new Class1();
			ObjectMapper om = Map.GetObjectMapper(o.GetType());
			MemberMapper mm = om["Int32"];
			mm.SetValue(o, 5);

			Assert.AreEqual(5, o.Int32);