changeset 12:52b34ea50eff default tip

sync: work time projection doesn't seem to be working anyway
author cin
date Sun, 13 Sep 2015 19:37:16 +0300 (2015-09-13)
parents 4eb9fdf4efa9
files bug-list.xsl bug-list2.xml lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/ lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/
diffstat 5 files changed, 2123 insertions(+), 749 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/bug-list.xsl	Mon Sep 07 19:18:21 2015 +0300
+++ b/bug-list.xsl	Sun Sep 13 19:37:16 2015 +0300
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
 			<xsl:attribute name="desc"><xsl:value-of select="summary" /></xsl:attribute>
 			<xsl:attribute name="estimated"><xsl:value-of
 				select="number((time/estimated | estimated_time)[1])" /></xsl:attribute>
+            <xsl:attribute name="complete"><xsl:value-of select="status = 'RESOLVED' or status = 'VERIFIED'"/></xsl:attribute>
 			<xsl:if test="$children">
 				<xsl:attribute name="group"><xsl:value-of select="boolean($children)" /></xsl:attribute>
@@ -140,10 +141,15 @@
 	<!-- output -->
 	<xsl:template match="/">
-		<xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($structure)/bug">
+		<xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($structure)/node()">
 			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="0" />
 			<xsl:with-param name="chargeset" select="$chargeset" />
+		<!-- 
+		<xsl:apply-templates select="bugzilla/timesheet">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="0" />
+		</xsl:apply-templates>
+		 -->
 	<!-- task -->
@@ -259,6 +265,22 @@
 			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+	<xsl:template match="bug[@estimated > 0 and @complete]" mode="task-content">
+        <xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+        <xsl:variable name="id" select="@id" />
+        <!-- DEBUG -->
+        <xsl:call-template name="comment">
+            <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+            <xsl:with-param name="comment" select="'work'" />
+        </xsl:call-template>
+        <xsl:apply-templates select="$bugs[id = $id]/node()"
+            mode="done-work-task">
+            <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+        </xsl:apply-templates>
+    </xsl:template>
 	<!-- a milestone task -->
 	<xsl:template match="bug" mode="task-content">
@@ -341,20 +363,6 @@
-	<!-- time reports -->
-	<xsl:template match="time/report" mode="work-task">
-		<xsl:param name="indent" />
-		<xsl:variable name="email" select="string(who)" />
-		<xsl:variable name="start" select="start" />
-		<xsl:variable name="work_time" select="work_time" />
-		<xsl:variable name="resource" select="$resources[@email = $email]/@id" />
-		<xsl:call-template name="println">
-			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
-			<xsl:with-param name="text"
-				select="concat('booking ', $resource, ' ', $start, ' +', $work_time,'h { overtime 2 }')" />
-		</xsl:call-template>
-	</xsl:template>
 	<xsl:template match="*" mode="work-task">
 		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
 		<xsl:apply-templates mode="work-task">
@@ -364,6 +372,47 @@
 	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="work-task">
+	<!-- done-work-task -->
+	<xsl:template match="assigned_to" mode="done-work-task">
+        <xsl:param name="indent" />
+        <xsl:variable name="email" select="string(.)" />
+        <xsl:variable name="resource" select="$resources[@email = $email]/@id" />
+        <xsl:if test="$resource">
+            <xsl:call-template name="println">
+                <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+                <xsl:with-param name="text" select="concat('allocate ', $resource)" />
+            </xsl:call-template>
+        </xsl:if>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <!-- if we have a timereports -->
+    <xsl:template match="time/estimated[. > 0]" mode="done-work-task">
+        <xsl:param name="indent" />
+        <xsl:call-template name="println">
+            <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+            <xsl:with-param name="text" select="concat('effort ', .,'h')" />
+        </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <xsl:template match="last_change_time" mode="done-work-task">
+        <xsl:param name="indent" />
+        <xsl:call-template name="println">
+            <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+            <xsl:with-param name="text" select="concat('end ', .)" />
+        </xsl:call-template>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <xsl:template match="*" mode="done-work-task">
+        <xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+        <xsl:apply-templates mode="work-task">
+            <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+        </xsl:apply-templates>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <xsl:template match="text()" mode="done-work-task">
+    </xsl:template>
 	<!-- milestone-task -->
 	<xsl:template match="assigned_to" mode="milestone-task">
@@ -389,6 +438,88 @@
 	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="milestone-task">
+	<!-- TIMESHEETS -->
+	<xsl:template match="timesheet">
+		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+		<xsl:variable name="email" select="string(@resource)" />
+		<xsl:variable name="resource" select="$resources[@email = $email]/@id" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="println">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+			<xsl:with-param name="text"
+				select="concat('timesheet ', $resource, ' ', @start, ' - ', @end, ' {')" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="timesheet">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent + 1" />
+		</xsl:apply-templates>
+		<xsl:call-template name="println">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+			<xsl:with-param name="text" select="'}'" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="bug" mode="timesheet">
+		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+		<xsl:variable name="id" select="@id" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="begin-line">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+		<xsl:text>task </xsl:text>
+		<xsl:for-each
+			select="exsl:node-set( $parents)/bug[@id = $id]/parent/@id | @id">
+			<xsl:call-template name="bug-local-name">
+				<xsl:with-param name="id" select="." />
+			</xsl:call-template>
+			<xsl:if test="position() != last()">
+				<xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
+			</xsl:if>
+		</xsl:for-each>
+		<xsl:text> {</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:call-template name="end-line" />
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="timesheet">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent + 1" />
+		</xsl:apply-templates>
+		<xsl:call-template name="println">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+			<xsl:with-param name="text" select="'}'" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="work" mode="timesheet">
+		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="println">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+			<xsl:with-param name="text" select="concat('work ', ., 'h')" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="remaining" mode="timesheet">
+		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="println">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+			<xsl:with-param name="text" select="concat('remaining ', ., 'h')" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="*" mode="timesheet">
+		<xsl:param name="indent" select="0" />
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="milestone-task">
+			<xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
+		</xsl:apply-templates>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="timesheet">
+	</xsl:template>
 	<!-- PRIMITIVES -->
 	<xsl:template name="bug-local-name">
--- a/bug-list2.xml	Mon Sep 07 19:18:21 2015 +0300
+++ b/bug-list2.xml	Sun Sep 13 19:37:16 2015 +0300
@@ -1,716 +1,1915 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
-<bugzilla version="4.4.4"
-          urlbase=""
-          maintainer=""
-          exporter=""
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>283</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-17 09:50:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Взаимодействие СДКН-АСФ и ГИС РТН</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 19:43:32 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>product</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Normal</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>284</dependson>
-    <dependson>289</dependson>
-    <dependson>290</dependson>
-    <dependson>292</dependson>
-    <dependson>294</dependson>
-    <dependson>295</dependson>
-    <dependson>296</dependson>
-    <dependson>297</dependson>
-    <dependson>298</dependson>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-    <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>0.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <deadline>2015-09-04</deadline>
-          <token>1440088993-qxbX73Iafu2DPXfeDvc9XGPIguZKR1yvGkfKyUqwTQc</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>934</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-17 09:50:22 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Требуется организовать взаимодействие между системами в части:
-1. получение информфции о сработках КОСПАС-САРСАТ из системы СДКН-АСФ</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>284</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-17 09:54:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Получение доступа к системе СДКН-АСФ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:20:24 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>admin</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Highest</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Mikluha Mclaud"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>3.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>3.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
-          <token>1440088993-l52ijgisZzq9SbhpKDXApVLN9bDx70_pqsoMCv8u_hQ</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>935</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-17 09:54:06 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Ранее доуступ к системе осуществлялся через канал VPN. На данный момент старые учетные заиси не работают: &quot;MS-CHAP authentication failed: E=647 Account disabled&quot;
-Требуется получить учетные записи и настройки для доступа к системе СДКН-АСФ</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>289</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 18:53:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Получение доступа к ГИС РТН</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:21:41 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>admin</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Highest</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Mikluha Mclaud"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>1.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>1.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
-          <token>1440088993-PALZWWW-DCg5hJmVpGw_Yd43P_CFfa32xSm_kdJDHOw</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>945</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 18:53:08 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Требуется получить VPN доступ к серверу, на котором развернута СДКН-АСФ</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>290</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 18:56:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Организация доступа ГИС РТН к СДКН-АСФ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:23:05 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>admin</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>High</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Mikluha Mclaud"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>4.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>4.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
-          <token>1440088993-kLMadU2rCIQcu97d4aAKQ3sdySugBEuLdrKFZsTIs2o</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>946</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 18:56:13 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Должен быть канал TCP/IP между серверами ГИС РТН и СДКН-АСФ</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>291</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 18:59:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Доработка модели данных ГИС РТН для работы с сообщениями КОСПАС-САРСАТ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:11:27 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>data</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Normal</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>294</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-xbvGLPRAXOJb3odqe_vjdJKXfrXEhjZv-V6wNaw2fA4</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>947</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 18:59:37 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Описание сообщений КОСПА-САРСАТ:</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>292</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:01:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Доработка пользовательского интерфейса ГИС РТН для работы с сообщениями КОСПАС-САРСАТ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:12:11 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>ui</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Normal</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-IqxRHlOQ6W2YdKk8tODlmdbJf1J2ieHJeFlZVfXCqu4</token>
+  <bug>
+    <id>283</id>
+    <summary>Взаимодействие СДКН-АСФ и ГИС РТН</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-17-07:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-01-09:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>Normal</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <depends_on>292</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>296</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>297</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>298</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>284</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>289</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>290</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>294</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>295</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>299</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>305</depends_on>
+    <component>product</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>0.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-09-04</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>934</id>
+      <bug_id>283</bug_id>
+      <text>Требуется организовать взаимодействие между системами в части:
+1. получение информфции о сработках КОСПАС-САРСАТ из системы СДКН-АСФ</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-17-07:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <added>284</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-17-07:00:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>unspecified</added>
+        <removed>0.1</removed>
+        <field_name>version</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>Pallada.PoiskAvia</removed>
+        <field_name>product</field_name>
+        <added>ГИС РТН</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>product</removed>
+        <field_name>component</field_name>
+        <added>product</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <added>289</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <added>290</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>291</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>292</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>293</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>294</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed>291</removed>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed>293</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>295</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>296</added>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>297</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>298</added>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>40.0</added>
+        <removed>8.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0.0</added>
+        <removed>40.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>299</added>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>305</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-01-09:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>0</estimated>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>292</id>
+    <summary>Доработка пользовательского интерфейса ГИС РТН для работы с сообщениями КОСПАС-САРСАТ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-19-17:15:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>Normal</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <component>ui</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>948</id>
+      <bug_id>292</bug_id>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+      <remaining>16.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>16</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>296</id>
+    <summary>Отчет о проверке тестовой передачи и обработки данных от Росавиации, об отображении тестового срабатывания буя КОСПАС-САРСАТ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>High</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <blocks>298</blocks>
+    <depends_on>295</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>306</depends_on>
+    <component>product</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-09-03</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>952</id>
+      <bug_id>296</bug_id>
+      <text>название документа взято из ТЗ.
+Для начала нужно подготовить проект документа и передать его Н.Н.</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>987</id>
+      <bug_id>296</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Изменил исполнителя, т.к. Михаил готовит данный отчет,
+предлагаю конечный вариант отчета приложить к данной задаче либо указать ссылку, откуда его взять.</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>298</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-09-01-14:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>306</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>2015-09-03</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>16.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>16</estimated>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>297</id>
+    <summary>Описать протокол взаимодействия ГИС РТН и СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-19-17:15:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>High</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <depends_on>293</depends_on>
+    <component>product</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>953</id>
+      <bug_id>297</bug_id>
+      <text>Требуется оформить в виде документа.
+Для начала требуется создать проект документа и передать его НН</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+      <estimated>8</estimated>
+      <remaining>8.00</remaining>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>298</id>
+    <summary>Акт сдачи-приемки выполненных работ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-19-17:15:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>High</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <depends_on>296</depends_on>
+    <component>product</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>954</id>
+      <bug_id>298</bug_id>
+      <text>название документа взято из ТЗ.
+Для начала требуется создать проект документа и отправить его НН.</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>16.0</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>16.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>16</estimated>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>284</id>
+    <summary>Получение доступа к системе СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-17-07:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-25-14:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Highest</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>3.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>935</id>
+      <bug_id>284</bug_id>
+      <text>Ранее доуступ к системе осуществлялся через канал VPN. На данный момент старые учетные заиси не работают: "MS-CHAP authentication failed: E=647 Account disabled"
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>948</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:01:56 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext></thetext>
-  </long_desc>
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>293</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:04:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Разработка протокола передачи данных из СДКН-АСФ в ГИС РТН</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:12:29 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>data</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Normal</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <blocked>294</blocked>
-    <blocked>297</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-ytKdqHktQLGt-AyoS3eU-GkidoBDtUNS5u4syVmyqvk</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>949</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:04:17 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext></thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+Требуется получить учетные записи и настройки для доступа к системе СДКН-АСФ</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-17-07:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>ГИС РТН</added>
+        <removed>Pallada.PoiskAvia</removed>
+        <field_name>product</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>component</field_name>
+        <removed>issues</removed>
+        <added>admin</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>version</field_name>
+        <removed>0.1</removed>
+        <added>unspecified</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>Highest</added>
+        <removed>---</removed>
+        <field_name>priority</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>3</added>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <added>3</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>2015-08-20</added>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>3.00</removed>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-25-14:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+      <estimated>0</estimated>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>289</id>
+    <summary>Получение доступа к ГИС РТН</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-25-22:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Highest</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>1.50</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>1.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>945</id>
+      <bug_id>289</bug_id>
+      <text>Требуется получить VPN доступ к серверу, на котором развернута СДКН-АСФ</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>957</id>
+      <bug_id>289</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Натсройки для работы с pptp, для этого необходимо указать дополнительные модули ядра в настройках firewall:
+* nf_nat_pptp</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-24-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>Highest</added>
+        <field_name>priority</field_name>
+        <removed>---</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>1</added>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>1</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>2015-08-20</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>1.50</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0</added>
+        <removed>1.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-24-16:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>IN_PROGRESS</added>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-25-22:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>IN_PROGRESS</removed>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>1.5</actual>
+      <report>
+        <when>2015-08-24-16:15:00</when>
+        <work_time>1.5</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+      </report>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>1.5</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>290</id>
+    <summary>Организация доступа ГИС РТН к СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-26-13:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>High</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>3.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>4.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-08-20</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>946</id>
+      <bug_id>290</bug_id>
+      <text>Должен быть канал TCP/IP между серверами ГИС РТН и СДКН-АСФ</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>958</id>
+      <bug_id>290</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-25-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>965</id>
+      <bug_id>290</bug_id>
+      <count>2</count>
+      <text>Связь есть</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-26-13:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>cc</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>4.0</added>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>4</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+        <added>2015-08-20</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>3.00</added>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>1</added>
+        <removed>4.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0</added>
+        <removed>1.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-26-13:45:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>3</actual>
+      <report>
+        <when>2015-08-25-16:00:00</when>
+        <work_time>3</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+      </report>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>3</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>294</id>
+    <summary>Создание адаптера для получения данных ГИС РТН из СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Normal</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <blocks>295</blocks>
+    <depends_on>293</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>291</depends_on>
+    <depends_on>303</depends_on>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>8.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>950</id>
+      <bug_id>294</bug_id>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>988</id>
+      <bug_id>294</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>295</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-27-13:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <added>303</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>8.00</added>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0</added>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>8.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>8</estimated>
+      <actual>8</actual>
+      <report>
+        <work_time>8</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+        <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      </report>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>295</id>
+    <summary>Тестирование передачи данных из СДКН-АСФ в ГИС РТН</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>---</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <blocks>296</blocks>
+    <depends_on>294</depends_on>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>4.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>951</id>
+      <bug_id>295</bug_id>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>986</id>
+      <bug_id>295</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Передача из СКНД-АСФ в ГИС РТН
+2. ДВС</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>296</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>4.00</added>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>8.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>4</actual>
+      <report>
+        <work_time>4</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+        <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      </report>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>4</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>299</id>
+    <summary>Восстановление работоспособности СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-25-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-07-15:15:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>---</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <depends_on>300</depends_on>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>9.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>6.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>959</id>
+      <bug_id>299</bug_id>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-25-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>963</id>
+      <bug_id>299</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>В целом система работает, но геосервер по каким-то причинам отказывается работать:
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>294</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:06:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Создание адаптера для получения данных ГИС РТН из СДКН-АСФ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:12:36 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>data</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>Normal</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>291</dependson>
-    <dependson>293</dependson>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-    <blocked>295</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-x-UUVmrfx752t9HZH6jrPJO_NojgcdZs-vzVXMflfxk</token>
+java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.awt.Canvas. Could not initialize class java.awt.Canvas</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-26-09:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>974</id>
+      <bug_id>299</bug_id>
+      <count>2</count>
+      <text>Работоспособность слоев коспас-сарсат восстановлена,
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>950</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:06:49 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext></thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+Однако OSM развернуть не удалось - закончилось место на диске в процессе выполнения osm2pgsql. 
+Предлагаю на этом завершить данную задачу.
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>295</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:16:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Тестирование передачи данных из СДКН-АСФ в ГИС РТН</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:12:45 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>admin</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>---</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>294</dependson>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-    <blocked>296</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-Swh-8j3ZpLAimIBQ_Jx-crr2PrDpxo9xDZpUs01U0sQ</token>
+Имеет смысл создать кросплатформенное средство автоматизации развертывания БД и т.п.</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-27-14:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>985</id>
+      <bug_id>299</bug_id>
+      <count>3</count>
+      <text>Восстановлена работоспособность с внешним OSM.
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>951</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:16:11 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext></thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+так же см. bug 307</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-02-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>depends_on</field_name>
+        <added>300</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <added>IN_PROGRESS</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-26-09:00:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-26-09:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>cc</field_name>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-26-09:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>6</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>6</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <added>8.00</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>6.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-27-14:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
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+        <added>1.00</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <removed>IN_PROGRESS</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>component</field_name>
+        <removed>product</removed>
+        <added>admin</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-07-15:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <report>
+        <when>2015-08-27-14:15:00</when>
+        <work_time>8</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+      </report>
+      <report>
+        <work_time>1</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+        <when>2015-09-02-09:45:00</when>
+      </report>
+      <actual>9</actual>
+      <estimated>9</estimated>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>305</id>
+    <summary>Передача актуальной информации по ДВС</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-09-01-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-01-13:30:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <qa_contact></qa_contact>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Highest</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>283</blocks>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>2.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>4.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-09-02</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>978</id>
+      <bug_id>305</bug_id>
+      <text>1. Выгрузить с сервера актуальные данные
+2. Экспортировать их в виде shp файла в проекции EPSG:3857</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-01-09:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>981</id>
+      <bug_id>305</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Экспорт в виде шейпа не требуется, ниже ссылка на WMS
+слой: poiskavia:ui_duty_area</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-01-13:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-09-01-09:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>2015-09-02</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>priority</field_name>
+        <removed>---</removed>
+        <added>Highest</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>4</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>IN_PROGRESS</added>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>4</added>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>2.00</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <removed>IN_PROGRESS</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0</added>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>4.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-01-13:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>2</estimated>
+      <actual>2</actual>
+      <report>
+        <when>2015-09-01-13:30:00</when>
+        <work_time>2</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+      </report>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>306</id>
+    <summary>Дополнить отчет о передаче данных разделом пр ДВС Росавиации</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-09-01-12:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-09-02-09:30:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>---</priority>
+    <severity>critical</severity>
+    <blocks>296</blocks>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>1.50</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>4.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-09-01</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>979</id>
+      <bug_id>306</bug_id>
+      <attachment_id>24</attachment_id>
+      <text>Created attachment 24
+1. Отчет прилагаю, в него добавить надо по аналогии с коспасом
+2. Как добавишь, высылай на мейл мне в формате docx</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-01-12:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>980</id>
+      <bug_id>306</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Дэдлайн?</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-01-12:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>982</id>
+      <bug_id>306</bug_id>
+      <attachment_id>25</attachment_id>
+      <count>2</count>
+      <text>Created attachment 25
+Отчет о тестовой передачи
-    </bug>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>296</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:20:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Отчет о проверке тестовой передачи и обработки данных от Росавиации, об отображении тестового срабатывания буя КОСПАС-САРСАТ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:12:53 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>product</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>High</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>295</dependson>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-    <blocked>298</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+Добавлена часть про ДВС</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-01-14:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>983</id>
+      <bug_id>306</bug_id>
+      <count>3</count>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-09-02-09:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-01-12:00:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>4</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>4</added>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <added>IN_PROGRESS</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-01-12:00:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-09-01-13:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>deadline</field_name>
+        <added>2015-09-01</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-09-01-14:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>1</added>
+        <attachment_id>24</attachment_id>
+        <removed>0</removed>
+        <field_name>attachments.isobsolete</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <added>296</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-01-14:45:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>1.50</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>IN_PROGRESS</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>4.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-09-02-09:30:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>1.5</estimated>
+      <actual>1.5</actual>
+      <report>
+        <work_time>1.5</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+        <when>2015-09-02-09:30:00</when>
+      </report>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>293</id>
+    <summary>Разработка протокола передачи данных из СДКН-АСФ в ГИС РТН</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-26-18:30:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <is_open>1</is_open>
+    <status>CONFIRMED</status>
+    <priority>Normal</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>297</blocks>
+    <blocks>294</blocks>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.50</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>7.50</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>949</id>
+      <bug_id>293</bug_id>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>971</id>
+      <bug_id>293</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>Из возможных вариантов взаимодействия:
+db: poiskavia
+user: gis
+password: gis
+Аутентификация пользователя может настраиваться по IP, Николай знает, как это сделать.
-          <token>1440088993-gDFooCKsfwukxs1J5rhkTklaXMJ4QtafWCKe8JlS09o</token>
+monoasp.rostransnadzor.local - это</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-26-18:30:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>294</added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <removed>283</removed>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:30:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <added>297</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <added>0.50</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>cc</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>7.5</added>
+        <removed>8.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-26-18:30:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>0.5</actual>
+      <report>
+        <who></who>
+        <work_time>0.5</work_time>
+        <when>2015-08-26-18:30:00</when>
+      </report>
+      <remaining>7.50</remaining>
+      <estimated>8</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>291</id>
+    <summary>Доработка модели данных ГИС РТН для работы с сообщениями КОСПАС-САРСАТ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-25-16:00:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Normal</priority>
+    <severity>enhancement</severity>
+    <blocks>294</blocks>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>947</id>
+      <bug_id>291</bug_id>
+      <text>Описание сообщений КОСПА-САРСАТ:</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-19-16:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <changes>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+        <field_name>estimated_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <added>294</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-19-16:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>283</removed>
+        <field_name>blocks</field_name>
+        <added></added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>0.00</removed>
+        <added>8.0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-19-17:15:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>cc</field_name>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed>8.00</removed>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-25-16:00:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>0</estimated>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>303</id>
+    <summary>Доработка модели данных СДКН АСФ для работы ГИС РИН с сообщениями Коспас-Сарсат</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-27-13:45:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-27-15:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>RESOLVED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>High</priority>
+    <severity>normal</severity>
+    <blocks>294</blocks>
+    <component>data</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.50</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>4.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <deadline>2015-08-28</deadline>
+    <comments>
+      <id>972</id>
+      <bug_id>303</bug_id>
+      <text>Необходимо создать сводное представление сообщений Коспас в базе poiskavia, состав данных: идентификатор, дата, координаты (lat, lon в wgs), вся сопутствующая атрибутивная информация (на твоё усмотрение).</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-27-13:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>973</id>
+      <bug_id>303</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>создал представление RtnCospasMarkers
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>952</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:20:09 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>название документа взято из ТЗ.
-Для начала нужно подготовить проект документа и передать его Н.Н.</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+create or replace view RtnCospasMarkers as
+    ST_X(geometry) as x,
+    ST_Y(geometry) as y,
+    p.geometry,
+    p.positiontype,
+    p.probability,
+ as msgid,
+    m.messagetype,
+    m.mccid_msgno,
+    m.mccid_mcc,
+    m.mccid_mccbeaconid,
+    m.messageeventname,
+    m.detectiondate,
+    m.satid,
+    m.detectionfreq,
+    m.beaconregcountrycode,
+    m.beaconregcountry,
+    m.vehicletype,
+    m.vehicletypecomment,
+    m.vehiclename,
+    m.vehicleowner,
+    m.vehicleoperator,
+    m.beaconid,
+    m.hexmsgdata,
+    m.activationtype,
+    m.comments,
+    m.originalmessage
+from sit185message m, sit185marker p where p.sit185messageid =</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-27-14:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>976</id>
+      <bug_id>303</bug_id>
+      <count>2</count>
+      <text>Изменил исполнителя на правильного</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-27-15:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <when>2015-08-27-14:15:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <added>0.50</added>
+        <field_name>work_time</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>remaining_time</field_name>
+        <removed>4.00</removed>
+        <added>0</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>cc</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <changes>
+        <added></added>
+        <field_name>assigned_to</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+      </changes>
+      <when>2015-08-27-15:45:00</when>
+      <who></who>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <actual>0.5</actual>
+      <report>
+        <when>2015-08-27-14:15:00</when>
+        <work_time>0.5</work_time>
+        <who></who>
+      </report>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <estimated>0.5</estimated>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <bug>
+    <id>300</id>
+    <summary>Получение RDP доступа к системе СДКН-АСФ</summary>
+    <creation_time>2015-08-25-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    <last_change_time>2015-08-26-08:45:00</last_change_time>
+    <creator></creator>
+    <assigned_to></assigned_to>
+    <cc></cc>
+    <status>VERIFIED</status>
+    <resolution>FIXED</resolution>
+    <priority>Highest</priority>
+    <severity>blocker</severity>
+    <blocks>299</blocks>
+    <component>admin</component>
+    <product>ГИС РТН</product>
+    <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+    <version>unspecified</version>
+    <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
+    <estimated_time>0.00</estimated_time>
+    <remaining_time>0.00</remaining_time>
+    <comments>
+      <id>960</id>
+      <bug_id>300</bug_id>
+      <text>На данный момент при попытке входа от имени пользователя mgpvti (который использовали в начале этого года) выдается сообщение "ваша учетная запись отключена. обратитесь к системному администратору"</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-25-16:15:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>961</id>
+      <bug_id>300</bug_id>
+      <count>1</count>
+      <text>
+Доступ: mgpvti \ Q8YzJdez
+Звоните если чего не получится.
+Отпишите по результатам.
+Также предлагаю обсудить план Ваших работ по восстановлению системы.
+HP SM на котором стоит КИСУ КНД установлен не на
+Я так понимаю что он должен использоваться один для двух систем? При этом они что могут на разных серверах быть установлены?</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-26-08:00:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <comments>
+      <id>962</id>
+      <bug_id>300</bug_id>
+      <count>2</count>
+      <text>Работает, проверил</text>
+      <creator></creator>
+      <creation_time>2015-08-26-08:45:00</creation_time>
+    </comments>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-26-08:00:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>resolution</field_name>
+        <removed></removed>
+        <added>FIXED</added>
+      </changes>
+      <changes>
+        <added>RESOLVED</added>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>CONFIRMED</removed>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <history>
+      <who></who>
+      <when>2015-08-26-08:45:00</when>
+      <changes>
+        <field_name>status</field_name>
+        <removed>RESOLVED</removed>
+        <added>VERIFIED</added>
+      </changes>
+    </history>
+    <time>
+      <estimated>0</estimated>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+      <actual>0</actual>
+    </time>
+  </bug>
+  <timesheet resource="" start="2015-08-19-16:15:00" end="2015-09-02-09:45:00">
+    <bug id="294">
+      <work>8</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>297</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:23:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Описать протокол взаимодействия ГИС РТН и СДКН-АСФ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:13:01 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>product</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>High</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>293</dependson>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Дмитрий Лисица"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>8.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>8.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-9zbnc27UYPN-kWnddM-hgNO4NhxHnkyozEH6InP5eMw</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>953</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:23:03 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>Требуется оформить в виде документа.
-Для начала требуется создать проект документа и передать его НН</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+  </timesheet>
+  <timesheet resource="" start="2015-08-19-16:00:00" end="2015-09-02-09:45:00">
+    <bug id="305">
+      <work>2</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </bug>
+    <bug id="289">
+      <work>1.5</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </bug>
+    <bug id="295">
+      <work>4</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </bug>
+    <bug id="299">
+      <work>9</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
-    <bug>
-          <bug_id>298</bug_id>
-          <creation_ts>2015-08-19 19:25:00 +0400</creation_ts>
-          <short_desc>Акт сдачи-приемки выполненных работ</short_desc>
-          <delta_ts>2015-08-19 20:13:34 +0400</delta_ts>
-          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
-          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
-          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
-          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
-          <product>ГИС РТН</product>
-          <component>product</component>
-          <version>unspecified</version>
-          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
-          <op_sys>Linux</op_sys>
-          <bug_status>CONFIRMED</bug_status>
-          <resolution></resolution>
-          <bug_file_loc></bug_file_loc>
-          <status_whiteboard></status_whiteboard>
-          <keywords></keywords>
-          <priority>High</priority>
-          <bug_severity>enhancement</bug_severity>
-          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
-          <dependson>296</dependson>
-          <blocked>283</blocked>
-          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
-          <reporter name="Sergey"></reporter>
-          <assigned_to name="Mikluha Mclaud"></assigned_to>
-          <cc></cc>
-          <estimated_time>16.00</estimated_time>
-          <remaining_time>16.00</remaining_time>
-          <actual_time>0.00</actual_time>
-          <token>1440088993-RZvy0OwQW9RHb7TfjEN2iuxqxRRSgcFn0-EgMVU7Fbo</token>
-          <comment_sort_order>oldest_to_newest</comment_sort_order>  
-          <long_desc isprivate="0" >
-    <commentid>954</commentid>
-    <comment_count>0</comment_count>
-    <who name="Sergey"></who>
-    <bug_when>2015-08-19 19:25:24 +0400</bug_when>
-    <thetext>название документа взято из ТЗ.
-Для начала требуется создать проект документа и отправить его НН.</thetext>
-  </long_desc>
+    <bug id="293">
+      <work>0.5</work>
+      <remaining>7.50</remaining>
+    </bug>
+    <bug id="306">
+      <work>1.5</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    <bug id="303">
+      <work>0.5</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </bug>
+  </timesheet>
+  <timesheet resource="" start="2015-08-19-16:00:00" end="2015-08-25-16:00:00">
+    <bug id="290">
+      <work>3</work>
+      <remaining>0.00</remaining>
+    </bug>
+  </timesheet>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/	Mon Sep 07 19:18:21 2015 +0300
+++ b/lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/	Sun Sep 13 19:37:16 2015 +0300
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 use constant { BUG_FIELDS => \@fields };
+use IMPL::lang qw(coarsen coarsen_dt);
 use IMPL::declare { base => [ 'IMPL::Object::Fields' => undef ] };
 use fields @fields;
@@ -64,41 +65,31 @@
 # }
 sub GetTimeReports {
 	my SELF $this = shift;
-	my $resolution = shift || 0.25;
-	my $span = $resolution * 60;
+	my $resolution =
+	  DateTime::Duration->new( %{ shift() || { minutes => 15 } } );
 	my @bookings;
 	my $actual = 0;
 	for my $history ( @{ $this->{history} || [] } ) {
 		my $who     = $history->{who};
-		my $when    = $history->{when};
+		my $when    = coarsen_dt( $history->{when}, $resolution );
 		my $changes = $history->{changes};
-		my $minutes = coarsen( $when->minute(), $span );
-		if ($minutes >= 60 ) {
-			$when->add(hours => 1);
-			$minutes -= 60;
-		}
-		$when->set_second(0);
-		$when->set_minute($minutes);
 		for my $change ( @{ $changes || [] } ) {
 			if ( $change->{field_name} eq 'work_time' ) {
 				my $prev  = $change->{removed} || 0;
 				my $value = $change->{added}   || 0;
 				if ( looks_like_number($prev) and looks_like_number($value) ) {
-					my $dt = coarsen( $value - $prev, $resolution );
+					my $dt =
+					  coarsen( $value - $prev, $resolution->in_units('hours') );
 					if ($dt) {
 						push @bookings,
 							who       => $who,
-							end      => $when,
-							work_time => $dt,
-							start => $when->clone()->subtract( hours => $dt )
+							when      => $when,
+							work_time => $dt
 						$actual += $dt;
@@ -107,7 +98,7 @@
-	my $remaining = coarsen( $this->{remaining_time}, $resolution );
+	my $remaining = coarsen( $this->{remaining_time}, $resolution->in_units('hours') );
 	return {
 		report    => \@bookings,
 		actual    => $actual,
@@ -116,9 +107,4 @@
-sub coarsen {
-	my ( $value, $resolution ) = @_;
-	return $resolution ? ceil( $value / $resolution ) * $resolution : $value;
--- a/lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/	Mon Sep 07 19:18:21 2015 +0300
+++ b/lib/Benzin/Bugzilla/	Sun Sep 13 19:37:16 2015 +0300
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
 	-default                       => 'WriteValue'
+use IMPL::lang qw(coarsen coarsen_dt is);
 use IMPL::Const qw(:prop);
 use IMPL::declare {
 	require => {
 		XMLWriter  => 'XML::Writer',
 		Bug        => 'Benzin::Bugzilla::Bug',
 		BugComment => 'Benzin::Bugzilla::BugComment',
+		Duration   => 'DateTime::Duration',
 	base => [
 		'IMPL::Transform' => sub { %Transform }
@@ -42,9 +44,55 @@
+	my %timesheets;
 	foreach my $bug (@$bugs) {
+		if ( $this->timereports ) {
+			my $time = $bug->GetTimeReports( $this->timeresolution );
+			my $prevReportDate = $bug->{creation_time};
+			foreach my $item ( @{ $time->{report} || [] } ) {
+				$timesheets{ $item->{who} }{bugs}{ $bug->{id} }{work} +=
+				  $item->{work_time};
+				$timesheets{ $item->{who} }{bugs}{ $bug->{id} }{remaining} =
+				  $time->{remaining};
+				$timesheets{ $item->{who} }{start} = $prevReportDate
+				  unless $timesheets{ $item->{who} }{start}
+				  and $timesheets{ $item->{who} }{start} <= $prevReportDate;
+				$timesheets{ $item->{who} }{end} = $item->{when}
+				  unless $timesheets{ $item->{who} }{end}
+				  and $timesheets{ $item->{who} }{end} >= $item->{when};
+				$prevReportDate = $item->{when};
+			}
+			$this->WriteElement( 'time', $time );
+		}
+		$writer->endTag();
+	}
+	while ( my ( $who, $sheet ) = each %timesheets ) {
+		$writer->startTag(
+			'timesheet',
+			resource => $who,
+			start    => $this->FormatTJ3DateTime( $sheet->{start} ),
+			end      => $this->FormatTJ3DateTime( $sheet->{end} )
+		);
+		while ( my ( $bug, $info ) = each %{ $sheet->{bugs} } ) {
+			$writer->startTag( 'bug', id => $bug );
+			$this->WriteElement( 'work', $info->{work} );
+			$this->WriteElement( 'remaining', $info->{remaining} );
+			$writer->endTag();
+		}
@@ -61,9 +109,6 @@
 		next unless $value->{$field};
 		$this->WriteElement( $field, $value->{$field} );
-	$this->WriteElement( 'time',
-		$value->GetTimeReports( $this->timeresolution ) )
-	  if $this->timereports;
 sub WriteBugComment {
@@ -113,9 +158,22 @@
 sub WriteTJ3DateTime {
 	my SELF $this = shift;
-    my $value = shift;
+	my $value = shift;
+	$this->_writer->characters( $this->FormatTJ3DateTime($value) )
+	  if defined $value;
-    $this->_writer->characters($value->strftime('%F-%T')) if defined $value;
+sub FormatTJ3DateTime {
+	my SELF $this = shift;
+	my $value = shift;
+	my $duration =
+	  is( $this->timeresolution, Duration )
+	  ? $this->timeresolution
+	  : Duration->new( %{ $this->timeresolution } );
+	return coarsen_dt( $value, $duration )->strftime('%F-%T');
--- a/	Mon Sep 07 19:18:21 2015 +0300
+++ b/	Sun Sep 13 19:37:16 2015 +0300
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 local (*HIN);
 my $proc = start(
-	[ 'saxon8', '-novw', '-', 'bug-list.xsl' ],
+	#[ 'saxon8', '-novw', '-', 'bug-list.xsl' ],
-	#[ 'cat' ],
+	[ 'cat' ],
 	'<pipe', \*HIN, '>', \*STDOUT
 ) or die "failed to create pipe: $!";
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 my $writer =
   BugWriter->new( OUTPUT => *HIN, DATA_INDENT => 2, DATA_MODE => 'on' );
+$writer->timeresolution({minutes => 15});
 eval {
 	my %visited;