comparison PalladaChat/packages/Apache.NMS.1.7.1/lib/net40/Apache.NMS.xml @ 0:753a5f6e1eba

Залив логгера и чата
author nickolay94
date Tue, 21 Jun 2016 19:05:42 +0300
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:753a5f6e1eba
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3 <assembly>
4 <name>Apache.NMS</name>
5 </assembly>
6 <members>
7 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Policies.RedeliveryPolicy">
8 <summary>
9 A policy used to customize exactly how you want the redelivery to work.
10 </summary>
11 </member>
12 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.RedeliveryDelay(System.Int32)">
13 <summary>
14 The time in milliseconds to delay a redelivery
15 </summary>
16 <param name="redeliveredCounter">The redelivered counter.</param>
17 <returns></returns>
18 </member>
19 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.CollisionAvoidancePercent">
20 <summary>
21 Gets or sets the collision avoidance percent. This causes the redelivery delay
22 to be adjusted in order to avoid possible collision when messages are redelivered
23 to concurrent consumers.
24 </summary>
25 <value>The collision avoidance factor.</value>
26 </member>
27 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.UseCollisionAvoidance">
28 <summary>
29 Gets or sets a value indicating whether to [use collision avoidance].
30 </summary>
31 <value>
32 <c>true</c> if [use collision avoidance]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
33 </value>
34 </member>
35 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.InitialRedeliveryDelay">
36 <summary>
37 The time in milliseconds to initially delay a redelivery
38 </summary>
39 <value>The initial redelivery delay.</value>
40 </member>
41 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.MaximumRedeliveries">
42 <summary>
43 Gets or sets the maximum redeliveries. A value less than zero indicates
44 that there is no maximum and the NMS provider should retry forever.
45 </summary>
46 <value>The maximum redeliveries.</value>
47 </member>
48 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.UseExponentialBackOff">
49 <summary>
50 Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use exponential back off].
51 </summary>
52 <value>
53 <c>true</c> if [use exponential back off]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
54 </value>
55 </member>
56 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IRedeliveryPolicy.BackOffMultiplier">
57 <summary>
58 Gets or sets the back off multiplier.
59 </summary>
60 <value>The back off multiplier.</value>
61 </member>
62 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Policies.RedeliveryPolicy.Clone">
63 <summery>
64 Clone this object and return a new instance that the caller now owns.
65 </summery>
66 </member>
67 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.Policies.RedeliveryPolicy.RandomNumberGenerator">
68 <summary>
69 Gets the random number generator.
70 </summary>
71 <value>The random number generator.</value>
72 </member>
73 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.Policies.RedeliveryPolicy.NextBool">
74 <summary>
75 Gets the next boolean
76 </summary>
77 <value><c>true</c> if [next bool]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
78 </member>
79 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.ToAcknowledgementMode(System.String)">
80 <summary>
81 Convert the acknowledgment mode string into AcknowledgementMode enum.
82 </summary>
83 <param name="ackText"></param>
84 <returns>Equivalent enum value. If unknown string is encounted, it will default to AutoAcknowledge.</returns>
85 </member>
86 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.ToXmlMessage(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,System.Object)">
87 <summary>
88 Convert an object into a text message. The object must be serializable to XML.
89 </summary>
90 </member>
91 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.ToXmlMessage(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.Object)">
92 <summary>
93 Convert an object into a text message. The object must be serializable to XML.
94 </summary>
95 </member>
96 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.FromXmlMessage(Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
97 <summary>
98 Convert a text message into an object. The object must be serializable from XML.
99 </summary>
100 </member>
101 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.SerializeObjToMessage(Apache.NMS.ITextMessage,System.Object)">
102 <summary>
103 Serialize the object as XML into the Text body of the message.
104 Set the NMSType to the full name of the object type.
105 </summary>
106 <param name="message"></param>
107 <param name="obj"></param>
108 <returns></returns>
109 </member>
110 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.DeserializeObjFromMessage(Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
111 <summary>
112 Deserialize the object from the text message. The object must be serializable from XML.
113 </summary>
114 <param name="message"></param>
115 <returns></returns>
116 </member>
117 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.NMSConvert.GetRuntimeType(System.String)">
118 <summary>
119 Get the runtime type for the class name. This routine will search all loaded
120 assemblies in the current App Domain to find the type.
121 </summary>
122 <param name="typeName">Full name of the type.</param>
123 <returns>Type object if found, or null if not found.</returns>
124 </member>
125 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.CountDownLatch.countDown">
126 <summary>
127 Decrement the count, releasing any waiting Threads when the count reaches Zero.
128 </summary>
129 </member>
130 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.CountDownLatch.await">
131 <summary>
132 Causes the current Thread to wait for the count to reach zero, unless
133 the Thread is interrupted.
134 </summary>
135 </member>
136 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.CountDownLatch.await(System.TimeSpan)">
137 <summary>
138 Causes the current thread to wait until the latch has counted down to zero, unless
139 the thread is interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.
140 </summary>
141 </member>
142 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.Util.CountDownLatch.Remaining">
143 <summary>
144 Gets the current count for this Latch.
145 </summary>
146 </member>
147 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.Util.DateUtils.windowsEpoch">
148 <summary>
149 The start of the Windows epoch
150 </summary>
151 </member>
152 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.Util.DateUtils.javaEpoch">
153 <summary>
154 The start of the Java epoch
155 </summary>
156 </member>
157 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.Util.DateUtils.epochDiff">
158 <summary>
159 The difference between the Windows epoch and the Java epoch
160 in milliseconds.
161 </summary>
162 </member>
163 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader">
164 <summary>
165 A BinaryWriter that switches the endian orientation of the read operations so that they
166 are compatible across platforms.
167 </summary>
168 </member>
169 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.Read(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
170 <summary>
171 Method Read
172 </summary>
173 <returns>An int</returns>
174 <param name="buffer">A char[]</param>
175 <param name="index">An int</param>
176 <param name="count">An int</param>
177 </member>
178 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadChars(System.Int32)">
179 <summary>
180 Method ReadChars
181 </summary>
182 <returns>A char[]</returns>
183 <param name="count">An int</param>
184 </member>
185 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadInt16">
186 <summary>
187 Method ReadInt16
188 </summary>
189 <returns>A short</returns>
190 </member>
191 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadChar">
192 <summary>
193 Method ReadChar
194 </summary>
195 <returns>A char</returns>
196 </member>
197 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadInt64">
198 <summary>
199 Method ReadInt64
200 </summary>
201 <returns>A long</returns>
202 </member>
203 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadUInt64">
204 <summary>
205 Method ReadUInt64
206 </summary>
207 <returns>An ulong</returns>
208 </member>
209 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadUInt32">
210 <summary>
211 Method ReadUInt32
212 </summary>
213 <returns>An uint</returns>
214 </member>
215 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadUInt16">
216 <summary>
217 Method ReadUInt16
218 </summary>
219 <returns>An ushort</returns>
220 </member>
221 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadInt32">
222 <summary>
223 Method ReadInt32
224 </summary>
225 <returns>An int</returns>
226 </member>
227 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadString">
228 <summary>
229 Method ReadString
230 </summary>
231 <returns>A string</returns>
232 </member>
233 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadString16">
234 <summary>
235 Method ReadString16, reads a String value encoded in the Java modified
236 UTF-8 format with a length index encoded as a 16bit unsigned short.
237 </summary>
238 <returns>A string</returns>
239 </member>
240 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadString32">
241 <summary>
242 Method ReadString32, reads a String value encoded in the Java modified
243 UTF-8 format with a length index encoded as a singed integer value.
244 </summary>
245 <returns>A string</returns>
246 </member>
247 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter">
248 <summary>
249 A BinaryWriter that switches the endian orientation of the write operations so that they
250 are compatible across platforms.
251 </summary>
252 </member>
253 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Int64)">
254 <summary>
255 Method Write
256 </summary>
257 <param name="value">A long</param>
258 </member>
259 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.UInt16)">
260 <summary>
261 Method Write
262 </summary>
263 <param name="value">An ushort</param>
264 </member>
265 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Int32)">
266 <summary>
267 Method Write
268 </summary>
269 <param name="value">An int</param>
270 </member>
271 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
272 <summary>
273 Method Write
274 </summary>
275 <param name="chars">A char[]</param>
276 <param name="index">An int</param>
277 <param name="count">An int</param>
278 </member>
279 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Char[])">
280 <summary>
281 Method Write
282 </summary>
283 <param name="chars">A char[]</param>
284 </member>
285 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.UInt32)">
286 <summary>
287 Method Write
288 </summary>
289 <param name="value">An uint</param>
290 </member>
291 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Char)">
292 <summary>
293 Method Write
294 </summary>
295 <param name="ch">A char</param>
296 </member>
297 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.UInt64)">
298 <summary>
299 Method Write
300 </summary>
301 <param name="value">An ulong</param>
302 </member>
303 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Int16)">
304 <summary>
305 Method Write
306 </summary>
307 <param name="value">A short</param>
308 </member>
309 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.String)">
310 <summary>
311 Method Write, writes a string to the output using the WriteString16
312 method.
313 </summary>
314 <param name="text">A string</param>
315 </member>
316 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.WriteString16(System.String)">
317 <summary>
318 Method WriteString16, writes a string to the output using the Java
319 standard modified UTF-8 encoding with an unsigned short value written first to
320 indicate the length of the encoded data, the short is read as an unsigned
321 value so the max amount of data this method can write is 65535 encoded bytes.
323 Unlike the WriteString32 method this method does not encode the length
324 value to -1 if the string is null, this is to match the behaviour of
325 the Java DataOuputStream class's writeUTF method.
327 Because modified UTF-8 encding can result in a number of bytes greater that
328 the size of the String this method must first check that the encoding proces
329 will not result in a value that cannot be written becuase it is greater than
330 the max value of an unsigned short.
331 </summary>
332 <param name="text">A string</param>
333 </member>
334 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.WriteString32(System.String)">
335 <summary>
336 Method WriteString32, writes a string to the output using the Openwire
337 standard modified UTF-8 encoding which an int value written first to
338 indicate the length of the encoded data, the int is read as an signed
339 value so the max amount of data this method can write is 2^31 encoded bytes.
341 In the case of a null value being passed this method writes a -1 to the
342 stream to indicate that the string is null.
344 Because modified UTF-8 encding can result in a number of bytes greater that
345 the size of the String this method must first check that the encoding proces
346 will not result in a value that cannot be written becuase it is greater than
347 the max value of an int.
348 </summary>
349 <param name="text">A string</param>
350 </member>
351 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Single)">
352 <summary>
353 Method Write
354 </summary>
355 <param name="value">A double</param>
356 </member>
357 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryWriter.Write(System.Double)">
358 <summary>
359 Method Write
360 </summary>
361 <param name="value">A double</param>
362 </member>
363 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.EndianSupport">
364 <summary>
365 Support class that switches from one endian to the other.
366 </summary>
367 </member>
368 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.MessagePropertyIntercepter">
369 <summary>
370 Utility class used to set NMS properties via introspection for IMessage derived
371 instances. This class allows IMessage classes to define Message specific properties
372 that can be accessed using the standard property get / set semantics.
374 This is especially useful for NMSX type properties which can vary by provider and
375 are obtianed via a call to IConnectionMetaData.NMSXPropertyNames. The client can
376 set the properties on an IMessage instance without a direct cast to the providers
377 specific Message types.
379 Properties accessed in this way are treated as NMS Message headers which are never
380 read-only therefore there is no exception thrown if the message itself is in the
381 read-only property mode.
382 </summary>
383 </member>
384 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMapInterceptor">
385 <summary>
386 This class provides a mechanism to intercept calls to a IPrimitiveMap
387 instance and perform validation, handle type conversion, or some other
388 function necessary to use the PrimitiveMap in a Message or other NMS
389 object.
391 Be default this class enforces the standard conversion policy for primitive
392 types in NMS shown in the table below:
394 | | boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[]
395 |----------------------------------------------------------------------
396 |boolean | X X
397 |byte | X X X X X
398 |short | X X X X
399 |char | X X
400 |int | X X X
401 |long | X X
402 |float | X X X
403 |double | X X
404 |String | X X X X X X X X
405 |byte[] | X
406 |----------------------------------------------------------------------
408 </summary>
409 </member>
410 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IPrimitiveMap">
411 <summary>
412 Represents a Map of primitive types where the keys are all string instances
413 and the values are strings or numbers.
414 </summary>
415 </member>
416 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.MessageTransformation">
417 <summary>
418 Base Utility class for conversion between IMessage type objects for different
419 NMS providers.
420 </summary>
421 </member>
422 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.MessageTransformation.CopyProperties(Apache.NMS.IMessage,Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
423 <summary>
424 Copies the standard NMS and user defined properties from the givem
425 message to the specified message, the class version transforms the
426 Destination instead of just doing a straight copy.
427 </summary>
428 </member>
429 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.MessageTransformation.CopyNMSMessageProperties(Apache.NMS.IMessage,Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
430 <summary>
431 Copies the standard NMS and user defined properties from the givem
432 message to the specified message, this method makes no attempt to convert
433 the values in the Message to native provider implementations.
434 </summary>
435 </member>
436 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap">
437 <summary>
438 A default implementation of IPrimitiveMap
439 </summary>
440 </member>
441 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.ToString">
442 <summary>
443 Method ToString
444 </summary>
445 <returns>A string</returns>
446 </member>
447 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.Unmarshal(System.Byte[])">
448 <summary>
449 Unmarshalls the map from the given data or if the data is null just
450 return an empty map
451 </summary>
452 </member>
453 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.Unmarshal(System.IO.Stream)">
454 <summary>
455 Unmarshals a PrimitiveMap directly from a Stream object. This
456 allows for clients to read PrimitiveMaps from Compressed or other
457 wise encoded streams without this class needing to know about it.
458 </summary>
459 <param name="source">
460 A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
461 </param>
462 <returns>
463 A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap"/>
464 </returns>
465 </member>
466 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.Marshal(System.IO.Stream)">
467 <summary>
468 Marshals a PrimitiveMap directly to a Stream object. This
469 allows a client to write a PrimitiveMap in a compressed or
470 otherwise encoded form without this class needing to know
471 about it.
472 </summary>
473 <param name="destination">
474 A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
475 </param>
476 </member>
477 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.MarshalPrimitiveMap(System.Collections.IDictionary)">
478 <summary>
479 Marshals the primitive type map to a byte array
480 </summary>
481 </member>
482 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.PrimitiveMap.UnmarshalPrimitiveMap(System.Byte[])">
483 <summary>
484 Unmarshals the primitive type map from the given byte array
485 </summary>
486 </member>
487 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.SessionUtil">
488 <summary>
489 Class to provide support for working with Session objects.
490 </summary>
491 </member>
492 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.SessionUtil.GetDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
493 <summary>
494 Get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix. Default is Queue if no prefix is
495 embedded in the destinationName.
496 </summary>
497 <param name="session">Session object to use to get the destination.</param>
498 <param name="destinationName">Name of destination with embedded prefix. The embedded prefix can be one of the following:
499 <list type="bullet">
500 <item>queue://</item>
501 <item>topic://</item>
502 <item>temp-queue://</item>
503 <item>temp-topic://</item>
504 </list>
505 </param>
506 <returns></returns>
507 </member>
508 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.SessionUtil.GetDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String,Apache.NMS.DestinationType)">
509 <summary>
510 Get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
511 </summary>
512 <param name="session">Session object to use to get the destination.</param>
513 <param name="destinationName">Name of destination with embedded prefix. The embedded prefix can be one of the following:
514 <list type="bullet">
515 <item>queue://</item>
516 <item>topic://</item>
517 <item>temp-queue://</item>
518 <item>temp-topic://</item>
519 </list>
520 </param>
521 <param name="defaultType">Default type if no embedded prefix is specified.</param>
522 <returns></returns>
523 </member>
524 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.SessionUtil.DeleteDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
525 <summary>
526 Delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix. Default is Queue if no prefix is
527 embedded in the destinationName.
528 </summary>
529 <param name="session">Session object to use to get the destination.</param>
530 <param name="destinationName">Name of destination with embedded prefix. The embedded prefix can be one of the following:
531 <list type="bullet">
532 <item>queue://</item>
533 <item>topic://</item>
534 <item>temp-queue://</item>
535 <item>temp-topic://</item>
536 </list>
537 </param>
538 <returns></returns>
539 </member>
540 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.SessionUtil.DeleteDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String,Apache.NMS.DestinationType)">
541 <summary>
542 Delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
543 </summary>
544 <param name="session">Session object to use to get the destination.</param>
545 <param name="destinationName">Name of destination with embedded prefix. The embedded prefix can be one of the following:
546 <list type="bullet">
547 <item>queue://</item>
548 <item>topic://</item>
549 <item>temp-queue://</item>
550 <item>temp-topic://</item>
551 </list>
552 </param>
553 <param name="defaultType">Default type if no embedded prefix is specified.</param>
554 <returns></returns>
555 </member>
556 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport">
557 <summary>
558 Class to provide support for Uri query parameters which uses .Net reflection
559 to identify and set properties.
560 </summary>
561 </member>
562 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.CreateCompatibleUri(System.String)">
563 <summary>
564 Given a string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible
565 with the .NET Uri class such as an ActiveMQ failover Uri formatted as
566 "failover://(tcp://localhost:61616)", the initial '://' must be changed
567 to ':(' so that the Uri class doesn't attempt to parse the '(tcp:' as
568 the Uri's Authority as that is not a valid host name.
569 </summary>
570 <param name="uriString">
571 A string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible
572 with the .NET Uri class
573 </param>
574 </member>
575 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.ParseQuery(System.String)">
576 <summary>
577 Parse a Uri query string of the form ?x=y&amp;z=0
578 into a map of name/value pairs.
579 </summary>
580 <param name="query">The query string to parse. This string should not contain
581 Uri escape characters.</param>
582 </member>
583 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.SetProperties(System.Object,System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary)">
584 <summary>
585 Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.
586 This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of
587 the target object matching the keys from the passed map.
588 </summary>
589 <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>
590 <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>
591 </member>
592 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.SetProperties(System.Object,System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary,System.String)">
593 <summary>
594 Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.
595 This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of
596 the target object matching the keys from the passed map.
597 </summary>
598 <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>
599 <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>
600 <param name="prefix">Key value prefix. This is prepended to the property name
601 before searching for a matching key value.</param>
602 </member>
603 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.ParseComposite(System.Uri,Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.CompositeData,System.String)">
604 <summary>
605 </summary>
606 <param name="uri"></param>
607 <param name="rc"></param>
608 <param name="ssp"></param>
609 </member>
610 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.URISupport.SplitComponents(System.String)">
611 <summary>
612 </summary>
613 <param name="componentString"></param>
614 </member>
615 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.Util.XmlUtil">
616 <summary>
617 Class to provide support for working with Xml objects.
618 </summary>
619 </member>
620 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.Util.XmlUtil.invalidXMLMatch">
621 <summary>
622 From xml spec valid chars:
623 #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
624 any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF.
625 </summary>
626 </member>
627 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.XmlUtil.#cctor">
628 <summary>
629 Static class constructor.
630 </summary>
631 </member>
632 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.XmlUtil.Serialize(System.Object)">
633 <summary>
634 Serialize the object to XML format. The XML encoding will be UTF-8. A Byte Order Mark (BOM)
635 will NOT be placed at the beginning of the string.
636 </summary>
637 <param name="obj"></param>
638 <returns></returns>
639 </member>
640 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.Util.XmlUtil.CleanInvalidXmlChars(System.String)">
641 <summary>
642 This removes characters that are invalid for xml encoding
643 </summary>
644 <param name="text">Text to be encoded.</param>
645 <returns>Text with invalid xml characters removed.</returns>
646 </member>
647 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage">
648 <summary>
650 A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted
651 bytes. It inherits from the Message interface and adds a bytes message body. The
652 receiver of the message supplies the interpretation of the bytes.
654 This message type is for client encoding of existing message formats. If possible,
655 one of the other self-defining message types should be used instead.
657 Although the NMS API allows the use of message properties with byte messages, they
658 are typically not used, since the inclusion of properties may affect the format.
660 When the message is first created, and when ClearBody is called, the body of the
661 message is in write-only mode. After the first call to Reset has been made, the
662 message body is in read-only mode. After a message has been sent, the client that
663 sent it can retain and modify it without affecting the message that has been sent.
664 The same message object can be sent multiple times. When a message has been received,
665 the provider has called Reset so that the message body is in read-only mode for the
666 client.
668 If ClearBody is called on a message in read-only mode, the message body is cleared and
669 the message is in write-only mode.
671 If a client attempts to read a message in write-only mode, a MessageNotReadableException
672 is thrown.
674 If a client attempts to write a message in read-only mode, a MessageNotWriteableException
675 is thrown.
676 </summary>
677 </member>
678 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IMessage">
679 <summary>
680 Represents a message either to be sent to a message broker or received from a message broker.
681 </summary>
682 </member>
683 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessage.Acknowledge">
684 <summary>
685 If using client acknowledgement mode on the session, then this method will acknowledge that the
686 message has been processed correctly.
687 </summary>
688 </member>
689 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessage.ClearBody">
690 <summary>
691 Clears out the message body. Clearing a message's body does not clear its header
692 values or property entries.
694 If this message body was read-only, calling this method leaves the message body in
695 the same state as an empty body in a newly created message.
696 </summary>
697 </member>
698 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessage.ClearProperties">
699 <summary>
700 Clears a message's properties.
702 The message's header fields and body are not cleared.
703 </summary>
704 </member>
705 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.Properties">
706 <summary>
707 Provides access to the message properties (headers).
708 </summary>
709 </member>
710 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSCorrelationID">
711 <summary>
712 The correlation ID used to correlate messages from conversations or long running business processes.
713 </summary>
714 </member>
715 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSDestination">
716 <summary>
717 The destination of the message. This property is set by the IMessageProducer.
718 </summary>
719 </member>
720 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSTimeToLive">
721 <summary>
722 The amount of time for which this message is valid. Zero if this message does not expire.
723 </summary>
724 </member>
725 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSMessageId">
726 <summary>
727 The message ID which is set by the provider.
728 </summary>
729 </member>
730 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSDeliveryMode">
731 <summary>
732 Whether or not this message is persistent.
733 </summary>
734 </member>
735 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSPriority">
736 <summary>
737 The Priority of this message.
738 </summary>
739 </member>
740 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSRedelivered">
741 <summary>
742 Returns true if this message has been redelivered to this or another consumer before being acknowledged successfully.
743 </summary>
744 </member>
745 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSReplyTo">
746 <summary>
747 The destination that the consumer of this message should send replies to
748 </summary>
749 </member>
750 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSTimestamp">
751 <summary>
752 The timestamp of when the message was pubished in UTC time. If the publisher disables setting
753 the timestamp on the message, the time will be set to the start of the UNIX epoc (1970-01-01 00:00:00).
754 </summary>
755 </member>
756 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSType">
757 <summary>
758 The type name of this message.
759 </summary>
760 </member>
761 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadByte">
762 <summary>
763 Reads a byte from the Message Stream.
764 </summary>
765 <returns>
766 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
767 </returns>
768 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
769 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
770 </exception>
771 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
772 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
773 </exception>
774 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
775 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
776 </exception>
777 </member>
778 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteByte(System.Byte)">
779 <summary>
780 Writes a byte to the Message stream.
781 </summary>
782 <param name="value">
783 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
784 </param>
785 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
786 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
787 </exception>
788 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
789 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
790 </exception>
791 </member>
792 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadBoolean">
793 <summary>
794 Reads a boolean from the Message Stream.
795 </summary>
796 <returns>
797 A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
798 </returns>
799 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
800 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
801 </exception>
802 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
803 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
804 </exception>
805 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
806 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
807 </exception>
808 </member>
809 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteBoolean(System.Boolean)">
810 <summary>
811 Write a one byte value to the message stream representing the boolean
812 value passed.
813 </summary>
814 <param name="value">
815 A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
816 </param>
817 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
818 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
819 </exception>
820 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
821 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
822 </exception>
823 </member>
824 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadChar">
825 <summary>
826 Reads a char from the Message Stream.
827 </summary>
828 <returns>
829 A <see cref="T:System.Char"/>
830 </returns>
831 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
832 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
833 </exception>
834 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
835 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
836 </exception>
837 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
838 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
839 </exception>
840 </member>
841 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteChar(System.Char)">
842 <summary>
843 Write a two byte value to the message stream representing the character
844 value passed. High byte first.
845 </summary>
846 <param name="value">
847 A <see cref="T:System.Char"/>
848 </param>
849 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
850 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
851 </exception>
852 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
853 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
854 </exception>
855 </member>
856 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadInt16">
857 <summary>
858 Reads a Short from the Message Stream.
859 </summary>
860 <returns>
861 A <see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
862 </returns>
863 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
864 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
865 </exception>
866 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
867 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
868 </exception>
869 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
870 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
871 </exception>
872 </member>
873 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteInt16(System.Int16)">
874 <summary>
875 Write a two byte value to the message stream representing the short
876 value passed. High byte first.
877 </summary>
878 <param name="value">
879 A <see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
880 </param>
881 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
882 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
883 </exception>
884 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
885 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
886 </exception>
887 </member>
888 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadInt32">
889 <summary>
890 Reads an int from the Message Stream.
891 </summary>
892 <returns>
893 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
894 </returns>
895 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
896 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
897 </exception>
898 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
899 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
900 </exception>
901 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
902 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
903 </exception>
904 </member>
905 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteInt32(System.Int32)">
906 <summary>
907 Write a four byte value to the message stream representing the integer
908 value passed. High byte first.
909 </summary>
910 <param name="value">
911 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
912 </param>
913 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
914 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
915 </exception>
916 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
917 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
918 </exception>
919 </member>
920 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadInt64">
921 <summary>
922 Reads a long from the Message Stream.
923 </summary>
924 <returns>
925 A <see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
926 </returns>
927 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
928 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
929 </exception>
930 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
931 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
932 </exception>
933 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
934 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
935 </exception>
936 </member>
937 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteInt64(System.Int64)">
938 <summary>
939 Write a eight byte value to the message stream representing the long
940 value passed. High byte first.
941 </summary>
942 <param name="value">
943 A <see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
944 </param>
945 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
946 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
947 </exception>
948 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
949 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
950 </exception>
951 </member>
952 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadSingle">
953 <summary>
954 Reads a float from the Message Stream.
955 </summary>
956 <returns>
957 A <see cref="T:System.Single"/>
958 </returns>
959 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
960 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
961 </exception>
962 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
963 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
964 </exception>
965 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
966 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
967 </exception>
968 </member>
969 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteSingle(System.Single)">
970 <summary>
971 Write a four byte value to the message stream representing the float
972 value passed. High byte first.
973 </summary>
974 <param name="value">
975 A <see cref="T:System.Single"/>
976 </param>
977 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
978 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
979 </exception>
980 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
981 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
982 </exception>
983 </member>
984 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadDouble">
985 <summary>
986 Reads an double from the Message Stream.
987 </summary>
988 <returns>
989 A <see cref="T:System.Double"/>
990 </returns>
991 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
992 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
993 </exception>
994 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
995 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
996 </exception>
997 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
998 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
999 </exception>
1000 </member>
1001 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteDouble(System.Double)">
1002 <summary>
1003 Write a eight byte value to the message stream representing the double
1004 value passed. High byte first.
1005 </summary>
1006 <param name="value">
1007 A <see cref="T:System.Double"/>
1008 </param>
1009 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
1010 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
1011 </exception>
1012 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1013 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1014 </exception>
1015 </member>
1016 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadBytes(System.Byte[])">
1017 <summary>
1018 Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream.
1020 If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to
1021 be read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads
1022 the next increment, and so on.
1024 If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array
1025 value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total number
1026 of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that there are
1027 no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the stream returns -1.
1028 </summary>
1029 <param name="value">
1030 The byte array that will be used as a buffer to read into.
1031 </param>
1032 <returns>
1033 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
1034 The number of bytes read into the passed byte array, or -1 if there are no more
1035 bytes left to be read from the stream.
1036 </returns>
1037 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1038 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1039 </exception>
1040 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
1041 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
1042 </exception>
1043 </member>
1044 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadBytes(System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
1045 <summary>
1046 Reads a portion of the bytes message stream.
1048 If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to be
1049 read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads the
1050 next increment, and so on.
1052 If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array
1053 value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total
1054 number of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that
1055 there are no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the
1056 stream returns -1.
1058 If length is negative, or length is greater than the length of the array value,
1059 then an Exception is thrown. No bytes will be read from the stream for this
1060 exception case.
1061 </summary>
1062 <param name="value">
1063 The byte array that will be used as a buffer to read into.
1064 </param>
1065 <param name="length">
1066 The amount of bytes to read into the buffer.
1067 </param>
1068 <returns>
1069 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
1070 The number of bytes read into the passed byte array, or -1 if there are no more
1071 bytes left to be read from the stream.
1072 </returns>
1073 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
1074 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
1075 </exception>
1076 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1077 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1078 </exception>
1079 </member>
1080 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteBytes(System.Byte[])">
1081 <summary>
1082 Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
1083 </summary>
1084 <param name="value">
1085 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
1086 </param>
1087 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
1088 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
1089 </exception>
1090 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1091 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1092 </exception>
1093 </member>
1094 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteBytes(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1095 <summary>
1096 Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
1097 </summary>
1098 <param name="value">
1099 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
1100 </param>
1101 <param name="offset">
1102 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
1103 </param>
1104 <param name="length">
1105 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
1106 </param>
1107 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
1108 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
1109 </exception>
1110 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1111 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1112 </exception>
1113 </member>
1114 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.ReadString">
1115 <summary>
1116 Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes
1117 message stream.
1118 </summary>
1119 <returns>
1120 A <see cref="T:System.String"/>
1121 </returns>
1122 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
1123 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
1124 </exception>
1125 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
1126 Thrown when an unexpected end of bytes has been reached.
1127 </exception>
1128 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1129 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1130 </exception>
1131 </member>
1132 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteString(System.String)">
1133 <summary>
1134 Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a
1135 machine-independent manner.
1136 </summary>
1137 <param name="value">
1138 A <see cref="T:System.String"/>
1139 </param>
1140 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
1141 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
1142 </exception>
1143 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1144 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1145 </exception>
1146 </member>
1147 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.WriteObject(System.Object)">
1148 <summary>
1149 Writes an object to the bytes message stream.
1151 This method works only for the objectified primitive object types
1152 (Int32, Double, Boolean ...), String objects, and byte arrays.
1153 </summary>
1154 <param name="value">
1155 A <see cref="T:System.Object"/>
1156 the object in the .NET programming language to be written; it must not be null
1157 </param>
1158 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
1159 Thrown when the Message has an invalid format.
1160 </exception>
1161 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
1162 Thrown when the Message is in read-only mode.
1163 </exception>
1164 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1165 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1166 </exception>
1167 </member>
1168 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.Reset">
1169 <summary>
1170 Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.
1171 </summary>
1172 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
1173 Thrown when the Message has an invalid format.
1174 </exception>
1175 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1176 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1177 </exception>
1178 </member>
1179 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IBytesMessage.BodyLength">
1180 <value>
1181 Gets the number of bytes of the message body when the message is in read-only mode.
1182 The value returned can be used to allocate a byte array. The value returned is the
1183 entire length of the message body, regardless of where the pointer for reading the
1184 message is currently located.
1185 </value>
1186 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
1187 Thrown when the Message is in write-only mode.
1188 </exception>
1189 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1190 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
1191 </exception>
1192 </member>
1193 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode">
1194 <summary>
1195 The mode used to acknowledge messages after they are consumed
1196 </summary>
1197 </member>
1198 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge">
1199 <summary>
1200 With this acknowledgment mode, the session will not
1201 acknowledge receipt of a message since the broker assumes
1202 successful receipt of a message after the onMessage handler
1203 has returned without error.
1204 </summary>
1205 </member>
1206 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode.DupsOkAcknowledge">
1207 <summary>
1208 With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically
1209 acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when
1210 the session has successfully returned from a call to receive
1211 or when the message listener the session has called to
1212 process the message successfully returns. Acknowlegements
1213 may be delayed in this mode to increase performance at
1214 the cost of the message being redelivered this client fails.
1215 </summary>
1216 </member>
1217 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode.ClientAcknowledge">
1218 <summary>
1219 With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a
1220 consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method.
1221 This acknowledgement acknowledges the given message and all
1222 unacknowedged messages that have preceeded it for the session
1223 in which the message was delivered.
1224 </summary>
1225 </member>
1226 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode.Transactional">
1227 <summary>
1228 Messages will be consumed when the transaction commits.
1229 </summary>
1230 </member>
1231 <member name="F:Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode.IndividualAcknowledge">
1232 <summary>
1233 With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a
1234 consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method.
1235 This acknowledgement mode allows the client to acknowledge a
1236 single message. This mode is not required to be supported by
1237 all NMS providers, however the provider should throw an appropriate
1238 exception to indicate that the mode is unsupported.
1239 </summary>
1240 </member>
1241 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ExceptionListener">
1242 <summary>
1243 A delegate that can receive transport level exceptions.
1244 </summary>
1245 </member>
1246 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ConnectionInterruptedListener">
1247 <summary>
1248 A delegate that is used by Fault tolerant NMS Implementation to notify their
1249 clients that the Connection is not currently active to due some error.
1250 </summary>
1251 </member>
1252 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ConnectionResumedListener">
1253 <summary>
1254 A delegate that is used by Fault tolerant NMS Implementation to notify their
1255 clients that the Connection that was interrupted has now been restored.
1256 </summary>
1257 </member>
1258 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IConnection">
1259 <summary>
1260 Represents a connection with a message broker
1261 </summary>
1262 </member>
1263 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IStartable">
1264 <summary>
1265 A lifecycle for NMS objects to indicate they can be started
1266 </summary>
1267 </member>
1268 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IStoppable">
1269 <summary>
1270 A lifecycle for NMS objects to indicate they can be stopped
1271 </summary>
1272 </member>
1273 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnection.CreateSession">
1274 <summary>
1275 Creates a new session to work on this connection
1276 </summary>
1277 </member>
1278 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnection.CreateSession(Apache.NMS.AcknowledgementMode)">
1279 <summary>
1280 Creates a new session to work on this connection
1281 </summary>
1282 </member>
1283 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnection.Close">
1284 <summary>
1285 Closes the connection.
1286 </summary>
1287 </member>
1288 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnection.PurgeTempDestinations">
1289 <summary>
1290 For a long running Connection that creates many temp destinations
1291 this method will close and destroy all previously created temp
1292 destinations to reduce resource consumption. This can be useful
1293 when the Connection is pooled or otherwise used for long periods
1294 of time. Only locally created temp destinations should be removed
1295 by this call.
1296 NOTE: This is an optional operation and for NMS providers that
1297 do not support this functionality the method should just return
1298 without throwing any exceptions.
1299 </summary>
1300 </member>
1301 <member name="E:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ExceptionListener">
1302 <summary>
1303 An asynchronous listener which can be notified if an error occurs
1304 </summary>
1305 </member>
1306 <member name="E:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ConnectionInterruptedListener">
1307 <summary>
1308 An asynchronous listener that is notified when a Fault tolerant connection
1309 has been interrupted.
1310 </summary>
1311 </member>
1312 <member name="E:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ConnectionResumedListener">
1313 <summary>
1314 An asynchronous listener that is notified when a Fault tolerant connection
1315 has been resumed.
1316 </summary>
1317 </member>
1318 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ConsumerTransformer">
1319 <summary>
1320 A Delegate that is called each time a Message is dispatched to allow the client to do
1321 any necessary transformations on the received message before it is delivered. The
1322 Connection sets the provided delegate instance on each Session it creates which then
1323 passes that along to the Consumers it creates.
1324 </summary>
1325 </member>
1326 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ProducerTransformer">
1327 <summary>
1328 A delegate that is called each time a Message is sent from this Producer which allows
1329 the application to perform any needed transformations on the Message before it is sent.
1330 The Connection sets the provided delegate instance on each Session it creates which then
1331 passes that along to the Producer it creates.
1332 </summary>
1333 </member>
1334 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.RequestTimeout">
1335 <summary>
1336 The default timeout for network requests.
1337 </summary>
1338 </member>
1339 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.AcknowledgementMode">
1340 <summary>
1341 The default acknowledgement mode
1342 </summary>
1343 </member>
1344 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.ClientId">
1345 <summary>
1346 Sets the unique clienet ID for this connection before Start() or returns the
1347 unique client ID after the connection has started
1348 </summary>
1349 </member>
1350 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.RedeliveryPolicy">
1351 <summary>
1352 Get/or set the redelivery policy for this connection.
1353 </summary>
1354 </member>
1355 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnection.MetaData">
1356 <summary>
1357 Gets the Meta Data for the NMS Connection instance.
1358 </summary>
1359 </member>
1360 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory">
1361 <summary>
1362 A Factory of IConnection objects
1363 </summary>
1364 </member>
1365 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.CreateConnection">
1366 <summary>
1367 Creates a new connection
1368 </summary>
1369 </member>
1370 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(System.String,System.String)">
1371 <summary>
1372 Creates a new connection with the given user name and password
1373 </summary>
1374 </member>
1375 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.BrokerUri">
1376 <summary>
1377 Get/or set the broker Uri.
1378 </summary>
1379 </member>
1380 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.RedeliveryPolicy">
1381 <summary>
1382 Get/or set the redelivery policy that new IConnection objects are
1383 assigned upon creation.
1384 </summary>
1385 </member>
1386 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.ConsumerTransformer">
1387 <summary>
1388 A Delegate that is called each time a Message is dispatched to allow the client to do
1389 any necessary transformations on the received message before it is delivered. The
1390 ConnectionFactory sets the provided delegate instance on each Connection instance that
1391 is created from this factory, each connection in turn passes the delegate along to each
1392 Session it creates which then passes that along to the Consumers it creates.
1393 </summary>
1394 </member>
1395 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory.ProducerTransformer">
1396 <summary>
1397 A delegate that is called each time a Message is sent from this Producer which allows
1398 the application to perform any needed transformations on the Message before it is sent.
1399 The ConnectionFactory sets the provided delegate instance on each Connection instance that
1400 is created from this factory, each connection in turn passes the delegate along to each
1401 Session it creates which then passes that along to the Producers it creates.
1402 </summary>
1403 </member>
1404 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData">
1405 <summary>
1406 Provides information describing the NMS IConnection instance.
1407 </summary>
1408 </member>
1409 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.NMSMajorVersion">
1410 <value>
1411 Get the Major version number of the NMS API this Provider supports.
1412 </value>
1413 </member>
1414 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.NMSMinorVersion">
1415 <value>
1416 Get the Minor version number of the NMS API this Provider supports.
1417 </value>
1418 </member>
1419 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.NMSProviderName">
1420 <value>
1421 Get the name of this NMS Provider.
1422 </value>
1423 </member>
1424 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.NMSVersion">
1425 <value>
1426 Gets a formatted string detailing the NMS API version this Provider supports.
1427 </value>
1428 </member>
1429 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.NMSXPropertyNames">
1430 <value>
1431 Gets a String array of all the NMSX property names this NMS Provider supports.
1432 </value>
1433 </member>
1434 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.ProviderMajorVersion">
1435 <value>
1436 Gets the Providers Major version number.
1437 </value>
1438 </member>
1439 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.ProviderMinorVersion">
1440 <value>
1441 Gets the Providers Minor version number.
1442 </value>
1443 </member>
1444 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IConnectionMetaData.ProviderVersion">
1445 <value>
1446 Gets a formatted string detailing the version of this NMS Provider.
1447 </value>
1448 </member>
1449 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.DestinationType">
1450 <summary>
1451 Represents the type of the destination such as a queue or topic.
1452 </summary>
1453 </member>
1454 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IDestination">
1455 <summary>
1456 A base interface for destinations such as queues or topics
1457 </summary>
1458 </member>
1459 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1460 <summary>
1461 Represents an NMS exception
1462 </summary>
1463 </member>
1464 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1465 <summary>
1466 Initializes a new instance of the NMSException class with serialized data.
1467 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
1468 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
1469 </summary>
1470 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1471 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1472 </member>
1473 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1474 <summary>
1475 When overridden in a derived class, sets the SerializationInfo with information about the exception.
1476 </summary>
1477 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1478 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1479 </member>
1480 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSException.ErrorCode">
1481 <summary>
1482 Returns the error code for the exception, if one has been provided.
1483 </summary>
1484 </member>
1485 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IllegalStateException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1486 <summary>
1487 Initializes a new instance of the IllegalStateException class with serialized data.
1488 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
1489 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
1490 </summary>
1491 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1492 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1493 </member>
1494 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IMapMessage">
1495 <summary>
1496 Represents a Map message which contains key and value pairs which are
1497 of primitive types
1498 </summary>
1499 </member>
1500 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.MessageListener">
1501 <summary>
1502 A delegate that can receive messages async.
1503 </summary>
1504 </member>
1505 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ConsumerTransformerDelegate">
1506 <summary>
1507 A delegate that a client can register that will be called each time a consumer dispatches a message
1508 to the client code to allow the client to Transform a received message from one type to another,
1509 StreamMessage to TextMessage, ObjectMessage to TextMessage containing XML, etc. This allows a
1510 client to create a consumer that will automatically transform a message to a type that the client is
1511 capable of processing or adding additional information to a received message. For messages that do
1512 not need to be processed the client should return null from this method, in this case the original
1513 message will be dispatched to the client.
1514 </summary>
1515 </member>
1516 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer">
1517 <summary>
1518 A consumer of messages
1519 </summary>
1520 </member>
1521 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.Receive">
1522 <summary>
1523 Waits until a message is available and returns it
1524 </summary>
1525 </member>
1526 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.Receive(System.TimeSpan)">
1527 <summary>
1528 If a message is available within the timeout duration it is returned otherwise this method returns null
1529 </summary>
1530 </member>
1531 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.ReceiveNoWait">
1532 <summary>
1533 Receives the next message if one is immediately available for delivery on the client side
1534 otherwise this method returns null. It is never an error for this method to return null, the
1535 time of Message availability varies so your client cannot rely on this method to receive a
1536 message immediately after one has been sent.
1537 </summary>
1538 </member>
1539 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.Close">
1540 <summary>
1541 Closes the message consumer.
1542 </summary>
1543 <remarks>
1544 Clients should close message consumers them when they are not needed.
1545 This call blocks until a receive or message listener in progress has completed.
1546 A blocked message consumer receive call returns null when this message consumer is closed.
1547 </remarks>
1548 </member>
1549 <member name="E:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.Listener">
1550 <summary>
1551 An asynchronous listener which can be used to consume messages asynchronously
1552 </summary>
1553 </member>
1554 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer.ConsumerTransformer">
1555 <summary>
1556 A Delegate that is called each time a Message is dispatched to allow the client to do
1557 any necessary transformations on the received message before it is delivered.
1558 </summary>
1559 </member>
1560 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ProducerTransformerDelegate">
1561 <summary>
1562 A delegate that a client can register that will be called each time a Producer's send method is
1563 called to allow the client to Transform a sent message from one type to another, StreamMessage to
1564 TextMessage, ObjectMessage to TextMessage containing XML, etc. This allows a client to create a
1565 producer that will automatically transform a message to a type that some receiving client is
1566 capable of processing or adding additional information to a sent message such as additional message
1567 headers, etc. For messages that do not need to be processed the client should return null from
1568 this method, in this case the original message will be sent.
1569 </summary>
1570 </member>
1571 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer">
1572 <summary>
1573 An object capable of sending messages to some destination
1574 </summary>
1575 </member>
1576 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
1577 <summary>
1578 Sends the message to the default destination for this producer
1579 </summary>
1580 </member>
1581 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessage,Apache.NMS.MsgDeliveryMode,Apache.NMS.MsgPriority,System.TimeSpan)">
1582 <summary>
1583 Sends the message to the default destination with the explicit QoS configuration
1584 </summary>
1585 </member>
1586 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.Send(Apache.NMS.IDestination,Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
1587 <summary>
1588 Sends the message to the given destination
1589 </summary>
1590 </member>
1591 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.Send(Apache.NMS.IDestination,Apache.NMS.IMessage,Apache.NMS.MsgDeliveryMode,Apache.NMS.MsgPriority,System.TimeSpan)">
1592 <summary>
1593 Sends the message to the given destination with the explicit QoS configuration
1594 </summary>
1595 </member>
1596 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.Close">
1597 <summary>
1598 Close the producer.
1599 </summary>
1600 </member>
1601 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateMessage">
1602 <summary>
1603 Creates a new message with an empty body
1604 </summary>
1605 </member>
1606 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateTextMessage">
1607 <summary>
1608 Creates a new text message with an empty body
1609 </summary>
1610 </member>
1611 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateTextMessage(System.String)">
1612 <summary>
1613 Creates a new text message with the given body
1614 </summary>
1615 </member>
1616 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateMapMessage">
1617 <summary>
1618 Creates a new Map message which contains primitive key and value pairs
1619 </summary>
1620 </member>
1621 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateObjectMessage(System.Object)">
1622 <summary>
1623 Creates a new Object message containing the given .NET object as the body
1624 </summary>
1625 </member>
1626 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateBytesMessage">
1627 <summary>
1628 Creates a new binary message
1629 </summary>
1630 </member>
1631 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateBytesMessage(System.Byte[])">
1632 <summary>
1633 Creates a new binary message with the given body
1634 </summary>
1635 </member>
1636 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.CreateStreamMessage">
1637 <summary>
1638 Creates a new stream message
1639 </summary>
1640 </member>
1641 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer.ProducerTransformer">
1642 <summary>
1643 A delegate that is called each time a Message is sent from this Producer which allows
1644 the application to perform any needed transformations on the Message before it is sent.
1645 </summary>
1646 </member>
1647 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnection">
1648 <summary>
1649 The INetTxConnection extends the functionality of the IConnection interface by
1650 adding the createNetTxSession method (optional).
1652 The INetTxConnection interface is optional. NMS providers are not required to support this
1653 interface. This interface is for use by NMS providers to support transactional environments.
1654 </summary>
1655 </member>
1656 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnection.CreateNetTxSession">
1657 <summary>
1658 Creates a INetTxSession object.
1659 </summary>
1660 </member>
1661 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnection.CreateNetTxSession(System.Transactions.Transaction)">
1662 <summary>
1663 Creates a INetTxSession object and enlists in the specified Transaction.
1664 </summary>
1665 </member>
1666 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnectionFactory">
1667 <summary>
1668 Some application servers provide support for use in a .NET transactions (optional).
1670 To include NMS API transactions in a MSDTC transaction, an application server requires a
1671 .NET Transaction aware NMS provider that is capable of mapping the MSDTC transaction model
1672 into operations that are supported by the application server. An NMS provider exposes its
1673 .NET Transaction support using an INetTxConnectionFactory object, which an application
1674 server uses to create INetTxConnection objects.
1676 The INetTxConnectionFactory interface is optional. NMS providers are not required to support this
1677 interface. This interface is for use by NMS providers to support transactional environments.
1678 </summary>
1679 </member>
1680 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnectionFactory.CreateNetTxConnection">
1681 <summary>
1682 Creates a new connection
1683 </summary>
1684 </member>
1685 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.INetTxConnectionFactory.CreateNetTxConnection(System.String,System.String)">
1686 <summary>
1687 Creates a new connection with the given user name and password
1688 </summary>
1689 </member>
1690 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.INetTxSession">
1691 <summary>
1692 The INetTxSession interface extends the capability of Session by adding access to a NMS
1693 provider's support for the Distributed Transactions (optional). The transaction support
1694 leverages the .NET Frameworks System.Transactions API.
1696 The NMS Provider implements this interface by participating in the current ambient transaction
1697 as defined by the System.Transactions.Transaction.Current static member. Whenever a new
1698 Transaction is entered the NMS provider should enlist in that transaction. When there is no
1699 ambient transaction then the NMS Provider should allow the INetTxSession instance to behave
1700 as a session that is in Auto Acknowledge mode.
1702 Calling the Commit or Rollback methods on a INetTxSession instance should throw an exception
1703 as those operations are controlled by the Transaction Manager.
1705 The INetTxSession interface is optional. NMS providers are not required to support this
1706 interface. This interface is for use by NMS providers to support transactional environments.
1707 </summary>
1708 </member>
1709 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ISession">
1710 <summary>
1711 Represents a single unit of work on an IConnection.
1712 So the ISession can be used to perform transactional receive and sends
1713 </summary>
1714 </member>
1715 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateProducer">
1716 <summary>
1717 Creates a producer of messages
1718 </summary>
1719 </member>
1720 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateProducer(Apache.NMS.IDestination)">
1721 <summary>
1722 Creates a producer of messages on a given destination
1723 </summary>
1724 </member>
1725 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateConsumer(Apache.NMS.IDestination)">
1726 <summary>
1727 Creates a consumer of messages on a given destination
1728 </summary>
1729 </member>
1730 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateConsumer(Apache.NMS.IDestination,System.String)">
1731 <summary>
1732 Creates a consumer of messages on a given destination with a selector
1733 </summary>
1734 </member>
1735 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateConsumer(Apache.NMS.IDestination,System.String,System.Boolean)">
1736 <summary>
1737 Creates a consumer of messages on a given destination with a selector
1738 </summary>
1739 </member>
1740 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateDurableConsumer(Apache.NMS.ITopic,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
1741 <summary>
1742 Creates a named durable consumer of messages on a given destination with a selector
1743 </summary>
1744 </member>
1745 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.DeleteDurableConsumer(System.String)">
1746 <summary>
1747 Deletes a durable consumer created with CreateDurableConsumer().
1748 </summary>
1749 <param name="name">Name of the durable consumer</param>
1750 </member>
1751 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateBrowser(Apache.NMS.IQueue)">
1752 <summary>
1753 Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue.
1754 </summary>
1755 <param name="queue">
1756 A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IQueue"/>
1757 </param>
1758 <returns>
1759 A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser"/>
1760 </returns>
1761 <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
1762 If the Prodiver does not support creation of Queue Browsers.
1763 </exception>
1764 </member>
1765 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateBrowser(Apache.NMS.IQueue,System.String)">
1766 <summary>
1767 Creates a QueueBrowser object to peek at the messages on the specified queue
1768 using a message selector.
1769 </summary>
1770 <param name="queue">
1771 A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IQueue"/>
1772 </param>
1773 <param name="selector">
1774 A <see cref="T:System.String"/>
1775 </param>
1776 <returns>
1777 A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser"/>
1778 </returns>
1779 <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
1780 If the Prodiver does not support creation of Queue Browsers.
1781 </exception>
1782 </member>
1783 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.GetQueue(System.String)">
1784 <summary>
1785 Returns the queue for the given name
1786 </summary>
1787 </member>
1788 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.GetTopic(System.String)">
1789 <summary>
1790 Returns the topic for the given name
1791 </summary>
1792 </member>
1793 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateTemporaryQueue">
1794 <summary>
1795 Creates a temporary queue
1796 </summary>
1797 </member>
1798 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateTemporaryTopic">
1799 <summary>
1800 Creates a temporary topic
1801 </summary>
1802 </member>
1803 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.DeleteDestination(Apache.NMS.IDestination)">
1804 <summary>
1805 Delete a destination (Queue, Topic, Temp Queue, Temp Topic).
1806 </summary>
1807 </member>
1808 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateMessage">
1809 <summary>
1810 Creates a new message with an empty body
1811 </summary>
1812 </member>
1813 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateTextMessage">
1814 <summary>
1815 Creates a new text message with an empty body
1816 </summary>
1817 </member>
1818 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateTextMessage(System.String)">
1819 <summary>
1820 Creates a new text message with the given body
1821 </summary>
1822 </member>
1823 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateMapMessage">
1824 <summary>
1825 Creates a new Map message which contains primitive key and value pairs
1826 </summary>
1827 </member>
1828 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateObjectMessage(System.Object)">
1829 <summary>
1830 Creates a new Object message containing the given .NET object as the body
1831 </summary>
1832 </member>
1833 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateBytesMessage">
1834 <summary>
1835 Creates a new binary message
1836 </summary>
1837 </member>
1838 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateBytesMessage(System.Byte[])">
1839 <summary>
1840 Creates a new binary message with the given body
1841 </summary>
1842 </member>
1843 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.CreateStreamMessage">
1844 <summary>
1845 Creates a new stream message
1846 </summary>
1847 </member>
1848 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.Close">
1849 <summary>
1850 Closes the session. There is no need to close the producers and consumers
1851 of a closed session.
1852 </summary>
1853 </member>
1854 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.Recover">
1855 <summary>
1856 Stops all Message delivery in this session and restarts it again
1857 with the oldest unabcknowledged message. Messages that were delivered
1858 but not acknowledge should have their redelivered property set.
1859 This is an optional method that may not by implemented by all NMS
1860 providers, if not implemented an Exception will be thrown.
1861 Message redelivery is not requried to be performed in the original
1862 order. It is not valid to call this method on a Transacted Session.
1863 </summary>
1864 </member>
1865 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.Commit">
1866 <summary>
1867 If this is a transactional session then commit all message
1868 send and acknowledgements for producers and consumers in this session
1869 </summary>
1870 </member>
1871 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ISession.Rollback">
1872 <summary>
1873 If this is a transactional session then rollback all message
1874 send and acknowledgements for producers and consumers in this session
1875 </summary>
1876 </member>
1877 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.ISession.ConsumerTransformer">
1878 <summary>
1879 A Delegate that is called each time a Message is dispatched to allow the client to do
1880 any necessary transformations on the received message before it is delivered.
1881 The Session instance sets the delegate on each Consumer it creates.
1882 </summary>
1883 </member>
1884 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.ISession.ProducerTransformer">
1885 <summary>
1886 A delegate that is called each time a Message is sent from this Producer which allows
1887 the application to perform any needed transformations on the Message before it is sent.
1888 The Session instance sets the delegate on each Producer it creates.
1889 </summary>
1890 </member>
1891 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.INetTxSession.Enlist(System.Transactions.Transaction)">
1892 <summary>
1893 Enlist the Session in the specified Transaction.
1895 If the Session is already enlisted in a Transaction or there is an Ambient
1896 Transaction and the given TX is not that Transaction then an exception should
1897 be thrown.
1898 </summary>
1899 </member>
1900 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.InvalidClientIDException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1901 <summary>
1902 Initializes a new instance of the InvalidClientIDException class with serialized data.
1903 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
1904 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
1905 </summary>
1906 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1907 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1908 </member>
1909 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.InvalidDestinationException">
1910 <summary>
1911 An attempt is made to access an invalid destination
1912 </summary>
1913 </member>
1914 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.InvalidDestinationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1915 <summary>
1916 Initializes a new instance of the InvalidDestinationException class with serialized data.
1917 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
1918 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
1919 </summary>
1920 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1921 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1922 </member>
1923 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.InvalidSelectorException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1924 <summary>
1925 Initializes a new instance of the InvalidSelectorException class with serialized data.
1926 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
1927 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
1928 </summary>
1929 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
1930 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
1931 </member>
1932 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IObjectMessage">
1933 <summary>
1934 Represents an Object message which contains a serializable .Net object.
1935 </summary>
1936 </member>
1937 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IQueue">
1938 <summary>
1939 Represents a queue in a message broker. A message sent to a queue is delivered
1940 to at most one consumer on the queue.
1941 </summary>
1942 </member>
1943 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser">
1944 <summary>
1945 A client uses a QueueBrowser object to look at messages on a queue without removing them.
1947 The Enumeration method returns a java.util.Enumeration that is used to scan the queue's
1948 messages. It may be an enumeration of the entire content of a queue, or it may contain
1949 only the messages matching a message selector.
1951 Messages may be arriving and expiring while the scan is done. The NMS API does not
1952 require the content of an enumeration to be a static snapshot of queue content. Whether
1953 these changes are visible or not depends on the NMS provider.
1954 </summary>
1955 </member>
1956 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser.Close">
1957 <summary>
1958 Closes the QueueBrowser.
1959 </summary>
1960 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1961 If NMS Provider fails to close the Browser for some reason.
1962 </exception>
1963 </member>
1964 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser.MessageSelector">
1965 <value>
1966 Gets this queue browser's message selector expression. If no Message
1967 selector was specified than this method returns null.
1968 </value>
1969 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1970 If NMS Provider fails to get the Message Selector for some reason.
1971 </exception>
1972 </member>
1973 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.IQueueBrowser.Queue">
1974 <value>
1975 Gets the queue associated with this queue browser.
1976 </value>
1977 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
1978 If NMS Provider fails to retrieve the IQueue associated with the Browser
1979 doe to some internal error.
1980 </exception>
1981 </member>
1982 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.SessionTxEventDelegate">
1983 <summary>
1984 A delegate that is notified whenever a Transational evemt occurs for
1985 the specified session such as TX started, committed or rolled back.
1986 </summary>
1987 </member>
1988 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage">
1989 <summary>
1990 A StreamMessage object is used to send a stream of primitive types in the
1991 .NET programming language. It is filled and read sequentially. It inherits
1992 from the Message interface and adds a stream message body.
1994 The primitive types can be read or written explicitly using methods for each
1995 type. They may also be read or written generically as objects. For instance,
1996 a call to IStreamMessage.WriteInt32(6) is equivalent to
1997 StreamMessage.WriteObject( (Int32)6 ). Both forms are provided, because the
1998 explicit form is convenient for static programming, and the object form is
1999 needed when types are not known at compile time.
2001 When the message is first created, and when ClearBody is called, the body of
2002 the message is in write-only mode. After the first call to reset has been made,
2003 the message body is in read-only mode. After a message has been sent, the
2004 client that sent it can retain and modify it without affecting the message
2005 that has been sent. The same message object can be sent multiple times. When a
2006 message has been received, the provider has called reset so that the message
2007 body is in read-only mode for the client.
2009 If ClearBody is called on a message in read-only mode, the message body is
2010 cleared and the message body is in write-only mode.
2012 If a client attempts to read a message in write-only mode, a
2013 MessageNotReadableException is thrown.
2015 If a client attempts to write a message in read-only mode, a
2016 MessageNotWriteableException is thrown.
2018 IStreamMessage objects support the following conversion table. The marked cases
2019 must be supported. The unmarked cases must throw a NMSException. The
2020 String-to-primitive conversions may throw a runtime exception if the primitive's
2021 valueOf() method does not accept it as a valid String representation of the
2022 primitive.
2024 A value written as the row type can be read as the column type.
2026 | | boolean byte short char int long float double String byte[]
2027 |----------------------------------------------------------------------
2028 |boolean | X X
2029 |byte | X X X X X
2030 |short | X X X X
2031 |char | X X
2032 |int | X X X
2033 |long | X X
2034 |float | X X X
2035 |double | X X
2036 |String | X X X X X X X X
2037 |byte[] | X
2038 |----------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 </summary>
2041 </member>
2042 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadBoolean">
2043 <summary>
2044 Reads a boolean from the stream message.
2045 </summary>
2046 <returns>
2047 A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
2048 </returns>
2049 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2050 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2051 </exception>
2052 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2053 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2054 </exception>
2055 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2056 if this type conversion is invalid.
2057 </exception>
2058 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2059 if the message is in write-only mode.
2060 </exception>
2061 </member>
2062 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadByte">
2063 <summary>
2064 Reads a byte from the stream message.
2065 </summary>
2066 <returns>
2067 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2068 </returns>
2069 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2070 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2071 </exception>
2072 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2073 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2074 </exception>
2075 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2076 if this type conversion is invalid.
2077 </exception>
2078 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2079 if the message is in write-only mode.
2080 </exception>
2081 </member>
2082 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadBytes(System.Byte[])">
2083 <summary>
2084 Reads a byte array field from the stream message into the specified byte[]
2085 object (the read buffer).
2087 To read the field value, ReadBytes should be successively called until it returns
2088 a value less than the length of the read buffer. The value of the bytes in the
2089 buffer following the last byte read is undefined.
2091 If ReadBytes returns a value equal to the length of the buffer, a subsequent
2092 ReadBytes call must be made. If there are no more bytes to be read, this call
2093 returns -1.
2095 If the byte array field value is null, ReadBytes returns -1.
2096 If the byte array field value is empty, ReadBytes returns 0.
2098 Once the first ReadBytes call on a byte[] field value has been made, the full
2099 value of the field must be read before it is valid to read the next field.
2100 An attempt to read the next field before that has been done will throw a
2101 MessageFormatException.
2103 To read the byte field value into a new byte[] object, use the ReadObject method.
2104 </summary>
2105 <param name="value">
2106 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2107 </param>
2108 <returns>
2109 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2110 the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data
2111 because the end of the byte field has been reached
2112 </returns>
2113 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2114 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2115 </exception>
2116 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2117 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2118 </exception>
2119 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2120 if this type conversion is invalid.
2121 </exception>
2122 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2123 if the message is in write-only mode.
2124 </exception>
2125 <seealso cref="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadObject"/>
2126 </member>
2127 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadChar">
2128 <summary>
2129 Reads a char from the stream message.
2130 </summary>
2131 <returns>
2132 A <see cref="T:System.Char"/>
2133 </returns>
2134 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2135 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2136 </exception>
2137 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2138 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2139 </exception>
2140 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2141 if this type conversion is invalid.
2142 </exception>
2143 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2144 if the message is in write-only mode.
2145 </exception>
2146 </member>
2147 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadInt16">
2148 <summary>
2149 Reads a short from the stream message.
2150 </summary>
2151 <returns>
2152 A <see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
2153 </returns>
2154 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2155 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2156 </exception>
2157 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2158 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2159 </exception>
2160 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2161 if this type conversion is invalid.
2162 </exception>
2163 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2164 if the message is in write-only mode.
2165 </exception>
2166 </member>
2167 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadInt32">
2168 <summary>
2169 Reads a int from the stream message.
2170 </summary>
2171 <returns>
2172 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
2173 </returns>
2174 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2175 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2176 </exception>
2177 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2178 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2179 </exception>
2180 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2181 if this type conversion is invalid.
2182 </exception>
2183 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2184 if the message is in write-only mode.
2185 </exception>
2186 </member>
2187 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadInt64">
2188 <summary>
2189 Reads a long from the stream message.
2190 </summary>
2191 <returns>
2192 A <see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
2193 </returns>
2194 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2195 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2196 </exception>
2197 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2198 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2199 </exception>
2200 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2201 if this type conversion is invalid.
2202 </exception>
2203 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2204 if the message is in write-only mode.
2205 </exception>
2206 </member>
2207 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadSingle">
2208 <summary>
2209 Reads a float from the stream message.
2210 </summary>
2211 <returns>
2212 A <see cref="T:System.Single"/>
2213 </returns>
2214 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2215 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2216 </exception>
2217 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2218 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2219 </exception>
2220 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2221 if this type conversion is invalid.
2222 </exception>
2223 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2224 if the message is in write-only mode.
2225 </exception>
2226 </member>
2227 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadDouble">
2228 <summary>
2229 Reads a double from the stream message.
2230 </summary>
2231 <returns>
2232 A <see cref="T:System.Double"/>
2233 </returns>
2234 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2235 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2236 </exception>
2237 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2238 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2239 </exception>
2240 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2241 if this type conversion is invalid.
2242 </exception>
2243 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2244 if the message is in write-only mode.
2245 </exception>
2246 </member>
2247 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadString">
2248 <summary>
2249 Reads a string from the stream message.
2250 </summary>
2251 <returns>
2252 A <see cref="T:System.String"/>
2253 </returns>
2254 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2255 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2256 </exception>
2257 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2258 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2259 </exception>
2260 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2261 if this type conversion is invalid.
2262 </exception>
2263 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2264 if the message is in write-only mode.
2265 </exception>
2266 </member>
2267 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.ReadObject">
2268 <summary>
2269 Reads a Object from the stream message.
2270 </summary>
2271 <returns>
2272 A <see cref="T:System.Object"/>
2273 </returns>
2274 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2275 if the NMS provider fails to read the message due to some internal error.
2276 </exception>
2277 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException">
2278 if unexpected end of message stream has been reached.
2279 </exception>
2280 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2281 if this type conversion is invalid.
2282 </exception>
2283 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException">
2284 if the message is in write-only mode.
2285 </exception>
2286 </member>
2287 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteBoolean(System.Boolean)">
2288 <summary>
2289 Writes a boolean to the stream message.
2290 </summary>
2291 <param name="value">
2292 A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
2293 </param>
2294 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2295 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2296 </exception>
2297 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2298 if the message is in read-only mode.
2299 </exception>
2300 </member>
2301 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteByte(System.Byte)">
2302 <summary>
2303 Writes a byte to the stream message.
2304 </summary>
2305 <param name="value">
2306 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2307 </param>
2308 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2309 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2310 </exception>
2311 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2312 if the message is in read-only mode.
2313 </exception>
2314 </member>
2315 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteBytes(System.Byte[])">
2316 <summary>
2317 Writes a byte array field to the stream message.
2319 The byte array value is written to the message as a byte array field.
2320 Consecutively written byte array fields are treated as two distinct
2321 fields when the fields are read.
2322 </summary>
2323 <param name="value">
2324 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2325 </param>
2326 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2327 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2328 </exception>
2329 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2330 if the message is in read-only mode.
2331 </exception>
2332 </member>
2333 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteBytes(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2334 <summary>
2335 Writes a portion of a byte array as a byte array field to the stream message.
2337 The a portion of the byte array value is written to the message as a byte
2338 array field. Consecutively written byte array fields are treated as two distinct
2339 fields when the fields are read.
2340 </summary>
2341 <param name="value">
2342 A <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
2343 </param>
2344 <param name="offset">
2345 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value that indicates the point in the buffer to
2346 begin writing to the stream message.
2347 </param>
2348 <param name="length">
2349 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value that indicates how many bytes in the buffer
2350 to write to the stream message.
2351 </param>
2352 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2353 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2354 </exception>
2355 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2356 if the message is in read-only mode.
2357 </exception>
2358 </member>
2359 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteChar(System.Char)">
2360 <summary>
2361 Writes a char to the stream message.
2362 </summary>
2363 <param name="value">
2364 A <see cref="T:System.Char"/>
2365 </param>
2366 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2367 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2368 </exception>
2369 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2370 if the message is in read-only mode.
2371 </exception>
2372 </member>
2373 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteInt16(System.Int16)">
2374 <summary>
2375 Writes a short to the stream message.
2376 </summary>
2377 <param name="value">
2378 A <see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
2379 </param>
2380 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2381 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2382 </exception>
2383 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2384 if the message is in read-only mode.
2385 </exception>
2386 </member>
2387 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteInt32(System.Int32)">
2388 <summary>
2389 Writes a int to the stream message.
2390 </summary>
2391 <param name="value">
2392 A <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
2393 </param>
2394 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2395 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2396 </exception>
2397 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2398 if the message is in read-only mode.
2399 </exception>
2400 </member>
2401 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteInt64(System.Int64)">
2402 <summary>
2403 Writes a long to the stream message.
2404 </summary>
2405 <param name="value">
2406 A <see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
2407 </param>
2408 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2409 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2410 </exception>
2411 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2412 if the message is in read-only mode.
2413 </exception>
2414 </member>
2415 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteSingle(System.Single)">
2416 <summary>
2417 Writes a float to the stream message.
2418 </summary>
2419 <param name="value">
2420 A <see cref="T:System.Single"/>
2421 </param>
2422 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2423 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2424 </exception>
2425 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2426 if the message is in read-only mode.
2427 </exception>
2428 </member>
2429 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteDouble(System.Double)">
2430 <summary>
2431 Writes a double to the stream message.
2432 </summary>
2433 <param name="value">
2434 A <see cref="T:System.Double"/>
2435 </param>
2436 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2437 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2438 </exception>
2439 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2440 if the message is in read-only mode.
2441 </exception>
2442 </member>
2443 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteString(System.String)">
2444 <summary>
2445 Writes a string to the stream message.
2446 </summary>
2447 <param name="value">
2448 A <see cref="T:System.String"/>
2449 </param>
2450 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2451 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2452 </exception>
2453 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2454 if the message is in read-only mode.
2455 </exception>
2456 </member>
2457 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.WriteObject(System.Object)">
2458 <summary>
2459 Writes a boolean to the stream message.
2460 </summary>
2461 <param name="value">
2462 A <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
2463 </param>
2464 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2465 if the NMS provider fails to write to the message due to some internal error.
2466 </exception>
2467 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException">
2468 if the message is in read-only mode.
2469 </exception>
2470 </member>
2471 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.IStreamMessage.Reset">
2472 <summary>
2473 Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream to the beginning.
2474 </summary>
2475 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException">
2476 Thrown when the Message has an invalid format.
2477 </exception>
2478 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2479 Thrown when there is an unhandled exception thrown from the provider.
2480 </exception>
2481 </member>
2482 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ITemporaryQueue">
2483 <summary>
2484 Represents a temporary queue which exists for the duration
2485 of the IConnection which created it.
2486 </summary>
2487 </member>
2488 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ITemporaryQueue.Delete">
2489 <summary>
2490 Deletes this Temporary Destination, If there are existing receivers
2491 still using it, a NMSException will be thrown.
2492 </summary>
2493 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2494 If NMS Provider fails to Delete the Temp Destination or the client does
2495 not support this operation.
2496 </exception>
2497 </member>
2498 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ITemporaryTopic">
2499 <summary>
2500 Represents a temporary topic which exists for the duration
2501 of the IConnection which created it.
2502 </summary>
2503 </member>
2504 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ITopic">
2505 <summary>
2506 Represents a topic in a message broker. A message sent to a topic
2507 is delivered to all consumers on the topic who are interested in the message.
2508 </summary>
2509 </member>
2510 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ITemporaryTopic.Delete">
2511 <summary>
2512 Deletes this Temporary Destination, If there are existing receivers
2513 still using it, a NMSException will be thrown.
2514 </summary>
2515 <exception cref="T:Apache.NMS.NMSException">
2516 If NMS Provider fails to Delete the Temp Destination or the client does
2517 not support this operation.
2518 </exception>
2519 </member>
2520 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ITextMessage">
2521 <summary>
2522 Represents a text based message
2523 </summary>
2524 </member>
2525 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ITrace">
2526 <summary>
2527 The ITrace interface is used internally by ActiveMQ to log messages.
2528 The client aplication may provide an implementation of ITrace if it wishes to
2529 route messages to a specific destination.
2530 </summary>
2531 <remarks>
2532 <para>
2533 Use the <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.Tracer"/> class to register an instance of ITrace as the
2534 active trace destination.
2535 </para>
2536 </remarks>
2537 </member>
2538 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageConsumerExtensions.Receive``1(Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer)">
2539 <summary>
2540 Receives the message from the destination for this consumer. The object must be de-serializable from XML.
2541 </summary>
2542 </member>
2543 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageConsumerExtensions.Receive``1(Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer,System.TimeSpan)">
2544 <summary>
2545 Receives the message from the destination for this consumer. The object must be de-serializable from XML.
2546 </summary>
2547 </member>
2548 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageConsumerExtensions.ReceiveNoWait``1(Apache.NMS.IMessageConsumer)">
2549 <summary>
2550 Receives the message from the destination for this consumer. The object must be de-serializable from XML.
2551 </summary>
2552 </member>
2553 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageEOFException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2554 <summary>
2555 Initializes a new instance of the MessageEOFException class with serialized data.
2556 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2557 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2558 </summary>
2559 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2560 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2561 </member>
2562 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageExtensions.ToObject(Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
2563 <summary>
2564 Deserializes the object from Xml, and returns it.
2565 </summary>
2566 </member>
2567 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageExtensions.ToObject``1(Apache.NMS.IMessage)">
2568 <summary>
2569 Deserializes the object from Xml, and returns it.
2570 </summary>
2571 </member>
2572 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageFormatException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2573 <summary>
2574 Initializes a new instance of the MessageFormatException class with serialized data.
2575 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2576 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2577 </summary>
2578 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2579 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2580 </member>
2581 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageNotReadableException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2582 <summary>
2583 Initializes a new instance of the MessageNotReadableException class with serialized data.
2584 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2585 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2586 </summary>
2587 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2588 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2589 </member>
2590 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageNotWriteableException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2591 <summary>
2592 Initializes a new instance of the MessageNotWriteableException class with serialized data.
2593 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2594 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2595 </summary>
2596 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2597 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2598 </member>
2599 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageProducerExtensions.CreateXmlMessage(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,System.Object)">
2600 <summary>
2601 Extension function to create a text message from an object. The object must be serializable to XML.
2602 </summary>
2603 </member>
2604 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageProducerExtensions.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,System.Object)">
2605 <summary>
2606 Sends the message to the default destination for this producer. The object must be serializable to XML.
2607 </summary>
2608 </member>
2609 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageProducerExtensions.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,System.Object,Apache.NMS.MsgDeliveryMode,Apache.NMS.MsgPriority,System.TimeSpan)">
2610 <summary>
2611 Sends the message to the default destination with the explicit QoS configuration. The object must be serializable to XML.
2612 </summary>
2613 </member>
2614 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageProducerExtensions.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,Apache.NMS.IDestination,System.Object)">
2615 <summary>
2616 Sends the message to the given destination
2617 </summary>
2618 </member>
2619 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.MessageProducerExtensions.Send(Apache.NMS.IMessageProducer,Apache.NMS.IDestination,System.Object,Apache.NMS.MsgDeliveryMode,Apache.NMS.MsgPriority,System.TimeSpan)">
2620 <summary>
2621 Sends the message to the given destination with the explicit QoS configuration. The object must be serializable to XML.
2622 </summary>
2623 </member>
2624 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionException">
2625 <summary>
2626 Represents a connection failure.
2627 </summary>
2628 </member>
2629 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2630 <summary>
2631 Initializes a new instance of the NMSConnectionException class with serialized data.
2632 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2633 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2634 </summary>
2635 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2636 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2637 </member>
2638 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.ProviderFactoryInfo">
2639 <summary>
2640 Provider implementation mapping class.
2641 </summary>
2642 </member>
2643 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory">
2644 <summary>
2645 Implementation of a factory for <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IConnection"/> instances.
2646 </summary>
2647 </member>
2648 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.#cctor">
2649 <summary>
2650 Static class constructor
2651 </summary>
2652 </member>
2653 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])">
2654 <summary>
2655 The ConnectionFactory object must define a constructor that takes as a minimum a Uri object.
2656 Any additional parameters are optional, but will typically include a Client ID string.
2657 </summary>
2658 <param name="providerURI">The URI for the ActiveMQ provider.</param>
2659 <param name="constructorParams">Optional parameters to use when creating the ConnectionFactory.</param>
2660 </member>
2661 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.#ctor(System.Uri,System.Object[])">
2662 <summary>
2663 The ConnectionFactory object must define a constructor that takes as a minimum a Uri object.
2664 Any additional parameters are optional, but will typically include a Client ID string.
2665 </summary>
2666 <param name="uriProvider">The URI for the ActiveMQ provider.</param>
2667 <param name="constructorParams">Optional parameters to use when creating the ConnectionFactory.</param>
2668 </member>
2669 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionFactory(System.Uri,System.Object[])">
2670 <summary>
2671 Create a connection factory that can create connections for the given scheme in the URI.
2672 </summary>
2673 <param name="uriProvider">The URI for the ActiveMQ provider.</param>
2674 <param name="constructorParams">Optional parameters to use when creating the ConnectionFactory.</param>
2675 <returns>A <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IConnectionFactory"/> implementation that will be used.</returns>
2676 </member>
2677 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.GetTypeForScheme(System.String)">
2678 <summary>
2679 Finds the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> associated with the given scheme.
2680 </summary>
2681 <param name="scheme">The scheme (e.g. <c>tcp</c>, <c>activemq</c> or <c>stomp</c>).</param>
2682 <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the ConnectionFactory that will be used
2683 to create the connection for the specified <paramref name="scheme"/>.</returns>
2684 </member>
2685 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.LookupConnectionFactoryInfo(System.String[],System.String,System.String@,System.String@)">
2686 <summary>
2687 Lookup the connection factory assembly filename and class name.
2688 Read an external configuration file that maps scheme to provider implementation.
2689 Load XML config files named: nmsprovider-{scheme}.config
2690 Following is a sample configuration file named nmsprovider-jms.config. Replace
2691 the parenthesis with angle brackets for proper XML formatting.
2693 (?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?)
2694 (configuration)
2695 (provider assembly="MyCompany.NMS.JMSProvider.dll" classFactory="MyCompany.NMS.JMSProvider.ConnectionFactory"/)
2696 (/configuration)
2698 This configuration file would be loaded and parsed when a connection uri with a scheme of 'jms'
2699 is used for the provider. In this example the connection string might look like:
2700 jms://localhost:7222
2702 </summary>
2703 <param name="paths">Folder paths to look in.</param>
2704 <param name="scheme">The scheme.</param>
2705 <param name="assemblyFileName">Name of the assembly file.</param>
2706 <param name="factoryClassName">Name of the factory class.</param>
2707 <returns><c>true</c> if the configuration file for the specified <paramref name="scheme" /> could
2708 be found; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
2709 </member>
2710 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.GetConfigSearchPaths">
2711 <summary>
2712 Get an array of search paths to look for config files.
2713 </summary>
2714 <returns>
2715 A collection of search paths, including the current directory, the current AppDomain's
2716 BaseDirectory and the current AppDomain's RelativeSearchPath.
2717 </returns>
2718 </member>
2719 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.MakeParameterArray(System.Object,System.Object[])">
2720 <summary>
2721 Converts a <c>params object[]</c> collection into a plain <c>object[]</c>s, to pass to the constructor.
2722 </summary>
2723 <param name="firstParam">The first parameter in the collection.</param>
2724 <param name="varParams">The remaining parameters.</param>
2725 <returns>An array of <see cref="T:System.Object"/> instances.</returns>
2726 </member>
2727 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.CreateConnection">
2728 <summary>
2729 Creates a new connection.
2730 </summary>
2731 <returns>An <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IConnection"/> created by the requested ConnectionFactory.</returns>
2732 </member>
2733 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(System.String,System.String)">
2734 <summary>
2735 Creates a new connection with the given <paramref name="userName"/> and <paramref name="password"/> credentials.
2736 </summary>
2737 <param name="userName">The username to use when establishing the connection.</param>
2738 <param name="password">The password to use when establishing the connection.</param>
2739 <returns>An <see cref="T:Apache.NMS.IConnection"/> created by the requested ConnectionFactory.</returns>
2740 </member>
2741 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.BrokerUri">
2742 <summary>
2743 Get/or set the broker Uri.
2744 </summary>
2745 </member>
2746 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.ConnectionFactory">
2747 <summary>
2748 The actual IConnectionFactory implementation that is being used. This implementation
2749 depends on the scheme of the URI used when constructed.
2750 </summary>
2751 </member>
2752 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.RedeliveryPolicy">
2753 <summary>
2754 Get/or Set the IRedeliveryPolicy instance using the IConnectionFactory implementation
2755 that is being used.
2756 </summary>
2757 </member>
2758 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.ConsumerTransformer">
2759 <summary>
2760 Get/or Set the ConsumerTransformerDelegate using the IConnectionFactory implementation
2761 that is currently being used.
2762 </summary>
2763 </member>
2764 <member name="P:Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory.ProducerTransformer">
2765 <summary>
2766 Get/or Set the ProducerTransformerDelegate using the IConnectionFactory implementation
2767 that is currently being used.
2768 </summary>
2769 </member>
2770 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.MsgPriority">
2771 <summary>
2772 Define an enumerated array of message priorities.
2773 </summary>
2774 </member>
2775 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.MsgDeliveryMode">
2776 <summary>
2777 Define an enumerated array of message delivery modes. Provider-specific
2778 values can be used to extend this enumerated mode. TIBCO is known to
2779 provide a third value of ReliableDelivery. At minimum, a provider must
2780 support Persistent and NonPersistent.
2781 </summary>
2782 </member>
2783 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.NMSConstants">
2784 <summary>
2785 Defines a number of constants
2786 </summary>
2787 </member>
2788 <member name="T:Apache.NMS.NMSSecurityException">
2789 <summary>
2790 Represents a security failure.
2791 </summary>
2792 </member>
2793 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.NMSSecurityException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2794 <summary>
2795 Initializes a new instance of the NMSSecurityException class with serialized data.
2796 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2797 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2798 </summary>
2799 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2800 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2801 </member>
2802 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.ResourceAllocationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2803 <summary>
2804 Initializes a new instance of the ResourceAllocationException class with serialized data.
2805 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2806 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2807 </summary>
2808 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2809 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2810 </member>
2811 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.CreateXmlMessage(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.Object)">
2812 <summary>
2813 Extension function to create a text message from an object. The object must be serializable to XML.
2814 </summary>
2815 </member>
2816 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.GetDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2817 <summary>
2818 Extension function to get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix. Default is Queue if no prefix is
2819 embedded in the destinationName.
2820 </summary>
2821 </member>
2822 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.GetDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String,Apache.NMS.DestinationType)">
2823 <summary>
2824 Extension function to get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2825 </summary>
2826 </member>
2827 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.GetQueue(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2828 <summary>
2829 Extension function to get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2830 </summary>
2831 </member>
2832 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.GetTopic(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2833 <summary>
2834 Extension function to get the destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2835 </summary>
2836 </member>
2837 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.DeleteDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2838 <summary>
2839 Extension function to delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix. Default is Queue if no prefix is
2840 embedded in the destinationName.
2841 </summary>
2842 </member>
2843 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.DeleteDestination(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String,Apache.NMS.DestinationType)">
2844 <summary>
2845 Extension function to delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2846 </summary>
2847 </member>
2848 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.DeleteQueue(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2849 <summary>
2850 Extension function to delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2851 </summary>
2852 </member>
2853 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.SessionExtensions.DeleteTopic(Apache.NMS.ISession,System.String)">
2854 <summary>
2855 Extension function to delete the named destination by parsing the embedded type prefix.
2856 </summary>
2857 </member>
2858 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.TransactionInProgressException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2859 <summary>
2860 Initializes a new instance of the TransactionInProgressException class with serialized data.
2861 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2862 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2863 </summary>
2864 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2865 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2866 </member>
2867 <member name="M:Apache.NMS.TransactionRolledBackException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2868 <summary>
2869 Initializes a new instance of the TransactionRolledBackException class with serialized data.
2870 Throws System.ArgumentNullException if the info parameter is null.
2871 Throws System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException if the class name is null or System.Exception.HResult is zero (0).
2872 </summary>
2873 <param name="info">The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
2874 <param name="context">The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
2875 </member>
2876 </members>
2877 </doc>