view Source/Data/Linq/Sql.cs @ 9:1e85f66cf767 default tip

update bltoolkit
author nickolay
date Thu, 05 Apr 2018 20:53:26 +0300
parents f990fcb411a9
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using System;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;

namespace BLToolkit.Data.Linq
	using Data.Sql;
	using Reflection;

	public static class Sql
		#region Common Functions

		[SqlExpression("{0}", 0, ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static T AsSql<T>(T obj)
			return obj;

		[Obsolete("Use AsSql instead.")]
		[SqlExpression("{0}", 0, ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static T OnServer<T>(T obj)
			return obj;

		[SqlExpression("{0}", 0)]
		public static T ConvertNullable<T>(T? value)
			where T : struct
			return value.Value;


		#region Guid Functions

		[SqlFunction  ("Oracle",   "Sys_Guid", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction  ("Firebird", "Gen_Uuid", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction  ("MySql",    "Uuid",     ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlExpression("Sybase",   "NewID(1)", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction  (            "NewID",    ServerSideOnly=true)]
		public static Guid NewGuid()
			return Guid.NewGuid();


		#region Convert Functions

		[SqlFunction("Convert", 0, 1, ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static TTo Convert<TTo,TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from)
			var dt = Common.ConvertTo<TTo>.From(from);
			return dt;

		[SqlFunction("Convert", 0, 1, 2, ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static TTo Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from, int format)
			var dt = Common.ConvertTo<TTo>.From(from);
			return dt;

		[SqlFunction("Convert", 0, 1)]
		public static TTo Convert2<TTo,TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from)
			return Common.ConvertTo<TTo>.From(from);

		[SqlFunction("$Convert$", 1, 2, 0)]
		public static TTo Convert<TTo,TFrom>(TFrom obj)
			return Common.ConvertTo<TTo>.From(obj);

		public static class ConvertTo<TTo>
			[SqlFunction("$Convert$", 1, 2, 0)]
			public static TTo From<TFrom>(TFrom obj)
				return Common.ConvertTo<TTo>.From(obj);

		public static TimeSpan? DateToTime(DateTime? date)
			return date == null ? null : (TimeSpan?)new TimeSpan(date.Value.Ticks);

		[SqlProperty("Informix",   "Boolean",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "Boolean",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Boolean",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SQLite",     "Boolean",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Bit",            ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Boolean        Bit                               { get { return false; } }

		[SqlProperty("Oracle",     "Number(19)",     ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "BigInt",         ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Int64          BigInt                            { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Signed",         ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Int",            ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Int32          Int                               { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Signed",         ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Int16          SmallInt                          { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("DB2",        "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Informix",   "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Oracle",     "Number(3)",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("DB2",        "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "SmallInt",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Unsigned",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "TinyInt",        ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Byte           TinyInt                           { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty(              "Decimal",        ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Decimal DefaultDecimal                           { get { return 0; } }
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Decimal        Decimal(int precision)            {       return 0;   }
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Decimal        Decimal(int precision, int scale) {       return 0;   }

		[SqlProperty("Oracle",     "Number(19,4)",   ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "Decimal(18,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "Decimal(19,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Decimal(19,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Money",          ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Decimal        Money                             { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("Informix",   "Decimal(10,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Oracle",     "Number(10,4)",   ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "Decimal(10,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "Decimal(10,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Decimal(10,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "Decimal(10,4)",  ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "SmallMoney",     ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Decimal        SmallMoney                        { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Decimal(29,10)", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Float",          ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Double         Float                             { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Decimal(29,10)", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Real",           ServerSideOnly=true)] public static Single         Real                              { get { return 0; } }

		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTime       DateTime                          { get { return DateTime.Now; } }

		[SqlProperty("MsSql2000",  "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MsSql2005",  "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Sybase",     "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "DateTime2",      ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTime       DateTime2                         { get { return DateTime.Now; } }

		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "SmallDateTime",  ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTime       SmallDateTime                     { get { return DateTime.Now; } }

		[SqlProperty("MsSql2000",  "Datetime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MsSql2005",  "Datetime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "Datetime",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Date",           ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTime       Date                              { get { return DateTime.Now; } }

		[SqlProperty(              "Time",           ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTime       Time                              { get { return DateTime.Now; } }

		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "TimeStamp",      ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MsSql2008",  "DateTimeOffset", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MsSql2012",  "DateTimeOffset", ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "DateTime",       ServerSideOnly=true)] public static DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset                    { get { return DateTimeOffset.Now; } }

		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",      "NChar",          ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String         Char(int length)                  {       return ""; }

		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "NChar",          ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String  DefaultChar                              { get { return ""; } }

		[SqlFunction("MySql",      "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",      "NVarChar",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String         VarChar(int length)               {       return ""; }

		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("SqlCe",      "NVarChar",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "VarChar",        ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String  DefaultVarChar                           { get { return ""; } }

		[SqlFunction("DB2",        "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String         NChar(int length)                 {       return ""; }

		[SqlProperty("DB2",        "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "NChar",          ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String  DefaultNChar                             { get { return ""; } }

		[SqlFunction("DB2",        "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction("Oracle",     "VarChar2",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction("Firebird",   "VarChar",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction("PostgreSQL", "VarChar",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction("MySql",      "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlFunction(                                ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String         NVarChar(int length)              {       return ""; }

		[SqlProperty("DB2",        "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Oracle",     "VarChar2",       ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("Firebird",   "VarChar",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("PostgreSQL", "VarChar",        ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty("MySql",      "Char",           ServerSideOnly=true)]
		[SqlProperty(              "NVarChar",       ServerSideOnly=true)] public static String  DefaultNVarChar                          { get { return ""; } }


		#region String Functions

		[SqlFunction(                            PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Access",    "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Firebird",  "Char_Length", PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2000", "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2005", "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2008", "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2012", "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",     "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Sybase",    "Len",         PreferServerSide = true)]
		public static int? Length(string str)
			return str == null ? null : (int?)str.Length;

		[SqlFunction  ("Access",   "Mid")]
		[SqlFunction  ("DB2",      "Substr")]
		[SqlFunction  ("Informix", "Substr")]
		[SqlFunction  ("Oracle",   "Substr")]
		[SqlFunction  ("SQLite",   "Substr")]
		[SqlExpression("Firebird", "Substring({0} from {1} for {2})")]
		public static string Substring(string str, int? startIndex, int? length)
			return str == null || startIndex == null || length == null ? null : str.Substring(startIndex.Value, length.Value);

		[SqlFunction(ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static bool Like(string matchExpression, string pattern)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return matchExpression == null || pattern == null ? false : System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods.Like(matchExpression, pattern);

		[SqlFunction(ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static bool Like(string matchExpression, string pattern, char? escapeCharacter)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return matchExpression == null || pattern == null || escapeCharacter == null ?
				false :
				System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlMethods.Like(matchExpression, pattern, escapeCharacter.Value);

		[SqlFunction("DB2",   "Locate")]
		[SqlFunction("MySql", "Locate")]
		public static int? CharIndex(string value, string str)
			if (str == null || value == null)
				return null;

			return str.IndexOf(value) + 1;

		public static int? ContainsExactly(string value, string str)
			if (str == null || value == null)
				return null;

			return str.ContainsExactly(value);

		[SqlFunction("DB2",   "Locate")]
		[SqlFunction("MySql", "Locate")]
		public static int? CharIndex(string value, string str, int? startLocation)
			if (str == null || value == null || startLocation == null)
				return null;

			return str.IndexOf(value, startLocation.Value - 1) + 1;

		[SqlFunction("DB2",   "Locate")]
		[SqlFunction("MySql", "Locate")]
		public static int? CharIndex(char? value, string str)
			if (value == null || str == null)
				return null;

			return str.IndexOf(value.Value) + 1;

		[SqlFunction("DB2",   "Locate")]
		[SqlFunction("MySql", "Locate")]
		public static int? CharIndex(char? value, string str, int? startLocation)
			if (str == null || value == null || startLocation == null)
				return null;

			return str.IndexOf(value.Value, startLocation.Value - 1) + 1;

		public static string Reverse(string str)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
				return str;

			var chars = str.ToCharArray();
			return new string(chars);

		[SqlFunction("SQLite", "LeftStr")]
		public static string Left(string str, int? length)
			return length == null || str == null || str.Length < length? null: str.Substring(1, length.Value);

		[SqlFunction("SQLite", "RightStr")]
		public static string Right(string str, int? length)
			return length == null || str == null || str.Length < length?
				null :
				str.Substring(str.Length - length.Value);

		public static string Stuff(string str, int? startLocation, int? length, string value)
			return str == null || value == null || startLocation == null || length == null ?
				null :
				str.Remove(startLocation.Value - 1, length.Value).Insert(startLocation.Value - 1, value);

		public static string Space(int? length)
			return length == null ? null : "".PadRight(length.Value);

		[SqlFunction(Name = "LPad")]
		public static string PadLeft(string str, int? totalWidth, char? paddingChar)
			return str == null || totalWidth == null || paddingChar == null ?
				null :
				str.PadLeft(totalWidth.Value, paddingChar.Value);

		[SqlFunction(Name = "RPad")]
		public static string PadRight(string str, int? totalWidth, char? paddingChar)
			return str == null || totalWidth == null || paddingChar == null ?
				null :
				str.PadRight(totalWidth.Value, paddingChar.Value);

		[SqlFunction("Sybase", "Str_Replace")]
		public static string Replace(string str, string oldValue, string newValue)
			return str == null || oldValue == null || newValue == null ?
				null :
				str.Replace(oldValue, newValue);

		[SqlFunction("Sybase", "Str_Replace")]
		public static string Replace(string str, char? oldValue, char? newValue)
			return str == null || oldValue == null || newValue == null ?
				null :
				str.Replace(oldValue.Value, newValue.Value);

		public static string Trim(string str)
			return str == null ? null : str.Trim();

		public static string TrimLeft(string str)
			return str == null ? null : str.TrimStart();

		public static string TrimRight(string str)
			return str == null ? null : str.TrimEnd();

		[SqlExpression("DB2", "Strip({0}, B, {1})")]
		public static string Trim(string str, char? ch)
			return str == null || ch == null ? null : str.Trim(ch.Value);

		[SqlExpression("DB2", "Strip({0}, L, {1})")]
		[SqlFunction  (       "LTrim")]
		public static string TrimLeft(string str, char? ch)
			return str == null || ch == null ? null : str.TrimStart(ch.Value);

		[SqlExpression("DB2", "Strip({0}, T, {1})")]
		[SqlFunction  (       "RTrim")]
		public static string TrimRight(string str, char? ch)
			return str == null || ch == null ? null : str.TrimEnd(ch.Value);

		[SqlFunction("Access",   "LCase")]
		public static string Lower(string str)
			return str == null ? null : str.ToLower();

		[SqlFunction("Access",   "UCase")]
		public static string Upper(string str)
			return str == null ? null : str.ToUpper();


		#region Binary Functions

		[SqlFunction(                             PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Access",    "Len",          PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Firebird",  "Octet_Length", PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2000", "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2005", "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2008", "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("MsSql2012", "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",     "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Sybase",    "DataLength",   PreferServerSide = true)]
		public static int? Length(Binary value)
			return value == null ? null : (int?)value.Length;


		#region DateTime Functions

		[SqlProperty("Informix", "CURRENT")]
		[SqlProperty("Access",   "Now")]
		public static DateTime GetDate()
			return DateTime.Now;

		[SqlProperty("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",   ServerSideOnly = true)]
		[SqlProperty("Informix", "CURRENT", ServerSideOnly = true)]
		[SqlProperty("Access",   "Now",     ServerSideOnly = true)]
		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",    "GetDate", ServerSideOnly = true)]
		[SqlFunction("Sybase",   "GetDate", ServerSideOnly = true)]
		public static DateTime CurrentTimestamp
			get { throw new LinqException("The 'CurrentTimestamp' is server side only property."); }

		[SqlProperty("Informix", "CURRENT")]
		[SqlProperty("Access",   "Now")]
		[SqlFunction("SqlCe",    "GetDate")]
		[SqlFunction("Sybase",   "GetDate")]
		public static DateTime CurrentTimestamp2
			get { return DateTime.Now; }

		public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second, int? millisecond)
			return year == null || month == null || day == null || hour == null || minute == null || second == null || millisecond == null ?
				(DateTime?)null :
				new DateTime(year.Value, month.Value, day.Value, hour.Value, minute.Value, second.Value, millisecond.Value);

		public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second)
			return year == null || month == null || day == null || hour == null || minute == null || second == null ?
				(DateTime?)null :
				new DateTime(year.Value, month.Value, day.Value, hour.Value, minute.Value, second.Value);

		public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day)
			return year == null || month == null || day == null ?
				(DateTime?)null :
				new DateTime(year.Value, month.Value, day.Value);

		public enum DateParts
			Year        =  0,
			Quarter     =  1,
			Month       =  2,
			DayOfYear   =  3,
			Day         =  4,
			Week        =  5,
			WeekDay     =  6,
			Hour        =  7,
			Minute      =  8,
			Second      =  9,
			Millisecond = 10,

		class DatePartAttribute : SqlExpressionAttribute
			public DatePartAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression, int datePartIndex, params int[] argIndices)
				: this(sqlProvider, expression, Data.Sql.Precedence.Primary, false, null, datePartIndex, argIndices)

			public DatePartAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression, bool isExpression, int datePartIndex, params int[] argIndices)
				: this(sqlProvider, expression, Data.Sql.Precedence.Primary, isExpression, null, datePartIndex, argIndices)

			public DatePartAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression, bool isExpression, string[] partMapping, int datePartIndex, params int[] argIndices)
				: this(sqlProvider, expression, Data.Sql.Precedence.Primary, isExpression, partMapping, datePartIndex, argIndices)

			public DatePartAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression, int precedence, bool isExpression, string[] partMapping, int datePartIndex, params int[] argIndices)
				: base(sqlProvider, expression, argIndices)
				_isExpression  = isExpression;
				_partMapping   = partMapping;
				_datePartIndex = datePartIndex;
				Precedence     = precedence;

			readonly bool     _isExpression;
			readonly string[] _partMapping;
			readonly int      _datePartIndex;

			public override ISqlExpression GetExpression(MemberInfo member, params ISqlExpression[] args)
				var part = (DateParts)((SqlValue)args[_datePartIndex]).Value;
				var pstr = _partMapping != null ? _partMapping[(int)part] : part.ToString();
				var str  = string.Format(Expression, pstr ?? part.ToString());
				var type = TypeHelper.GetMemberType(member);

				return _isExpression ?
					                new SqlExpression(type, str, Precedence, ConvertArgs(member, args)) :
					(ISqlExpression)new SqlFunction  (type, str, ConvertArgs(member, args));

		[DatePart("Oracle",     "Add{0}",                                                   false, 0, 2, 1)]
		[DatePart("DB2",        "{{1}} + {0}",                         Precedence.Additive, true,  new[] { "{0} Year",          "({0} * 3) Month",         "{0} Month",           "{0} Day",         "{0} Day",         "({0} * 7) Day",       "{0} Day",         "{0} Hour",          "{0} Minute",            "{0} Second",            "({0} * 1000) Microsecond" }, 0, 1, 2)]
		[DatePart("Informix",   "{{1}} + Interval({0}",                Precedence.Additive, true,  new[] { "{0}) Year to Year", "{0}) Month to Month * 3", "{0}) Month to Month", "{0}) Day to Day", "{0}) Day to Day", "{0}) Day to Day * 7", "{0}) Day to Day", "{0}) Hour to Hour", "{0}) Minute to Minute", "{0}) Second to Second", null                       }, 0, 1, 2)]
		[DatePart("PostgreSQL", "{{1}} + Interval '{{0}} {0}",         Precedence.Additive, true,  new[] { "Year'",             "Month' * 3",              "Month'",              "Day'",            "Day'",            "Day' * 7",            "Day'",            "Hour'",             "Minute'",               "Second'",               "Millisecond'"             }, 0, 1, 2)]
		[DatePart("MySql",      "Date_Add({{1}}, Interval {{0}} {0})",                      true,  new[] { null,                null,                      null,                  "Day",             null,              null,                  "Day",             null,                null,                    null,                    null                       }, 0, 1, 2)]
		[DatePart("SQLite",     "DateTime({{1}}, '{{0}} {0}')",                             true,  new[] { null,                null,                      null,                  "Day",             null,              null,                  "Day",             null,                null,                    null,                    null                       }, 0, 1, 2)]
		[DatePart("Access",     "DateAdd({0}, {{0}}, {{1}})",                               true,  new[] { "'yyyy'",            "'q'",                     "'m'",                 "'y'",             "'d'",             "'ww'",                "'w'",             "'h'",               "'n'",                   "'s'",                   null                       }, 0, 1, 2)]
		public static DateTime? DateAdd(DateParts part, double? number, DateTime? date)
			if (number == null || date == null)
				return null;

			switch (part)
				case DateParts.Year        : return date.Value.AddYears       ((int)number);
				case DateParts.Quarter     : return date.Value.AddMonths      ((int)number * 3);
				case DateParts.Month       : return date.Value.AddMonths      ((int)number);
				case DateParts.DayOfYear   : return date.Value.AddDays        (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Day         : return date.Value.AddDays        (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Week        : return date.Value.AddDays        (number.Value * 7);
				case DateParts.WeekDay     : return date.Value.AddDays        (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Hour        : return date.Value.AddHours       (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Minute      : return date.Value.AddMinutes     (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Second      : return date.Value.AddSeconds     (number.Value);
				case DateParts.Millisecond : return date.Value.AddMilliseconds(number.Value);

			throw new InvalidOperationException();

		[DatePart("DB2",        "{0}",                               false, new[] { null,     null,  null,   null,      null,   null,   "DayOfWeek", null,     null,   null,   null   }, 0, 1)]
		[DatePart("Informix",   "{0}",                                      0, 1)]
		[DatePart("MySql",      "Extract({0} from {{0}})",           true,  0, 1)]
		[DatePart("PostgreSQL", "Extract({0} from {{0}})",           true,  new[] { null,     null,  null,   "DOY",     null,   null,   "DOW",       null,     null,   null,   null   }, 0, 1)]
		[DatePart("Firebird",   "Extract({0} from {{0}})",           true,  new[] { null,     null,  null,   "YearDay", null,   null,   null,        null,     null,   null,   null   }, 0, 1)]
		[DatePart("Oracle",     "To_Number(To_Char({{0}}, {0}))",    true,  new[] { "'YYYY'", "'Q'", "'MM'", "'DDD'",   "'DD'", "'WW'", "'D'",       "'HH24'", "'MI'", "'SS'", "'FF'" }, 0, 1)]
		[DatePart("SQLite",     "Cast(StrFTime({0}, {{0}}) as int)", true,  new[] { "'%Y'",   null,  "'%m'", "'%j'",    "'%d'", "'%W'", "'%w'",      "'%H'",   "'%M'", "'%S'", "'%f'" }, 0, 1)]
		[DatePart("Access",     "DatePart({0}, {{0}})",              true,  new[] { "'yyyy'", "'q'", "'m'",  "'y'",     "'d'",  "'ww'", "'w'",       "'h'",    "'n'",  "'s'",  null   }, 0, 1)]
		public static int? DatePart(DateParts part, DateTime? date)
			if (date == null)
				return null;

			switch (part)
				case DateParts.Year        : return date.Value.Year;
				case DateParts.Quarter     : return (date.Value.Month - 1) / 3 + 1;
				case DateParts.Month       : return date.Value.Month;
				case DateParts.DayOfYear   : return date.Value.DayOfYear;
				case DateParts.Day         : return date.Value.Day;
				case DateParts.Week        : return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date.Value, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Sunday);
				case DateParts.WeekDay     : return ((int)date.Value.DayOfWeek + 1 + DateFirst + 6) % 7 + 1;
				case DateParts.Hour        : return date.Value.Hour;
				case DateParts.Minute      : return date.Value.Minute;
				case DateParts.Second      : return date.Value.Second;
				case DateParts.Millisecond : return date.Value.Millisecond;

			throw new InvalidOperationException();

		[SqlFunction("MySql", "TIMESTAMPDIFF")]
		public static int? DateDiff(DateParts part, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate)
			if (startDate == null || endDate == null)
				return null;

			switch (part)
				case DateParts.Day         : return (int)(endDate - startDate).Value.TotalDays;
				case DateParts.Hour        : return (int)(endDate - startDate).Value.TotalHours;
				case DateParts.Minute      : return (int)(endDate - startDate).Value.TotalMinutes;
				case DateParts.Second      : return (int)(endDate - startDate).Value.TotalSeconds;
				case DateParts.Millisecond : return (int)(endDate - startDate).Value.TotalMilliseconds;

			throw new InvalidOperationException();

		public static int DateFirst
			get { return 7; }

		public static DateTime? MakeDateTime(int? year, int? month, int? day)
			return year == null || month == null || day == null ?
				(DateTime?)null :
				new DateTime(year.Value, month.Value, day.Value);

		public static DateTime? MakeDateTime(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second)
			return year == null || month == null || day == null || hour == null || minute == null || second == null ?
				(DateTime?)null :
				new DateTime(year.Value, month.Value, day.Value, hour.Value, minute.Value, second.Value);


		#region Math Functions

		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Abs    (Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Abs    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int16?   Abs    (Int16?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int16?)  Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int32?   Abs    (Int32?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int32?)  Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int64?   Abs    (Int64?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int64?)  Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static SByte?   Abs    (SByte?   value) { return value == null ? null : (SByte?)  Math.Abs    (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Single?  Abs    (Single?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Single?) Math.Abs    (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Acos   (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Acos   (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Asin   (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Asin   (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction("Access", "Atn")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Atan   (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Atan   (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction( "MsSql2012", "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction( "MsSql2008", "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction( "MsSql2000", "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction( "MsSql2005", "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction( "DB2",       "Atan2", 1, 0)]
		[SqlFunction( "SqlCe",     "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction( "Sybase",    "Atn2")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Atan2  (Double? x, Double? y) { return x == null || y == null? null : (Double?)Math.Atan2(x.Value, y.Value); }

		[SqlFunction("Informix", "Ceil")]
		[SqlFunction("Oracle",   "Ceil")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Ceiling(Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)decimal.Ceiling(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Informix", "Ceil")]
		[SqlFunction("Oracle",   "Ceil")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Ceiling(Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Ceiling(value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Cos    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Cos    (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Cosh   (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Cosh   (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Cot    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Cos(value.Value) / Math.Sin(value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Degrees(Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)(value.Value * 180m / (Decimal)Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Degrees(Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) (value * 180 / Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int16?   Degrees(Int16?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int16?)  (value * 180 / Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int32?   Degrees(Int32?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int32?)  (value * 180 / Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Int64?   Degrees(Int64?   value) { return value == null ? null : (Int64?)  (value * 180 / Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static SByte?   Degrees(SByte?   value) { return value == null ? null : (SByte?)  (value * 180 / Math.PI); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Single?  Degrees(Single?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Single?) (value * 180 / Math.PI); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Exp    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Exp    (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction("Access", "Int")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Floor  (Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)decimal.Floor(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Int")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Floor  (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.   Floor(value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction("Informix",   "LogN")]
		[SqlFunction("Oracle",     "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction("Firebird",   "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction("PostgreSQL", "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Log    (Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)Math.Log     ((Double)value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Informix",   "LogN")]
		[SqlFunction("Oracle",     "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction("Firebird",   "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction("PostgreSQL", "Ln")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Log    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Log     (value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction("PostgreSQL", "Log")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Log10  (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Log10   (value.Value); }

		public static double?  Log(double? newBase, double? value)
			return value == null || newBase == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Log(value.Value, newBase.Value);

		public static decimal? Log(decimal? newBase, decimal? value)
			return value == null || newBase == null ? null : (decimal?)Math.Log((double)value.Value, (double)newBase.Value);

		[SqlExpression("Access", "{0} ^ {1}", Precedence = Precedence.Multiplicative)]
		public static Double?  Power(Double? x, Double? y)
			return x == null || y == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Pow(x.Value, y.Value);

		public static Decimal? RoundToEven(Decimal? value)
			return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)Math.Round(value.Value);
			return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)Math.Round(value.Value, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

		public static Double? RoundToEven(Double? value)
			return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Round(value.Value);
			return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Round(value.Value, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

		[SqlFunction] public static Decimal? Round(Decimal? value) { return Round(value, 0); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Round(Double?  value) { return Round(value, 0); }

		public static Decimal? Round(Decimal? value, int? precision)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Decimal?)Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

		public static Double? Round(Double? value, int? precision)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Double?) Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

		public static Decimal? RoundToEven(Decimal? value, int? precision)
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Decimal?)Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value);
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Decimal?)Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

		public static Double? RoundToEven(Double?  value, int? precision)
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Double?) Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value);
			return value == null || precision == null? null : (Double?) Math.Round(value.Value, precision.Value, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Decimal? value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Int16?   value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Int32?   value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Int64?   value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(SByte?   value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sgn"), SqlFunction] public static int? Sign(Single?  value) { return value == null ? null : (int?)Math.Sign(value.Value); }

		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Sin     (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Sin (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Sinh    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Sinh(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction("Access", "Sqr")]
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Sqrt    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Sqrt(value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Tan     (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Tan (value.Value); }
		[SqlFunction] public static Double?  Tanh    (Double?  value) { return value == null ? null : (Double?)Math.Tanh(value.Value); }

		[SqlExpression("MsSql2012",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2008",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2005",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2000",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("DB2",        "Truncate({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Informix",   "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Oracle",     "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Firebird",   "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("PostgreSQL", "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("MySql",      "Truncate({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("SqlCe",      "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		public static Decimal? Truncate(Decimal? value)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return value == null ? null : (Decimal?)decimal.Truncate(value.Value);

		[SqlExpression("MsSql2012",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2008",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2005",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("MsSql2000",  "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		[SqlExpression("DB2",        "Truncate({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Informix",   "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Oracle",     "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("Firebird",   "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("PostgreSQL", "Trunc({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("MySql",      "Truncate({0}, 0)")]
		[SqlExpression("SqlCe",      "Round({0}, 0, 1)")]
		public static Double? Truncate(Double? value)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
			return value == null ? null : (Double?) Math.Truncate(value.Value);
